2,338 research outputs found

    Brain electrical activity discriminant analysis using Reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces

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    A deep an adequate understanding of the human brain functions has been an objective for interdisciplinar teams of scientists. Different types of technological acquisition methodologies, allow to capture some particular data that is related with brain activity. Commonly, the more used strategies are related with the brain electrical activity, where reflected neuronal interactions are reflected in the scalp and obtained via electrode arrays as time series. The processing of this type of brain electrical activity (BEA) data, poses some challenges that should be addressed carefully due their intrinsic properties. BEA in known to have a nonstationaty behavior and a high degree of variability dependenig of the stimulus or responses that are being adressed..

    Brain electrical activity discriminant analysis using Reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces

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    A deep an adequate understanding of the human brain functions has been an objective for interdisciplinar teams of scientists. Different types of technological acquisition methodologies, allow to capture some particular data that is related with brain activity. Commonly, the more used strategies are related with the brain electrical activity, where reflected neuronal interactions are reflected in the scalp and obtained via electrode arrays as time series. The processing of this type of brain electrical activity (BEA) data, poses some challenges that should be addressed carefully due their intrinsic properties. BEA in known to have a nonstationaty behavior and a high degree of variability dependenig of the stimulus or responses that are being adressed..

    Nomenclature and Benchmarking Models of Text Classification Models: Contemporary Affirmation of the Recent Literature

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    In this paper we present automated text classification in text mining that is gaining greater relevance in various fields every day Text mining primarily focuses on developing text classification systems able to automatically classify huge volume of documents comprising of unstructured and semi structured data The process of retrieval classification and summarization simplifies extract of information by the user The finding of the ideal text classifier feature generator and distinct dominant technique of feature selection leading all other previous research has received attention from researchers of diverse areas as information retrieval machine learning and the theory of algorithms To automatically classify and discover patterns from the different types of the documents 1 techniques like Machine Learning Natural Language Processing NLP and Data Mining are applied together In this paper we review some effective feature selection researches and show the results in a table for

    Data Mining and Machine Learning in Astronomy

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    We review the current state of data mining and machine learning in astronomy. 'Data Mining' can have a somewhat mixed connotation from the point of view of a researcher in this field. If used correctly, it can be a powerful approach, holding the potential to fully exploit the exponentially increasing amount of available data, promising great scientific advance. However, if misused, it can be little more than the black-box application of complex computing algorithms that may give little physical insight, and provide questionable results. Here, we give an overview of the entire data mining process, from data collection through to the interpretation of results. We cover common machine learning algorithms, such as artificial neural networks and support vector machines, applications from a broad range of astronomy, emphasizing those where data mining techniques directly resulted in improved science, and important current and future directions, including probability density functions, parallel algorithms, petascale computing, and the time domain. We conclude that, so long as one carefully selects an appropriate algorithm, and is guided by the astronomical problem at hand, data mining can be very much the powerful tool, and not the questionable black box.Comment: Published in IJMPD. 61 pages, uses ws-ijmpd.cls. Several extra figures, some minor additions to the tex

    Enhanced Condition Assessment for Maine Lakes

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    The Influence of anthropogenic activities on lake water quality is well documented, but how those influences interact with the effects of natural features, such as watershed geology or lake morphometry, has been less explored. Further, some aspects of lake condition are influenced by factors that are not lake or watershed specific, but occur across large regions, such as weather patterns. All these factors may be interrelated in some instances, which can complicate lake condition assessments which have the purpose of determining how lakes are being affected by human activities. This dissertation investigates how lake assessments can integrate the interactions among natural features of lakes, their watersheds, and anthropogenic influences. Chapter 1 discusses the variety of factors that may affect lake condition and how those influences may confound lake condition assessments. Chapter 2 details the creation of a hydrogeomorphic lake classification, based on ecoregions and lake depth, that partitioned lakes into groups that share similarities in background water quality condition. In chapter 3, a logistic regression model is described that uses maximum depth and relative lake area beneath the epilimnion to predict which low-nutrient lakes (total phosphorus \u3c 15 μg/L) may exhibit naturally-occurring anoxia. In chapter 4, water clarity patterns from different types of reference lakes (detailed in chapter 2) were modeled to allow for comparisons between yearly water clarity values in non-reference lakes and a reference baseline that shifts over time. Cumulative precipitation during the lake stratification season was the primary driver of yearly differences in background lake water clarity. In chapter 5, methods were developed to measure the effect of anthropogenic shoreland disturbance on the condition of littoral habitat. Multi-metric indices based on various habitat measures were established that determine if the littoral habitat is different from a natural reference condition. Chapter 6 summarizes the research in this dissertation and offers potential foci of future lake research in Maine. The overall goal of this dissertation was to advance our collective understanding of how lakes may be variably affected by natural and anthropogenic factors, thereby allowing for better-informed lake assessments and the development of more comprehensive, achievable lake management goals. The research presented herein underscores the importance of considering the interactions of multiple cross-scale factors when evaluating lake condition, especially those related to landscape traits that influence runoff water chemistry, natural lake-specific features such as basin morphometry, large-scale weather patterns, and localized shoreland development

    Parallel Rendering and Large Data Visualization

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    We are living in the big data age: An ever increasing amount of data is being produced through data acquisition and computer simulations. While large scale analysis and simulations have received significant attention for cloud and high-performance computing, software to efficiently visualise large data sets is struggling to keep up. Visualization has proven to be an efficient tool for understanding data, in particular visual analysis is a powerful tool to gain intuitive insight into the spatial structure and relations of 3D data sets. Large-scale visualization setups are becoming ever more affordable, and high-resolution tiled display walls are in reach even for small institutions. Virtual reality has arrived in the consumer space, making it accessible to a large audience. This thesis addresses these developments by advancing the field of parallel rendering. We formalise the design of system software for large data visualization through parallel rendering, provide a reference implementation of a parallel rendering framework, introduce novel algorithms to accelerate the rendering of large amounts of data, and validate this research and development with new applications for large data visualization. Applications built using our framework enable domain scientists and large data engineers to better extract meaning from their data, making it feasible to explore more data and enabling the use of high-fidelity visualization installations to see more detail of the data.Comment: PhD thesi

    Instance-based Learning with Prototype Reduction for Real-Time Proportional Myocontrol: A Randomized User Study Demonstrating Accuracy-preserving Data Reduction for Prosthetic Embedded Systems

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    This work presents the design, implementation and validation of learning techniques based on the kNN scheme for gesture detection in prosthetic control. To cope with high computational demands in instance-based prediction, methods of dataset reduction are evaluated considering real-time determinism to allow for the reliable integration into battery-powered portable devices. The influence of parameterization and varying proportionality schemes is analyzed, utilizing an eight-channel-sEMG armband. Besides offline cross-validation accuracy, success rates in real-time pilot experiments (online target achievement tests) are determined. Based on the assessment of specific dataset reduction techniques' adequacy for embedded control applications regarding accuracy and timing behaviour, Decision Surface Mapping (DSM) proves itself promising when applying kNN on the reduced set. A randomized, double-blind user study was conducted to evaluate the respective methods (kNN and kNN with DSM-reduction) against Ridge Regression (RR) and RR with Random Fourier Features (RR-RFF). The kNN-based methods performed significantly better (p<0.0005) than the regression techniques. Between DSM-kNN and kNN, there was no statistically significant difference (significance level 0.05). This is remarkable in consideration of only one sample per class in the reduced set, thus yielding a reduction rate of over 99% while preserving success rate. The same behaviour could be confirmed in an extended user study. With k=1, which turned out to be an excellent choice, the runtime complexity of both kNN (in every prediction step) as well as DSM-kNN (in the training phase) becomes linear concerning the number of original samples, favouring dependable wearable prosthesis applications

    Large-scale Multi-Label Text Classification for an Online News Monitoring System

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    This thesis provides a detailed exploration of numerous methods — some established and some novel — considered in the construction of a text-categorization system, for use in a large-scale, online news-monitoring system known as PULS. PULS is an information extraction (IE) system, consisting of a number of tools for automatically collecting named-entities from text. The system also has access to large training corpora in the business domain, where documents are annotated with associated industry-sectors. These assets are leveraged in the construction of a multi-label industry-sector classifier, the output of which is displayed on the web-based front-end of PULS, for new articles. Through review of background literature and direct experimentation with each stage of development, we illuminate many major challenges of multi-label classification. These challenges include: working effectively in a real-world scenario that poses time and memory restrictions; organizing and processing semi-structured, pre-annotated text corpora; handling large-scale data sets and label sets with significant class imbalances; weighing the trade-offs of different learning algorithms and feature-selection methods with respect to end-user performance; and finding meaningful evaluations for each system component. In addition to presenting the challenges associated with large-scale multi-label learning, this thesis presents a number of experiments and evaluations to determine methods which enhance overall performance. The major outcome of these experiments is a multi-stage, multi-label classifier that combines IE-based rote classification — with features extracted by the PULS system — with an array of balanced, statistical classifiers. Evaluation of this multi-stage system shows improvement over a baseline classifier and, for certain evaluations, over state-of-the-art performance from literature, when tested on a commonly-used corpus. Aspects of the classification method and their associated experimental results have also been published for international conference proceedings

    Applications of monodromy in solving polynomial systems

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    Polynomial systems of equations that occur in applications frequently have a special structure. Part of that structure can be captured by an associated Galois/monodromy group. This makes numerical homotopy continuation methods that exploit this monodromy action an attractive choice for solving these systems; by contrast, other symbolic-numeric techniques do not generally see this structure. Naturally, there are trade-offs when monodromy is chosen over other methods. Nevertheless, there is a growing literature demonstrating that the trade can be worthwhile in practice. In this thesis, we consider a framework for efficient monodromy computation which rivals the state-of-the-art in homotopy continuation methods. We show how its implementation in the package MonodromySolver can be used to efficiently solve challenging systems of polynomial equations. Among many applications, we apply monodromy to computer vision---specifically, the study and classification of minimal problems used in RANSAC-based 3D reconstruction pipelines. As a byproduct of numerically computing their Galois/monodromy groups, we observe that several of these problems have a decomposition into algebraic subproblems. Although precise knowledge of such a decomposition is hard to obtain in general, we determine it in some novel cases.Ph.D