9 research outputs found

    Neural opinion dynamics model for the prediction of user-level stance dynamics

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    Social media platforms allow users to express their opinions towards various topics online. Oftentimes, users' opinions are not static, but might be changed over time due to the influences from their neighbors in social networks or updated based on arguments encountered that undermine their beliefs. In this paper, we propose to use a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to model each user's posting behaviors on Twitter and incorporate their neighbors' topic-associated context as attention signals using an attention mechanism for user-level stance prediction. Moreover, our proposed model operates in an online setting in that its parameters are continuously updated with the Twitter stream data and can be used to predict user's topic-dependent stance. Detailed evaluation on two Twitter datasets, related to Brexit and US General Election, justifies the superior performance of our neural opinion dynamics model over both static and dynamic alternatives for user-level stance prediction

    Sentiment Analysis: An Overview from Linguistics

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    Sentiment analysis is a growing field at the intersection of linguistics and computer science, which attempts to automatically determine the sentiment, or positive/negative opinion, contained in text. Sentiment can be characterized as positive or negative evaluation expressed through language. Common applications of sentiment analysis include the automatic determination of whether a review posted online (of a movie, a book, or a consumer product) is positive or negative towards the item being reviewed. Sentiment analysis is now a common tool in the repertoire of social media analysis carried out by companies, marketers and political analysts. Research on sentiment analysis extracts information from positive and negative words in text, from the context of those words, and the linguistic structure of the text. This brief survey examines in particular the contributions that linguistic knowledge can make to the problem of automatically determining sentiment

    Modeling User Arguments, Interactions, and Attributes for Stance Prediction in Online Debate Forums

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    <p>Online debate forums are important social media for people to voice their opinions and debate with each other. Mining user stances or viewpoints from these forums has been a popular research topic. However, most current work does not address an important problem: for a specific issue, there may not be many users participating and expressing their opinions. Despite the sparsity of user stances, users may provide rich side information; for example, users may write arguments to back up their stances, interact with each other, and provide biographical information. In this work, we propose an integrated model to leverage side information. Our proposed method is a regression-based latent factor model which jointly models user arguments, interactions, and attributes. Our method can perform stance prediction for both warm-start and cold-start users. We demonstrate in experiments that our method has promising results on both micro-level and macro-level stance prediction.</p

    Stance detection on social media: State of the art and trends

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    Stance detection on social media is an emerging opinion mining paradigm for various social and political applications in which sentiment analysis may be sub-optimal. There has been a growing research interest for developing effective methods for stance detection methods varying among multiple communities including natural language processing, web science, and social computing. This paper surveys the work on stance detection within those communities and situates its usage within current opinion mining techniques in social media. It presents an exhaustive review of stance detection techniques on social media, including the task definition, different types of targets in stance detection, features set used, and various machine learning approaches applied. The survey reports state-of-the-art results on the existing benchmark datasets on stance detection, and discusses the most effective approaches. In addition, this study explores the emerging trends and different applications of stance detection on social media. The study concludes by discussing the gaps in the current existing research and highlights the possible future directions for stance detection on social media.Comment: We request withdrawal of this article sincerely. We will re-edit this paper. Please withdraw this article before we finish the new versio

    Prediction, Recommendation and Group Analytics Models in the domain of Mashup Services and Cyber-Argumentation Platform

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    Mashup application development is becoming a widespread software development practice due to its appeal for a shorter application development period. Application developers usually use web APIs from different sources to create a new streamlined service and provide various features to end-users. This kind of practice saves time, ensures reliability, accuracy, and security in the developed applications. Mashup application developers integrate these available APIs into their applications. Still, they have to go through thousands of available web APIs and chose only a few appropriate ones for their application. Recommending relevant web APIs might help application developers in this situation. However, very low API invocation from mashup applications creates a sparse mashup-web API dataset for the recommendation models to learn about the mashups and their web API invocation pattern. One research aims to analyze these mashup-specific critical issues, look for supplemental information in the mashup domain, and develop web API recommendation models for mashup applications. The developed recommendation model generates useful and accurate web APIs to reduce the impact of low API invocations in mashup application development. Cyber-Argumentation platform also faces a similarly challenging issue. In large-scale cyber argumentation platforms, participants express their opinions, engage with one another, and respond to feedback and criticism from others in discussing important issues online. Argumentation analysis tools capture the collective intelligence of the participants and reveal hidden insights from the underlying discussions. However, such analysis requires that the issues have been thoroughly discussed and participant’s opinions are clearly expressed and understood. Participants typically focus only on a few ideas and leave others unacknowledged and underdiscussed. This generates a limited dataset to work with, resulting in an incomplete analysis of issues in the discussion. One solution to this problem would be to develop an opinion prediction model for cyber-argumentation. This model would predict participant’s opinions on different ideas that they have not explicitly engaged. In cyber-argumentation, individuals interact with each other without any group coordination. However, the implicit group interaction can impact the participating user\u27s opinion, attitude, and discussion outcome. One of the objectives of this research work is to analyze different group analytics in the cyber-argumentation environment. The objective is to design an experiment to inspect whether the critical concepts of the Social Identity Model of Deindividuation Effects (SIDE) are valid in our argumentation platform. This experiment can help us understand whether anonymity and group sense impact user\u27s behavior in our platform. Another section is about developing group interaction models to help us understand different aspects of group interactions in the cyber-argumentation platform. These research works can help develop web API recommendation models tailored for mashup-specific domains and opinion prediction models for the cyber-argumentation specific area. Primarily these models utilize domain-specific knowledge and integrate them with traditional prediction and recommendation approaches. Our work on group analytic can be seen as the initial steps to understand these group interactions

    Mining user viewpoints in online discussions

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