1,279 research outputs found

    Characterization of Internet Traffic and User Classification: Foundations for the Next Generation of Network Emulation

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    Rigorous experimentation is emerging as the preferred method for validating the benefits of protocols, especially those affecting quality of service. The emulation of traffic generators provides a compact and efficient method for testing protocols and techniques in a realistic context. Models of user behavior serve as the basis for the trafgen traffic emulator and are subject to refinement as our knowledge expands. The project in this study uses a layered approach to study different Internet applications and protocols including the hypertext transfer protocol, http

    Combatting Advanced Persistent Threat via Causality Inference and Program Analysis

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    Cyber attackers are becoming more and more sophisticated. In particular, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is a new class of attack that targets a specifc organization and compromises systems over a long time without being detected. Over the years, we have seen notorious examples of APTs including Stuxnet which disrupted Iranian nuclear centrifuges and data breaches affecting millions of users. Investigating APT is challenging as it occurs over an extended period of time and the attack process is highly sophisticated and stealthy. Also, preventing APTs is diffcult due to ever-expanding attack vectors. In this dissertation, we present proposals for dealing with challenges in attack investigation. Specifcally, we present LDX which conducts precise counter-factual causality inference to determine dependencies between system calls (e.g., between input and output system calls) and allows investigators to determine the origin of an attack (e.g., receiving a spam email) and the propagation path of the attack, and assess the consequences of the attack. LDX is four times more accurate and two orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art taint analysis techniques. Moreover, we then present a practical model-based causality inference system, MCI, which achieves precise and accurate causality inference without requiring any modifcation or instrumentation in end-user systems. Second, we show a general protection system against a wide spectrum of attack vectors and methods. Specifcally, we present A2C that prevents a wide range of attacks by randomizing inputs such that any malicious payloads contained in the inputs are corrupted. The protection provided by A2C is both general (e.g., against various attack vectors) and practical (7% runtime overhead)

    Usage Bibliometrics

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    Scholarly usage data provides unique opportunities to address the known shortcomings of citation analysis. However, the collection, processing and analysis of usage data remains an area of active research. This article provides a review of the state-of-the-art in usage-based informetric, i.e. the use of usage data to study the scholarly process.Comment: Publisher's PDF (by permission). Publisher web site: books.infotoday.com/asist/arist44.shtm

    Characterization of ISP Traffic: Trends, User Habits, and Access Technology Impact

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    In the recent years, the research community has increased its focus on network monitoring which is seen as a key tool to understand the Internet and the Internet users. Several studies have presented a deep characterization of a particular application, or a particular network, considering the point of view of either the ISP, or the Internet user. In this paper, we take a different perspective. We focus on three European countries where we have been collecting traffic for more than a year and a half through 5 vantage points with different access technologies. This humongous amount of information allows us not only to provide precise, multiple, and quantitative measurements of "What the user do with the Internet" in each country but also to identify common/uncommon patterns and habits across different countries and nations. Considering different time scales, we start presenting the trend of application popularity; then we focus our attention to a one-month long period, and further drill into a typical daily characterization of users activity. Results depict an evolving scenario due to the consolidation of new services as Video Streaming and File Hosting and to the adoption of new P2P technologies. Despite the heterogeneity of the users, some common tendencies emerge that can be leveraged by the ISPs to improve their servic

    Intrusion detection system alert correlation with operating system level logs

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Computer Engineering, Izmir, 2009Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 63-66)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishvii, 67 leavesInternet is a global public network. More and more people are getting connected to the Internet every day to take advantage of the Internetwork connectivity. It also brings in a lot of risk on the Internet because there are both harmless and harmful users on the Internet. While an organization makes its information system available to harmless Internet users, at the same time the information is available to the malicious users as well. Most organizations deploy firewalls to protect their private network from the public network. But, no network can be hundred percent secured. This is because; the connectivity requires some kind of access to be granted on the internal systems to Internet users. The firewall provides security by allowing only specific services through it. The firewall implements defined rules to each packet reaching to its network interface. The IDS complements the firewall security by detected if someone tries to break in through the firewall or manages to break in the firewall security and tried to have access on any system in the trusted site and alerted the system administrator in case there is a breach in security. However, at present, IDSs suffer from several limitations. To address these limitations and learn network security threats, it is necessary to perform alert correlation. Alert correlation focuses on discovering various relationships between individual alerts. Intrusion alert correlation techniques correlate alerts into meaningful groups or attack scenarios for ease to understand by human analysts. In order to be sure about the alert correlation working properly, this thesis proposed to use attack scenarios by correlating alerts on the basis of prerequisites and consequences of intrusions. The architecture of the experimental environment based on the prerequisites and consequences of different types of attacks, the proposed approach correlates alerts by matching the consequence of some previous alerts and the prerequisite of some later ones with OS-level logs. As a result, the accuracy of the proposed method and its advantage demonstrated to focus on building IDS alert correlation with OS-level logs in information security systems

    Intelligent multi-agent system for intrusion detection and countermeasures

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    Intelligent mobile agent systems offer a new approach to implementing intrusion detection systems (IDS). The prototype intrusion detection system, MAIDS, demonstrates the benefits of an agent-based IDS, including distributing the computational effort, reducing the amount of information sent over the network, platform independence, asynchronous operation, and modularity offering ease of updates. Anomaly detection agents use machine learning techniques to detect intrusions; one such agent processes streams of system calls from privileged processes. Misuse detection agents match known problems and correlate events to detect intrusions. Agents report intrusions to other agents and to the system administrator through the graphical user interface (GUI);A sound basis has been created for the intrusion detection system. Intrusions have been modeled using the Software Fault Tree Analysis (SFTA) technique; when augmented with constraint nodes describing trust, contextual, and temporal relationships, the SFTA forms a basis for stating the requirements of the intrusion detection system. Colored Petri Nets (CPN) have been created to model the design of the Intrusion Detection System. Algorithmic transformations are used to create CPN templates from augmented SFT and to create implementation templates from CPNs. The implementation maintains the CPN semantics in the distributed agent-based intrusion detection system

    Probabilistic Modeling and Inference for Obfuscated Network Attack Sequences

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    Prevalent computing devices with networking capabilities have become critical network infrastructure for government, industry, academia and every-day life. As their value rises, the motivation driving network attacks on this infrastructure has shifted from the pursuit of notoriety to the pursuit of profit or political gains, leading to network attack on various scales. Facing diverse network attack strategies and overwhelming alters, much work has been devoted to correlate observed malicious events to pre-defined scenarios, attempting to deduce the attack plans based on expert models of how network attacks may transpire. We started the exploration of characterizing network attacks by investigating how temporal and spatial features of attack sequence can be used to describe different types of attack sources in real data set. Attack sequence models were built from real data set to describe different attack strategies. Based on the probabilistic attack sequence model, attack predictions were made to actively predict next possible actions. Experiments through attack predictions have revealed that sophisticated attackers can employ a number of obfuscation techniques to confuse the alert correlation engine or classifier. Unfortunately, most exiting work treats attack obfuscations by developing ad-hoc fixes to specific obfuscation technique. To this end, we developed an attack modeling framework that enables a systematical analysis of obfuscations. The proposed framework represents network attack strategies as general finite order Markov models and integrates it with different attack obfuscation models to form probabilistic graphical model models. A set of algorithms is developed to inference the network attack strategies given the models and the observed sequences, which are likely to be obfuscated. The algorithms enable an efficient analysis of the impact of different obfuscation techniques and attack strategies, by determining the expected classification accuracy of the obfuscated sequences. The algorithms are developed by integrating the recursion concept in dynamic programming and the Monte-Carlo method. The primary contributions of this work include the development of the formal framework and the algorithms to evaluate the impact of attack obfuscations. Several knowledge-driven attack obfuscation models are developed and analyzed to demonstrate the impact of different types of commonly used obfuscation techniques. The framework and algorithms developed in this work can also be applied to other contexts beyond network security. Any behavior sequences that might suffer from noise and require matching to pre-defined models can use this work to recover the most likely original sequence or evaluate quantitatively the expected classification accuracy one can achieve to separate the sequences

    Network-based APT profiler

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    Constant innovation in attack methods presents a significant problem for the security community which struggles to remain current in attack prevention, detection and response. The practice of threat hunting provides a proactive approach to identify and mitigate attacks in real-time before the attackers complete their objective. In this research, I present a matrix of adversary techniques inspired by MITRE’s ATT&CK matrix. This study allows threat hunters to classify the actions of advanced persistent threats (APTs) according to network-based behaviors