9 research outputs found

    Estado del arte sobre los procesos de alfabetización en la comunidad sorda colombiana desde el año 2000 hasta el 2018

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    El presente trabajo de grado titulado Estado del Arte sobre los procesos de alfabetización de la comunidad sorda colombiana durante 2000-2018, presenta una búsqueda y análisis bibliográfico de la literatura producida en el contexto colombiano de los diferentes aspectos que se vinculan con la alfabetización de personas sordas. La teoría que se aborda en esta investigación se encuentra enmarcada dentro de dos ejes. Para empezar, se aborda la comprensión lectora, y dentro del capítulo se retoman los conceptos pertinentes a la enseñanza de lengua castellana en las instituciones educativas colombianas; de allí, se desprende la comprensión lectora en estudiantes sordos, en cuyo apartado se discuten los obstáculos que surgen en el proceso de aprendizaje de lectura en segunda lengua. Al final de esta sección, se desarrolla la idea de bilingüismo dentro de la misma comunidad. Dentro del marco metodológico se señala que la investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo y es de tipo descriptivo. Para este proceso, se realizó la búsqueda de palabras claves dentro de las bases de datos académicas provistas por la universidad. En este primer rastreo de información surgieron un total de 340 resultados, dentro de los cuales se resaltaron dos tipos de documentos: investigaciones y artículos especializados. De estos, sólo el 8% cumplió con los requerimientos necesarios para la investigación que se pretende realizar porque se adaptaron a la población que estamos investigando, con temáticas específicas en educación y que se acoplan al contexto colombiano. Para el desarrollo del análisis de la investigación se tuvieron en cuenta una serie de pasos. En primer lugar, se organiza la información de forma tal que se pueda clasificar y darles unas categorías pertinentes a los documentos. En segundo lugar, se identifican las propuestas teóricas en estos textos recopilados. En tercer y último lugar, se establecen perspectivas metodológicas que se desarrollaron en todas las investigaciones para entablar relaciones entre sí. Es así como se encuentran dos tendencias investigativas al trabajar la educación en Sordos. La primera, tecnologías de la información y comunicación en el aula, y la segunda, el desarrollo de la habilidad escrita y comprensión lectora con escolares sordos. Los resultados del análisis, que apuntan a describir los patrones de escrutinio, tendencias y temáticas de investigación, se encuentran en la fase final de desarrollo.This degree work entitled State of the Art on the Colombian deaf community processes of literacy between 2000-2018, presents a bibliographic search and analysis of the literature constructed in the Colombian context about the different aspects that are interconnected to deaf people’s literacy. The theory addressed in this research is framed within two axes. To begin with, reading comprehension is addressed, and inside the chapter the pertinent concepts concerning Spanish teaching in Colombian educational establishments are explained too; hence, reading comprehension in deaf students emerges, at which section the obstacles that arise in the learning process of reading in second language are discussed. At the end of this segment, the notion of bilingualism in the aforementioned community is expounded. Within the methodological framework, it is specified that the research has a qualitative approach and it is also descriptive. For this process, the search of key words in academic databases provided by the university was carried out. In the first tracking of information, a total of 340 results appeared, among which two types of documents were highlighted: research and specialized articles. From these investigations, only 8% fulfilled the needed requirements for the research that was being conducted, but mainly because they were adapted to the researched population discussing education into the Colombian context. To perform the analysis of the investigation, a series of steps were executed. First, the information was organized in such a way that it could be classified and given relevant categories to the documents. Second, the theoretical proposals in these collected texts were identified. Finally, methodological perspectives were established which were developed in all the researches to establish relationships among them. Following such steps, two tendencies were found. First, information and communication technologies in the classroom, and second, the development of written skills and reading comprehension with deaf scholars. The results of the analysis, which aimed to describe the scrutiny patterns, trends and research themes, are in the final phase of development.Licenciado (a) en Lenguas ModernasPregrad

    Serious Game Design Of Sound Identification For Deaf Children Using The User Centered Design

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    The loss of hearing function in deaf children causes deaf children to experience obstacles in listening to the sound of objects or sounds of language as children generally hear. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the hearing function of deaf children. The Development of Sound and Rhythm Perception Communication (PKPBI) is a special program to practice understanding sound so that the remaining hearing of deaf children can be maximized. So far, the PKPBI learning media at the sound identification stage used by the Karnna Manohara Yogyakarta Special School teacher is the keyboard. However, the keyboard has weaknesses such as the collection of sounds on the keyboard is very limited. Another problem is the Covid 19 pandemic, PKPBI learning is less than optimal due to limited face-to-face meetings. The purpose of this research is to design a serious game as a learning medium for sound identification for deaf children that can be used in the classroom and at home. The method used to design serious sound identification games is User Centered Design (UCD). Based on the research results, the design of this serious game can be developed into a serious game application to practice sound identification in deaf children

    Herramientas informáticas para contribuir al desarrollo de la lectoescritura en escolares sordos

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    In teacher training from the first grades there is a need to favor the literacy process in deaf schoolchildren. The objective is to propose educational software based on an Android application for the development of literacy in deaf schoolchildren in the first grade. The results obtained in the diagnosis carried out allowed the realization of educational software from developing an Android application for mobile devices which offers interactivity activities through the levels of text construction: denominative, predicative and discursive, also works the freehand tracing of the alphabet with the support of the dactyl.En la formación docente desde los primeros grados existe la necesidad de favorecer el proceso de lectoescritura en escolares sordos. El objetivo es proponer un software educativo basado en una aplicación Android para el desarrollo de la lectoescritura en los escolares sordos del primer grado. Los resultados obtenidos en el diagnóstico realizado permitieron la realización de un software educativo a partir de desarrollar una aplicación Android para dispositivos móviles la cual ofrece actividades de interactividad a través de los niveles de construcción de texto: denominativo, predicativo y discursivo, además se trabaja el trazado a mano alzada del alfabeto con apoyo del dactilema

    Serious game as support for the development of computational thinking for children with hearing impairment

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    Computational thinking (CT) has been a topic of interest in research, not only in the field of computer science, but also in education, since it allows the development of a set of competencies in the child related to problem-solving and decision-making. However, few studies on CT are focused on children with disabilities. Developing computational thinking skills for children with hearing problems is a challenge, even more so when their language skills are limited. Following a methodology for conception of serious games for children with hearing impairment called MECONESIS (Acronym in Spanish, MEtodología para CONcepción de juEgos Serios para nIños con discapacidad auditiva), we designed the serious game Perdi-Dogs for children between 7 and 11 years old with hearing impairment. We considered a set of aspects, such as challenges/learning, control, rules, feedback, interaction, rewards, surprise, communication/language, and fantasy. Perdi-Dogs involves both a physical and a digital interface, specifically a physical board together with digital interaction, by means of a QR (Quick Response) code and vibrotactile feedback system. Perdi-Dogs simulates a real environment, using physical elements able to interact simultaneously with technology. Evaluation was carried out with a group of seven children between 7 and 11 years old from the Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (Colombia). The results showed a high motivation to play for all of the children involved in the experiment

    Using Information Communications Technologies to Implement Universal Design for Learning

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    The purpose of this paper is to assist Ministries of Education, their donors and partners, Disabled Persons Organizations (DPOs), and the practitioner community funded by and working with USAID to select, pilot, and (as appropriate) scale up ICT4E solutions to facilitate the implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), with a particular emphasis on supporting students with disabilities to acquire literacy and numeracy skills. The paper focuses primarily on how technology can support foundational skills acquisition for students with disabilities, while also explaining when, why, and how technologies that assist students with disabilities can, in some applications, have positive impacts on all students’ basic skills development. In 2018, USAID released the Toolkit for Universal Design for Learning to Help All Children Read, section 3.1 of which provides basic information on the role of technologies to support UDL principles and classroom learning. This paper expands upon that work and offers more extensive advice on using ICT4E1 to advance equitable access to high quality learning. Like the UDL toolkit, the audience for this guide is mainly Ministries of Education and development agencies working in the area of education, but this resource can also be helpful for DPOs and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) wishing to pilot or spearhead ICT initiatives. Content for this paper was informed by expert interviews and reviews of field reports during 2018. These included programs associated with United Nations, Zero Project, World Innovation Summit, UNESCO Mobile Learning Awards, and USAID’s All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development. Relevant case studies of select education programs integrating technology to improve learning outcomes for students with disabilities were summarized for this document


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    O processo de escolarização de estudantes surdos no Brasil, segundo autores clássicos na área como Ana Regina e Souza Campello, é resultado de um contexto histórico de luta, em meio a conjunto de obstáculos infraestruturais, formativos e curriculares quanto ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos mesmos em salas de aula regulares. Desta forma, tomando como base tais problemáticas e compreendendo a necessidade da elaboração de ferramentas didático-pedagógicas que possam potencializar a prática docente em diferentes espaços formativos, este artigo buscou analisar de que forma os jogos analógicos e digitais podem contribuir tanto para o processo de ambientação como no ensino de estudantes surdos. Para isso foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a articulação entre jogos digitais/analógicos e o ensino de estudantes surdos. Com base na análise realizada, se identificou um maior número de trabalhos vinculados ao uso de jogos analógicos, além da grande associação desses, juntamente com os jogos digitais, com abordagens de cunho medicalizante. Diante deste contexto, foram propostos dois modelos de intervenção e verificado o potencial das ferramentas lúdicas, jogos analógicos e digitais, frente à trajetória formativa de estudantes surdos em meio ao ambiente de ensino, o corpo docente e estudantes ouvintes em questão

    A UX evaluation model of hearing-impaired children’s mobile learning applications

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    Several studies on User Experience (UX) evaluation of the mobile application for hearingimpaired had been conducted in the past, however, they do not concentrate on measurements related to hearing-impaired children (HIC), especially for mobile learning applications. This study aims to develop a UX evaluation model for HIC’s mobile learning applications. In developing the model, paper review and requirement gathering methods were used to generate a set of UX dimensions, criteria, and metrics. The model was constructed based on the structure of the Quality in Use Integrated Measurement model where the identified UX dimensions, criteria, and metrics have been arranged orderly according to their rankings. The model was verified by experts consisting of academicians, mobile application developers, and teachers of HIC. The obtained data were analysed using the Fuzzy Delphi Method. Moreover, UX practitioners have validated the model to measure model presentation, content arrangement, and task performance. In addition, 38 HIC from Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas (SKPK) Johor Bharu, SKPK Perlis, and Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi Segamat participated in a series of UX evaluations to validate the model’s reliability. Descriptive analysis and correlation between overall UX and UX dimensions were performed through a statistical tool. This study has proposed five dimensions: satisfaction, hearing-impaired accessibility, efficiency, effectiveness, and emotion; with nine criteria, and 24 metrics. Criteria and metrics for the dimensions are needed to make the evaluation more specific and focused on mobile learning applications for HIC. Thus, a UX evaluation model of HIC’s mobile learning applications has been presented in this study. Mobile application developers or UX researchers can use this model as one of the references for developing positive experiences and suitable functionalities for HIC’s mobile learning applications. Their learning foundation could be strengthened by having usable and enjoyable mobile learning applications

    Serious and Adventure Video Games as Tools in the Deaf Education of Children

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    Deaf education is characterized by specific challenges and needs. Studies showed, that deaf and hard-of-hearing children experience special difficulties in two fields – in learning a national verbal language, and in problem-solving. At the same time, video games are popularized in schools. However, in the education of deaf children, the use of games is hampered by accessibility issues. The main purpose of this master’s thesis will be to verify whether video games could prove to be a proper additional method of teaching in the case of deaf and hard-of hearing children, and what features should an educational video game have to meet the availability conditions. The research will be done on both serious and adventure games and will show which genre works better for developing which skills. Particular attention will be given to design guidelines for deaf-accessible games. Two research methods will be used for the purposes of this work. Qualitative research and discourse analysis of games. The qualitative research will consist of an open-ended questions survey among English-speaking and Polish-speaking teachers who work with deaf children, in order to get to know their attitudes towards games, main obstacles, and needs. The discourse analysis will be focused on two serious games, Prodigy and Wordwall, and on one adventure ASL-accessible game Deafverse. Based on the research, it will be explored, how, through using video games, modern education can meet the challenges of young deaf students and make learning more absorbing and effective.Master's Thesis in Digital CultureDIKULT350MAHF-DIKU

    Actas del XVII Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador

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    [ES]En la presente publicación se recogen los trabajos aceptados como ponencias, en cada una de sus modalidades, para el XVII Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador (Interacción 2016), que se celebra del 13 al 16 de septiembre de 2016 en Salamanca, dentro del marco del IV Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 2016). Este congreso es promovido por la Asociación de Interacción Persona-Ordenador (AIPO) y su organización ha recaído en esta ocasión, en el grupo de GRIAL de la Universidad de Salamanca. Interacción 2016 es un congreso internacional que tiene como principal objetivo promover y difundir los avances recientes en el área de la Interacción Persona-Ordenador, tanto a nivel académico como empresarial. En este simposio se presentarán nuevas metodologías, novedosos dispositivos de interacción e interfaces de usuario, así como herramientas para su creación y evaluación en los ámbitos industriales y experimentales