49 research outputs found

    Digital and analog TFET circuits: Design and benchmark

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    In this work, we investigate by means of simulations the performance of basic digital, analog, and mixed-signal circuits employing tunnel-FETs (TFETs). The analysis reviews and complements our previous papers on these topics. By considering the same devices for all the analysis, we are able to draw consistent conclusions for a wide variety of circuits. A virtual complementary TFET technology consisting of III-V heterojunction nanowires is considered. Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) models are calibrated against the results of advanced full-quantum simulation tools and then used to generate look-up-tables suited for circuit simulations. The virtual complementary TFET technology is benchmarked against predictive technology models (PTM) of complementary silicon FinFETs for the 10 nm node over a wide range of supply voltages (VDD) in the sub-threshold voltage domain considering the same footprint between the vertical TFETs and the lateral FinFETs and the same static power. In spite of the asymmetry between p- and n-type transistors, the results show clear advantages of TFET technology over FinFET for VDDlower than 0.4 V. Moreover, we highlight how differences in the I-V characteristics of FinFETs and TFETs suggest to adapt the circuit topologies used to implement basic digital and analog blocks with respect to the most common CMOS solutions

    Impacto da variabilidade PVT em somadores construídos com XORs

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    A operação de soma é a mais usada em Unidades Lógicas e Aritméticas (ULA). A ULA é a unidade mais importante no processamento de dados. Em sistemas digitais, é desejado um somador completo com baixo consumo de energia e um alto desempenho. O somador completo faz parte do caminho crítico em sistemas computacionais, ele pode ser implementado de diversas maneiras, a maioria delas tendo como seu principal sub-circuito a porta lógica OU-exclusivo (XOR). Consequentemente, o estudo de somadores completos compostos por combinações de portas lógicas XOR é de grande valia para pesquisas na literatura. Melhorias nos módulos aritméticos pode reduzir significativamente o consumo de potência dos sistemas, mas em tecnologias nanométricas é necessário considerar o impacto da variabilidade. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo analisar projetos de somadores completos que quando submetidos aos efeitos de variabilidade devem ser robustos, ter um bom desempenho e mostrar bons resultados em consumo de energia, quando estão operando em tensão nominal e em tensão de quase limiar. Além disso, foi utilizada uma técnica chamada de célula de desacoplamento (Dcell) visando uma alternativa para a redução da variabilidade de processo. Esse trabalho analisa e compara 4 somadores tradicionais e 9 somadores completos construídos através de 3 blocos lógicos, dos quais 2 deles são substituídos por portas lógicas XOR, em uma tecnologia FinFET de 7nm. Foi observado que circuitos somadores que foram construídos usando a XOR da família lógica CMOS, especialmente no segundo bloco, obtiveram piores resultados de desempenho e consumo energético. Somadores operando em tensão nominal são cerca de 80% mais robustos quanto ao impacto da variabilidade de processo no consumo máximo. A operação em quase limiar implica em uma alta sensibilidade no desempenho e consumo, alcançando mais de 300% nos piores casos. Em relação à variabilidade de processo, foi verificado um aumento de sensibilidade de cerca de 40% no desempenho quando foram utilizadas a XOR V5 e a XOR V8 no segundo bloco dos somadores quando operando em tensão nominal. Para a operação em tensão de quase limiar o uso da metodologia proposta nesse trabalho mostrou ser uma boa opção para alcançar uma maior robustez quanto ao consumo dos circuitos. Considerando o uso da Dcell, na operação em tensão nominal, foi verificado uma redução no desempenho juntamente com uma redução na variabilidade. O melhor caso foi o somador FAV5V8 que para um aumento de 20% no atraso, obteve uma redução de 20% na variabilidade. Em relação ao consumo, houve uma redução de 16% na potência dinâmica, juntamente com uma redução de quase 30% na variabilidade, como o que ocorreu com o somador FAV8V1. Foi possível observar casos de redução da variabilidade em mais de 40% com um pequeno aumento no consumo dinâmico. O uso dessa técnica teve um alto impacto nos resultados de circuitos que operavam em tensão de quase limiar, chegando em alguns casos a mais de 40% de redução do desempenho para uma pequena redução na variabilidade. Quanto ao consumo, nesse caso, os somadores tradicionais foram os menos afetados, e novamente o uso da XOR V8 no segundo bloco para construção dos somadores mostrou ser uma boa opção para aumento da robustez dos circuitos.The sum operation is the most used in the Arithmetic and Logic Units (ALU). In digital systems, a complete adder with low energy consumption and high performance is desired. The full adder is part of the critical path in computer systems. It can be implemented in several ways, most of them having the OR-exclusive logic gate (XOR) as its main sub-circuit. Consequently, the study of full adders composed of combinations of XOR logic gates has a great value in the literature. Improvements in arithmetic modules can significantly reduce the power consumption of systems, however, in nanometric technologies it is necessary to consider the impact of variability. This work aims to analyse designs of full adders considering variability effects, comparing performance and energy consumption when operating at nominal voltage and also at near threshold voltage. In addition, a technique called decoupling cell (Dcell) was used to provide an alternative for reducing process variability. This work analyses and compares four traditional adders and nine adders built using three logic blocks, where two of them are replaced by XOR logic gates, in a 7nm FinFET technology. It was observed that full adders that were built using the XOR of the CMOS logic family, especially in the second block, had worse results in performance and energy consumption. Full adders operating at nominal voltage regime are about 80% more robust in terms of the impact of process variability on maximum consumption. The near threshold operation implies a high sensitivity in performance and consumption, reaching more than 300% in the worst cases. Regarding the process variability, there was an increase in sensitivity of about 40% in performance when the XOR V5 and XOR V8 were used in the second block of the adder when operating at nominal voltage. For the voltage operation of near threshold, the use of the methodology proposed in this work demonstrate to be a good option to achieve greater robustness regarding the consumption of the circuits. Considering the use of Dcell, in the operation at nominal voltage, a reduction in performance was verified together with a reduction in variability. The best case was the adder FAV5V8 which for a 20% increase in delay, obtained a reduction of 20% in variability. In relation to dynamic consumption, there was a 16% reduction in power, together with a reduction of almost 30% in variability, as occurred with the FAV8V1 adder. It was possible to observe cases of reduced variability by more than 40% with a small increase in dynamic consumption. The use of this technique had a high impact on the results of circuits operating at near threshold voltage, in some cases reaching more than 40% reduction in performance for a small reduction in variability. For consumption, in this case, the traditional full adders were the least affected, and again the use of the XOR V8 in the second block for the construction of the adder proved to be a good option for increasing the robustness of the circuits

    Digital and analog TFET circuits: Design and benchmark

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    In this work, we investigate by means of simulations the performance of basic digital, analog, and mixed-signal circuits employing tunnel-FETs (TFETs). The analysis reviews and complements our previous papers on these topics. By considering the same devices for all the analysis, we are able to draw consistent conclusions for a wide variety of circuits. A virtual complementary TFET technology consisting of III-V heterojunction nanowires is considered. Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) models are calibrated against the results of advanced full-quantum simulation tools and then used to generate look-up-tables suited for circuit simulations. The virtual complementary TFET technology is benchmarked against predictive technology models (PTM) of complementary silicon FinFETs for the 10 nm node over a wide range of supply voltages (VDD) in the sub-threshold voltage domain considering the same footprint between the vertical TFETs and the lateral FinFETs and the same static power. In spite of the asymmetry between p- and n-type transistors, the results show clear advantages of TFET technology over FinFET for VDDlower than 0.4 V. Moreover, we highlight how differences in the I-V characteristics of FinFETs and TFETs suggest to adapt the circuit topologies used to implement basic digital and analog blocks with respect to the most common CMOS solutions

    Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    Ny forskning innenfor feltet trådløse sensornettverk åpner for nye og innovative produkter og løsninger. Biomedisinske anvendelser er blant områdene med størst potensial og det investeres i dag betydelige beløp for å bruke denne teknologien for å gjøre medisinsk diagnostikk mer effektiv samtidig som man åpner for fjerndiagnostikk basert på trådløse sensornoder integrert i et ”helsenett”. Målet er å forbedre tjenestekvalitet og redusere kostnader samtidig som brukerne skal oppleve forbedret livskvalitet som følge av økt trygghet og mulighet for å tilbringe mest mulig tid i eget hjem og unngå unødvendige sykehusbesøk og innleggelser. For å gjøre dette til en realitet er man avhengige av sensorelektronikk som bruker minst mulig energi slik at man oppnår tilstrekkelig batterilevetid selv med veldig små batterier. I sin avhandling ” Ultra Low power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications” har PhD-kandidat Farshad Moradi fokusert på nye løsninger innenfor konstruksjon av energigjerrig digital kretselektronikk. Avhandlingen presenterer nye løsninger både innenfor aritmetiske og kombinatoriske kretser, samtidig som den studerer nye statiske minneelementer (SRAM) og alternative minnearkitekturer. Den ser også på utfordringene som oppstår når silisiumteknologien nedskaleres i takt med mikroprosessorutviklingen og foreslår løsninger som bidrar til å gjøre kretsløsninger mer robuste og skalerbare i forhold til denne utviklingen. De viktigste konklusjonene av arbeidet er at man ved å introdusere nye konstruksjonsteknikker både er i stand til å redusere energiforbruket samtidig som robusthet og teknologiskalerbarhet øker. Forskningen har vært utført i samarbeid med Purdue University og vært finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd gjennom FRINATprosjektet ”Micropower Sensor Interface in Nanometer CMOS Technology”

    Design, Modeling and Analysis of Non-classical Field Effect Transistors

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    Transistor scaling following per Moore\u27s Law slows down its pace when entering into nanometer regime where short channel effects (SCEs), including threshold voltage fluctuation, increased leakage current and mobility degradation, become pronounced in the traditional planar silicon MOSFET. In addition, as the demand of diversified functionalities rises, conventional silicon technologies cannot satisfy all non-digital applications requirements because of restrictions that stem from the fundamental material properties. Therefore, novel device materials and structures are desirable to fuel further evolution of semiconductor technologies. In this dissertation, I have proposed innovative device structures and addressed design considerations of those non-classical field effect transistors for digital, analog/RF and power applications with projected benefits. Considering device process difficulties and the dramatic fabrication cost, application-oriented device design and optimization are performed through device physics analysis and TCAD modeling methodology to develop design guidelines utilizing transistor\u27s improved characteristics toward application-specific circuit performance enhancement. Results support proposed device design methodologies that will allow development of novel transistors capable of overcoming limitation of planar nanoscale MOSFETs. In this work, both silicon and III-V compound devices are designed, optimized and characterized for digital and non-digital applications through calibrated 2-D and 3-D TCAD simulation. For digital functionalities, silicon and InGaAs MOSFETs have been investigated. Optimized 3-D silicon-on-insulator (SOI) and body-on-insulator (BOI) FinFETs are simulated to demonstrate their impact on the performance of volatile memory SRAM module with consideration of self-heating effects. Comprehensive simulation results suggest that the current drivability degradation due to increased device temperature is modest for both devices and corresponding digital circuits. However, SOI FinFET is recommended for the design of low voltage operation digital modules because of its faster AC response and better SCEs management than the BOI structure. The FinFET concept is also applied to the non-volatile memory cell at 22 nm technology node for low voltage operation with suppressed SCEs. In addition to the silicon technology, our TCAD estimation based on upper projections show that the InGaAs FinFET, with superior mobility and improved interface conditions, achieve tremendous drive current boost and aggressively suppressed SCEs and thereby a strong contender for low-power high-performance applications over the silicon counterpart. For non-digital functionalities, multi-fin FETs and GaN HEMT have been studied. Mixed-mode simulations along with developed optimization guidelines establish the realistic application potential of underlap design of silicon multi-Fin FETs for analog/RF operation. The device with underlap design shows compromised current drivability but improve analog intrinsic gain and high frequency performance. To investigate the potential of the novel N-polar GaN material, for the first time, I have provided calibrated TCAD modeling of E-mode N-polar GaN single-channel HEMT. In this work, I have also proposed a novel E-mode dual-channel hybrid MIS-HEMT showing greatly enhanced current carrying capability. The impact of GaN layer scaling has been investigated through extensive TCAD simulations and demonstrated techniques for device optimization

    Modeling and characterization of optimal nano-scale channel dimensions for fin field effect transistor based on constituent semiconductor materials

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    This study aims to design an optimal nano-dimensional channel of fin field effect transistor (FinFET) on the basis of electrical characteristics and constituent semiconductor materials (Si, GaAs, Ge, and InAs) to overcome issues regarding the shrinking of dimensions and ensure the best performance of FinFETs. This objective has been achieved by proposing a new scaling factor, K, to simultaneously shrink the physical scaling limits of channel dimensions for various FinFETs without degrading their performance. A simulation-based comprehensive comparative study depending on four variable parameters (length, width, oxide thickness of the channel, and scaling factor) was carried out. The influence of changing channel dimensions on the performance of each type of FinFET was evaluated according to four electrical characteristics: i) ON-state/OFF-state current (ION/IOFF) ratio, ii) subthreshold swing (SS), iii) threshold voltage and iv) drain-induced barrier lowering. The well-known multi-gate field-effect transistor (MuGFET) simulation tool for nanoscale MuGFET structure was utilized to conduct experimental simulations under the considered conditions. The obtained simulation results showed that the optimal channel dimensions for the best performance of all considered FinFET types were achieved at a minimal scaling factor K=0.125 with 5 nm length, 2.5 nm width, and 0.625 nm oxide thickness of the channel

    Designing energy-efficient computing systems using equalization and machine learning

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    As technology scaling slows down in the nanometer CMOS regime and mobile computing becomes more ubiquitous, designing energy-efficient hardware for mobile systems is becoming increasingly critical and challenging. Although various approaches like near-threshold computing (NTC), aggressive voltage scaling with shadow latches, etc. have been proposed to get the most out of limited battery life, there is still no “silver bullet” to increasing power-performance demands of the mobile systems. Moreover, given that a mobile system could operate in a variety of environmental conditions, like different temperatures, have varying performance requirements, etc., there is a growing need for designing tunable/reconfigurable systems in order to achieve energy-efficient operation. In this work we propose to address the energy- efficiency problem of mobile systems using two different approaches: circuit tunability and distributed adaptive algorithms. Inspired by the communication systems, we developed feedback equalization based digital logic that changes the threshold of its gates based on the input pattern. We showed that feedback equalization in static complementary CMOS logic enabled up to 20% reduction in energy dissipation while maintaining the performance metrics. We also achieved 30% reduction in energy dissipation for pass-transistor digital logic (PTL) with equalization while maintaining performance. In addition, we proposed a mechanism that leverages feedback equalization techniques to achieve near optimal operation of static complementary CMOS logic blocks over the entire voltage range from near threshold supply voltage to nominal supply voltage. Using energy-delay product (EDP) as a metric we analyzed the use of the feedback equalizer as part of various sequential computational blocks. Our analysis shows that for near-threshold voltage operation, when equalization was used, we can improve the operating frequency by up to 30%, while the energy increase was less than 15%, with an overall EDP reduction of ≈10%. We also observe an EDP reduction of close to 5% across entire above-threshold voltage range. On the distributed adaptive algorithm front, we explored energy-efficient hardware implementation of machine learning algorithms. We proposed an adaptive classifier that leverages the wide variability in data complexity to enable energy-efficient data classification operations for mobile systems. Our approach takes advantage of varying classification hardness across data to dynamically allocate resources and improve energy efficiency. On average, our adaptive classifier is ≈100× more energy efficient but has ≈1% higher error rate than a complex radial basis function classifier and is ≈10× less energy efficient but has ≈40% lower error rate than a simple linear classifier across a wide range of classification data sets. We also developed a field of groves (FoG) implementation of random forests (RF) that achieves an accuracy comparable to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) under tight energy budgets. The FoG architecture takes advantage of the fact that in random forests a small portion of the weak classifiers (decision trees) might be sufficient to achieve high statistical performance. By dividing the random forest into smaller forests (Groves), and conditionally executing the rest of the forest, FoG is able to achieve much higher energy efficiency levels for comparable error rates. We also take advantage of the distributed nature of the FoG to achieve high level of parallelism. Our evaluation shows that at maximum achievable accuracies FoG consumes ≈1.48×, ≈24×, ≈2.5×, and ≈34.7× lower energy per classification compared to conventional RF, SVM-RBF , Multi-Layer Perceptron Network (MLP), and CNN, respectively. FoG is 6.5× less energy efficient than SVM-LR, but achieves 18% higher accuracy on average across all considered datasets

    Degradation Models and Optimizations for CMOS Circuits

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    Die Gewährleistung der Zuverlässigkeit von CMOS-Schaltungen ist derzeit eines der größten Herausforderungen beim Chip- und Schaltungsentwurf. Mit dem Ende der Dennard-Skalierung erhöht jede neue Generation der Halbleitertechnologie die elektrischen Felder innerhalb der Transistoren. Dieses stärkere elektrische Feld stimuliert die Degradationsphänomene (Alterung der Transistoren, Selbsterhitzung, Rauschen, usw.), was zu einer immer stärkeren Degradation (Verschlechterung) der Transistoren führt. Daher erleiden die Transistoren in jeder neuen Technologiegeneration immer stärkere Verschlechterungen ihrer elektrischen Parameter. Um die Funktionalität und Zuverlässigkeit der Schaltung zu wahren, wird es daher unerlässlich, die Auswirkungen der geschwächten Transistoren auf die Schaltung präzise zu bestimmen. Die beiden wichtigsten Auswirkungen der Verschlechterungen sind ein verlangsamtes Schalten, sowie eine erhöhte Leistungsaufnahme der Schaltung. Bleiben diese Auswirkungen unberücksichtigt, kann die verlangsamte Schaltgeschwindigkeit zu Timing-Verletzungen führen (d.h. die Schaltung kann die Berechnung nicht rechtzeitig vor Beginn der nächsten Operation abschließen) und die Funktionalität der Schaltung beeinträchtigen (fehlerhafte Ausgabe, verfälschte Daten, usw.). Um diesen Verschlechterungen der Transistorparameter im Laufe der Zeit Rechnung zu tragen, werden Sicherheitstoleranzen eingeführt. So wird beispielsweise die Taktperiode der Schaltung künstlich verlängert, um ein langsameres Schaltverhalten zu tolerieren und somit Fehler zu vermeiden. Dies geht jedoch auf Kosten der Performanz, da eine längere Taktperiode eine niedrigere Taktfrequenz bedeutet. Die Ermittlung der richtigen Sicherheitstoleranz ist entscheidend. Wird die Sicherheitstoleranz zu klein bestimmt, führt dies in der Schaltung zu Fehlern, eine zu große Toleranz führt zu unnötigen Performanzseinbußen. Derzeit verlässt sich die Industrie bei der Zuverlässigkeitsbestimmung auf den schlimmstmöglichen Fall (maximal gealterter Schaltkreis, maximale Betriebstemperatur bei minimaler Spannung, ungünstigste Fertigung, etc.). Diese Annahme des schlimmsten Falls garantiert, dass der Chip (oder integrierte Schaltung) unter allen auftretenden Betriebsbedingungen funktionsfähig bleibt. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Betrachtung des schlimmsten Falles viele Vereinfachungen. Zum Beispiel muss die eigentliche Betriebstemperatur nicht bestimmt werden, sondern es kann einfach die schlimmstmögliche (sehr hohe) Betriebstemperatur angenommen werden. Leider lässt sich diese etablierte Praxis der Berücksichtigung des schlimmsten Falls (experimentell oder simulationsbasiert) nicht mehr aufrechterhalten. Diese Berücksichtigung bedingt solch harsche Betriebsbedingungen (maximale Temperatur, etc.) und Anforderungen (z.B. 25 Jahre Betrieb), dass die Transistoren unter den immer stärkeren elektrischen Felder enorme Verschlechterungen erleiden. Denn durch die Kombination an hoher Temperatur, Spannung und den steigenden elektrischen Feldern bei jeder Generation, nehmen die Degradationphänomene stetig zu. Das bedeutet, dass die unter dem schlimmsten Fall bestimmte Sicherheitstoleranz enorm pessimistisch ist und somit deutlich zu hoch ausfällt. Dieses Maß an Pessimismus führt zu erheblichen Performanzseinbußen, die unnötig und demnach vermeidbar sind. Während beispielsweise militärische Schaltungen 25 Jahre lang unter harschen Bedingungen arbeiten müssen, wird Unterhaltungselektronik bei niedrigeren Temperaturen betrieben und muss ihre Funktionalität nur für die Dauer der zweijährigen Garantie aufrechterhalten. Für letzteres können die Sicherheitstoleranzen also deutlich kleiner ausfallen, um die Performanz deutlich zu erhöhen, die zuvor im Namen der Zuverlässigkeit aufgegeben wurde. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, maßgeschneiderte Sicherheitstoleranzen für die einzelnen Anwendungsszenarien einer Schaltung bereitzustellen. Für fordernde Umgebungen wie Weltraumanwendungen (wo eine Reparatur unmöglich ist) ist weiterhin der schlimmstmögliche Fall relevant. In den meisten Anwendungen, herrschen weniger harsche Betriebssbedingungen (z.B. sorgen Kühlsysteme für niedrigere Temperaturen). Hier können Sicherheitstoleranzen maßgeschneidert und anwendungsspezifisch bestimmt werden, sodass Verschlechterungen exakt toleriert werden können und somit die Zuverlässigkeit zu minimalen Kosten (Performanz, etc.) gewahrt wird. Leider sind die derzeitigen Standardentwurfswerkzeuge für diese anwendungsspezifische Bestimmung der Sicherheitstoleranz nicht gut gerüstet. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, Standardentwurfswerkzeuge in die Lage zu versetzen, diesen Bedarf an Zuverlässigkeitsbestimmungen für beliebige Schaltungen unter beliebigen Betriebsbedingungen zu erfüllen. Zu diesem Zweck stellen wir unsere Forschungsbeiträge als vier Schritte auf dem Weg zu anwendungsspezifischen Sicherheitstoleranzen vor: Schritt 1 verbessert die Modellierung der Degradationsphänomene (Transistor-Alterung, -Selbsterhitzung, -Rauschen, etc.). Das Ziel von Schritt 1 ist es, ein umfassendes, einheitliches Modell für die Degradationsphänomene zu erstellen. Durch die Verwendung von materialwissenschaftlichen Defektmodellierungen werden die zugrundeliegenden physikalischen Prozesse der Degradationsphänomena modelliert, um ihre Wechselwirkungen zu berücksichtigen (z.B. Phänomen A kann Phänomen B beschleunigen) und ein einheitliches Modell für die simultane Modellierung verschiedener Phänomene zu erzeugen. Weiterhin werden die jüngst entdeckten Phänomene ebenfalls modelliert und berücksichtigt. In Summe, erlaubt dies eine genaue Degradationsmodellierung von Transistoren unter gleichzeitiger Berücksichtigung aller essenziellen Phänomene. Schritt 2 beschleunigt diese Degradationsmodelle von mehreren Minuten pro Transistor (Modelle der Physiker zielen auf Genauigkeit statt Performanz) auf wenige Millisekunden pro Transistor. Die Forschungsbeiträge dieser Dissertation beschleunigen die Modelle um ein Vielfaches, indem sie zuerst die Berechnungen so weit wie möglich vereinfachen (z.B. sind nur die Spitzenwerte der Degradation erforderlich und nicht alle Werte über einem zeitlichen Verlauf) und anschließend die Parallelität heutiger Computerhardware nutzen. Beide Ansätze erhöhen die Auswertungsgeschwindigkeit, ohne die Genauigkeit der Berechnung zu beeinflussen. In Schritt 3 werden diese beschleunigte Degradationsmodelle in die Standardwerkzeuge integriert. Die Standardwerkzeuge berücksichtigen derzeit nur die bestmöglichen, typischen und schlechtestmöglichen Standardzellen (digital) oder Transistoren (analog). Diese drei Typen von Zellen/Transistoren werden von der Foundry (Halbleiterhersteller) aufwendig experimentell bestimmt. Da nur diese drei Typen bestimmt werden, nehmen die Werkzeuge keine Zuverlässigkeitsbestimmung für eine spezifische Anwendung (Temperatur, Spannung, Aktivität) vor. Simulationen mit Degradationsmodellen ermöglichen eine Bestimmung für spezifische Anwendungen, jedoch muss diese Fähigkeit erst integriert werden. Diese Integration ist eines der Beiträge dieser Dissertation. Schritt 4 beschleunigt die Standardwerkzeuge. Digitale Schaltungsentwürfe, die nicht auf Standardzellen basieren, sowie komplexe analoge Schaltungen können derzeit nicht mit analogen Schaltungssimulatoren ausgewertet werden. Ihre Performanz reicht für solch umfangreiche Simulationen nicht aus. Diese Dissertation stellt Techniken vor, um diese Werkzeuge zu beschleunigen und somit diese umfangreichen Schaltungen simulieren zu können. Diese Forschungsbeiträge, die sich jeweils über mehrere Veröffentlichungen erstrecken, ermöglichen es Standardwerkzeugen, die Sicherheitstoleranz für kundenspezifische Anwendungsszenarien zu bestimmen. Für eine gegebene Schaltungslebensdauer, Temperatur, Spannung und Aktivität (Schaltverhalten durch Software-Applikationen) können die Auswirkungen der Transistordegradation ausgewertet werden und somit die erforderliche (weder unter- noch überschätzte) Sicherheitstoleranz bestimmt werden. Diese anwendungsspezifische Sicherheitstoleranz, garantiert die Zuverlässigkeit und Funktionalität der Schaltung für genau diese Anwendung bei minimalen Performanzeinbußen

    Modeling and characterization of optimal nano-scale channel dimensions for fin field effect transistor based on constituent semiconductor materials

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    This study aims to design an optimal nano-dimensional channel of fin field effect transistor (FinFET) on the basis of electrical characteristics and constituent semiconductor materials (Si, GaAs, Ge, and InAs) to overcome issues regarding the shrinking of dimensions and ensure the best performance of FinFETs. This objective has been achieved by proposing a new scaling factor, K, to simultaneously shrink the physical scaling limits of channel dimensions for various FinFETs without degrading their performance. A simulation-based comprehensive comparative study depending on four variable parameters (length, width, oxide thickness of the channel, and scaling factor) was carried out. The influence of changing channel dimensions on the performance of each type of FinFET was evaluated according to four electrical characteristics: i) ON-state/OFF-state current (ION/IOFF) ratio, ii) subthreshold swing (SS), iii) threshold voltage, and iv) drain-induced barrier lowering. The well-known multi-gate field-effect transistor (MuGFET) simulation tool for nanoscale MuGFET structure was utilized to conduct experimental simulations under the considered conditions. The obtained simulation results showed that the optimal channel dimensions for the best performance of all considered FinFET types were achieved at a minimal scaling factor K=0.125 with 5 nm length, 2.5 nm width, and 0.625 nm oxide thickness of the channel