2,325 research outputs found

    Computational and Mathematical Modelling of the EGF Receptor System

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    This chapter gives an overview of computational and mathematical modelling of the EGF receptor system. It begins with a survey of motivations for producing such models, then describes the main approaches that are taken to carrying out such modelling, viz. differential equations and individual-based modelling. Finally, a number of projects that applying modelling and simulation techniques to various aspects of the EGF receptor system are described

    Two Decades of Maude

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    This paper is a tribute to José Meseguer, from the rest of us in the Maude team, reviewing the past, the present, and the future of the language and system with which we have been working for around two decades under his leadership. After reviewing the origins and the language's main features, we present the latest additions to the language and some features currently under development. This paper is not an introduction to Maude, and some familiarity with it and with rewriting logic are indeed assumed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Probabilistic reasoning and inference for systems biology

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    One of the important challenges in Systems Biology is reasoning and performing hypotheses testing in uncertain conditions, when available knowledge may be incomplete and the experimental data may contain substantial noise. In this thesis we develop methods of probabilistic reasoning and inference that operate consistently within an environment of uncertain knowledge and data. Mechanistic mathematical models are used to describe hypotheses about biological systems. We consider both deductive model based reasoning and model inference from data. The main contributions are a novel modelling approach using continuous time Markov chains that enables deductive derivation of model behaviours and their properties, and the application of Bayesian inferential methods to solve the inverse problem of model inference and comparison, given uncertain knowledge and noisy data. In the first part of the thesis, we consider both individual and population based techniques for modelling biochemical pathways using continuous time Markov chains, and demonstrate why the latter is the most appropriate. We illustrate a new approach, based on symbolic intervals of concentrations, with an example portion of the ERK signalling pathway. We demonstrate that the resulting model approximates the same dynamic system as traditionally defined using ordinary differential equations. The advantage of the new approach is quantitative logical analysis; we formulate a number of biologically significant queries in the temporal logic CSL and use probabilistic symbolic model checking to investigate their veracity. In the second part of the thesis, we consider the inverse problem of model inference and testing of alternative hypotheses, when models are defined by non-linear ordinary differential equations and the experimental data is noisy and sparse. We compare and evaluate a number of statistical techniques, and implement an effective Bayesian inferential framework for systems biology based on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and estimation of marginal likelihoods by annealing-melting integration. We illustrate the framework with two case studies, one of which involves an open problem concerning the mediation of ERK phosphorylation in the ERK pathway

    Modular Verification of Biological Systems

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    Systems of interest in systems biology (such as metabolic pathways, signalling pathways and gene regulatory networks) often consist of a huge number of components interacting in different ways, thus exhibiting very complex behaviours. In biology, such behaviours are usually explored by means of simulation techniques applied to models defined on the basis of system observation and of hypotheses on its functioning. Model checking has also been recently applied to the analysis of biological systems. This analysis technique typically relies on a state space representation whose size, unfortunately, makes the analysis often intractable for realistic models. A method for trying to avoid the state space explosion problem is to consider a decomposition of the system, and to apply a modular verification technique. In particular, properties to be verified often concern only a small portion of the modelled system rather than the system as a whole. Hence, for each property it would be useful to be able to isolate a minimal fragment of the model that is necessary to verify such a property. In this thesis we introduce a modular verification technique in which the system of interest is described by means of an automata-based formalism, called sync-programs, that supports modular construction. Our modular verification technique is based on results of Grumberg et al.~and on their application to the theory of concurrent systems proposed by Attie and Emerson. In particular, we adapt Attie and Emerson's approach to deal with biological systems by allowing automata to synchronise by performing transitions simultaneously. Modular verification allows qualitative aspects of systems to be analysed with the guarantee that properties proved to hold in a suitable model fragment also hold in the whole model. The correctness of the verification technique is proved. The class of properties preserved is ACTL^{-}, the universal fragment of temporal logic CTL. The preservation holds only for positive answers and negative answers are not necessarily preserved. In order to verify properties we use the NuSMV model checker, which is a well-established and efficient instrument. We provide a formal translation of sync-programs to simpler automata, which can be given as input to NuSMV. We prove the correspondence of the verification problems. We show the application of our verification technique in some biological case studies. We compare the time required to verify the property on the whole model with the time needed to verify the same property by only considering those modules which are involved in the behaviour of the system related to the property. In order to handle modelling and verification of more realistic biological scenarios, we propose also a dynamic version of our formalism. It allows entities to be created dynamically, in particular by other already running entities, as it often happens in biological systems. Moreover, multiple copies of the same entities can be present at the same time in a system. We show a correspondence of our model with Petri Nets. This has a consequence that tools developed for Petri Nets could be used also for dynamic sync-programs. Modular verification allows properties expressed as DACTL- formulae (dynamic version of ACTL-) to be verified on a portion of the model. The results of analysis of the case study of the MAP kinase cascade activated by surface and internalised EGF receptors, which consists of 143 species and 80 reactions, suggest applicability and scalability of the approach. The results raise the prospect of rendering tractable problems that are currently intractable in the verification of biological systems. In addition, we expect that the techniques developed in the thesis could be applied with profit not only to models of biological systems, but more generally to models of concurrent systems

    A mass action model of a fibroblast growth factor signaling pathway and its simplification

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    We consider a kinetic law of mass action model for Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) signaling, focusing on the induction of the RAS-MAP kinase pathway via GRB2 binding. Our biologically simple model suffers a combinatorial explosion in the number of differential equations required to simulate the system. In addition to numerically solving the full model, we show that it can be accurately simplified. This requires combining matched asymptotics, the quasi-steady state hypothesis, and the fact subsets of the equations decouple asymptotically. Both the full and simplified models reproduce the qualitative dynamics observed experimentally and in previous stochastic models. The simplified model also elucidates both the qualitative features of GRB2 binding and the complex relationship between SHP2 levels, the rate SHP2 induces dephosphorylation and levels of bound GRB2. In addition to providing insight into the important and redundant features of FGF signaling, such work further highlights the usefulness of numerous simplification techniques in the study of mass action models of signal transduction, as also illustrated recently by Borisov and co-workers (Borisov et al. in Biophys. J. 89, 951–66, 2005, Biosystems 83, 152–66, 2006; Kiyatkin et al. in J. Biol. Chem. 281, 19925–9938, 2006). These developments will facilitate the construction of tractable models of FGF signaling, incorporating further biological realism, such as spatial effects or realistic binding stoichiometries, despite a more severe combinatorial explosion associated with the latter

    Setting Parameters for Biological Models With ANIMO

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    ANIMO (Analysis of Networks with Interactive MOdeling) is a software for modeling biological networks, such as e.g. signaling, metabolic or gene networks. An ANIMO model is essentially the sum of a network topology and a number of interaction parameters. The topology describes the interactions between biological entities in form of a graph, while the parameters determine the speed of occurrence of such interactions. When a mismatch is observed between the behavior of an ANIMO model and experimental data, we want to update the model so that it explains the new data. In general, the topology of a model can be expanded with new (known or hypothetical) nodes, and enables it to match experimental data. However, the unrestrained addition of new parts to a model causes two problems: models can become too complex too fast, to the point of being intractable, and too many parts marked as "hypothetical" or "not known" make a model unrealistic. Even if changing the topology is normally the easier task, these problems push us to try a better parameter fit as a first step, and resort to modifying the model topology only as a last resource. In this paper we show the support added in ANIMO to ease the task of expanding the knowledge on biological networks, concentrating in particular on the parameter settings

    Five turns of the screw. A CADS analysis of the European Parliament

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    The present paper proposes a CADS-based analysis of European Parliament speeches, by merging (C)DA theoretical constructs (inspired by Laclau and Mouffe 1985 ) and CL tools. In this fashion, the European Comparable and Parallel Corpus of Parliamentary Speeches Archive (ECPC) is examined along synchronic and diachronic, quantitative and qualitative lines, in an inductive study that commutes from the micro-text to the macro-context