23 research outputs found

    Parameter extraction and estimation based on the PV panel outdoor performance using iterative method

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    This work presents a novel approach to predict the voltage-current (V-I) characteristics of a PV panel under varying weather conditions to estimate the PV parameters. Outdoor performance of the PV module (AP-PM-15) was carried out for several times. The experimental data obtained are validated and compared with the estimated results obtained through simulation based on the manufacture’s data sheet. The simulation is based on the Newton-Raphson iterative method in MATLAB environment. This approach aids the computation of the PV module’s parameters at any varying weather condition. The computed significant error indicates that the result has a good agreement with the experimental data.Keywords: Newton-Raphson, Parameter extraction, Simulation, Photovoltaic, Relative erro

    A detailed modeling of photovoltaic module using MATLAB

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    AbstractThe PV module is the interface which converts light into electricity. Modeling this device, necessarily requires taking weather data (irradiance and temperature) as input variables. The output can be current, voltage, power or other. However, trace the characteristics I(V) or P(V) needs of these three variables. Any change in the entries immediately implies changes in outputs. That is why, it is important to use an accurate model for the PV module. This paper presents a detailed modeling of the effect of irradiance and temperature on the parameters of the PV module. The chosen model is the single diode model with both series and parallel resistors for greater accuracy. The detailed modeling is then simulated step by step using MATLAB/Simulink software due to its frequent use and its effectiveness

    Benchmarking study between capacitive and electronic load technic to track I-V and P-V of a solar panel

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    To detect defects of solar panel and understand the effect of external parameters such as fluctuations in illumination, temperature, and the effect of a type of dust on a photovoltaic (PV) panel, it is essential to plot the Ipv=f(Vpv) characteristic of the PV panel, and the simplest way to plot this I-V characteristic is to use a variable resistor. This paper presents a study of comparison and combination between two methods: capacitive and electronic loading to track I-V characteristic. The comparison was performed in terms of accuracy, response time and instrumentation cost used in each circuit, under standard temperature and illumination conditions by using polycrystalline solar panel type SX330J and monocrystalline solar panels type ET-M53630. The whole system is based on simple components, less expensive and especially widely used in laboratories. The results will be between the datasheet of the manufacturer with the experimental data, refinements and improvements concerning the number of points and the trace time have been made by combining these two methods

    A Study of Shading Effect on Photovoltaic Modules with Proposed P&O Checking Algorithm

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    Sun irradiation levels and associated temperature changes are the main factors that influence the conversion of solar energy into electricity. Most energy is produced during a hot sunny day as the sun irradiation is at the maximum level and uniform throughout the solar photovoltaic (PV). However, most solar PV were frequently get shadowed, completely or partially, by the neighbouring buildings, trees and passing clouds. Consequently, the solar PV has lower voltage and current output; hence, multiple maximum power points (MPP) are existed on the PV curve, which could cause confusion to the conventional Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) to track the true MPP for the PV system. Thus, it is important to examine the impacts of partial shading on the solar PV in order to extract the maximum possible power. This paper presents a MATLAB-based modelling for simulation and experimental setup to study the I-V and P-V characteristics of a solar module under a non-uniform irradiation due to partial shading condition (PSC).  Furthermore, this study is also proposed an effective method (a variable step size of P&O with checking algorithm) that is low cost and higher tracking efficiency. Thus, this study is essential in improving and evaluating any new MPPT algorithm under the PSC


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    To model the microgrid, the data and characteristics of the solar panels and wind turbine installed at the Center for Research, Innovation, and Technology Transfers (CIITT) of the Catholic University of Cuenca are taken. Weather data (solar radiation and wind) are sampled every hour, 365 days a year; it then goes through the fuzzy logic process and obtains the maximum values of current, voltage, and power. Any changes to the inputs immediately involve changes to the outputs. This article introduces the mathematical model of fuzzy logic, the irradiance and temperature effect of solar panels, as well as the direction and wind speed on the parameters of a residential microgrid connected to the grid. Detailed modeling is simulated step by step using MATLAB/Simulink software due to its frequent use and efficiencyPara modelar la microgrid, se toman los datos y las características de los paneles solares y aerogenerador instalados en el Centro de Investigación, Innovación y Transferencias de Tecnología (CIITT) de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Los datos meteorológicos (radiación solar y viento) son muestreados cada hora, los 365 días del año; posteriormente pasa por el proceso de lógica difusa y se obtiene los valores máximos de corriente, voltaje y potencia. Cualquier cambio en las entradas implica inmediatamente cambios en las salidas. Este artículo presenta el modelo matemático de lógica difusa, el efecto de irradiancia y temperatura de los paneles solares, así como la dirección y velocidad de viento sobre los parámetros de una microgrid residencial conectada a la red. El modelado detallado se simula paso a paso utilizando el software MATLAB/Simulink debido a su uso frecuente y su eficaci

    Study of degradation and evaluation of model parameters of micromorph silicon photovoltaic modules under outdoor long term exposure in Jaen, Spain

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    The analysis of the degradation of tandem Micromorph thin-film photovoltaic (TFPV) modules and its impact on the output power of a PV array under outdoor long term exposure located in Jaen (Spain) is addressed in this work. Furthermore, the evolution of main solar cell model parameters is evaluated by means of parameters extraction techniques from monitored data of the PV system in real operation of work. The degradation rate and the stabilization period of micromorph TFPV modules are evaluated. The analysis of the degradation rate, together to results obtained for the evolution of each of the solar cell model parameters along the outdoor long-term exposure allow a better understanding of changes in performance of micromorph TFPV modules and the behavior of the output power of the PV generator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Estimación de los parámetros del modelo de un solo diodo del módulo fotovoltaico aplicando el método de optimización basado en búsqueda de patrones mejorado

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    In this article, we propose the use of the optimization algorithm based on improved pattern search (IPSM), applying it to the estimation of the model parameters of a single diode of a photovoltaic cell. The parameters to be estimated are the photovoltaic current, the saturation current of the diode, the series resistance, the resistance in parallel, and the ideality factor of the diode. The estimation is made from the data obtained from a known curve, that is to say, that a photovoltaic cell could be characterized and from the data of the curve the parameters are extracted. The results are the identification of the parameters and the accuracy of the model concerning the reference at the point of maximum power (MPP). Additionally, a comparison is made with the model obtained with three estimations made with the particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), under the same conditions in the number of particles and iterations. The error found shows the similarity of the model with the reference obtained using the IPSM algorithm. En este artículo se propone el uso de un algoritmo de optimización basado en la búsqueda de patrones mejorada, aplicándolo a la estimación de los parámetros modelo de un diodo de una célula fotovoltaica. Los parámetros a estimar son corriente fotovoltaica, la saturación de corriente del diodo, la resistencia serie, la resistencia en paralelo y el factor de idealidad del diodo. La estimación es hecha a partir de los datos obtenidos de una curva conocida, es decir, que la celda fotovoltaica puede caracterizarse y los parámetros son extraídos de los datos de la curva. Los resultados son la identificación de los parámetros y la exactitud del modelo con respecto a la referencia en el punto de máxima potencia (MPP). Adicionalmente se realiza una comparación con el modelo obtenido con tres estimaciones realizadas con el algoritmo de optimización enjambre de partículas (PSO), bajo las mismas condiciones en cantidad de partículas y de iteraciones. El error encontrado muestra la similitud del modelo con la referencia obtenida de acuerdo con el algoritmo IPSM

    Electrical power output potential of different solar photovoltaic systems in Tanzania

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    This research article was published by International Journal of Renewable Energy Development,in 2024This study examines the photovoltaic (PV) energy output and levelized cost of energy (LCOE) in seven regions of Tanzania across five different tilt adjustments of 1 MW PV systems. The one-diode model equations and the PVsyst 7.2 software were used in the simulation. The results reveal variations in energy output and LCOE among the regions and tilt adjustments indicating a strong correlation between PV energy output and solar irradiance incident on the PV panel. For horizontal mounting, the annual energy output ranges from 1229 MWh/year in Kilimanjaro to 1977 MWh/year in Iringa. Among the three optimal tilt adjustments, annually, monthly and seasonal, the last two are predicted to yield larger energy outputs, whereas the two axis tracking configuration consistently provides the maximal energy output in all regions, ranging from 1533 MWh/year in Kilimanjaro to 2762 MWh/year in Iringa. The LCOE analysis demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of solar PV systems compared to grid-connected and isolated mini-grid tariffs. The LCOE values across the regions and tilt adjustments range from 0.07/kWhto0.07/kWh to 0.16/kWh. In comparison, the tariff for grid-connected solar PV is 0.165/kWh,whileforisolatedminigrids;itis0.165/kWh, while for isolated mini-grids; it is 0.181/kWh. The monthly optimal tilt configuration proves to be the most cost-effective option for energy generation in multiple regions, as it consistently exhibits the lowest energy cost compared to the other four configurations. The results provide valuable insights into the performance and economic feasibility of various system setups. Through meticulous simulation and data analysis, we have gained a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing energy generation and costs in the context of solar photovoltaic system

    Optimización del índice de producción final (Yf) de una instalación solar fotovoltaica, para un inversor y emplazamiento dados

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    Estudio de la eficiencia de conversión eléctrica del inversor. Análisis de la dependencia del rendimientio con distintas variables (tensión, radiación solar). Se propone un nuevo método, alternativo al rendimiento europeo, para la obtención del rendimiento del inversor. Cálculo del índice de producción final de la instalación, para distintas configuraciones del generador fotovoltaico