1,008 research outputs found

    Simulasi Arus Lalulintas Menggunakan Automata Seluler

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    Simulasi Arus Lalulintas Menggunakan Autoata Seluluer bertujuan Algoritma fortune untuk sistem pembangkit peta poligon bertujuan Penerapan kerangka kerja algoritma otomata selular untuk simulasi arus lalu lintas. Dan Menganalisis pengaruh hubungan antara kepadatan dan kecepatan kendaraan terhadap arus kendaraan.Jenis penelitian ini adalah simulasi menggunakan model otomata selular yang diawali dengan Perumusan masalah, studi kepustakaan, desain model otomata selular dan perancangan sistem simulasi arus kendaraan berdasarkan tngkat kepadatan dan kecepatan kendaraan. Implementasi algoritma akan disusun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman JavaScript. Program arus lalu lintas ini dengan menggunakan Cellular Automata dikerjakan dalam javascript yang telah dikembangkan oleh Artem Volkhin. Program ini sendiri menggambarkan tentang arus lalu lintas dua arah dengan pengaturan jalur masing-masing kendaraan dilakukan sistem acak (random. Kecepatan, perlambatan, dan pindah jalur pada masing-masing kendaraan berdasarkan algoritma yang telah dibahas sebelumnya. Program ini dibentuk dengan menggunakan JavaScript yang awalnya dikembangkan oleh blablabla. Kemudian, dengan mempertimbangkan faktor kecepatan dan kepadatan, diperoleh model arus lalu lintas yang dirasa relatif baik. Hal ini didasarkan pada grafik hubungan antara kecepatan, kepadatan dan arus yang diperoleh berdasarkan hasil pengamatan pada model yang ada pada progra

    Cellular Automata Models of Road Traffic

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    In this paper, we give an elaborate and understandable review of traffic cellular automata (TCA) models, which are a class of computationally efficient microscopic traffic flow models. TCA models arise from the physics discipline of statistical mechanics, having the goal of reproducing the correct macroscopic behaviour based on a minimal description of microscopic interactions. After giving an overview of cellular automata (CA) models, their background and physical setup, we introduce the mathematical notations, show how to perform measurements on a TCA model's lattice of cells, as well as how to convert these quantities into real-world units and vice versa. The majority of this paper then relays an extensive account of the behavioural aspects of several TCA models encountered in literature. Already, several reviews of TCA models exist, but none of them consider all the models exclusively from the behavioural point of view. In this respect, our overview fills this void, as it focusses on the behaviour of the TCA models, by means of time-space and phase-space diagrams, and histograms showing the distributions of vehicles' speeds, space, and time gaps. In the report, we subsequently give a concise overview of TCA models that are employed in a multi-lane setting, and some of the TCA models used to describe city traffic as a two-dimensional grid of cells, or as a road network with explicitly modelled intersections. The final part of the paper illustrates some of the more common analytical approximations to single-cell TCA models.Comment: Accepted for publication in "Physics Reports". A version of this paper with high-quality images can be found at: http://phdsven.dyns.cx (go to "Papers written"

    Mathematics and ICT bring new intelligent traffic light control system

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    As road networks in urban areas become increasingly complex and complicated when accommodating for the fast-growing numbers and diversity of vehicles and infrastructure, researchers have a tremendous interest in designing intelligent and robust traffic light control systems to manage traffic. Traditional traffic light control (TLC) systems operate on a fixed time basis, whereby each stream of traffic is allocated a fixed amount of time for vehicles to move through the intersection. This system's main drawback is that it does not account for actual traffic densities, leading to longer waiting times and higher fuel consumption. With the emergence and proliferation of digital technologies in the 21st century, humans have begun to use technology in every facet of their daily lives, including getting help in performing dull, dirty, and dangerous tasks that can be automated and repetitive. This paper combines ICT and mathematics to design a new robust system for traffic light control. A novel Intelligent Traffic Light Control System (ITLCS) model is proposed to accommodate the immediate number of vehicles and pedestrians' presence at the intersections. The system has been implemented in selected software for testing and validation, and the analytics are highlighted. The arterial aim is to show the importance of mathematics, which can produce a robust and intelligent system that can achieve a better traffic flow at varying traffic densities when combined with ICT

    Scenario Generation with Cellular Automaton for Game-based Crisis Simulation System

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    Crisis is infrequent and unpredictable event which is challenging to prepare and resolve. Scenario generation for modeling a crisis using computational approach is preferable due to its flexibility to produce automated variation of scenario based on different setup key factors. Combining crisis generation with game technology, serious-game game can be developed to provide potential support in training and simulation practice of real-world crisis situation to different stakeholders. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a computational framework to provide automated generation of a fire crisis scenario with firefighter-agent simulation using cellular automaton with influence map for agent behavior optimization, and visualization using a 3D game engine. The framework is evaluated based on performance, convergence and realistic behavior of both crisis event (e.g. fire propagation or control) and crisis resolution (e.g. firefighter solving the crisis)