6,568 research outputs found

    Mining and Analysing One Billion Requests to Linguistic Services

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    From 2004 to 2016 the Leipzig Linguistic Services (LLS) existed as a SOAP-based cyber infrastructure of atomic micro-services for the Wortschatz project, which covered different-sized textual corpora in more than 230 languages. The LLS were developed in 2004 and went live in 2005 in order to provide a Web service-based API to these corpus databases. In 2006, the LLS infrastructure began to systematically log and store requests made to the text collection, and in August 2016 the LLS were shut down. This article summarises the experience of the past ten years of running such a cyberinfrastructure with a total of nearly one billion requests. It includes an explanation of the technical decisions and limitations but also provides an overview of how the services were used

    State of the art 2015: a literature review of social media intelligence capabilities for counter-terrorism

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    Overview This paper is a review of how information and insight can be drawn from open social media sources. It focuses on the specific research techniques that have emerged, the capabilities they provide, the possible insights they offer, and the ethical and legal questions they raise. These techniques are considered relevant and valuable in so far as they can help to maintain public safety by preventing terrorism, preparing for it, protecting the public from it and pursuing its perpetrators. The report also considers how far this can be achieved against the backdrop of radically changing technology and public attitudes towards surveillance. This is an updated version of a 2013 report paper on the same subject, State of the Art. Since 2013, there have been significant changes in social media, how it is used by terrorist groups, and the methods being developed to make sense of it.  The paper is structured as follows: Part 1 is an overview of social media use, focused on how it is used by groups of interest to those involved in counter-terrorism. This includes new sections on trends of social media platforms; and a new section on Islamic State (IS). Part 2 provides an introduction to the key approaches of social media intelligence (henceforth ‘SOCMINT’) for counter-terrorism. Part 3 sets out a series of SOCMINT techniques. For each technique a series of capabilities and insights are considered, the validity and reliability of the method is considered, and how they might be applied to counter-terrorism work explored. Part 4 outlines a number of important legal, ethical and practical considerations when undertaking SOCMINT work

    Continuous User Authentication Using Multi-Modal Biometrics

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    It is commonly acknowledged that mobile devices now form an integral part of an individual’s everyday life. The modern mobile handheld devices are capable to provide a wide range of services and applications over multiple networks. With the increasing capability and accessibility, they introduce additional demands in term of security. This thesis explores the need for authentication on mobile devices and proposes a novel mechanism to improve the current techniques. The research begins with an intensive review of mobile technologies and the current security challenges that mobile devices experience to illustrate the imperative of authentication on mobile devices. The research then highlights the existing authentication mechanism and a wide range of weakness. To this end, biometric approaches are identified as an appropriate solution an opportunity for security to be maintained beyond point-of-entry. Indeed, by utilising behaviour biometric techniques, the authentication mechanism can be performed in a continuous and transparent fashion. This research investigated three behavioural biometric techniques based on SMS texting activities and messages, looking to apply these techniques as a multi-modal biometric authentication method for mobile devices. The results showed that linguistic profiling; keystroke dynamics and behaviour profiling can be used to discriminate users with overall Equal Error Rates (EER) 12.8%, 20.8% and 9.2% respectively. By using a combination of biometrics, the results showed clearly that the classification performance is better than using single biometric technique achieving EER 3.3%. Based on these findings, a novel architecture of multi-modal biometric authentication on mobile devices is proposed. The framework is able to provide a robust, continuous and transparent authentication in standalone and server-client modes regardless of mobile hardware configuration. The framework is able to continuously maintain the security status of the devices. With a high level of security status, users are permitted to access sensitive services and data. On the other hand, with the low level of security, users are required to re-authenticate before accessing sensitive service or data

    Efficient construction of metadata-enhanced web corpora

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    International audienceMetadata extraction is known to be a problem in general-purpose Web corpora, and so is extensive crawling with little yield. The contributions of this paper are threefold: a method to find and download large numbers of WordPress pages; a targeted extraction of content featuring much needed metadata; and an analysis of the documents in the corpus with insights of actual blog uses. The study focuses on a publishing software (WordPress), which allows for reliable extraction of structural elements such as metadata, posts, and comments. The download of about 9 million documents in the course of two experiments leads after processing to 2.7 billion tokens with usable metadata. This comparatively high yield is a step towards more efficiency with respect to machine power and " Hi-Fi " web corpora. The resulting corpus complies with formal requirements on metadata-enhanced corpora and on weblogs considered as a series of dated entries. However, existing typologies on Web texts have to be revised in the light of this hybrid genre

    Англійська мова для навчання і роботи Т. 4. Професійне іншомовне письмо

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    Подано всі види діяльності студентів з вивчення англійської мови, спрямовані на розвиток мовної поведінки, необхідної для ефективного спілкування в академічному та професійному середовищах. Містить завдання і вправи, типові для різноманітних академічних та професійних сфер і ситуацій. Структура організації змісту – модульна, охоплює певні мовленнєві вміння залежно від мовної поведінки. Даний модуль має на меті розвиток у студентів умінь і навичок писемного спілкування, що пов’язане з майбутньою професією студентів, та основ медіації і письмового перекладу, які спрямовані на розвиток умінь писати тексти різних типів і жанрів, такі як резюме, листи, анотації тощо. Ресурси для самостійної роботи (частина ІІ) містять завдання та вправи для розвитку словникового запасу та розширення діапазону функціональних зразків, необхідних для виконання певних функцій, та завдання, які спрямовані на організацію самостійної роботи студентів. За допомогою засобів діагностики (частина ІІІ) студенти можуть самостійно перевірити засвоєння навчального матеріалу та оцінити свої досягнення. Граматичні явища і вправи для їх засвоєння наводяться в томі 5. Призначений для студентів технічних університетів гірничого профілю. Може використовуватися для викладання вибіркових курсів з англійської мови, а також для самостійного вивчення англійської мови викладачами, фахівцями і науковцями різних інженерних галузей

    Infrastructure for Semantic Annotation in the Genomics Domain

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    We describe a novel super-infrastructure for biomedical text mining which incorporates an end-to-end pipeline for the collection, annotation, storage, retrieval and analysis of biomedical and life sciences literature, combining NLP and corpus linguistics methods. The infrastructure permits extreme-scale research on the open access PubMed Central archive. It combines an updatable Gene Ontology Semantic Tagger (GOST) for entity identification and semantic markup in the literature, with a NLP pipeline scheduler (Buster) to collect and process the corpus, and a bespoke columnar corpus database (LexiDB) for indexing. The corpus database is distributed to permit fast indexing, and provides a simple web front-end with corpus linguistics methods for sub-corpus comparison and retrieval. GOST is also connected as a service in the Language Application (LAPPS) Grid, in which context it is interoperable with other NLP tools and data in the Grid and can be combined with them in more complex workflows. In a literature based discovery setting, we have created an annotated corpus of 9,776 papers with 5,481,543 words