19 research outputs found

    Modeling Forest Aboveground Biomass and Volume Using Airborne LiDAR Metrics and Forest Inventory and Analysis Data in the Pacific Northwest

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    The United States Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program provides a diverse selection of data used to assess the status of the nation’s forests using sample locations dispersed throughout the country. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) systems are capable of producing accurate measurements of individual tree dimensions and also possess the ability to characterize forest structure in three dimensions. This study investigates the potential of discrete return ALS data for modeling forest aboveground biomass (AGBM) and gross volume (gV) at FIA plot locations in the Malheur National Forest, eastern Oregon utilizing three analysis levels: (1) individual subplot (r = 7.32 m); (2) plot, comprising four clustered subplots; and (3) hectare plot (r = 56.42 m). A methodology for the creation of three point cloud-based airborne LiDAR metric sets is presented. Models for estimating AGBM and gV based on LiDAR-derived height metrics were built and validated utilizing FIA estimates of AGBM and gV derived using regional allometric equations. Simple linear regression models based on the plot-level analysis out performed subplot-level and hectare-level models, producing R2 values of 0.83 and 0.81 for AGBM and gV, utilizing mean height and the 90th height percentile as predictors, respectively. Similar results were found for multiple regression models, where plot-level analysis produced models with R2 values of 0.87 and 0.88 for AGBM and gV, utilizing multiple height percentile metrics as predictor variables. Results suggest that the current FIA plot design can be used with dense airborne LiDAR data to produce area-based estimates of AGBM and gV, and that the increased spatial scale of hectare plots may be inappropriate for modeling AGBM of gV unless exhaustive tree tallies are available. Overall, this study demonstrates that ALS data can be used to create models that describe the AGBM and gV of Pacific Northwest FIA plots and highlights the potential of estimates derived from ALS data to augment current FIA data collection procedures by providing a temporary intermediate estimation of AGBM and gV for plots with outdated field measurements

    Аллометрические модели фитомассы деревьев лиственных пород Евразии и перспективы их использования при дистанционном зондировании лесов

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    Впервые сформирована база данных о фитомассе в количестве 347 модельных деревьев 18 листопадных древесных и кустарниковых пород Евразии на территории от Великобритании до Японии и Китая, включающей показатели массы ее компонентов, высоты дерева, диаметров ствола и кроны. Поскольку при наземной таксации фитомассы наиболее информативны показатели высоты и диаметра ствола, а при лазерной локации - показатели высоты и диаметра кроны дерева, выполнена сравнительная оценка объяснительной способности двух моделей и соответственно двух способов таксации фитомассы деревьев: lnPi = a0 + a1 lnH + a2 lnDcr, (1) lnPi = a0 + a1 lnH + a2 lnDBH, (2) где Pi - фитомасса в абсолютно сухом состоянии ствола в коре, ветвей, листвы, надземная и подземная (корни) (соответственно Pst, Pbr, Pf, Pa and Pr), кг; H – высота дерева, м; Dcr – диаметр кроны, м; DBH – диаметр ствола на высоте груди, см. Путём сравнения ошибок и коэффициентов детерминации двух уравнений установлено, что оценка фитомассы листвы, ветвей и корней деревьев по моделям (1) и (2) выполняется примерно с одинаковой точностью, но масса ствола и надземная по модели (2) оценивается на 4% точнее, чем по первой. Однако эта более низкая объяснительная способность модели (1) по отношению к (2) компенсируется очевидным преимуществом дистанционной локации – несопоставимой с наземной таксацией скоростью обработки данных в режиме реального времени, которую обеспечивает лазерно-локационный метод. Это даёт возможность оценивать изменение углеродного пула лесных фитоценозов на той или иной территории в ходе её периодических облёто

    Совершенствование системы противопожарного мониторинга лесов путем расширения информационно-технологических возможностей современных квадрокоптеров

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    The article proposes a solution to an important problem - the development of an information technology based on expanding the functionality of non-specialized unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) for early detection of forest fires. The proposed information technology is designed to increase the effectiveness of monitoring forest fires. Тhe existing level of information technology does not fully settle the issue of reliable fire protection of forests. Today, there is a contradiction between the high cost of developing high-tech fire-fighting equipment and lack of its efficiency. The elimination of this contradiction will be facilitated by the involvement of additional non-technical and technical resources in the information technology of early detection of forest fire hotspots. The results of the analysis of the use of modern drones prove that the involvement of unmanned aerial vehicles significantly increases the efficiency of many types of monitoring and they can successfully be used to solve the problems of early detection of forest fire hotspots. The results of experiments are presented, which were carried out both for a series of digital images and for video

    Accuracy of tree geometric parameters depending on the LiDAR data density

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to compare geometric parameters of olive trees (tree height, crown base height, crown diameters, crown area), using LiDAR data of different densities: 0.5, 3.5 and 9 points m(-2). Two strategies were proposed and verified with a focus on raster and raw data analysis. Statistical tests have shown, that for the tree height and crown base height estimation, the choice of strategy was irrelevant, but denser LiDAR data provided more accurate results. The raster analysis strategy applied for sparse and dense LiDAR datasets allowed crown shape to be determined with a similar accuracy which means raster data are useful for estimating other indirect tree parameters. The quality of results was independent from the tree size.The authors appreciate the financial support provided by the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia [Grant PAID-06-12-3297; SP20120534].Hadás, E.; Estornell Cremades, J. (2016). Accuracy of tree geometric parameters depending on the LiDAR data density. European Journal of Remote Sensing. 49:73-92. https://doi.org/10.5721/EuJRS20164905S73924

    Estimation of Walnut Structure Parameters Using Terrestrial Photogrammetry Based on Structure-from-Motion (SfM)

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    [EN] Remote sensing techniques are increasingly used for crop monitoring to improve the profitability of plantations. These studies are mainly based on spectral information recorded by satellites or unmanned aerial vehicles. However, the development of Earth Observation Systems capable of retrieving 3D point clouds at an affordable cost enables the possibility of exploring new approaches in agriculture. In this context, more research is required to analyze the capability of 3D data for inventory, management and prediction of inputs (water, fertilizers and pesticides) and outputs (production, biomass) of fruit plantations. To do this, the complete representation of each tree contribute to extract the main geometric parameters. The objective of this work is to obtain regression models to estimate total height (H-t), crown height (H-c), stem diameter (D-s), crown diameter (D-c), stem volume (V-s) and crown volume (V-c) from 45 walnut specimens. For this, 3D models were computed for these trees by applying ground-based Structure from Motion (SfM). A circular photogrammetric survey of each tree was carried out using a standard digital camera and three-dimensional point clouds were retrieved for each tree. From these data, the tree parameters were computed. Linear regression models were obtained to estimate H-t, H-c, D-s, D-c, V-s and V-c, with R-2 values between 0.89 and 0.99. The results showed accurate fits between field parameters and those derived from 3D point clouds retrieved from SfM technique, indicating the applicability of this cost-effective method to model walnut trees and to extract their accurate parameters without costly field campaigns.Fernández-Sarría, A.; López- Cortés, I.; Marti-Gavila, J.; Estornell Cremades, J. (2022). Estimation of Walnut Structure Parameters Using Terrestrial Photogrammetry Based on Structure-from-Motion (SfM). Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. 50(10):1931-1944. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-022-01576-x193119445010Arnó, J., Masip, J., & Rosell-Polo, J. R. (2015). Influence of the scanned side of the row in terrestrial laser sensor applications in vineyards: Practical consequences. Precision Agriculture, 16(2), 119–128. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-014-9364-7Arnó, J., Vallès, J. M., Llorens, J., Sanz, R., Masip, J., Palacín, J., & Rosell-Polo, J. R. (2013). Leaf area index estimation in vineyards using a ground-based LiDAR scanner. Precision Agriculture, 14(3), 290–306. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-012-9295-0Auat Cheein, F., Guivant, J., Sanz, R., Escolà, A., Yandún, F., Torres-Torriti, M., & Rosell-Polo, J. R. (2015). Real-time approaches for characterization of fully and partially scanned canopies in groves. COMPAG, 118, 361–371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2015.09.017Bork, E. W., & Su, J. G. (2007). Integrating LiDAR data and multispectral imagery for enhanced classification of rangeland vegetation: A meta analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment, 111, 11–24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2007.03.011Brede, B., Calders, K., Lau, A., Raumonen, P., Bartholomeus, H., Herold, M., & Kooistra, L. (2019). Non-destructivetree volume estimation through quantitative structure modelling: Comparing UAV laser scanning with terrestrial LIDAR. Remote Sensing of Environment, 233, 111355. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.111355Cadena, C., Carlone, L., Carrillo, H., Latif, Y., Scaramuzza, D., Neira, J., Reid, I., & Leonard, J. J. (2016). Past, present, and future of simultaneous localization and mapping: Toward the robust-perception age. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 32, 1309–1332. https://doi.org/10.1109/tro.2016.2624754Calders, K., Newnham, G., Burt, A., Murphy, S., Raumonen, P., Herold, M., Culvenor, D., Avitabile, V., Disney, M., Armston, J., & Kaasalainen, M. (2015). Nondestructive estimates of above-ground biomass using terrestrial laser scanning. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 198–208. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.12301Chang, A., Jung, J., Maeda, M. M., & Landivar, J. (2017). Crop height monitoring with digital imagery from unmanned aerial system (UAS). COMPAG, 141, 232–237. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2017.07.008Cunliffe, A. M., Brazier, R. E., & Anderson, K. (2016). Ultra-fine grain landscape-scale quantification of dryland vegetation structure with drone-acquired structure-from-motion photogrammetry. Remote Sensing of Environment, 183, 129–143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2016.05.019Dalla, A., Rex, F., Almeida, D., Sanquetta, C., Silva, C., Moura, M., Wilkinson, B., et al. (2020). Measuring individual tree diameter and height using gatoreyehigh-density UAV-lidar in an integrated crop-livestock-forest system. Remote Sensing, 12, 863. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12050863De Eugenio, A., Fernández-Landa, A., & Merino-de-Miguel, S. 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Lidar methods for measurement of trees in urban forests. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 12(4), 046009. https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JRS.12.046009Fernández-Sarría, A., López-Cortés, I., Estornell, J., Velázquez-Martí, B., & Salazar, D. (2019). Estimating residual biomass of olive tree crops using terrestrial laser scanning. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 75, 163–170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2018.10.019Fernández-Sarría, A., Martínez, L., Velázquez-Martí, B., Sajdak, M., Estornell, J., & Recio, J. A. (2013). Different methodologies for calculating crown volumes of Platanus hispanica trees using terrestrial laser scanner and a comparison with classical dendrometric measurements. COMPAG, 90, 176–185.Gené-Mola, J., Gregorio López, E., Auat Cheein, F. A., Guevara, J., Llorens Calveras, J., Sanz Cortiella, R., & Rosell Polo, J. R. (2020). Fruit detection, yield prediction and canopy geometric characterization using LiDAR with forced air flow. 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    Biomass forest modelling using UAV LiDAR data under fire effect

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais / Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade de LisboaThe main goal of the study is to analyse the possibility of quantifying the loss of biomass in burned forest stands using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. Since wildfires are not uncommon in Mediterranean areas, it is useful to quantify the magnitude of fire damage in forests. With the use of remote sensing, it is possible to plan post-fire recovery management and to quantify the losses of biomass and carbon stock. Mata Nacional de Leiria (MNL) was chosen, because, after the fire in October 2017, it showed areas with low and medium-high fire severity. MNL is divided in several rectangular management units (MU). To achieve our objective, it was necessary to find a MU with burned and unburned areas. In this selection process, we used Sentinel-2 images. The fire severity was estimated by deriving a spectral index related with the effects of fire and to compute the temporal difference (pre- minus post-fire) of this index, the delta normalized burn ratio (DNBR). Forest inventory was carried out in four plots installed in the selected MU. Allometric equations were used to estimate values of stand aboveground biomass. These values were used to fit a relationship with data extracted from LiDAR cloud metrics. The LiDAR data were acquired with a VLP-16 Velodyne LiDAR PUCK™ mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) at an altitude of 60 m above the ground. The point clouds were then processed with the FUSION software until a cloud metrics was generated and then regression models were used to fit equations related to LiDAR-derived parameters. Two biomass equations were fit, one with the whole tree metrics having a R² = 0,95 and a second one only considering the tree crown metrics presenting a R² = 0,93. The state of the forest (unburned/burned) was significant on the final equationN/

    An IPCC-Compliant Technique for Forest Carbon Stock Assessment Using Airborne LiDAR-Derived Tree Metrics and Competition Index

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    This study developed an IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) compliant method for the estimation of above-ground carbon (AGC) in forest stands using remote sensing technology. A multi-level morphological active contour (MMAC) algorithm was employed to obtain tree-level metrics (tree height (LH), crown radius (LCR), competition index (LCI), and stem diameter (LDBH)) from an airborne LiDAR-derived canopy height model. Seven biomass-based AGC models and 13 volume-based AGC models were developed using a training dataset and validated using a separate validation dataset. Four accuracy measures, mean absolute error (MAE), root-mean-square error (RMSE), percentage RMSE (PRMSE), and root-mean-square percentage error (RMSPE) were calculated for each of the 20 models. These measures were transformed into a new index, accuracy improvement percentage (AIP), for post hoc testing of model performance in estimating forest stand AGC stock. Results showed that the tree-level AGC models explained 84% to 91% of the variance in tree-level AGC within the training dataset. Prediction errors (RMSEs) for these models ranged between 15 ton/ha and 210 ton/ha in mature forest stands, which is equal to an error percentage in the range 6% to 86%. At the stand-level, several models achieved accurate and reliable predictions of AGC stock. Some models achieved 90% to 95% accuracy, which was equal to or superior to the R-squared of the tree-level AGC models. The first recommended model was a biomass-based model using the metrics LDBH, LH, and LCI and the others were volume-based models using LH, LCI, and LCR and LDBH and LH. One metric, LCI, played a critical role in upgrading model performance when banded together with LH and LCR or LDBH and LCR. We conclude by proposing an IPCC-compatible method that is suitable for calculating tree-level AGC and predicting AGC stock of forest stands from airborne LiDAR data

    Developing an Enhanced Forest Inventory in Maine Using Airborne Laser Scanning: The Role of Calibration Plot Design and Data Quality

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    Forests provide essential ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, clean water, lumber, and more. It is important that foresters be able to collect accurate forest inventories, especially in a changing climate. Foresters need to know what is in the forest not only to manage for the economic benefits, but also to manage for social acceptability and ecological soundness to prevent further degradation of these ecosystem services. One way to collect accurate and precise forest inventories is through the utilization of remote sensing products. These enhanced forest inventories (EFIs) can be done at varying resolutions that are contingent on the plot design creating wall-to-wall raster data and thus, complete spatial knowledge of these estimates can be determined. A popular remote sensing product to be used to create EFIs is airborne laser scanning (ALS). Although best practices guides have been created in other countries, research on the best plot type and design has not been done for Maine’ structurally diverse and intensively managed forests. The goal of this study was to investigate a range of forest designs to determine the best ground-based calibration plot specifications for developing EFI models from ALS data in Maine. We developed a model that compared fixed versus variable radius plots, sampling size and intensity, and sample design with ALS data to map EFI variables like percent softwood, volume, BA, and tree count. Data were collected from the Penobscot Experimental Forest (PEF) in summer 2022 that had two different plot types, two sample sizes and sampling intensities, and two different sample designs. Data from other study sites were provided to us from our partners that only included one plot type, sample size and intensity, and sample design each. For validation, we used data collected in the Demeritt Forest also in summer 2022. We assessed R2, root mean square error (RMSE), coefficient of variation (CV), and mean bias for models with varying forest inventory designs to establish the best calibration plot for ALS in our study areas. It was determined that a principal component analysis for plot placement gave better model results than randomly placed plots. Also, fixed radius plots (FRPs) and a smaller sample size generated better evaluation statistics when predicting percent softwood, volume, and tree count in the PEF. In contrast, VRPs with a smaller sample size provided better model outcomes when predicting basal area (BA). Once the best forest inventory calibration plot design was identified and validated, we applied it to the PEF to estimate aboveground biomass. Although there were obvious trends in our results, there is still more research to be done to ensure that our potential recommendations are correct. It seems that there was better model performance in spruce-fir forest types than other forest types like oak-pine. Our results provide insights on an optimal approach for specific conditions and underscore the importance of future research to assist decision-making on plot type and sample design for the broad range of conditions on forested landscapes in Maine

    Land of 10,000 pixels: applications of remote sensing & geospatial data to improve forest management in northern Minnesota, USA

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    2018 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.The use of remote sensing and geospatial data has become commonplace in a wide variety of ecological applications. However, the utility of these applications is often limited by field sampling design or the constraints on spatial resolution inherent in remote sensing technology. Because land managers require map products that more accurately reflect habitat composition at local, operational levels there is a need to overcome these limitations and improve upon currently available data products. This study addresses this need through two unique applications demonstrating the ability of remote sensing to enhance operational forest management at local scales. In the first chapter, remote sensing products were evaluated to improve upon regional estimates of the spatial configuration, extent, and distribution of black ash from forest inventory and analysis (FIA) survey data. To do this, spectral and topographic indices, as well as ancillary geospatial data were combined with FIA survey information in a non-parametric modeling framework to predict the presence and absence of black ash dominated stands in northern Minnesota, USA. The final model produced low error rates (Overall: 14.5%, Presence: 14.3%, Absence: 14.6%; AUC: 0.92) and was strongly informed by an optimized set of predictors related to soil saturation and seasonal growth patterns. The model allowed the production of accurate, fine-scale presence/absence maps of black ash stand dominance that can ultimately be used in support of invasive species risk management. In the second chapter, metrics from low-density LiDAR were evaluated for improving upon estimates of forest canopy attributes traditionally accessed through the LANDFIRE program. To do this, LiDAR metrics were combined with a Landsat time-series derived canopy cover layer in random forest k-nearest neighbor imputation approach to estimate canopy bulk density, two measures of canopy base height, and stand age across the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in northern Minnesota, USA. These models produced strong relationships between the estimates of canopy fuel attributes and field-based data for stand age (R2 = 0.82, RMSE = 10.12 years), crown fuel base height (R2 = 0.79, RMSE = 1.10 m.), live crown base height (R2 = 0.71, RMSE 1.60 m.), and canopy bulk density (R2 = 0.58, RMSE 0.09 kg/m3). An additional standard randomForest model of canopy height was less successful (R2 = 0.33, RMSE 2.08 m). The map products generated from these models improve upon the accuracy of national available canopy fuel products and provide local forest managers with cost-efficient and operationally ready data required to simulate fire behavior and support management efforts

    Mapping forest structure in Mississippi using LiDAR remote sensing

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    This study aimed at evaluating the agreement of spaceborne Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) ICESat-2 canopy height with Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) derived canopy height to inform about the performance of ICESat-2 canopy height metrics and understand its uncertainties and utilities. The agreement was assessed for different forest types, physiographic regions, a range of percent canopy cover, and diverse disturbance histories. Results of this study suggest that best agreements are found using strong beam data collected at night for canopy height retrieval using ICESat-2. The ICESat-2 showed great potential for estimating canopy heights, particularly in evergreen forests with high canopy cover. Statistical models were developed using fixed-effects and mixed-effects modeling approaches to predict ALS canopy height metrics using ICESat-2 parameters and other attributes. Overall, ICESat-2 showed good agreement with ALS canopy height and showed its predictive ability to characterize canopy height. The outcome of this study will help the scientific community understand the capabilities and limitations of ICESat-2 canopy heights; the study also provides a new approach to obtain wall-to-wall ALS standard canopy height maps at landscape level