58,200 research outputs found

    Enhancing River Flood Prediction in Early Warning Systems Using Fuzzy Logic-Based Learning

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    Previous studies show that the fuzzy-based approach predicts incoming floods better than machine learning (ML). However, with numerous observation points, difficulties in manually determining fuzzy rules and membership values increase. This research proposes a novel fuzzy logic-based learning (FLBL) that embeds missing data imputations and a fuzzy rule optimization strategy to enhance ML performance while still benefiting from fuzzy theory. The simple moving average handles sensors’ missing data. The logical mapping is used for fuzzification automation and fuzzy rule generation. The join function between the Szymkiewicz–Simpson coefficient similarity and max function is applied to optimize a fuzzy rules model. The case study uses observation data from three rivers traversing three districts in Semarang City. As a result, FLBL achieves 97.87% accuracy in predicting flood, outperforming the decision tree (96%) and the neural network (73.07%). This work is significant as a part of preventive flood-related disaster plans

    New Learning Models for Generating Classification Rules Based on Rough Set Approach

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    Data sets, static or dynamic, are very important and useful for presenting real life features in different aspects of industry, medicine, economy, and others. Recently, different models were used to generate knowledge from vague and uncertain data sets such as induction decision tree, neural network, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, rough set theory, and others. All of these models take long time to learn for a huge and dynamic data set. Thus, the challenge is how to develop an efficient model that can decrease the learning time without affecting the quality of the generated classification rules. Huge information systems or data sets usually have some missing values due to unavailable data that affect the quality of the generated classification rules. Missing values lead to the difficulty of extracting useful information from that data set. Another challenge is how to solve the problem of missing data. Rough set theory is a new mathematical tool to deal with vagueness and uncertainty. It is a useful approach for uncovering classificatory knowledge and building a classification rules. So, the application of the theory as part of the learning models was proposed in this thesis. Two different models for learning in data sets were proposed based on two different reduction algorithms. The split-condition-merge-reduct algorithm ( SCMR) was performed on three different modules: partitioning the data set vertically into subsets, applying rough set concepts of reduction to each subset, and merging the reducts of all subsets to form the best reduct. The enhanced-split-condition-merge-reduct algorithm (E SCMR) was performed on the above three modules followed by another module that applies the rough set reduction concept again to the reduct generated by SCMR in order to generate the best reduct, which plays the same role as if all attributes in this subset existed. Classification rules were generated based on the best reduct. For the problem of missing data, a new approach was proposed based on data partitioning and function mode. In this new approach, the data set was partitioned horizontally into different subsets. All objects in each subset of data were described by only one classification value. The mode function was applied to each subset of data that has missing values in order to find the most frequently occurring value in each attribute. Missing values in that attribute were replaced by the mode value. The proposed approach for missing values produced better results compared to other approaches. Also, the proposed models for learning in data sets generated the classification rules faster than other methods. The accuracy of the classification rules by the proposed models was high compared to other models

    On the role of pre and post-processing in environmental data mining

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    The quality of discovered knowledge is highly depending on data quality. Unfortunately real data use to contain noise, uncertainty, errors, redundancies or even irrelevant information. The more complex is the reality to be analyzed, the higher the risk of getting low quality data. Knowledge Discovery from Databases (KDD) offers a global framework to prepare data in the right form to perform correct analyses. On the other hand, the quality of decisions taken upon KDD results, depend not only on the quality of the results themselves, but on the capacity of the system to communicate those results in an understandable form. Environmental systems are particularly complex and environmental users particularly require clarity in their results. In this paper some details about how this can be achieved are provided. The role of the pre and post processing in the whole process of Knowledge Discovery in environmental systems is discussed

    A hierarchical Mamdani-type fuzzy modelling approach with new training data selection and multi-objective optimisation mechanisms: A special application for the prediction of mechanical properties of alloy steels

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    In this paper, a systematic data-driven fuzzy modelling methodology is proposed, which allows to construct Mamdani fuzzy models considering both accuracy (precision) and transparency (interpretability) of fuzzy systems. The new methodology employs a fast hierarchical clustering algorithm to generate an initial fuzzy model efficiently; a training data selection mechanism is developed to identify appropriate and efficient data as learning samples; a high-performance Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) based multi-objective optimisation mechanism is developed to further improve the fuzzy model in terms of both the structure and the parameters; and a new tolerance analysis method is proposed to derive the confidence bands relating to the final elicited models. This proposed modelling approach is evaluated using two benchmark problems and is shown to outperform other modelling approaches. Furthermore, the proposed approach is successfully applied to complex high-dimensional modelling problems for manufacturing of alloy steels, using ‘real’ industrial data. These problems concern the prediction of the mechanical properties of alloy steels by correlating them with the heat treatment process conditions as well as the weight percentages of the chemical compositions

    A systematic review of data quality issues in knowledge discovery tasks

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    Hay un gran crecimiento en el volumen de datos porque las organizaciones capturan permanentemente la cantidad colectiva de datos para lograr un mejor proceso de toma de decisiones. El desafío mas fundamental es la exploración de los grandes volúmenes de datos y la extracción de conocimiento útil para futuras acciones por medio de tareas para el descubrimiento del conocimiento; sin embargo, muchos datos presentan mala calidad. Presentamos una revisión sistemática de los asuntos de calidad de datos en las áreas del descubrimiento de conocimiento y un estudio de caso aplicado a la enfermedad agrícola conocida como la roya del café.Large volume of data is growing because the organizations are continuously capturing the collective amount of data for better decision-making process. The most fundamental challenge is to explore the large volumes of data and extract useful knowledge for future actions through knowledge discovery tasks, nevertheless many data has poor quality. We presented a systematic review of the data quality issues in knowledge discovery tasks and a case study applied to agricultural disease named coffee rust