20 research outputs found

    An Examination of the Techno-pedagogical Education Competencies (TPACK) of Pre-service Elementary School and Preschool Teachers

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the technological pedagogical content knowledge of pre-service elementary school and preschool teachers. The fundamental problem of the study consists of the investigation of teachers' TPACK by their year of study and fields. This is a descriptive study. It was conducted using the survey model because it aimed to determine TPACK of the 995 pre-service elementary school and preschool teachers who participated in the study. They were in the departments of elementary school teaching and preschool teaching at three state universities in the spring term of the 2014-2015 academic year. The study found the means of junior (third year) and senior (fourth year) pre-service teachers in the departments of elementary school teaching and preschool teaching to be high. Their means were also high in the sub-dimensions of TPACK competence. The TPACK means of the pre-service elementary school and preschool teachers were found to be high. The TPACK means of senior pre-service elementary school and preschool teachers were determined to differ from those of junior pre-service preschool teachers. It can be stated that this difference resulted from technology and material development courses taken by the pre-service teachers in different semesters. Their pre-service education had positive effects on their TPACK. Providing pre-service technology education and practice as part of relevant courses will not be adequate. Along with the education, pre-service elementary school and preschool teachers should be provided with opportunities to use technology. These opportunities should go beyond the basis of courses that they take. It should be supplemented with practice in teaching practicum courses and should be included in practice evaluation forms as a criterion. The subdimensions of TPACK can be examined, and TPACK competency can be assessed in specific teaching programs in further studies

    An international investigation of TPACK

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    Effective technology integration requires knowledge and skills of three key interdependent knowledge areas: pedagogical content knowledge, technology content knowledge and technological pedagogical knowledge. At the intersection of all these knowledge areas is Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge or TPACK. From the analysis of the data from an online survey completed by pre-service teachers in Australia and Israel, the authors will share similarities and differences of TPACK across two international universities. The aim of this research was to identify if there are any contextual differences between the levels of TPACK in pre-service teachers from the two different countries. This paper presents implications for teacher education programs that may be relevant in multiple contexts. The following are outcomes of the research. First, pre-service teachers are provided with a wealth of experiences using technology in their learning and in designing learning experiences in their course work. Second, pre-service teachers need to have opportunities to apply the theory of TPACK in the design of their lessons and learning tasks in their professional experience. Third, pre-service teachers have low confidence in TK and TPK. Finally, there is limited difference in the experience and confidence of pre-service teachers in TPACK irrespective of location


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    KONTRIBUSI PENGETAHUAN KONTEN, PEDAGOGI, DAN TEKNOLOGI TERHADAP PEMBENTUKAN TPACK GURU IPA AbstrakModel integrasi teknologi mengalami perubahan dari model yang berfokus pada teknologi ke model yang berfokus pada pedagogi, salah satunya adalah TPACK. Informasi mengenai kemampuan TPACK guru IPA dan kontribusi pengetahuan konten, pedagogi, dan teknologi dalam pembentukan TPACK guru masih belum banyak tersedia. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai kemampuan TPACK guru IPA dan kontribusi pengetahuan konten, pedagogi, dan teknologi dalam pembentukan TPACK. Penelitian survei ini melibatkan 88 orang guru mata pelajaran IPA Kota Banda Aceh. Data mengenai kemampuan TPACK guru diperoleh dari soal tes berbentuk pilihan berganda. Penyebaran soal dilakukan secara langsung melalui kegiatan pelatihan. Analisis data dilakukan secara statistik deskriptif dan inferensial (pemodelan SEM-PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil kemampuan TPACK guru IPA SMP di Kota Banda Aceh didominasi oleh  pengetahuan konten (CK). Hasil analisis SEM-PLS menunjukkan bahwa CK, PK, dan PCK secara langsung dan tidak langsung berkontribusi dalam pembentukan TPACK guru IPA SMP di Kota Banda Aceh. Pemerintah dan penyelenggara pendidikan diharapkan dapat membantu guru untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menggunakan teknologi secara efektif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran agar terbentuk TPACK yang komprehensif.AbstractThe model of technology integration has changed from models that focus on technology to models that focus on pedagogy, one of which is TPACK. The information about science teachers’ TPACK and the contribution of content, pedagogy, and technology on the formation of science teachers’ TPACK is still limited. Therefore, this research aimed to obtain information about the science teachers’ TPACK and the contribution of content, pedagogy, and technology on the formation of TPACK. This survey research involved 88 science teachers from Banda Aceh City. The data about science teachers’ TPACK was obtained from multiple-choice test questions. The questions were distributed directly through training activities. Data analysis was performed by descriptive and inferential statistics (SEM-PLS modeling). The results showed that the TPACK ability profile of junior high school science teachers in Banda Aceh City was dominated by content knowledge (CK). The results of the SEM-PLS analysis showed that CK, PK, and PCK, directly and indirectly, contributed to the formation of the science teachers’ TPACK in junior high school in Banda Aceh City. The government and education providers were expected to be able to help teachers to improve the ability to use technology effectively in learning activities to form a comprehensive TPACK.

    Modernization of Education Programs and Formation of Digital Competences of Future Primary School Teachers

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    Modernization of education programs is carried out through the digital technologies integration into the education system, in particular, i nto the primary education system. This leads to the i ntegration of courses and disciplines into curricula for the development of digital competences of future primary school teachers. The purpose of the investigation was to study the features of modernizat ion of education programs in order to form digital co mpetences of future primary school teachers. 48 scientific publications have been examined, studied and systematized, wher

    University students' competences in ICT: A view from the education domain

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    Contemporary university students face the knowledge society, where mastering information and communication technologies (ICT) is an essential requirement to form part of this society. The objective of our study was to validate a basic ICT competences model made up of three ICT competence subsets (technological, pedagogical and ethical) influenced by various personal and contextual factors. For this purpose, a cross-sectional explanatory correlation design was used, with a sample of 646 university students from the University of Valencia (Spain), collecting the information through a questionnaire. A multiple indicators and multiple causes model was used to validate the students' ICT competences model. The results revealed that ICT competences form a single set made up of three subsets of competences: technological, pedagogical and ethical. An asymmetrical explanatory relation was found between the technological and pedagogical competences on the one hand and between the ethical and pedagogical competences on the other hand. The factors gender, area in which the degree is taught and the frequency of using a computer with the Internet impacted on the three subsets of competences. The model shows the complexity of university students' ICT competences, with training in ICT competences being an important element to consider


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis (1) kemampuan Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) dan (2) penguasaan konsep mahasiswa pada perkuliahan Kimia Organik Polifungsi menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Read, Answer, Discuss, Explain, Create (RADEC). Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain praeksperimen. Subyek penelitian terdiri atas 39 mahasiswa semester 3 tahun akademik 2022/2023 pada salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri di Bandung. Pengumpulan data kemampuan TPACK menggunakan tes, survey, dan analisis produk. Pengumpulan data penguasaan konsep dilakukan menggunakan tes dan LKM. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan n-gain dan uji beda skor pre-test dan post-test menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon. Ditemukan, terdapat peningkatan rata-rata skor kemampuan TPACK dengan n-gain 0,64 (sedang) dan penguasaan konsep dengan n-gain 0,70 (sedang). Hasil Uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata skor post-test dan rata-rata skor pre-test kemampuan TPACK dan penguasaan konsep dengan skor post-test lebih tinggi daripada skor pre-test. This study aims to analyze (1) the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) competence and (2) the concept mastery through Polyfunctional Organic Chemistry Course using the Read, Answer, Discuss, Explain, Create (RADEC) Learning Model. This study is an experimental study with the pre-experimental type. The subject consisted of 39 students from Chemistry Education Department which study in the 3rd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year at a university in Bandung. Data collection on TPACK competence uses test, survey, and product analysis. Data collection on concept mastery uses test and student worsheet. The data were analyzed using n-gain and different tests using the Wilcoxon test. It was found that there was an increase in the TPACK competence score with n-gain 0.64 (moderate) and the concept mastery with n-gain 0.70 (moderate). The results of the Wilcoxon test showed that there was a significant difference between the average of post-test score and the average of pre-test score for the TPACK competence and the concept mastery with the post-test score being higher than the pre-test score


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    Para integrar as tecnologias digitais à sala de aula, é essencial a formação qualificada de professores, onde estes possam se apropriar do uso de tecnologias digitais. Para nortear a integração de tecnologias ao ensino, o modelo teórico denominado Conhecimento Tecnológico Pedagógico do Conteúdo (TPACK), idealizado por Mishra e Koehler em 2006, destaca a importância de relacionar o conhecimento pedagógico, tecnológico e de conteúdo dos professores. Esse estudo de método misto objetivou compreender como as percepções de licenciandos de química relacionadas às suas bases de Conhecimento Tecnológico Pedagógico do Conteúdo (TPACK) são modificadas ao participarem de um programa de formação docente. As percepções pré e pós-participação dos futuros professores foram analisadas por meio de um questionário quantitativo aplicado a dez participantes e uma entrevista semiestruturada aplicada a dois participantes. Os resultados mostraram que após a participação no programa de formação, os professores em formação inicial demonstraram um aumento na autopercepção em relação a todas as bases de conhecimento do TPACK, principalmente no que diz respeito ao Conhecimento do Conteúdo e ao Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo. Portanto, a continuidade das pesquisas apoiadas pelo framework TPACK pode levar a práticas inovadoras na formação inicial de professores

    Integrating the Use of ICT into Teaching and Learning in the Teacher Training Program in The Gambia

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are increasingly relevant in school classrooms. As a result, the growing classrooms succeed in meeting the changing needs of students, and Gambia College is in a high position in this regard. The 21st-century classrooms are significantly different from the 20th-century classroom, and the concept is becoming more important because of the need to adapt to the reform of teaching approaches. In the current qualitative study, the data collected in a structured interview is open- ended questions. The procedure is carried out in an unfolded way, the recruitment and direct observation of the participants, and then the interview. Respondents' transcripts were analyzed using thematic analysis of 12 respondents, reflecting a rock-bottom picture of ICT integration and used in teaching at Gambia College. The research shows that the integration of ICT and use is generally linked to traditional teaching approaches. Most of the barriers are due to the lack of available resources. ICT is not integrating properly in the teacher training program to making efficient use of technology in the classroom. The advantages of ICT depend on the learning approach used, the attitude, belief, and skills of the teacher, and the availability of teaching and learning support. Keywords: ICT integration, competence, teaching, learning

    Tartu Ülikooli õpetajakoolituse üliõpilaste hinnangud oma tehnoloogia-, pedagoogika- ja ainealastele teadmistele

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