13 research outputs found

    Impact of Wikipedia on citation trends

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    It has been suggested that the "visibility" of an article influences its citation count. More specifically, it is believed that the social media can influence article citations.Here we tested the hypothesis that inclusion of scholarly references in Wikipedia affects the citation trends. To perform this analysis, we introduced a citation “propensity” measure, which is inspired by the concept of amino acid propensity for protein secondary structures. We show that although citation counts generally increase during time, the citation "propensity" does not increase after inclusion of a reference in Wikipedia

    Universidades públicas argentinas: análisis de la producción científica internacional y del presupuesto durante el año 2003

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    El objeto de estudio del presente trabajo, el sistema público argentino de educación superior, constituye un acercamiento al análisis de instituciones de investigación dentro de una comunidad científica periférica como la Argentina. Más allá de los hechos negativos que trae aparejado ubicarse en la periferia de la Ciencia, como señala Lovisolo (1994), un aspecto positivo de la frontera es poder observar en forma más clara y desde ángulos diferentes, los procesos que se llevan a cabo en el centro. Aunque vale aclarar que las actividades de investigación que se desarrollan en estos contextos periféricos no constituyen espacios homogéneos. Entre los actores participantes, los grupos de investigación, las instituciones, y las prácticas muestran diferencias, como las que se presentan entre los distintos campos interdisciplinarios (Kreimer, 2000).Fil: Molteni, Valeria. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades; Argentina

    Alternative Metrics for the Evaluation of Scholarly Activities : An Analysis of Articles Authored by Greek Researchers

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    Recently, altmetrics have emerged as alternative means of measuring scholarly impact, aiming at improving and complementing both traditional and web-based metrics. The aim of the present study is to contribute to the altmetrics literature by providing an overview of the coverage of altmetrics sources for the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) publications. We used Scopus to collect all research articles stating AUTh as the affiliation of at least one author and published from 2010 to 2016. The altmetric data originated from Altmetric Explorer, a service provided by Altmetric.com. Only 17% of all publications retrieved from Scopus had some kind of mentions, while there was a clear increasing trend over the years. The presence of altmetrics was different from each Altmetric.com attention source. Around 81% of all mentions came from Twitter. Facebook was a distant second, followed by news outlets. All other sources had very low or negligible coverage. The overwhelming majority of tweets had been posted by members of the public, who do not link to scholarly literature. Medical Sciences had by far the highest number of publications with altmetric scores, followed, in a distance by Sciences. However, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences publications exhibited a significant altmetric activity. More research is needed in order to get a better insight into the altmetric landscape in Greece and develop an understanding about the kind of influence altmetrics measure, and the relationship, if any, between altmetric indicators and scientific impact

    Evaluating patterns of national and international collaboration in Cuban science using bibliometric tools

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    Purpose -- The purpose of this paper is to explore the hypothesis that collaboration was a key characteristic of Cuban science to maintain their scientific capacity during a period of economic restrictions and an important feature of Cuban science policy and practice for the benefit of society. Design/methodology/approach -- Collaboration was studied through Cuban scientific publications listed in PubMed for the period 1990-2010. The search was carried out using the advanced search engine of PubMed indicating oCubaW in the affiliation field. To identify participating institutions a second search was performed to find the affiliations of all authors per article through the link to the electronic journal. A data set was created to identify institutional publication patterns for the surveyed period. Institutions were classified in three categories according to their scientific production as Central, Middle or Distal: the pattern of collaboration between these categories was analysed. Findings -- Results indicate that collaboration between scientifically advanced institutions (Central) and a wide range of national institutions is a consequence of the social character of science in Cuba in which cooperation prevails. Although this finding comes from a limited field of biomedical science it is likely to reflect Cuban science policy in general. Originality/value -- Using bibliometric tools the study suggests that Cuban science policy and practice ensure the application of science for social needs by harnessing human resources through national and international collaboration, building in this way stronger scientific capacity

    To what extent is publishing in the Web of Science an indicator of journal 'quality'?

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    The assessment of research based on the journal in which it is published is a widely adopted practice. Some research assessments use the Web of Science (WoS) to identify “high quality” journals, which are assumed to publish excellent research. The authority of WoS on journal quality stems from its selection of journals based on editorial standards and scientific impact criteria. These can be considered as universalistic criteria, meaning that they can be applied to any journal regardless of its place of publication, language, or discipline. In this article we examine the coverage by WoS of journals produced in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal. We use a logistic regression to examine the probability of a journal to be covered by WoS given universalistic criteria (editorial standards and scientific impact of the journal) and particularistic criteria (country, language, and discipline of the journal). We find that it is not possible to predict the inclusion of journals in WoS only through the universalistic criteria because particularistic variables such as country of the journal, its discipline and language are strongly related to inc¬lusion in WoS. We conclude that using WoS as a universalistic tool for research assessment can disadvantage science published in journals with adequate editorial standards and scientific merit. We discuss the implications of these findings within the research evaluation literature, specifically for countries and disciplines not extensively covered by WoS

    Aproximación metodológica para la identificación del perfil y patrones de colaboración de dominios científicos universitarios

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    La diversidad temática y complejidad estructural de las universidades nacionales argentinas hacen que la identificación de sus perfiles científicos no resulte sencilla. En este estudio se realiza una aproximación metodológica para el análisis del perfil temático y patrones de colaboración de estos dominios científicos, a partir del estudio bibliométrico de las contribuciones científicas de las facultades que las conforman, sin perder de vista sus posicionamientos relativos respecto de la universidad de la que son parte y del país en su conjunto. Como ejemplo de aplicación de la metodología propuesta se estudia el caso de una facultad, la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNyM) de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. Se realiza un análisis bibliométrico de sus contribuciones científicas recogidas en el Science Citation Index versión CD-ROM para el período 1991-2000, identificando y comparando su perfil, patrones y posicionamiento científico relativo en los contextos de la UNLP y de Argentina. Los resultados muestran que la metodología propuesta es una alternativa válida tanto para relevar las fortalezas científicas de una universidad como para aportar información cuantitativa y cualitativa de apoyo a la toma de decisiones en materia de planificación y evaluación de sus actividades de investigación.The thematic diversity and structural complexity of the national universities of Argentine make more difficult the identification of its scientific profiles. This study aims to do a methodological approach for the analysis of the thematic profile and collaboration patterns of the argentinian universities, starting from the bibliometric study of the scientific contributions of their faculties, considering its relative scientific position in the contexts of the university as a whole and of the country. The case of an argentinian faculty, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum (Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - FCNyM) belonging to the National University of La Plata (Universidad Nacional de La Plata - UNLP) is studied, as an example of the proposed methodology, carrying out a bibliometric analysis of its scientific contributions collected from the Science Citation Index version CD-ROM for the period 1991-2000, comparing its profile, patterns and relative scientific position in the contexts of the UNLP as a whole and Argentine. The results show that the proposed methodology is a valid alternative not only to reveal the scientific strengths of a university but also to give quantitative and qualitative information to support decision making in the planning and evaluation of their research activities.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    How the internet is shaping the Chilean scientific community: globalization and dependency

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    The Internet has emerged as a catalyst for global knowledge production. This is supported by its positive impacts in the First World. A progressive assessment argues that the Internet will be the elixir that brings immediate visibility and relevance to scientific communities in the periphery. Yet, Internet diffusion is often framed by past technology failures that further widen global divides. This characterizes an affliction argument. The teething argument suggests that adoption within the Third World is tentative at best with benefits unfolding over time in some regions but not others. This dissertation is a qualitative and quantitative study that tests these three technology arguments (elixir, affliction, and, teething) in a Latin American region. It considers the relationship between scientific communication, collaboration, and productivity in Chilean science, focusing on the role of Internet practice. Results are presented through the qualitative analysis of 29 video taped interviews, followed by a quantitative analysis of a communication network survey administered to 337 Chilean researchers. Qualitative findings suggest that despite Chilean regional leadership in economic output, political disruptions and a paucity of local resources motivate many researchers to seek training abroad. This creates new, exterior contacts that are maintained through email communication. These cyber links, though, may also be creating technology dependencies. Quantitative results confirm that Chilean scientists are well connected when compared to past region studies. Yet, the Chilean scientific community reports an inverse relationship between domestic and foreign contacts, mirroring the disjointed network profile found in other developing regions. Other results suggest that Chilean scientists frequently publish in foreign journals. And in contrast to findings from other developing areas, collaboration is consistently related with increased domestic publications. Although Chileans seldom report problems, those they do report are associated with working with more collaborators and having geographically heterogeneous networks. Email shows no effect toward reducing research problems; and in some cases, email is associated with more intensive reports of problems. Taken as a whole, this author\u27s findings support a teething argument for Internet influence on professional networks and activities within the Chilean scientific community

    La optimización de la triple hélice en el sistema de innovación regional como ventaja competitiva para las pymes del estado de Nuevo León.

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    En las últimas décadas, se puede observar que existe una mayor participación por las empresas pequeñas y medianas (PYMES) dentro del mercado internacional, lo cual ha impulsado que estas empresas estén motivadas en buscar como innovar en sus productos, procesos, estrategias de comercialización y en formas de dirigir su organización, para lograr ventaja competitiva. De acuerdo a nuestra investigación exploratoria, el efecto de la globalización ha impulsado en la generación de innovación, porque representa un indicador de competitividad, y su alcance se relaciona con la inversión que presentan sus índices en el área de conocimiento, investigación y desarrollo tecnológico en distintos países desarrollados. Por esta razón, el tema de innovación es considerado como un instrumento de acción para el crecimiento económico, porque ofrece ventajas competitivas en el mercado global. El tema de innovación se desarrolla en su esplendor en tiempos posteriores sobre la época de la posguerra, que se toma como antecedente para nuestro estudio, al encontrar el comportamiento de sustituir parte de la producción, como productos del sector primario a productos manufacturados, para satisfacer la demanda del mercado. Tal efecto, forjo en adoptar nuevas técnicas y conocimientos para mejorar la producción con nuevos procesos y ofrecer productos competitivos en el mercado. Esta situación, motivo en muchos países en innovar y vincularse con el sector académico para transferir tecnología y conocimiento; tal como lo menciona Espino (2002), que la estrategia competitiva es una forma para lograr el bienestar general a medida de un crecimiento orientado a mejorar la capacidad de incorporar conocimientos y tecnología a la estructura productiva, tanto en los productos como en los procesos productivo