183 research outputs found

    Edge Computing for Internet of Things

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    The Internet-of-Things is becoming an established technology, with devices being deployed in homes, workplaces, and public areas at an increasingly rapid rate. IoT devices are the core technology of smart-homes, smart-cities, intelligent transport systems, and promise to optimise travel, reduce energy usage and improve quality of life. With the IoT prevalence, the problem of how to manage the vast volumes of data, wide variety and type of data generated, and erratic generation patterns is becoming increasingly clear and challenging. This Special Issue focuses on solving this problem through the use of edge computing. Edge computing offers a solution to managing IoT data through the processing of IoT data close to the location where the data is being generated. Edge computing allows computation to be performed locally, thus reducing the volume of data that needs to be transmitted to remote data centres and Cloud storage. It also allows decisions to be made locally without having to wait for Cloud servers to respond

    Web services approach for ambient assisted living in mobile environments

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    Web services appeared as a promising technology for Web environments independent of technologies, services, and applications. First, a performance comparison study between the two most used Web service architectures, SOAP and REST, is presented, considering messages exchange between clients and a server. Based on this study, the REST architecture was chosen to deploy the system because it gets better results compared to SOAP architecture. Currently, there are some issues related with this approach that should be studied. For instance, if massive quantities of data are sent to databases it can influence significantly the performance of the whole system. The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMPQ) appears as a promising solution to address this problem. Then, in order to evaluate the performance of this approach, this work presents a performance evaluation and a comparison study of RESTful Web services and the AMQP Protocol considering exchanging messages between clients and a server. The study is based on the averaged exchanged messages for a certain period of time. It was observed and concluded that, for large quantities of messages exchange, the best results comes from the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol. Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) was addressed in this work because it is a similar protocol to AMQP but it can be used by mobile devices with a processing capacity smallest unlike the AMQP that needs greater processing capacity. These studies are performed in the context of Ambient Assisted Living environments, since the work was applied to this topic in order to experiment the effectiveness and evaluate the performance of these protocols in this scenario

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 25. Number 2.

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    Simulation as a method for asymptotic system behavior identification (e.g. water frog hemiclonal population systems)

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    Studying any system requires development of ways to describe the variety of its conditions. Such development includes three steps. The first one is to identify groups of similar systems (associative typology). The second one is to identify groups of objects which are similar in characteristics important for their description (analytic typology). The third one is to arrange systems into groups based on their predicted common future (dynamic typology). We propose a method to build such a dynamic topology for a system. The first step is to build a simulation model of studied systems. The model must be undetermined and simulate stochastic processes. The model generates distribution of the studied systems output parameters with the same initial parameters. We prove the correctness of the model by aligning the parameters sets generated by the model with the set of the original systems conditions evaluated empirically. In case of a close match between the two, we can presume that the model is adequately describing the dynamics of the studied systems. On the next stage, we should determine the probability distribution of the systems transformation outcome. Such outcomes should be defined based on the simulation of the transformation of the systems during the time sufficient to determine its fate. If the systems demonstrate asymptotic behavior, its phase space can be divided into pools corresponding to its different future state prediction. A dynamic typology is determined by which of these pools each system falls into. We implemented the pipeline described above to study water frog hemiclonal population systems. Water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) is an animal group displaying interspecific hybridization and non-mendelian inheritance

    Management of Cloud systems applied to eHealth

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    This thesis explores techniques, models and algorithms for an efficient management of Cloud systems and how to apply them to the healthcare sector in order to improve current treatments. It presents two Cloud-based eHealth applications to telemonitor and control smoke-quitting and hypertensive patients. Different Cloud-based models were obtained and used to develop a Cloudbased infrastructure where these applications are deployed. The results show that these applications improve current treatments and that can be scaled as computing requirements grow. Multiple Cloud architectures and models were analyzed and then implemented using different techniques and scenarios. The Smoking Patient Control (S-PC) tool was deployed and tested in a real environment, showing a 28.4% increase in long-term abstinence. The Hypertension Patient Control (H-PC) tool, was successfully designed and implemented, and the computing boundaries were measuredAquesta tesi explora tèniques, models i algorismes per una gestió eficient en sistemes al Núvol i com aplicar-ho en el sector de la salut per tal de millorar els tractaments actuals. Presenta dues aplicacions de salut electrònica basades en el Núvol per telemonitoritzar i controlar pacients fumadors i hipertensos. S'ha obtingut diferents models basats en el Núvol i s'han utilitzat per a desenvolupar una infraestructura on desplegar aquestes aplicacions. Els resultats mostren que aquestes aplicacions milloren els tractaments actuals així com escalen a mesura que els requeriments computacionals augmenten. Múltiples arquitectures i models han estat analitzats i implementats utilitzant diferents tècniques i escenaris. L'aplicació Smoking Patient Control (S-PC) ha estat desplegada i provada en un entorn real, aconseguint un augment del 28,4% en l'absistinència a llarg termini de pacients fumadors. L'aplicació Hypertension Patient Control (H-PC) ha estat dissenyada i implementada amb èxit, i els seus límits computacionals han estat mesurats.Esta tesis explora ténicas, modelos y algoritmos para una gestión eficiente de sistemas en la Nube y como aplicarlo en el sector de la salud con el fin de mejorar los tratamientos actuales. Presenta dos aplicaciones de salud electrónica basadas en la Nube para telemonitorizar y controlar pacientes fumadores e hipertensos. Se han obtenido diferentes modelos basados en la Nube y se han utilizado para desarrollar una infraestructura donde desplegar estas aplicaciones. Los resultados muestran que estas aplicaciones mejoran los tratamientos actuales así como escalan a medida que los requerimientos computacionales aumentan. Múltiples arquitecturas y modelos han sido analizados e implementados utilizando diferentes técnicas y escenarios. La aplicación Smoking Patient Control (S-PC) se ha desplegado y provado en un entorno real, consiguiendo un aumento del 28,4% en la abstinencia a largo plazo de pacientes fumadores. La aplicación Hypertension Patient Control (H-PC) ha sido diseñada e implementada con éxito, y sus límites computacionales han sido medidos

    Contributions to Edge Computing

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    Efforts related to Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Machine to Machine (M2M) technologies, Industrial Internet, and Smart Cities aim to improve society through the coordination of distributed devices and analysis of resulting data. By the year 2020 there will be an estimated 50 billion network connected devices globally and 43 trillion gigabytes of electronic data. Current practices of moving data directly from end-devices to remote and potentially distant cloud computing services will not be sufficient to manage future device and data growth. Edge Computing is the migration of computational functionality to sources of data generation. The importance of edge computing increases with the size and complexity of devices and resulting data. In addition, the coordination of global edge-to-edge communications, shared resources, high-level application scheduling, monitoring, measurement, and Quality of Service (QoS) enforcement will be critical to address the rapid growth of connected devices and associated data. We present a new distributed agent-based framework designed to address the challenges of edge computing. This actor-model framework implementation is designed to manage large numbers of geographically distributed services, comprised from heterogeneous resources and communication protocols, in support of low-latency real-time streaming applications. As part of this framework, an application description language was developed and implemented. Using the application description language a number of high-order management modules were implemented including solutions for resource and workload comparison, performance observation, scheduling, and provisioning. A number of hypothetical and real-world use cases are described to support the framework implementation

    An IoT based Virtual Coaching System (VSC) for Assisting Activities of Daily Life

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    Nowadays aging of the population is becoming one of the main concerns of theworld. It is estimated that the number of people aged over 65 will increase from 461million to 2 billion in 2050. This substantial increment in the elderly population willhave significant consequences in the social and health care system. Therefore, in thecontext of Ambient Intelligence (AmI), the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) has beenemerging as a new research area to address problems related to the aging of the population. AAL technologies based on embedded devices have demonstrated to be effectivein alleviating the social- and health-care issues related to the continuous growing of theaverage age of the population. Many smart applications, devices and systems have beendeveloped to monitor the health status of elderly, substitute them in the accomplishment of activities of the daily life (especially in presence of some impairment or disability),alert their caregivers in case of necessity and help them in recognizing risky situations.Such assistive technologies basically rely on the communication and interaction be-tween body sensors, smart environments and smart devices. However, in such contextless effort has been spent in designing smart solutions for empowering and supportingthe self-efficacy of people with neurodegenerative diseases and elderly in general. Thisthesis fills in the gap by presenting a low-cost, non intrusive, and ubiquitous VirtualCoaching System (VCS) to support people in the acquisition of new behaviors (e.g.,taking pills, drinking water, finding the right key, avoiding motor blocks) necessary tocope with needs derived from a change in their health status and a degradation of theircognitive capabilities as they age. VCS is based on the concept of extended mind intro-duced by Clark and Chalmers in 1998. They proposed the idea that objects within theenvironment function as a part of the mind. In my revisiting of the concept of extendedmind, the VCS is composed of a set of smart objects that exploit the Internet of Things(IoT) technology and machine learning-based algorithms, in order to identify the needsof the users and react accordingly. In particular, the system exploits smart tags to trans-form objects commonly used by people (e.g., pillbox, bottle of water, keys) into smartobjects, it monitors their usage according to their needs, and it incrementally guidesthem in the acquisition of new behaviors related to their needs. To implement VCS, thisthesis explores different research directions and challenges. First of all, it addresses thedefinition of a ubiquitous, non-invasive and low-cost indoor monitoring architecture byexploiting the IoT paradigm. Secondly, it deals with the necessity of developing solu-tions for implementing coaching actions and consequently monitoring human activitiesby analyzing the interaction between people and smart objects. Finally, it focuses on the design of low-cost localization systems for indoor environment, since knowing theposition of a person provides VCS with essential information to acquire information onperformed activities and to prevent risky situations. In the end, the outcomes of theseresearch directions have been integrated into a healthcare application scenario to imple-ment a wearable system that prevents freezing of gait in people affected by Parkinson\u2019sDisease

    Ami-deu : un cadre sémantique pour des applications adaptables dans des environnements intelligents

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    Cette thèse vise à étendre l’utilisation de l'Internet des objets (IdO) en facilitant le développement d’applications par des personnes non experts en développement logiciel. La thèse propose une nouvelle approche pour augmenter la sémantique des applications d’IdO et l’implication des experts du domaine dans le développement d’applications sensibles au contexte. Notre approche permet de gérer le contexte changeant de l’environnement et de générer des applications qui s’exécutent dans plusieurs environnements intelligents pour fournir des actions requises dans divers contextes. Notre approche est mise en œuvre dans un cadriciel (AmI-DEU) qui inclut les composants pour le développement d’applications IdO. AmI-DEU intègre les services d’environnement, favorise l’interaction de l’utilisateur et fournit les moyens de représenter le domaine d’application, le profil de l’utilisateur et les intentions de l’utilisateur. Le cadriciel permet la définition d’applications IoT avec une intention d’activité autodécrite qui contient les connaissances requises pour réaliser l’activité. Ensuite, le cadriciel génère Intention as a Context (IaaC), qui comprend une intention d’activité autodécrite avec des connaissances colligées à évaluer pour une meilleure adaptation dans des environnements intelligents. La sémantique de l’AmI-DEU est basée sur celle du ContextAA (Context-Aware Agents) – une plateforme pour fournir une connaissance du contexte dans plusieurs environnements. Le cadriciel effectue une compilation des connaissances par des règles et l'appariement sémantique pour produire des applications IdO autonomes capables de s’exécuter en ContextAA. AmI- DEU inclut également un outil de développement visuel pour le développement et le déploiement rapide d'applications sur ContextAA. L'interface graphique d’AmI-DEU adopte la métaphore du flux avec des aides visuelles pour simplifier le développement d'applications en permettant des définitions de règles étape par étape. Dans le cadre de l’expérimentation, AmI-DEU comprend un banc d’essai pour le développement d’applications IdO. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent une optimisation sémantique potentielle des ressources pour les applications IoT dynamiques dans les maisons intelligentes et les villes intelligentes. Notre approche favorise l'adoption de la technologie pour améliorer le bienêtre et la qualité de vie des personnes. Cette thèse se termine par des orientations de recherche que le cadriciel AmI-DEU dévoile pour réaliser des environnements intelligents omniprésents fournissant des adaptations appropriées pour soutenir les intentions des personnes.Abstract: This thesis aims at expanding the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) by facilitating the development of applications by people who are not experts in software development. The thesis proposes a new approach to augment IoT applications’ semantics and domain expert involvement in context-aware application development. Our approach enables us to manage the changing environment context and generate applications that run in multiple smart environments to provide required actions in diverse settings. Our approach is implemented in a framework (AmI-DEU) that includes the components for IoT application development. AmI- DEU integrates environment services, promotes end-user interaction, and provides the means to represent the application domain, end-user profile, and end-user intentions. The framework enables the definition of IoT applications with a self-described activity intention that contains the required knowledge to achieve the activity. Then, the framework generates Intention as a Context (IaaC), which includes a self-described activity intention with compiled knowledge to be assessed for augmented adaptations in smart environments. AmI-DEU framework semantics adopts ContextAA (Context-Aware Agents) – a platform to provide context-awareness in multiple environments. The framework performs a knowledge compilation by rules and semantic matching to produce autonomic IoT applications to run in ContextAA. AmI-DEU also includes a visual tool for quick application development and deployment to ContextAA. The AmI-DEU GUI adopts the flow metaphor with visual aids to simplify developing applications by allowing step-by-step rule definitions. As part of the experimentation, AmI-DEU includes a testbed for IoT application development. Experimental results show a potential semantic optimization for dynamic IoT applications in smart homes and smart cities. Our approach promotes technology adoption to improve people’s well-being and quality of life. This thesis concludes with research directions that the AmI-DEU framework uncovers to achieve pervasive smart environments providing suitable adaptations to support people’s intentions