15,627 research outputs found

    The connection between stellar granulation and oscillation as seen by the Kepler mission

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    The long and almost continuous observations by Kepler show clear evidence of a granulation background signal in a large sample of stars, which is interpreted as the surface manifestation of convection. It has been shown that its characteristic timescale and rms intensity fluctuation scale with the peak frequency (\nu_{max}) of the solar-like oscillations. Various attempts have been made to quantify the observed signal, to determine scaling relations, and to compare them to theoretical predictions. We use a probabilistic method to compare different approaches to extracting the granulation signal. We fit the power density spectra of a large set of Kepler targets, determine the granulation and global oscillation parameter, and quantify scaling relations between them. We establish that a depression in power at about \nu_{max}/2, known from the Sun and a few other main-sequence stars, is also statistically significant in red giants and that a super-Lorentzian function with two components is best suited to reproducing the granulation signal in the broader vicinity of the pulsation power excess. We also establish that the specific choice of the background model can affect the determination of \nu_{max}, introducing systematic uncertainties that can significantly exceed the random uncertainties. We find the characteristic background frequency and amplitude to tightly scale with \nu_{max} for a wide variety of stars, and quantify a mass dependency of the latter. To enable comparison with theoretical predictions, we computed effective timescales and intensity fluctuations and found them to approximately scale as \tau_{eff} \propto g^{-0.85}\,T^{-0.4} and A_{gran} \propto (g^2M)^{-1/4}, respectively. Similarly, the bolometric pulsation amplitude scales approximately as A_{puls} \propto (g^2M)^{-1/3}, which implicitly verifies a separate mass and luminosity dependence of A_{puls}.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for A&

    Evidence for Granulation and Oscillations in Procyon from Photometry with the WIRE satellite

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    We report evidence for the granulation signal in the star Procyon A, based on two photometric time series from the star tracker on the WIRE satellite. The power spectra show evidence of excess power around 1 milliHz, consistent with the detection of p-modes reported from radial velocity measurements. We see a significant increase in the noise level below 3 milliHz, which we interpret as the granulation signal. We have made a large set of numerical simulations to constrain the amplitude and timescale of the granulation signal and the amplitude of the oscillations. We find that the timescale for granulation is T(gran) = 750(200) s, the granulation amplitude is 1.8(0.3) times solar, and the amplitude of the p-modes is 8(3) ppm. We found the distribution of peak heights in the observed power spectra to be consistent with that expected from p-mode oscillations. However, the quality of the data is not sufficient to measure the large separation or detect a comb-like structure, as seen in the p-modes of the Sun. Comparison with the recent negative result from the MOST satellite reveal that the MOST data must have an additional noise source that prevented the detection of oscillations.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, submitted to ApJ; v2 revisions: one reference corrected and a comment in Figure 7 correcte

    Evidence for granulation in early A-type stars

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    Stars with spectral types earlier than about F0 on (or close) to the main sequence have long been believed to lack observable surface convection, although evolutionary models of A-type stars do predict very thin surface convective zones. We present evidence for granulation in two delta Scuti stars of spectral type A2: HD174936 and HD50844. Recent analyses of space-based CoRoT (Convection, Rotation, and planetary Transits) data revealed up to some 1000 frequencies in the photometry of these stars. The frequencies were interpreted as individual pulsation modes. If true, there must be large numbers of nonradial modes of very high degree l which should suffer cancellation effects in disk-integrated photometry (even of high space-based precision). The p-mode interpretation of all the frequencies in HD174936 and HD50844 depends on the assumption of white (frequency independent) noise. Our independent analyses of the data provide an alternative explanation: most of the peaks in the Fourier spectra are the signature of non-white granulation background noise, and less than about 100 of the frequencies are actual stellar p-modes in each star. We find granulation time scales which are consistent with scaling relations that describe cooler stars with known surface convection. If the granulation interpretation is correct, the hundreds of low-amplitude Fourier peaks reported in recent studies are falsely interpreted as independent pulsation modes and a significantly lower number of frequencies are associated with pulsation, consistent with only modes of low degree.Comment: accepted by ApJ

    Temporal variations in the acoustic signal from faculae

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    The integrated brightness of the Sun shows variability on time-scales from minutes to decades. This variability is mainly caused by pressure mode oscillations, by granulation and by dark spots and bright faculae on the surface of the Sun. By analyzing the frequency spectrum of the integrated brightness we can obtain greater knowledge about these phenomena. It is shown how the frequency spectrum of the integrated brightness of the Sun in the frequency range from 0.1 to 3.2 mHz shows clear signs of both granulation, faculae and p-mode oscillations and that the measured characteristic time-scales and amplitudes of the acoustic signals from granulation and faculae are consistent with high-resolution observations of the solar surface. Using 13 years of observations of the Sun's integrated brightness from the VIRGO instrument on the SOHO satellite it is shown that the significance of the facular component varies with time and that it has a significance above 0.99 around half the time. Furthermore, an analysis of the temporal variability in the measured amplitudes of both the granulation, faculae and p-mode oscillation components in the frequency spectrum reveals that the amplitude of the p-mode oscillation component shows variability that follows the solar cycles, while the amplitudes of the granulation and facular components show signs of quasi-annual and quasi-biennial variability, respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Hydrodynamical simulations of convection-related stellar micro-variability. II. The enigmatic granulation background of the COROT target HD49933

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    Local-box hydrodynamical model atmospheres provide statistical information about a star's emergent radiation field which allows one to predict the level of its granulation-related micro-variability. Space-based photometry is now sufficiently accurate to test model predictions. We aim to model the photometric granulation background of HD49933 as well as the Sun, and compare the predictions to the measurements obtained by the COROT and SOHO satellite missions. We construct hydrodynamical model atmospheres representing HD49933 and the Sun, and use a previously developed scaling technique to obtain the observable disk-integrated brightness fluctuations. We further performed exploratory magneto-hydrodynamical simulations to gauge the impact of small scale magnetic fields on the synthetic light-curves. We find that the granulation-related brightness fluctuations depend on metallicity. We obtain a satisfactory correspondence between prediction and observation for the Sun, validating our approach. For HD49933, we arrive at a significant over-estimation by a factor of two to three in total power. Locally generated magnetic fields are unlikely to be responsible, otherwise existing fields would need to be rather strong to sufficiently suppress the granulation signal. Presently suggested updates on the fundamental stellar parameters do not improve the correspondence; however, an ad-hoc increase of the HD49933 surface gravity by about 0.2dex would eliminate most of the discrepancy. We diagnose a puzzling discrepancy between the predicted and observed granulation background in HD49933, with only rather ad-hoc ideas for remedies at hand.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Dynamics of Magnetic Flux Elements in the Solar Photosphere

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    The interaction of magnetic fields and convection is investigated in the context of the coronal heating problem. We study the motions of photospheric magnetic elements using filtergrams obtained at the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope at La Palma. We use potential-field modeling to extrapolate the magnetic and velocity fields to larger height. We find that the velocity in the chromosphere can be locally enhanced at the separatrix surfaces between neighboring flux tubes. The predicted velocities are several km/s, significantly larger than those of the photospheric flux tubes, which may have important implications for coronal heating. sComment: submitted to ApJ, 21 pages, 10 figure

    Granulation in K-type Dwarf Stars. II. Hydrodynamic simulations and 3D spectrum synthesis

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    We construct a 3D radiative-hydrodynamic model atmosphere of parameters Teff = 4820 K, log g = 4.5, and solar chemical composition. The theoretical line profiles computed with this model are asymmetric, with their bisectors having a characteristic C-shape and their core wavelengths shifted with respect to their laboratory values. The line bisectors span from about 10 to 250 m/s, depending on line strength, with the stronger features showing larger span. The corresponding core wavelength shifts range from about -200 m/s for the weak Fe I lines to almost +100 m/s in the strong Fe I features. Based on observational results for the Sun, we argue that there should be no core wavelength shift for Fe I lines of EW > 100 mA. The cores of the strongest lines show contributions from the uncertain top layers of the model, where non-LTE effects and the presence of the chromosphere, which are important in real stars, are not accounted for. The comparison of model predictions to observed Fe I line bisectors and core wavelength shifts for a reference star, HIP86400, shows excellent agreement, with the exception of the core wavelength shifts of the strongest features, for which we suspect inaccurate theoretical values. Since this limitation does not affect the predicted line equivalent widths significantly, we consider our 3D model validated for photospheric abundance work.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Stellar granulation and interferometry

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    Stars are not smooth. Their photosphere is covered by a granulation pattern associated with the heat transport by convection. The convection-related surface structures have different size, depth, and temporal variations with respect to the stellar type. The related activity (in addition to other phenomena such as magnetic spots, rotation, dust, etc.) potentially causes bias in stellar parameters determination, radial velocity, chemical abundances determinations, and exoplanet transit detections. The role of long-baseline interferometric observations in this astrophysical context is crucial to characterize the stellar surface dynamics and correct the potential biases. In this Chapter, we present how the granulation pattern is expected for different kind of stellar types ranging from main sequence to extremely evolved stars of different masses and how interferometric techniques help to study their photospheric dynamics.Comment: To appear in the Book of the VLTI School 2013, held 9-21 Sep 2013 Barcelonnette (France), "What the highest angular resolution can bring to stellar astrophysics?", Ed. Millour, Chiavassa, Bigot, Chesneau, Meilland, Stee, EAS Publications Series (2015
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