1,329 research outputs found

    Discovering Clusters in Motion Time-Series Data

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    A new approach is proposed for clustering time-series data. The approach can be used to discover groupings of similar object motions that were observed in a video collection. A finite mixture of hidden Markov models (HMMs) is fitted to the motion data using the expectation-maximization (EM) framework. Previous approaches for HMM-based clustering employ a k-means formulation, where each sequence is assigned to only a single HMM. In contrast, the formulation presented in this paper allows each sequence to belong to more than a single HMM with some probability, and the hard decision about the sequence class membership can be deferred until a later time when such a decision is required. Experiments with simulated data demonstrate the benefit of using this EM-based approach when there is more "overlap" in the processes generating the data. Experiments with real data show the promising potential of HMM-based motion clustering in a number of applications.Office of Naval Research (N000140310108, N000140110444); National Science Foundation (IIS-0208876, CAREER Award 0133825

    The Minimum Description Length Principle for Pattern Mining: A Survey

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    This is about the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle applied to pattern mining. The length of this description is kept to the minimum. Mining patterns is a core task in data analysis and, beyond issues of efficient enumeration, the selection of patterns constitutes a major challenge. The MDL principle, a model selection method grounded in information theory, has been applied to pattern mining with the aim to obtain compact high-quality sets of patterns. After giving an outline of relevant concepts from information theory and coding, as well as of work on the theory behind the MDL and similar principles, we review MDL-based methods for mining various types of data and patterns. Finally, we open a discussion on some issues regarding these methods, and highlight currently active related data analysis problems

    Revisit Behavior in Social Media: The Phoenix-R Model and Discoveries

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    How many listens will an artist receive on a online radio? How about plays on a YouTube video? How many of these visits are new or returning users? Modeling and mining popularity dynamics of social activity has important implications for researchers, content creators and providers. We here investigate the effect of revisits (successive visits from a single user) on content popularity. Using four datasets of social activity, with up to tens of millions media objects (e.g., YouTube videos, Twitter hashtags or LastFM artists), we show the effect of revisits in the popularity evolution of such objects. Secondly, we propose the Phoenix-R model which captures the popularity dynamics of individual objects. Phoenix-R has the desired properties of being: (1) parsimonious, being based on the minimum description length principle, and achieving lower root mean squared error than state-of-the-art baselines; (2) applicable, the model is effective for predicting future popularity values of objects.Comment: To appear on European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases 201

    A Better Alternative to Piecewise Linear Time Series Segmentation

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    Time series are difficult to monitor, summarize and predict. Segmentation organizes time series into few intervals having uniform characteristics (flatness, linearity, modality, monotonicity and so on). For scalability, we require fast linear time algorithms. The popular piecewise linear model can determine where the data goes up or down and at what rate. Unfortunately, when the data does not follow a linear model, the computation of the local slope creates overfitting. We propose an adaptive time series model where the polynomial degree of each interval vary (constant, linear and so on). Given a number of regressors, the cost of each interval is its polynomial degree: constant intervals cost 1 regressor, linear intervals cost 2 regressors, and so on. Our goal is to minimize the Euclidean (l_2) error for a given model complexity. Experimentally, we investigate the model where intervals can be either constant or linear. Over synthetic random walks, historical stock market prices, and electrocardiograms, the adaptive model provides a more accurate segmentation than the piecewise linear model without increasing the cross-validation error or the running time, while providing a richer vocabulary to applications. Implementation issues, such as numerical stability and real-world performance, are discussed.Comment: to appear in SIAM Data Mining 200

    JKarma: A Highly-Modular Framework for Pattern-Based Change Detection on Evolving Data

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    Pattern-based change detection (PBCD) describes a class of change detection algorithms for evolving data. Contrary to conventional solutions, PBCD seeks changes exhibited by the patterns over time and therefore works on an abstract form of the data, which prevents the search for changes on the raw data. Moreover, PBCD provides arguments on the validity of the results because patterns mirror changes occurred with any form of evidence. However, the existing solutions differ on data representation, mining algorithm and change identification strategy, which we can deem as main modules of a general architecture, so that any PBCD task could be designed by accommodating custom implementations for those modules. This is what we propose in this paper through jKarma, a highly-modular framework for designing and performing PBCD

    A Review of Subsequence Time Series Clustering

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    Clustering of subsequence time series remains an open issue in time series clustering. Subsequence time series clustering is used in different fields, such as e-commerce, outlier detection, speech recognition, biological systems, DNA recognition, and text mining. One of the useful fields in the domain of subsequence time series clustering is pattern recognition. To improve this field, a sequence of time series data is used. This paper reviews some definitions and backgrounds related to subsequence time series clustering. The categorization of the literature reviews is divided into three groups: preproof, interproof, and postproof period. Moreover, various state-of-the-art approaches in performing subsequence time series clustering are discussed under each of the following categories. The strengths and weaknesses of the employed methods are evaluated as potential issues for future studies

    One size does not fit all : profiling personalized time-evolving user behaviors

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    Given the set of social interactions of a user, how can we detect changes in interaction patterns over time? While most previous work has focused on studying network-wide properties and spotting outlier users, the dynamics of individual user interactions remain largely unexplored. This work sets out to explore those dynamics in a way that is minimally invasive to privacy, thus, avoids to rely on the textual content of user posts---except for validation. Our contributions are two-fold. First, in contrast to previous studies, we challenge the use of a fixed interval of observation. We introduce and empirically validate the "Temporal Asymmetry Hypothesis", which states that appropriate observation intervals should vary both among users and over time for the same user. We validate this hypothesis using eight different datasets, including email, messaging, and social networks data. Second, we propose iNET, a comprehensive analytic and visualization framework which provides personalized insights into user behavior and operates in a streaming fashion. iNET learns personalized baseline behaviors of users and uses them to identify events that signify changes in user behavior. We evaluate the effectiveness of iNET by analyzing more than half a million interactions from Facebook users. Labeling of the identified changes in user behavior showed that iNET is able to capture a wide spectrum of exogenous and endogenous events, while the baselines are less diverse in nature and capture only 66% of that spectrum. Furthermore, iNET exhibited the highest precision (95%) compared to all competing approaches

    Breathing pattern characterization in patients with respiratory and cardiac failure

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    El objetivo principal de la tesis es estudiar los patrones respiratorios de pacientes en proceso de extubación y pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca crónica (CHF), a partirde la señal de flujo respiratorio. La información obtenida de este estudio puede contribuir a la comprensión de los procesos fisiológicos subyacentes,y ayudar en el diagnóstico de estos pacientes. Uno de los problemas más desafiantes en unidades de cuidados intensivos es elproceso de desconexión de pacientes asistidos mediante ventilación mecánica. Más del 10% de pacientes que se extuban tienen que ser reintubados antes de 48 horas. Una prueba fallida puede ocasionar distrés cardiopulmonar y una mayor tasa de mortalidad. Se caracterizó el patrón respiratorio y la interacción dinámica entre la frecuenciacardiaca y frecuencia respiratoria, para obtener índices no invasivos que proporcionen una mayor información en el proceso de destete y mejorar el éxito de la desconexión.Las señales de flujo respiratorio y electrocardiográfica utilizadas en este estudio fueron obtenidas durante 30 minutos aplicando la prueba de tubo en T. Se compararon94 pacientes que tuvieron éxito en el proceso de extubación (GE), 39 pacientes que fracasaron en la prueba al mantener la respiración espontánea (GF), y 21 pacientes quesuperaron la prueba con éxito y fueron extubados, pero antes de 48 horas tuvieron que ser reintubados (GR). El patrón respiratorio se caracterizó a partir de las series temporales. Se aplicó la dinámica simbólica conjunta a las series correspondientes a las frecuencias cardiaca y respiratoria, para describir las interacciones cardiorrespiratoria de estos pacientes. Técnicas de "clustering", ecualización del histograma, clasificación mediante máquinasde soporte vectorial (SVM) y técnicas de validación permitieron seleccionar el conjunto de características más relevantes. Se propuso una nueva métrica B (índice de equilibrio) para la optimización de la clasificación con muestras desbalanceadas. Basado en este nuevo índice, aplicando SVM, se seleccionaron las mejores características que mantenían el mejor equilibrio entre sensibilidad y especificidad en todas las clasificaciones. El mejor resultado se obtuvo considerando conjuntamente la precisión y el valor de B, con una clasificación del 80% entre los grupos GE y GF, con 6 características. Clasificando GE vs. el resto de los pacientes, el mejor resultado se obtuvo con 9 características, con 81%. Clasificando GR vs. GE y GR vs. el resto de pacientes la precisión fue del 83% y 81% con 9 y 10 características, respectivamente. La tasa de mortalidad en pacientes con CHF es alta y la estratificación de estospacientes en función del riesgo es uno de los principales retos de la cardiología contemporánea. Estos pacientes a menudo desarrollan patrones de respiraciónperiódica (PB) incluyendo la respiración de Cheyne-Stokes (CSR) y respiración periódica sin apnea. La respiración periódica en estos pacientes se ha asociadocon una mayor mortalidad, especialmente en pacientes con CSR. Por lo tanto, el estudio de estos patrones respiratorios podría servir como un marcador de riesgo y proporcionar una mayor información sobre el estado fisiopatológico de pacientes con CHF. Se pretende identificar la condición de los pacientes con CHFde forma no invasiva mediante la caracterización y clasificación de patrones respiratorios con PBy respiración no periódica (nPB), y patrón de sujetos sanos, a partir registros de 15minutos de la señal de flujo respiratorio. Se caracterizó el patrón respiratorio mediante un estudio tiempo-frecuencia estacionario y no estacionario, de la envolvente de la señal de flujo respiratorio. Parámetros relacionados con la potencia espectral de la envolvente de la señal presentaron losmejores resultados en la clasificación de sujetos sanos y pacientes con CHF con CSR, PB y nPB. Las curvas ROC validan los resultados obtenidos. Se aplicó la "correntropy" para una caracterización tiempo-frecuencia mas completa del patrón respiratorio de pacientes con CHF. La "corretronpy" considera los momentos estadísticos de orden superior, siendo más robusta frente a los "outliers". Con la densidad espectral de correntropy (CSD) tanto la frecuencia de modulación como la dela respiración se representan en su posición real en el eje frecuencial. Los pacientes con PB y nPB, presentan diferentesgrados de periodicidad en función de su condición, mientras que los sujetos sanos no tienen periodicidad marcada. Con único parámetro se obtuvieron resultados del 88.9% clasificando pacientes PB vs. nPB, 95.2% para CHF vs. sanos, 94.4% para nPB vs. sanos.The main objective of this thesis is to study andcharacterize breathing patterns through the respiratory flow signal applied to patients on weaning trials from mechanicalventilation and patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). The aim is to contribute to theunderstanding of the underlying physiological processes and to help in the diagnosis of these patients. One of the most challenging problems in intensive care units is still the process ofdiscontinuing mechanical ventilation, as over 10% of patients who undergo successfulT-tube trials have to be reintubated in less than 48 hours. A failed weaning trial mayinduce cardiopulmonary distress and carries a higher mortality rate. We characterize therespiratory pattern and the dynamic interaction between heart rate and breathing rate toobtain noninvasive indices that provide enhanced information about the weaningprocess and improve the weaning outcome. This is achieved through a comparison of 94 patients with successful trials (GS), 39patients who fail to maintain spontaneous breathing (GF), and 21 patients who successfully maintain spontaneous breathing and are extubated, but require thereinstitution of mechanical ventilation in less than 48 hours because they are unable tobreathe (GR). The ECG and the respiratory flow signals used in this study were acquired during T-tube tests and last 30 minute. The respiratory pattern was characterized by means of a number of respiratory timeseries. Joint symbolic dynamics applied to time series of heart rate and respiratoryfrequency was used to describe the cardiorespiratory interactions of patients during theweaning trial process. Clustering, histogram equalization, support vector machines-based classification (SVM) and validation techniques enabled the selection of the bestsubset of input features. We defined a new optimization metric for unbalanced classification problems, andestablished a new SVM feature selection method, based on this balance index B. The proposed B-based SVM feature selection provided a better balance between sensitivityand specificity in all classifications. The best classification result was obtained with SVM feature selection based on bothaccuracy and the balance index, which classified GS and GFwith an accuracy of 80%, considering 6 features. Classifying GS versus the rest of patients, the best result wasobtained with 9 features, 81%, and the accuracy classifying GR versus GS, and GR versus the rest of the patients was 83% and 81% with 9 and 10 features, respectively.The mortality rate in CHF patients remains high and risk stratification in these patients isstill one of the major challenges of contemporary cardiology. Patients with CHF oftendevelop periodic breathing patterns including Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR) and periodic breathing without apnea. Periodic breathing in CHF patients is associated withincreased mortality, especially in CSR patients. Therefore it could serve as a risk markerand can provide enhanced information about thepathophysiological condition of CHF patients. The main goal of this research was to identify CHF patients' condition noninvasively bycharacterizing and classifying respiratory flow patterns from patients with PB and nPBand healthy subjects by using 15-minute long respiratory flow signals. The respiratory pattern was characterized by a stationary and a nonstationary time-frequency study through the envelope of the respiratory flow signal. Power-related parameters achieved the best results in all of the classifications involving healthy subjects and CHF patients with CSR, PB and nPB and the ROC curves validated theresults obtained for the identification of different respiratory patterns. We investigated the use of correntropy for the spectral characterization of respiratory patterns in CHF patients. The correntropy function accounts for higher-order moments and is robust to outliers. Due to the former property, the respiratory and modulationfrequencies appear at their actual locations along the frequency axis in the correntropy spectral density (CSD). The best results were achieved with correntropy and CSD-related parameters that characterized the power in the modulation and respiration discriminant bands, definedas a frequency interval centred on the modulation and respiration frequency peaks,respectively. All patients, i.e. both PB and nPB, exhibit various degrees of periodicitydepending on their condition, whereas healthy subjects have no pronounced periodicity.This fact led to excellent results classifying PB and nPB patients 88.9%, CHF versushealthy 95.2%, and nPB versus healthy 94.4% with only one parameter.Postprint (published version

    Learning and mining from personal digital archives

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    Given the explosion of new sensing technologies, data storage has become significantly cheaper and consequently, people increasingly rely on wearable devices to create personal digital archives. Lifelogging is the act of recording aspects of life in digital format for a variety of purposes such as aiding human memory, analysing human lifestyle and diet monitoring. In this dissertation we are concerned with Visual Lifelogging, a form of lifelogging based on the passive capture of photographs by a wearable camera. Cameras, such as Microsoft's SenseCam can record up to 4,000 images per day as well as logging data from several incorporated sensors. Considering the volume, complexity and heterogeneous nature of such data collections, it is a signifcant challenge to interpret and extract knowledge for the practical use of lifeloggers and others. In this dissertation, time series analysis methods have been used to identify and extract useful information from temporal lifelogging images data, without benefit of prior knowledge. We focus, in particular, on three fundamental topics: noise reduction, structure and characterization of the raw data; the detection of multi-scale patterns; and the mining of important, previously unknown repeated patterns in the time series of lifelog image data. Firstly, we show that Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) highlights the feature of very high correlation in lifelogging image collections. Secondly, we show that study of equal-time Cross-Correlation Matrix demonstrates atypical or non-stationary characteristics in these images. Next, noise reduction in the Cross-Correlation Matrix is addressed by Random Matrix Theory (RMT) before Wavelet multiscaling is used to characterize the `most important' or `unusual' events through analysis of the associated dynamics of the eigenspectrum. A motif discovery technique is explored for detection of recurring and recognizable episodes of an individual's image data. Finally, we apply these motif discovery techniques to two known lifelog data collections, All I Have Seen (AIHS) and NTCIR-12 Lifelog, in order to examine multivariate recurrent patterns of multiple-lifelogging users

    Evaluating deterministic motif significance measures in protein databases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Assessing the outcome of motif mining algorithms is an essential task, as the number of reported motifs can be very large. Significance measures play a central role in automatically ranking those motifs, and therefore alleviating the analysis work. Spotting the most interesting and relevant motifs is then dependent on the choice of the right measures. The combined use of several measures may provide more robust results. However caution has to be taken in order to avoid spurious evaluations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From the set of conducted experiments, it was verified that several of the selected significance measures show a very similar behavior in a wide range of situations therefore providing redundant information. Some measures have proved to be more appropriate to rank highly conserved motifs, while others are more appropriate for weakly conserved ones. Support appears as a very important feature to be considered for correct motif ranking. We observed that not all the measures are suitable for situations with poorly balanced class information, like for instance, when positive data is significantly less than negative data. Finally, a visualization scheme was proposed that, when several measures are applied, enables an easy identification of high scoring motifs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this work we have surveyed and categorized 14 significance measures for pattern evaluation. Their ability to rank three types of deterministic motifs was evaluated. Measures were applied in different testing conditions, where relations were identified. This study provides some pertinent insights on the choice of the right set of significance measures for the evaluation of deterministic motifs extracted from protein databases.</p