108 research outputs found

    Auto-regressive model based polarimetric adaptive detection scheme part I: Theoretical derivation and performance analysis

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    This paper deals with the problem of target detection in coherent radar systems exploiting polarimetric diversity. We resort to a parametric approach and we model the disturbance affecting the data as a multi-channel autoregressive (AR) process. Following this model, a new polarimetric adaptive detector is derived, which aims at improving the target detection capability while relaxing the requirements on the training data size and the computational burden with respect to existing solutions. A complete theoretical characterization of the asymptotic performance of the derived detector is provided, using two different target fluctuation models. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is shown against simulated data, in comparison with alternative existing solutions

    A Vector Channel Based Approach to MIMO Radar Waveform Design for Extended Targets

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    Radar systems have been used for many years for estimating, detecting, classifying, and imaging objects of interest (targets). Stealthier targets and more cluttered environments have created a need for more sophisticated radar systems to gain more precise information about the radar environment. Because modern radar systems are largely defined in software, adaptive radar systems have emerged that tailor system parameters such as the transmitted waveform and receiver filter to the target and environment in order to address this need. The basic structure of a radar system exhibits many similarities to the structure of a communication system. Recognizing the parallel composition of radar systems and information transmission systems, initial works have begun to explore the application of information theory to radar system design, but a great deal of work still remains to make a full and clear connection between the problems addressed by radar systems and communication systems. Forming a comprehensive definition of this connection between radar systems and information transmission systems and associated problem descriptions could facilitate the cross-discipline transfer of ideas and accelerate the development and improvement of new system design solutions in both fields. In particular, adaptive radar system design is a relatively new field which stands to benefit from the maturity of information theory developed for information transmission if a parallel can be drawn to clearly relate similar radar and communication problems. No known previous work has yet drawn a clear parallel between the general multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar system model considering both the detection and estimation of multiple extended targets and a similar multiuser vector channel information transmission system model. The goal of this dissertation is to develop a novel vector channel framework to describe a MIMO radar system and to study information theoretic adaptive radar waveform design for detection and estimation of multiple radar targets within this framework. Specifically, this dissertation first provides a new compact vector channel model for representing a MIMO radar system which illustrates the parallel composition of radar systems and information transmission systems. Second, using the proposed framework this dissertation contributes a compressed sensing based information theoretic approach to waveform design for the detection of multiple extended targets in noiseless and noisy scenarios. Third, this dissertation defines the multiple extended target estimation problem within the framework and proposes a greedy signal to interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) maximizing procedure based on a similar approach developed for a collaborative multibase wireless communication system to optimally design wave forms in this scenario

    MIMO Radar Waveform Design and Sparse Reconstruction for Extended Target Detection in Clutter

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    This dissertation explores the detection and false alarm rate performance of a novel transmit-waveform and receiver filter design algorithm as part of a larger Compressed Sensing (CS) based Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) bistatic radar system amidst clutter. Transmit-waveforms and receiver filters were jointly designed using an algorithm that minimizes the mutual coherence of the combined transmit-waveform, target frequency response, and receiver filter matrix product as a design criterion. This work considered the Probability of Detection (P D) and Probability of False Alarm (P FA) curves relative to a detection threshold, τ th, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC), reconstruction error and mutual coherence measures for performance characterization of the design algorithm to detect both known and fluctuating targets and amidst realistic clutter and noise. Furthermore, this work paired the joint waveform-receiver filter design algorithm with multiple sparse reconstruction algorithms, including: Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (ROMP), Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit (CoSaMP) and Complex Approximate Message Passing (CAMP) algorithms. It was found that the transmit-waveform and receiver filter design algorithm significantly outperforms statically designed, benchmark waveforms for the detection of both known and fluctuating extended targets across all tested sparse reconstruction algorithms. In particular, CoSaMP was specified to minimize the maximum allowable P FA of the CS radar system as compared to the baseline ROMP sparse reconstruction algorithm of previous work. However, while the designed waveforms do provide performance gains and CoSaMP affords a reduced peak false alarm rate as compared to the previous work, fluctuating target impulse responses and clutter severely hampered CS radar performance when either of these sparse reconstruction techniques were implemented. To improve detection rate and, by extension, ROC performance of the CS radar system under non-ideal conditions, this work implemented the CAMP sparse reconstruction algorithm in the CS radar system. It was found that detection rates vastly improve with the implementation of CAMP, especially in the case of fluctuating target impulse responses amidst clutter or at low receive signal to noise ratios (β n). Furthermore, where previous work considered a τ th=0, the implementation of a variable τ th in this work offered novel trade off between P D and P FA in radar design to the CS radar system. In the simulated radar scene it was found that τ th could be moderately increased retaining the same or similar P D while drastically improving P FA. This suggests that the selection and specification of the sparse reconstruction algorithm and corresponding τ th for this radar system is not trivial. Rather, a tradeoff was noted between P D and P FA based on the choice and parameters of the sparse reconstruction technique and detection threshold, highlighting an engineering trade-space in CS radar system design. Thus, in CS radar system design, the radar designer must carefully choose and specify the sparse reconstruction technique and appropriate detection threshold in addition to transmit-waveforms, receiver filters and building the dictionary of target impulse responses for detection in the radar scene

    Rainforest change analysis in Eastern Africa : A new multisourced, semi-quantitative approach to investigating more than 100 years of forest cover disturbance

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    Forest change and disturbance of the past strongly influence the state of today’s forests and their biodiversity. However, knowledge of former forest landscape states can be subject to misunderstanding and the practical management of forests requires the establishment of correct narratives of forest cover change. This thesis therefore investigates the long-term forest change and anthropogenic factors at work within three tropical rain forests of high biodiversity and high use value in Kenya and Uganda. A wide range of data sources are employed for a semi-quantitative analysis. Starting from an existing time series of satellite imagery classifications the research incorporates the visual interpretation of historical aerial photography, forestry records, maps of both topographic and thematic type, archive documents, oral histories, place name meanings, and fossil pollen evidence. GIS is used as the means to manage and focus the evidence and to analyse the wide range of data. In combination the sources allow the building of a narrative characterised by variation across both space and time. The localised reality of forest change is reflected in the inclusion of case studies from which forest narratives of each of the three main forest areas are subsequently constructed. The forest cover time series are extended back to around 1910 for each of the forests and thus to a pre-commercial exploitation state; they reveal losses of 60% and 43% of the forests of Kakamega-Nandi and Mabira respectively. These losses have been arrested in recent years while Budongo Forest has shown negligible change across the full period with the first losses recently occurring outside the forest reserves. The long-term approach has revealed fluctuations in forest cover, most notably in Mabira Forest across the 20th century and in parts of the Kakamega-Nandi area both across decades and across millennia. A landscape view shows these areas to have long-existed as mosaics of forest, woodland and grassland, and the loss of grassland over the last century has exceeded that of forest. The study identifies an historic role for disease and tribal conflict in the creation and protection of forest cover in East Africa but also traces a development in the underlying causes of forest cover change towards commercial and governance factors. The creation of a population time series demonstrates that population density cannot be described as the main driver of deforestation. Two spatially-explicit indices distinguish between locally and commercially-driven disturbances and are compared with an index of forest cover change. Results reveal a localised pattern and that commercial disturbance has played an especially large role in the degradation and fragmentation of the Kakamega-Nandi forests while local disturbance is shown to be most dramatic in Mabira Forest. Most of Budongo Forest has been persistently degraded by systematic commercial exploitation. It is suggested that these forests should be managed with recognition of their mosaic heritage but also as dynamic and changing entities. The study concludes that while the heterogeneity found within forest landscapes is often due to human disturbance, ecologists should also consider natural processes, including variations in past climate, for explanations. The cumulative nature of disturbance is highlighted with the recommendation that past commercial exploitation should be included in any assessment of forest degradation. The use of GIS and the creation of disturbance indices is recommended as a viable means of quantitatively assessing forest degradation and of distinguishing between the contributions of different types of disturbance. The most under-used resources available for researching long-term forest change are stated to be topographic maps and forestry archives. The quantitative data they provide can be usefully supported by qualitative information, most flexibly provided by forest history interviews

    Global crop production forecasting data system analysis

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Findings led to the development of a theory of radiometric discrimination employing the mathematical framework of the theory of discrimination between scintillating radar targets. The theory indicated that the functions which drive accuracy of discrimination are the contrast ratio between targets, and the number of samples, or pixels, observed. Theoretical results led to three primary consequences, as regards the data system: (1) agricultural targets must be imaged at correctly chosen times, when the relative evolution of the crop's development is such as to maximize their contrast; (2) under these favorable conditions, the number of observed pixels can be significantly reduced with respect to wall-to-wall measurements; and (3) remotely sensed radiometric data must be suitably mixed with other auxiliary data, derived from external sources


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    Modern cosmology predicts that a galaxy overdensity (e.g., protocluster) will be associated with a large intergalactic medium gas reservoir, which can be traced by Lyα forest absorption. We have undertaken a systematic study of the relation between Coherently Strong intergalactic Lyα Absorption systems (CoSLAs), which have the highest optical depth (τ) in the τ distribution, and mass overdensities on the scales of ~10–20 h −1 comoving Mpc. On such large scales, our cosmological simulations show a strong correlation between the effective optical depth (τ eff) of the CoSLAs and the three-dimensional mass overdensity. In spectra with moderate signal-to-noise ratio, however, the profiles of CoSLAs can be confused with individual high column density absorbers. For z > 2.6, where the corresponding Lyβ is redshifted to the optical, we have developed a selection technique to distinguish between these two alternatives. We have applied this technique to ~6000 sight lines provided by Sloan Digital Sky Survey III quasar survey at z = 2.6–3.3 with a continuum-to-noise ratio greater than 8, and we present a sample of five CoSLA candidates with τ eff on 15 h −1 Mpc greater than 4.5× the mean optical depth. At lower redshifts of z 1 (h −1 Gpc)3. Systems traced by CoSLAs will yield a uniform sample of the most massive overdensities at z > 2 to provide stringent constraints to models of structure formation

    Roadmap of ultrafast x-ray atomic and molecular physics

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    X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) and table-top sources of x-rays based upon high harmonic generation (HHG) have revolutionized the field of ultrafast x-ray atomic and molecular physics, largely due to an explosive growth in capabilities in the past decade. XFELs now provide unprecedented intensity (1020 W cm−2) of x-rays at wavelengths down to ~1 Angstrom, and HHG provides unprecedented time resolution (∼50 attoseconds) and a correspondingly large coherent bandwidth at longer wavelengths. For context, timescales can be referenced to the Bohr orbital period in hydrogen atom of 150 attoseconds and the hydrogen-molecule vibrational period of 8 femtoseconds; wavelength scales can be referenced to the chemically significant carbon K-edge at a photon energy of ∼280 eV (44 Angstroms) and the bond length in methane of ∼1 Ångstrom. With these modern x-ray sources one now has the ability to focus on individual atoms, even when embedded in a complex molecule, and view electronic and nuclear motion on their intrinsic scales (attoseconds and Ångstroms). These sources have enabled coherent diffractive imaging, where one can image non-crystalline objects in three dimensions on ultrafast timescales, potentially with atomic resolution. The unprecedented intensity available with XFELs has opened new fields of multiphoton and nonlinear x-ray physics where behavior of matter under extreme conditions can be explored. The unprecedented time resolution and pulse synchronization provided by HHG sources has kindled fundamental investigations of time delays in photoionization, charge migration in molecules, and dynamics near conical intersections that are foundational to AMO physics and chemistry. This roadmap coincides with the year when three new XFEL facilities, operating at Ångstrom wavelengths, opened for users (European XFEL, Swiss-FEL and PAL-FEL in Korea) almost doubling the present worldwide number of XFELs, and documents the remarkable progress in HHG capabilities since its discovery roughly 30 years ago, showcasing experiments in AMO physics and other applications. Here we capture the perspectives of 17 leading groups and organize the contributions into four categories: ultrafast molecular dynamics, multidimensional x-ray spectroscopies; high-intensity x-ray phenomena; attosecond x-ray science

    Roadmap of ultrafast x-ray atomic and molecular physics

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    X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) and table-top sources of x-rays based upon high harmonic generation (HHG) have revolutionized the field of ultrafast x-ray atomic and molecular physics, largely due to an explosive growth in capabilities in the past decade. XFELs now provide unprecedented intensity (1020 W cm−2) of x-rays at wavelengths down to ~1 Angstrom, and HHG provides unprecedented time resolution (∼50 attoseconds) and a correspondingly large coherent bandwidth at longer wavelengths. For context, timescales can be referenced to the Bohr orbital period in hydrogen atom of 150 attoseconds and the hydrogen-molecule vibrational period of 8 femtoseconds; wavelength scales can be referenced to the chemically significant carbon K-edge at a photon energy of ∼280 eV (44 Angstroms) and the bond length in methane of ∼1 Ångstrom. With these modern x-ray sources one now has the ability to focus on individual atoms, even when embedded in a complex molecule, and view electronic and nuclear motion on their intrinsic scales (attoseconds and Ångstroms). These sources have enabled coherent diffractive imaging, where one can image non-crystalline objects in three dimensions on ultrafast timescales, potentially with atomic resolution. The unprecedented intensity available with XFELs has opened new fields of multiphoton and nonlinear x-ray physics where behavior of matter under extreme conditions can be explored. The unprecedented time resolution and pulse synchronization provided by HHG sources has kindled fundamental investigations of time delays in photoionization, charge migration in molecules, and dynamics near conical intersections that are foundational to AMO physics and chemistry. This roadmap coincides with the year when three new XFEL facilities, operating at Ångstrom wavelengths, opened for users (European XFEL, Swiss-FEL and PAL-FEL in Korea) almost doubling the present worldwide number of XFELs, and documents the remarkable progress in HHG capabilities since its discovery roughly 30 years ago, showcasing experiments in AMO physics and other applications. Here we capture the perspectives of 17 leading groups and organize the contributions into four categories: ultrafast molecular dynamics, multidimensional x-ray spectroscopies; high-intensity x-ray phenomena; attosecond x-ray science
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