68,971 research outputs found

    Automating Deductive Verification for Weak-Memory Programs

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    Writing correct programs for weak memory models such as the C11 memory model is challenging because of the weak consistency guarantees these models provide. The first program logics for the verification of such programs have recently been proposed, but their usage has been limited thus far to manual proofs. Automating proofs in these logics via first-order solvers is non-trivial, due to reasoning features such as higher-order assertions, modalities and rich permission resources. In this paper, we provide the first implementation of a weak memory program logic using existing deductive verification tools. We tackle three recent program logics: Relaxed Separation Logic and two forms of Fenced Separation Logic, and show how these can be encoded using the Viper verification infrastructure. In doing so, we illustrate several novel encoding techniques which could be employed for other logics. Our work is implemented, and has been evaluated on examples from existing papers as well as the Facebook open-source Folly library.Comment: Extended version of TACAS 2018 publicatio

    Formal verification of higher-order probabilistic programs

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    Probabilistic programming provides a convenient lingua franca for writing succinct and rigorous descriptions of probabilistic models and inference tasks. Several probabilistic programming languages, including Anglican, Church or Hakaru, derive their expressiveness from a powerful combination of continuous distributions, conditioning, and higher-order functions. Although very important for practical applications, these combined features raise fundamental challenges for program semantics and verification. Several recent works offer promising answers to these challenges, but their primary focus is on semantical issues. In this paper, we take a step further and we develop a set of program logics, named PPV, for proving properties of programs written in an expressive probabilistic higher-order language with continuous distributions and operators for conditioning distributions by real-valued functions. Pleasingly, our program logics retain the comfortable reasoning style of informal proofs thanks to carefully selected axiomatizations of key results from probability theory. The versatility of our logics is illustrated through the formal verification of several intricate examples from statistics, probabilistic inference, and machine learning. We further show the expressiveness of our logics by giving sound embeddings of existing logics. In particular, we do this in a parametric way by showing how the semantics idea of (unary and relational) TT-lifting can be internalized in our logics. The soundness of PPV follows by interpreting programs and assertions in quasi-Borel spaces (QBS), a recently proposed variant of Borel spaces with a good structure for interpreting higher order probabilistic programs

    Closure properties for the class of behavioral models

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    Hidden k-logics can be considered as the underlying logics of program specification. They constitute natural generalizations of k-deductive systems and encompass deductive systems as well as hidden equational logics and inequational logics. In our abstract algebraic approach, the data structures are sorted algebras endowed with a designated subset of their visible parts, called filter, which represents a set of truth values. We present a hierarchy of classes of hidden k-logics. The hidden k-logics in each class are characterized by three different kinds of conditions, namely, properties of their Leibniz operators, closure properties of the class of their behavioral models, and properties of their equivalence systems. Using equivalence systems, we obtain a new and more complete analysis of the axiomatization of the behavioral models. This is achieved by means of the Leibniz operator and its combinatorial properties. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.FCT via UIM

    Rn and Gn Logics

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    This paper proposes a simple, set-theoretic framework providingexpressive typing, higher-order functions and initial models atthe same time. Building upon Russell's ramified theory of types, we developthe theory of Rn-logics, which are axiomatisable by an order-sortedequational Horn logic with a membership predicate, and of Gn-logics,that provide in addition partial functions. The latter are therefore moreadapted to the use in the program specification domain, while sharing interesting properties, like existence of an initial model, with Rn-logics. Operational semantics of Rn-/Gn-logics presentations is obtained throughorder-sorted conditional rewriting

    Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, FOSSACS 2020, which took place in Dublin, Ireland, in April 2020, and was held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020. The 31 regular papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 98 submissions. The papers cover topics such as categorical models and logics; language theory, automata, and games; modal, spatial, and temporal logics; type theory and proof theory; concurrency theory and process calculi; rewriting theory; semantics of programming languages; program analysis, correctness, transformation, and verification; logics of programming; software specification and refinement; models of concurrent, reactive, stochastic, distributed, hybrid, and mobile systems; emerging models of computation; logical aspects of computational complexity; models of software security; and logical foundations of data bases.

    First steps in synthetic guarded domain theory: step-indexing in the topos of trees

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    We present the topos S of trees as a model of guarded recursion. We study the internal dependently-typed higher-order logic of S and show that S models two modal operators, on predicates and types, which serve as guards in recursive definitions of terms, predicates, and types. In particular, we show how to solve recursive type equations involving dependent types. We propose that the internal logic of S provides the right setting for the synthetic construction of abstract versions of step-indexed models of programming languages and program logics. As an example, we show how to construct a model of a programming language with higher-order store and recursive types entirely inside the internal logic of S. Moreover, we give an axiomatic categorical treatment of models of synthetic guarded domain theory and prove that, for any complete Heyting algebra A with a well-founded basis, the topos of sheaves over A forms a model of synthetic guarded domain theory, generalizing the results for S

    Loop Formulas for Description Logic Programs

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    Description Logic Programs (dl-programs) proposed by Eiter et al. constitute an elegant yet powerful formalism for the integration of answer set programming with description logics, for the Semantic Web. In this paper, we generalize the notions of completion and loop formulas of logic programs to description logic programs and show that the answer sets of a dl-program can be precisely captured by the models of its completion and loop formulas. Furthermore, we propose a new, alternative semantics for dl-programs, called the {\em canonical answer set semantics}, which is defined by the models of completion that satisfy what are called canonical loop formulas. A desirable property of canonical answer sets is that they are free of circular justifications. Some properties of canonical answer sets are also explored.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figures (in pdf), a short version appeared in ICLP'1

    Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, FOSSACS 2020, which took place in Dublin, Ireland, in April 2020, and was held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020. The 31 regular papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 98 submissions. The papers cover topics such as categorical models and logics; language theory, automata, and games; modal, spatial, and temporal logics; type theory and proof theory; concurrency theory and process calculi; rewriting theory; semantics of programming languages; program analysis, correctness, transformation, and verification; logics of programming; software specification and refinement; models of concurrent, reactive, stochastic, distributed, hybrid, and mobile systems; emerging models of computation; logical aspects of computational complexity; models of software security; and logical foundations of data bases.
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