97 research outputs found

    Optimization of DSSS Receivers Using Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations

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    Over the years, there has been significant interest in defining a hardware abstraction layer to facilitate code reuse in software defined radio (SDR) applications. Designers are looking for a way to enable application software to specify a waveform, configure the platform, and control digital signal processing (DSP) functions in a hardware platform in a way that insulates it from the details of realization. This thesis presents a tool-based methodolgy for developing and optimizing a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) transceiver deployed in custom hardware like Field Programmble Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The system model consists of a tranmitter which employs a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation scheme, an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, and a receiver whose main parts consist of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), digital down converter (DDC), image rejection low-pass filter (LPF), carrier phase locked loop (PLL), tracking locked loop, down-sampler, spread spectrum correlators, and rectangular-to-polar converter. The design methodology is based on a new programming model for FPGAs developed in the industry by Xilinx Inc. The Xilinx System Generator for DSP software tool provides design portability and streamlines system development by enabling engineers to create and validate a system model in Xilinx FPGAs. By providing hierarchical modeling and automatic HDL code generation for programmable devices, designs can be easily verified through hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations. HIL provides a significant increase in simulation speed which allows optimization of the receiver design with respect to the datapath size for different functional parts of the receiver. The parameterized datapath points used in the simulation are ADC resolution, DDC datapath size, LPF datapath size, correlator height, correlator datapath size, and rectangular-to-polar datapath size. These parameters are changed in the software enviornment and tested for bit error rate (BER) performance through real-time hardware simualtions. The final result presents a system design with minimum harware area occupancy relative to an acceptable BER degradation

    Modeling the Effects of the Local Environment on a Received GNSS Signal

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    There is an ongoing need in the GNSS community for the development of high-fidelity simulators which generate data that replicates what can truly be expected from a challenging environment such as an urban canyon or an indoor environment. The algorithm developed for use in the research in this dissertation, the Signal Decomposition and Parameterization Algorithm (SDPA), is presented in order to respond to this need. This algorithm is designed to decompose a signal received using a GNSS recording and playback system and output parameters that can be used to reconstruct the effects on the signal of the environment local to the receiver at the time of recording. The SDPA itself is presented and compared with what is believed to be the state-of-the-art in GNSS multipath parameterization, a Space Alternating Generalized Expectation Maximization (SAGE) algorithm. The development and characterization of a stopping criteria that can be used to halt the SDPA when parameterization of salient components within a recorded signal has been completed

    Direct-sequence spread-spectrum modulation for utility packet transmission in underwater acoustic communication networks

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    This thesis investigates the feasibility and performance of using Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum (DSSS) modulation for utility-packet transmission in Seaweb underwater wireless acoustic communications networks. Seaweb networks require robust channel-tolerant utility packets having a low probability of detection (LPD) and allowing for multi-user access. MATLAB code simulated the DSSS transmitter and receiver structures and a modeled channel impulse response represented the underwater environment. The specific modulation scheme implemented is direct-sequence, differentially encoded binary phase-shift keying (DS-DBPSK) with quadrature spreading. Performance is examined using Monte Carlo simulation. Bit error rates and packet error rates for various signal-to-noise ratios and channel conditions are presented and the use of a RAKE receiver, forward error-correction coding and symbol interleaving are examined for improving system performance.Lieutenant Commanader, Canadian NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Transceiver architectures and sub-mW fast frequency-hopping synthesizers for ultra-low power WSNs

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have the potential to become the third wireless revolution after wireless voice networks in the 80s and wireless data networks in the late 90s. This revolution will finally connect together the physical world of the human and the virtual world of the electronic devices. Though in the recent years large progress in power consumption reduction has been made in the wireless arena in order to increase the battery life, this is still not enough to achieve a wide adoption of this technology. Indeed, while nowadays consumers are used to charge batteries in laptops, mobile phones and other high-tech products, this operation becomes infeasible when scaled up to large industrial, enterprise or home networks composed of thousands of wireless nodes. Wireless sensor networks come as a new way to connect electronic equipments reducing, in this way, the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of large wired networks. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to reduce the energy consumption of the wireless node to a point where energy harvesting becomes feasible and the node energy autonomy exceeds the life time of the wireless node itself. This thesis focuses on the radio design, which is the backbone of any wireless node. A common approach to radio design for WSNs is to start from a very simple radio (like an RFID) adding more functionalities up to the point in which the power budget is reached. In this way, the robustness of the wireless link is traded off for power reducing the range of applications that can draw benefit form a WSN. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to the radio design for WSNs. We started from a proven architecture like Bluetooth, and progressively we removed all the functionalities that are not required for WSNs. The robustness of the wireless link is guaranteed by using a fast frequency hopping spread spectrum technique while the power budget is achieved by optimizing the radio architecture and the frequency hopping synthesizer Two different radio architectures and a novel fast frequency hopping synthesizer are proposed that cover the large space of applications for WSNs. The two architectures make use of the peculiarities of each scenario and, together with a novel fast frequency hopping synthesizer, proved that spread spectrum techniques can be used also in severely power constrained scenarios like WSNs. This solution opens a new window toward a radio design, which ultimately trades off flexibility, rather than robustness, for power consumption. In this way, we broadened the range of applications for WSNs to areas in which security and reliability of the communication link are mandatory

    The Global Navigation System Scope (GNSScope): a toolbox for the end-to-end modelling simulation and analysis of GNSS

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    The thesis provides a detailed overview of the work carried out by the author over the course of the research for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Westminster, and the performance results of the novel techniques introduced into the literature. The outcome of the work is collectively referred to as the Global Navigation System Scope (GNSScope) Toolbox, offering a complete, fully reconfigurable platform for the end-to-end modeling, simulation and analysis of satellite navigation signals and systems, covering the signal acquisition, tracking, and range processing operations that take place in a generic Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver, accompanied by a Graphical User Interface (GUI) providing access to all the techniques available in the toolbox. Designed and implemented entirely in the MATLAB mathematical programming environment using Software Defined Radio (SDR) receiver techniques, the toolbox offers a novel new acquisition algorithm capable of handling all Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) type modulations used on all frequency bands in currently available satellite navigation signals, including all sub-classes of the Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) modulated signals. In order to be able to process all these signals identified by the acquisition search, a novel tracking algorithm was also designed and implemented into the toolbox to track and decode all acquired satellite signals, including those currently intended to be used in future navigation systems, such as the Galileo test signals transmitted by the GIOVE satellites orbiting the Earth. In addition to the developed receiver toolbox, three novel algorithms were also designed to handle weak signals, multipath, and multiple access interference in GNSScope. The Mirrored Channel Mitigation Technique, based on the successive and parallel interference cancellation techniques, reduces the hardware complexity of the interference mitigation process by utilizing the local code and carrier replicas generated in the tracking channels, resulting in a reduction in hardware resources proportional to the number of received strong signals. The Trigonometric Interference Cancellation Technique, used in cross-correlation interference mitigation, exploits the underlying mathematical expressions to simplify the interference removal process, resulting in reduced complexity and execution times by reducing the number of operations by 25% per tracking channel. The Split Chip Summation Technique, based on the binary valued signal modulation compression technique, enhances the amount of information captured from compressing the signal to reveal specific filtering effects on the positive and negative polarity chips of the spreading code. Simulation case studies generated entirely using the GNSScope toolbox will be used throughout the thesis to demonstrate the effectiveness of the novel techniques developed over the course of the research, and the results will be compared to those obtained from other techniques reported in the literature

    Design of linear regression based localization algorithms for wireless sensor networks

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    Noise-based Transmit Reference Modulation:A Feasibility Analysis

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) receive huge research interest for a multitude of applications, ranging from remote monitoring applications, such as monitoring of potential forest fires, floods and air pollution, to domestic and industrial monitoring of temperature, humidity, vibration, stress, etc. In the former set of applications, a large number of nodes can be involved which are usually deployed in remote or inaccessible environments. Due to logistic and cost reasons, battery replacement is undesired. Energy-efficient radios are needed, with a power-demand so little that batteries can last the lifetime of the node or that the energy can be harvested from the environment. Coherent direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) based radios are widely employed in monitoring applications, due to their overall resilience to channel impairments and robustness against interference. However, a DSSS rake receiver has stringent requirements on precise synchronization and accurate channel knowledge. To obviate the complexity of a coherent DSSS receiver, particularly for low data rate sensor networks, a DSSS scheme that has fast synchronization and possibly low power consumption, is much desired. In this regard, this thesis studies a noncoherent DSSS scheme called transmit reference (TR), which promises a simple receiver architecture and fast synchronization. In traditional TR, the modulated information signal is sent along an unmodulated reference signal, with a small time offset between them. In this thesis, we present and investigate a variant of TR, called noise-based frequency offset modulation (N-FOM), which uses pure noise as the spreading signal and a small frequency offset (instead of a time offset) to separate the information and reference signals. The detection is based on correlation of the received signal with a frequency-shifted version of itself, which collects the transmitted energy without compromising the receiver simplicity. Analytical expressions on performance metrics, supplemented by simulation results, improve understanding of the underlying mechanisms and provide insights into utility of N-FOM in low-power WSNs. In point-to-point line-of-sight (LOS) communication, it was observed that the communication scheme has a minimal utility. The energy-detector type of receiver mixes all in-band signals, which magnifies the overall noise. Particularly, the self-mixing of the transmitted signal also elevates the noise level, which increases with a further increase in the received signal energy. Therefore, for a fixed set of system parameters, the performance attains an asymptote with increasing transmission power. The phenomenon also establishes a non-monotonic relation between performance and the spreading factor. It was observed that a higher spreading factor in N-FOM is beneficial only in a high-SNR regime. After developing an understanding of the performance degrading mechanisms, few design considerations are listed. It is found that a suitable choice of the receiver front-end filter can maximize the SNR. However, the optimal filter depends on received signal and noise levels. A practically feasible – albeit suboptimal – filter is presented which gives close to the optimal performance. Next, timing synchronization is considered. The implications of synchronization errors are analyzed, and a synchronization strategy is devised. The proposed synchronization strategy has little overhead and can be easily implemented for symbol-level synchronization. The N-FOM LOS link model is extended to assess the performance degradation due to interference. Performance metrics are derived which quantify the effects of multiple-user interference, as well as that from external interferers, such as WiFi. Since the correlation operation mixes all in-band signals, the total interfering entities are quadratically increased. The research shows the vulnerability of N-FOM to interference, which makes it optimistic to operate in a crowded shared spectrum (such as the ISM 2.4\,GHz band). We also observe an upper limit on the number of mutually interfering links in a multiple access (MA) network, that can be established with an acceptable quality. The scheme is further investigated for its resilience against impairments introduced by a dense multipath environment. It is observed that despite the noise enhancement, the N-FOM system performs reasonably well in a non-line-of-sight (NLOS) communication. The detection mechanism exploits the multipath channel diversity and leads to an improved performance in a rich scattering environment. An analytical expression for outage probability is also derived. The results indicate that a healthy N-FOM link with very low outage probability can be established at a nominal value of the received bit SNR. It is also found that the choice of the frequency offset is central to the system design. Due to multiple practical implications associated with this parameter, the maximum data rate and the number of usable frequency offsets are limited, particularly in a MA NLOS communication scenario. The analysis evolves into a rule-of-thumb criterion for the data rate and the frequency offset. It is deduced that, due to its limited capability to coexist in a shared spectrum, N-FOM is not a replacement for coherent DSSS systems. The scheme is mainly suited to a low data rate network with low overall traffic, operating in an interference-free rich scattering environment. Such a niche of sensor applications could benefit from N-FOM where the design goal requires a simple detection mechanism and immunity to multipath fading

    Infrared ranging in multipath environments for indoor localization of mobile targets

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    Esta tesis aborda el problema de la medida de diferencias de distancia mediante señales ópticas afectadas por multicamino, aplicada a la localización de agentes móviles en espacios interiores. Los avances en robótica, entornos inteligentes y vehículos autónomos han creado un campo de aplicación específico para la localización en interiores, cuyos requerimientos de precisión (en el rango de los cm) son muy superiores a los demandados por las aplicaciones de localización orientadas a personas, en cuyo contexto se han desarrollado la mayor parte de las alternativas tecnológicas. La investigación con métodos de geometría proyectiva basados en cámaras y de multilateración basados en medida de distancia con señales de radiofrecuencia de banda ancha, de ultrasonido y ópticas han demostrado un rendimiento potencial adecuado para cubrir estos requerimientos. Sin embargo, todas estas alternativas, aún en fase de investigación, presentan dificultades que limitan su aplicación práctica. En el caso de los sistemas ópticos, escasamente estudiados en este contexto, los trabajos previos se han basado en medidas de diferencia de fase de llegada de señales infrarrojas moduladas sinusoidalmente en intensidad. Una infraestructura centralizada computa medidas diferenciales, entre receptores fijos, de la señal emitida desde el móvil a posicionar, y calcula la posición del móvil mediante trilateración hiperbólica a partir de éstas. Estas investigaciones demostraron que se pueden alcanzar precisiones de pocos centímetros; sin embargo, las interferencias por multicamino debidas a la reflexión de la señal óptica en superficies del entorno pueden degradar esta precisión hasta las decenas de centímetros dependiendo de las características del espacio. Así pues, el efecto del multicamino es actualmente la principal fuente de error en esta tecnología, y por tanto, la principal barrera a superar para su implementación en situaciones reales. En esta tesis se propone y analiza un sistema de medida con señales ópticas que permite obtener estimaciones de diferencias de distancia precisas reduciendo el efecto crítico del multicamino. El sistema propuesto introduce una modulación con secuencias de ruido pseudoaleatorio sobre la modulación sinusoidal típicamente usada para medida de fase por onda continua, y aprovecha las propiedades de ensanchamiento en frecuencia de estas secuencias para reducir el efecto del multicamino. El sistema, que realiza una doble estimación de tiempo y fase de llegada, está compuesto por una etapa de sincronización que posibilita la demodulación parcialmente coherente de la señal recibida, seguida de un medidor diferencial de fase sobre las componentes desensanchadas tras la demodulación. Las condiciones de multicamino óptico típicas en espacios interiores, con una componente de camino directo claramente dominante, permiten que el proceso de demodulación recupere más potencia del camino directo que del resto de contribuciones, reduciendo el efecto del multicamino en la estimación final. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la aplicación del método propuesto permitiría realizar posicionamiento a partir de señales ópticas con el rendimiento adecuando para aplicaciones de robótica y guiado de vehículos en espacios interiores; además, el progresivo aumento de la potencia y el ancho de banda de los dispositivos optoelectrónicos disponibles permite esperar un incremento considerable de las prestaciones de la propuesta en los próximos años

    Analyzing Code Tracking Algorithms for Galileo Open Service Signal

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    The ever-increasing public interest on location and positioning services has originated a demand for higher performance Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs). Galileo Open Service (OS) signal, part of the European contribution to future GNSS, was designed to respond to the above demand. In all GNSSs, the estimation with high accuracy of the Line-Of-Sight (LOS) delay is a prerequisite. The Delay Lock Loops (DLLs) and their enhanced variants (i.e., feed-back code tracking loops) are the structures of choice for the commercial GNSS receivers, but their performance in severe multipath scenarios is still rather limited. In addition, the new satellite positioning system proposals specify the use of a new modulation, the Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) modulation, which triggers a new challenge in the code tracking stage. Therefore, in order to meet this emerging challenge and to improve the accuracy of the delay estimation in severe multipath scenarios, this thesis analyzes feed-back as well as feed-forward code tracking algorithms and proposes a novel algorithm, namely Peak Tracking (PT), which is a combination of both feed-back and feed-forward structures and utilizes the advantages inherent in these structures. In this thesis, the code tracking algorithms are studied and analyzed for Sine BOC (SinBOC) modulated Galileo OS signal for various multipath profiles in Rayleigh fading channel model. The performance of the analyzed algorithms are measured in terms of various well-known criteria such as Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE), Mean-Time-to-Lose Lock (MTLL), delay error variance and Multipath Error Envelopes (MEEs). The simulation results show that the proposed PT algorithm outperforms all other analyzed algorithms in various multipath profiles in good Carrier-to-Noise-Ratios (CNRs). The simulation results are compared with the theoretical Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) and the comparison shows that the delay error variance for PT algorithm approaches the theoretical limit with the increase in CNR. Therefore, the proposed algorithm can be considered as an excellent candidate for implementation in future Galileo receivers, especially when tracking accuracy is a concern. /Kir1

    Enhanced receiver architectures for processing multi GNSS signals in a single chain : based on partial differential equations mathematical model

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    The focus of our research is on designing a new architecture (RF front-end and digital) for processing multi GNSS signals in a single receiver chain. The motivation is to save in overhead cost (size, processing time and power consumption) of implementing multiple signal receivers side-by-side on-board Smartphones. This thesis documents the new multi-signal receiver architecture that we have designed. Based on this architecture, we have achieved/published eight novel contributions. Six of these implementations focus on multi GNSS signal receivers, and the last two are for multiplexing Bluetooth and GPS received signals in a single processing chain. We believe our work in terms of the new innovative and novel techniques achieved is a major contribution to the commercial world especially that of Smartphones. Savings in both silicon size and processing time will be highly beneficial to reduction of costs but more importantly for conserving the energy of the battery. We are proud that we have made this significant contribution to both industry and the scientific research and development arena. The first part of the work focus on the Two GNSS signal detection front-end approaches that were designed to explore the availability of the L1 band of GPS, Galileo and GLONASS at an early stage. This is so that the receiver devotes appropriate resources to acquire them. The first approach was based on folding the carrier frequency of all the three GNSS signals with their harmonics to the First Nyquist Zone (FNZ), as depicted by the BandPass Sampling Receiver technique (BPSR). Consequently, there is a unique power distribution of these folded signals based on the actual present signals that can be detected to alert the digital processing parts to acquire it. Volterra Series model is used to estimate the existing power in the FNZ by extracting the kernels of these folded GNSS signals, if available. The second approach filters out the right-side lobe of the GLONASS signal and the left-side lobe of the Galileo signal, prior to the folding process in our BPSR implementation. This filtering is important to enable none overlapped folding of these two signals with the GPS signal in the FNZ. The simulation results show that adopting these two approaches can save much valuable acquisition processing time. Our Orthogonal BandPass Sampling Receiver and Orthogonal Complex BandPass Sampling Receiver are two methods designed to capture any two wireless signals simultaneously and use a single channel in the digital domain to process them, including tracking and decoding, concurrently. The novelty of the two receivers is centred on the Orthogonal Integrated Function (OIF) that continuously harmonies the two received signals to form a single orthogonal signal allowing the “tracking and decoding” to be carried out by a single digital channel. These receivers employ a Hilbert Transform for shifting one of the input signals by 90-degrees. Then, the BPSR technique is used to fold back the two received signals to the same reference frequency in the FNZ. Results show that these designed methods also reduce the sampling frequency to a rate proportional to the maximum bandwidth, instead of the summation of bandwidths, of the input signals. Two combined GPS L1CA and L2C signal acquisition channels are designed based on applying the idea of the OIF to enhance the power consumption and the implementation complexity in the existing combination methods and also to enhance the acquisition sensitivity. This is achieved by removing the Doppler frequency of the two signals; our methods add the in-phase component of the L2C signal together with the in-phase component of the L1CA signal, which is then shifted by 90-degree before adding it to the remaining components of these two signals, resulting in an orthogonal form of the combined signals. This orthogonal signal is then fed to our developed version of the parallel-code-phase-search engine. Our simulation results illustrate that the acquisition sensitivity of these signals is improved successfully by 5.0 dB, which is necessary for acquiring weak signals in harsh environments. The last part of this work focuses on the tracking stage when specifically multiplexing Bluetooth and L1CA GPS signals in a single channel based on using the concept of the OIF, where the tracking channel can be shared between the two signals without losing the lock or degrading its performance. Two approaches are designed for integrating the two signals based on the mathematical analysis of the main function of the tracking channel, which the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL). A mathematical model of a set of differential equations has been developed to evaluate the PLL when it used to track and demodulated two signals simultaneously. The simulation results proved that the implementation of our approaches has reduced by almost half the size and processing time