451 research outputs found

    Computer vision based posture estimation and fall detection.

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    Falls are a major health problem, especially in the elderly population. Increasing fall events demands a high quality of service and dedicated medical treatment which is an economic burden. Serious injuries due to fall can cost lives in the absence of immediate care and support. There- fore, a monitoring system that can accurately detect fall events and generate instant alerts for immediate care is extremely necessary. To address this problem, this research aims to develop a computer vision-based fall detection system. This study proposes fall detection in three stages: (A) Detection of human silhouette and recognition of the pose, (B) Detection of the human as three regions for different postures including fall and (C) Recognise fall and non-fall using locations of human body regions as distinguishing features. The first stages of work comprise human silhouette detection and identification of activities in the form of different poses. Identifying a pose is important to understand a fall event where a change of pose defines its characteristics. A fall event comprises of sequential change of poses and ends up in a lying pose. Initial pose during a fall can be standing, sitting or bending but the final pose is usually a lying pose. It would, therefore, be beneficial if lying pose is recognised more accurately than other normal activities such as standing, sitting, bending or crawling to address a fall. Hence in the first stage, Background Subtraction (BS) is used to detect human silhouette. After background subtraction, the foreground images were used in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to recognise different poses. The RGB and the Depth images were captured from a Kinect Sensor. The fusion of RGB and Depth images were explored for feeding to a convolutional neural net- work. Depth together with RGB complimented each other to overcome their weakness respectively and proved to be a significant strategy. The classification was performed using CNN to recognise different activities with 81% accuracy on validation. The other challenge in fall detection is the tracking of a person during a fall. Background Subtraction is not sufficient to track a fallen person especially when there are lighting and viewpoint variations in the environment and present of another object like furniture, a pet or even another person. Furthermore, tracking be- comes tougher during the fall in comparison to normal activities like walking or sitting because the rate of change pose is higher during a fall. To overcome this, the idea is to locate the regions in the body in every frame and consider it as a stable tracking strategy. The location of the body parts provides crucial information to distinguish falls from the other normal activities as the person is detected all the time during these activities. Hence the second stage of this research consists of posture detection using the pose estimation technique. This research proposes to use CNN based pose estimation using simplified human postures. The available joints are grouped according to three regions: Head, Torso and Leg and then finally fed to the CNN model with just three inputs instead of several available joints. This strategy added stability in pose detection and proved to be more effective against complex poses observed during a fall. To train the CNN model, transfer learning technique was used. The model was able to achieve 96.7% accuracy in detecting the three regions on different human postures on the publicly available dataset. A system which considers all the lying poses as falls can also generate a higher false alarm. Lying on bed or sofa can easily generate a fall alarm if they are recognised as falls. Hence, it is important to recognise actual fall by considering a sequence of frames that defines a fall and not just the lying pose. In the third and final stage, this study proposes Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent networks-based fall detection. The proposed LSTM model uses the detected three region’s location as input features. LSTM is capable of using contextual information from the sequential input patterns. Therefore, the LSTM model was fed with location features of different postures in a sequence for training. The model was able to learn fall patterns and distinguish them from other activities with 88.33% accuracy. Furthermore, the precision of the fall class was 1.0. This is highly desirable in the case of fall detection as there is no false alarm and this means that the cost incurred in calling medical support for a false alarm can be completely avoided

    Instrumentation and validation of a robotic cane for transportation and fall prevention in patients with affected mobility

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Física, (especialização em Dispositivos, Microssistemas e Nanotecnologias)O ato de andar é conhecido por ser a forma primitiva de locomoção do ser humano, sendo que este traz muitos benefícios que motivam um estilo de vida saudável e ativo. No entanto, há condições de saúde que dificultam a realização da marcha, o que por consequência pode resultar num agravamento da saúde, e adicionalmente, levar a um maior risco de quedas. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento de um sistema de deteção e prevenção de quedas, integrado num dispositivo auxiliar de marcha, seria essencial para reduzir estes eventos de quedas e melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas. Para ultrapassar estas necessidades e limitações, esta dissertação tem como objetivo validar e instrumentar uma bengala robótica, denominada Anti-fall Robotic Cane (ARCane), concebida para incorporar um sistema de deteção de quedas e um mecanismo de atuação que possibilite a prevenção de quedas, ao mesmo tempo que assiste a marcha. Para esse fim, foi realizada uma revisão do estado da arte em bengalas robóticas para adquirir um conhecimento amplo e aprofundado dos componentes, mecanismos e estratégias utilizadas, bem como os protocolos experimentais, principais resultados, limitações e desafios em dispositivos existentes. Numa primeira fase, foi estipulado o objetivo de: (i) adaptar a missão do produto; (ii) estudar as necessidades do consumidor; e (iii) atualizar as especificações alvo da ARCane, continuação do trabalho de equipa, para obter um produto com design e engenharia compatível com o mercado. Foi depois estabelecida a arquitetura de hardware e discutidos os componentes a ser instrumentados na ARCane. Em seguida foram realizados testes de interoperabilidade a fim de validar o funcionamento singular e coletivo dos componentes. Relativamente ao controlo de movimento, foi desenvolvido um sistema inovador, de baixo custo e intuitivo, capaz de detetar a intenção do movimento e de reconhecer as fases da marcha do utilizador. Esta implementação foi validada com seis voluntários saudáveis que realizaram testes de marcha com a ARCane para testar sua operabilidade num ambiente de contexto real. Obteve-se uma precisão de 97% e de 90% em relação à deteção da intenção de movimento e ao reconhecimento da fase da marcha do utilizador. Por fim, foi projetado um método de deteção de quedas e mecanismo de prevenção de quedas para futura implementação na ARCane. Foi ainda proposta uma melhoria do método de deteção de quedas, de modo a superar as limitações associadas, bem como a proposta de dispositivos de deteção a serem implementados na ARCane para obter um sistema completo de deteção de quedas.The act of walking is known to be the primitive form of the human being, and it brings many benefits that motivate a healthy and active lifestyle. However, there are health conditions that make walking difficult, which, consequently, can result in worse health and, in addition, lead to a greater risk of falls. Thus, the development of a fall detection and prevention system integrated with a walking aid would be essential to reduce these fall events and improve people quality of life. To overcome these needs and limitations, this dissertation aims to validate and instrument a cane-type robot, called Anti-fall Robotic Cane (ARCane), designed to incorporate a fall detection system and an actuation mechanism that allow the prevention of falls, while assisting the gait. Therefore, a State-of-the-Art review concerning robotic canes was carried out to acquire a broad and in-depth knowledge of the used components, mechanisms and strategies, as well as the experimental protocols, main results, limitations and challenges on existing devices. On a first stage, it was set an objective to (i) enhance the product's mission statement; (ii) study the consumer needs; and (iii) update the target specifications of the ARCane, extending teamwork, to obtain a product with a market-compatible design and engineering that meets the needs and desires of the ARCane users. It was then established the hardware architecture of the ARCane and discussed the electronic components that will instrument the control, sensory, actuator and power units, being afterwards subjected to interoperability tests to validate the singular and collective functioning of cane components altogether. Regarding the motion control of robotic canes, an innovative, cost-effective and intuitive motion control system was developed, providing user movement intention recognition, and identification of the user's gait phases. This implementation was validated with six healthy volunteers who carried out gait trials with the ARCane, in order to test its operability in a real context environment. An accuracy of 97% was achieved for user motion intention recognition and 90% for user gait phase recognition, using the proposed motion control system. Finally, it was idealized a fall detection method and fall prevention mechanism for a future implementation in the ARCane, based on methods applied to robotic canes in the literature. It was also proposed an improvement of the fall detection method in order to overcome its associated limitations, as well as detection devices to be implemented into the ARCane to achieve a complete fall detection system

    Non-contact Multimodal Indoor Human Monitoring Systems: A Survey

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    Indoor human monitoring systems leverage a wide range of sensors, including cameras, radio devices, and inertial measurement units, to collect extensive data from users and the environment. These sensors contribute diverse data modalities, such as video feeds from cameras, received signal strength indicators and channel state information from WiFi devices, and three-axis acceleration data from inertial measurement units. In this context, we present a comprehensive survey of multimodal approaches for indoor human monitoring systems, with a specific focus on their relevance in elderly care. Our survey primarily highlights non-contact technologies, particularly cameras and radio devices, as key components in the development of indoor human monitoring systems. Throughout this article, we explore well-established techniques for extracting features from multimodal data sources. Our exploration extends to methodologies for fusing these features and harnessing multiple modalities to improve the accuracy and robustness of machine learning models. Furthermore, we conduct comparative analysis across different data modalities in diverse human monitoring tasks and undertake a comprehensive examination of existing multimodal datasets. This extensive survey not only highlights the significance of indoor human monitoring systems but also affirms their versatile applications. In particular, we emphasize their critical role in enhancing the quality of elderly care, offering valuable insights into the development of non-contact monitoring solutions applicable to the needs of aging populations.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Online control of a mobility assistance smart walker

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia BiomédicaThis work presents the NeoASAS project that was developed at the Bioengineering Group, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) in Madrid. Further, it continued with adaptations and improvements at Minho University with the Adaptive System Behavior Group (ASBG) in Guimarães, being designated by ASBGo Project. These developments include the conceptual design, implementation and validation of Smart Walkers with a new interface approach integrated into these devices. This interface is based on a joystick and it is intended to extract the user’s movement intentions. It was designed to be user-friendly and efficient, meeting usability aspects and focused on a commercial implementation, but not being demanding at the user cognitive level. Considering the ASBGo walker, the overall assemblage, mechanical adjustments, electronics and computing have been performed. First, a review about the mobility assistive devices is presented, specially focused on Smart Walkers. Despite the intensive research, in current literature, there are not many works providing a "point of the situation", and explaining the role that robotics can play in this domain. Healthy users performed preliminary sets of experiments with each walker, which showed the sensibility of the joystick to extract command intentions from the user. These signals presented a higher frequency component that was attenuated by a Benedict-Bordner g-h filter, considering the NeoASAS walker and by a Butterworth circuit, considering the ASBGo walker. These methodologies offer a cancelation of the undesired components from joystick data, allowing the system to extract in real-time user’s commands. Based on this identification, an approach to the control architecture based on a fuzzy logic algorithm was developed, in order to allow the control of the walkers’ motors. In addition, a set of sensors were integrated on the walker for safety reasons: an infrared sensor to detect if the user is falling forwards; two force sensors to make sure that the user is properly grabbing the hand support; and two force sensors in the support forearms to verify if the user is with his forearms properly supported. This will make sure that the device stops when one of these situations happens. Thus, an assistive device to provide safety and natural manoeuvrability was conceived and offers a certain degree of intelligence in assistance and decision-making. These results will be used to advance towards a commercial product with an affordable cost, but presenting high reliability and safety. The motivation is that this will contribute to improve rehabilitation purposes by promoting ambulatory daily exercises and thus extend users’ independent living.Este trabalho apresenta o projecto NeoASAS desenvolvido no Grupo de Bioengenharia, do Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) em Madrid. Este teve continuidade com adaptações e melhorias na Universidade do Minho com o grupo Adaptative System Behaviour (ASBG) em Guimarães, sendo designado por projecto ASBGo. Estes desenvolvimentos incluem o projecto concetual, implementação e validação de andarilhos inteligentes com uma nova interface integrada nestes dispositivos. Esta interface é baseada num joystick e tem como objetivo a extração de intenções de comando do utilizador, sendo intuitiva e eficiente. Atende a aspectos de usabilidade e está focada numa aplicação comercial, não sendo exigente a nível cognitivo. Considerando o andarilho ASBGo, foi realizada a construção deste, bem como, ajustes mecânicos, eletrónicos e programação. É apresentada uma revisão sobre os dispositivos de assistência à marcha, tendo especial enfoque os andarilhos. Apesar da intensa investigação, na literatura não existem trabalhos que apresentem o ponto de situação desta área, bem como o seu papel na robótica de reabilitação. Depois foram realizados testes com utilizadores, mostrando a sensibilidade que o joytick tem na identificação de inteções de comando do utilizador. Além disso, os sinais apresentam uma componente de alta frequência que foi atenuada, no caso do NeoASAS, com um filtro g-h Benedict-Bordner, e no caso do ASBGo, através de um filtro Butterworth implementado em hardware. As metodologias apresentadas oferecem um cancelamento componentes indesejáveis, permitindo ao sistema a extração das intenções de comando do utilizador em tempo real. Desta forma, uma arquitetura de controlo baseada em fuzzy logic foi desenvolvida de maneira a fornecer uma assistência segura ao utilizador, através do controlo dos motores. Foram também integrados um conjunto de sensores no andarilho por razões de segurança: um sensor infravermelho para detetar a queda frontal do utilizador, dois sensores de força nos apoios de mão para detetar se o utilizador está a agarrá-los, e dois sensores de força nos suportes de antebraço para certificar que o utilizador está devidamente apoiado. Assim, foi concebido um dispositivo que garante a segurança do utilizador e oferece um certo grau de inteligência e tomada de decisão. Estes resultados serão utilizados para a criação de um produto comercial com custo acessível, mas com alta confiabilidade. A motivação deste trabalho reflete-se na contribuição que este dispositivo terá na melhoria da reabilitação e desenvolvimento de dispositivos ambulatórios para promover exercicios diários, e melhorar a vida dos utilizadores

    Wearable Movement Sensors for Rehabilitation: From Technology to Clinical Practice

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    This Special Issue shows a range of potential opportunities for the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation. However, the papers surely do not cover the whole field of physical behavior monitoring in motor rehabilitation. Most studies in this Special Issue focused on the technical validation of wearable sensors and the development of algorithms. Clinical validation studies, studies applying wearable sensors for the monitoring of physical behavior in daily life conditions, and papers about the implementation of wearable sensors in motor rehabilitation are under-represented in this Special Issue. Studies investigating the usability and feasibility of wearable movement sensors in clinical populations were lacking. We encourage researchers to investigate the usability, acceptance, feasibility, reliability, and clinical validity of wearable sensors in clinical populations to facilitate the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation

    IMUs: validation, gait analysis and system’s implementation

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)Falls are a prevalent problem in actual society. The number of falls has been increasing greatly in the last fifteen years. Some falls result in injuries and the cost associated with their treatment is high. However, this is a complex problem that requires several steps in order to be tackled. Namely, it is crucial to develop strategies that recognize the mode of locomotion, indicating the state of the subject in various situations, namely normal gait, step before fall (pre-fall) and fall situation. Thus, this thesis aims to develop a strategy capable of identifying these situations based on a wearable system that collects information and analyses the human gait. The strategy consists, essentially, in the construction and use of Associative Skill Memories (ASMs) as tools for recognizing the locomotion modes. Consequently, at an early stage, the capabilities of the ASMs for the different modes of locomotion were studied. Then, a classifier was developed based on a set of ASMs. Posteriorly, a neural network classifier based on deep learning was used to classify, in a similar way, the same modes of locomotion. Deep learning is a technique actually widely used in data classification. These classifiers were implemented and compared, providing for a tool with a good accuracy in recognizing the modes of locomotion. In order to implement this strategy, it was previously necessary to carry out extremely important support work. An inertial measurement units’ (IMUs) system was chosen due to its extreme potential to monitor outpatient activities in the home environment. This system, which combines inertial and magnetic sensors and is able to perform the monitoring of gait parameters in real time, was validated and calibrated. Posteriorly, this system was used to collect data from healthy subjects that mimicked Fs. Results have shown that the accuracy of the classifiers was quite acceptable, and the neural networks based classifier presented the best results with 92.71% of accuracy. As future work, it is proposed to apply these strategies in real time in order to avoid the occurrence of falls.As quedas são um problema predominante na sociedade atual. O número de quedas tem aumentado bastante nos últimos quinze anos. Algumas quedas resultam em lesões e o custo associado ao seu tratamento é alto. No entanto, trata-se de um problema complexo que requer várias etapas a serem abordadas. Ou seja, é crucial desenvolver estratégias que reconheçam o modo de locomoção, indicando o estado do sujeito em várias situações, nomeadamente, marcha normal, passo antes da queda (pré-queda) e situação de queda. Assim, esta tese tem como objetivo desenvolver uma estratégia capaz de identificar essas situações com base num sistema wearable que colete informações e analise a marcha humana. A estratégia consiste, essencialmente, na construção e utilização de Associative Skill Memories (ASMs) como ferramenta para reconhecimento dos modos de locomoção. Consequentemente, numa fase inicial, foram estudadas as capacidades das ASMs para os diferentes modos de locomoção. Depois, foi desenvolvido um classificador baseado em ASMs. Posteriormente, um classificador de redes neuronais baseado em deep learning foi utilizado para classificar, de forma semelhante, os mesmos modos de locomoção. Deep learning é uma técnica bastante utilizada em classificação de dados. Estes classificadores foram implementados e comparados, fornecendo a uma ferramenta com uma boa precisão no reconhecimento dos modos de locomoção. Para implementar esta estratégia, era necessário realizar previamente um trabalho de suporte extremamente importante. Um sistema de unidades de medição inercial (IMUs), foi escolhido devido ao seu potencial extremo para monitorizar as atividades ambulatórias no ambiente domiciliar. Este sistema que combina sensores inerciais e magnéticos e é capaz de efetuar a monitorização de parâmetros da marcha em tempo real, foi validado e calibrado. Posteriormente, este Sistema foi usado para adquirir dados da marcha de indivíduos saudáveis que imitiram quedas. Os resultados mostraram que a precisão dos classificadores foi bastante aceitável e o classificador baseado em redes neuronais apresentou os melhores resultados com 92.71% de precisão. Como trabalho futuro, propõe-se a aplicação destas estratégias em tempo real de forma a evitar a ocorrência de quedas

    Smart Monitoring and Control in the Future Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and related technologies have the promise of realizing pervasive and smart applications which, in turn, have the potential of improving the quality of life of people living in a connected world. According to the IoT vision, all things can cooperate amongst themselves and be managed from anywhere via the Internet, allowing tight integration between the physical and cyber worlds and thus improving efficiency, promoting usability, and opening up new application opportunities. Nowadays, IoT technologies have successfully been exploited in several domains, providing both social and economic benefits. The realization of the full potential of the next generation of the Internet of Things still needs further research efforts concerning, for instance, the identification of new architectures, methodologies, and infrastructures dealing with distributed and decentralized IoT systems; the integration of IoT with cognitive and social capabilities; the enhancement of the sensing–analysis–control cycle; the integration of consciousness and awareness in IoT environments; and the design of new algorithms and techniques for managing IoT big data. This Special Issue is devoted to advancements in technologies, methodologies, and applications for IoT, together with emerging standards and research topics which would lead to realization of the future Internet of Things