78 research outputs found

    Probabilistic initial value problem for cellular automaton rule 172

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    We consider the problem of computing a response curve for binary cellular automata -- that is, the curve describing the dependence of the density of ones after many iterations of the rule on the initial density of ones. We demonstrate how this problem could be approached using rule 130 as an example. For this rule, preimage sets of finite strings exhibit recognizable patterns, and it is therefore possible to compute both cardinalities of preimages of certain finite strings and probabilities of occurrence of these strings in a configuration obtained by iterating a random initial configuration nn times. Response curves can be rigorously calculated in both one- and two-dimensional versions of CA rule 130. We also discuss a special case of totally disordered initial configurations, that is, random configurations where the density of ones and zeros are equal to 1/2.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure
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