362 research outputs found

    Management of Islanded Operation of Microgirds

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    Distributed generations with continuously growing penetration levels offer potential solutions to energy security and reliability with minimum environmental impacts. Distributed Generations when connected to the area electric power systems provide numerous advantages. However, grid integration of distributed generations presents several technical challenges which has forced the systems planners and operators to account for the repercussions on the distribution feeders which are no longer passive in the presence of distributed generations. Grid integration of distributed generations requires accurate and reliable islanding detection methodology for secure system operation. Two distributed generation islanding detection methodologies are proposed in this dissertation. First, a passive islanding detection technique for grid-connected distributed generations based on parallel decision trees is proposed. The proposed approach relies on capturing the underlying signature of a wide variety of system events on a set of critical system parameters and utilizes multiple optimal decision tress in a parallel network for classification of system events. Second, a hybrid islanding detection method for grid-connected inverter based distributed generations combining decision trees and Sandia frequency shift method is also proposed. The proposed method combines passive and active islanding detection techniques to aggregate their individual advantages and reduce or eliminate their drawbacks. In smart grid paradigm, microgrids are the enabling engine for systematic integration of distributed generations with the utility grid. A systematic approach for controlled islanding of grid-connected microgrids is also proposed in this dissertation. The objective of the proposed approach is to develop an adaptive controlled islanding methodology to be implemented as a preventive control component in emergency control strategy for microgrid operations. An emergency power management strategy for microgrid autonomous operation subsequent to inadvertent islanding events is also proposed in this dissertation. The proposed approach integrates microgrid resources such as energy storage systems, demand response resources, and controllable micro-sources to layout a comprehensive power management strategy for ensuring secure and stable microgrid operation following an unplanned islanding event. In this dissertation, various case studies are presented to validate the proposed methods. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodologies

    Control and management of energy storage systems in microgrids

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    The rate of integration of the renewable energy sources in modern grids have significantly increased in the last decade. These intermittent, non-dispatchable renewable sources, though environment friendly tend to be grid unfriendly. This is precisely due to the issues pertaining to grid congestion, voltage regulation and stability of grids being reported as a result of the incorporation of renewable sources. In this scenario, the use of energy storage systems (ESS ) in electric grids is being widely proposed to overcome these issues. However, integrating energy storage systems alone will not compensate for the issue created by renewable generation. The control and management of the ESS should be done optimally so that their full capabilities are exploited to overcome the issues in the power grids and to ensure their lower cost of investment by prolonging ESS lifetime through minimising degradation. Motivated by this aspect this Ph.D work focusses on developing an efficient, optimal control and management strategy for ESS in a microgrid, especially hybrid ESS. The Ph.D work addresses this issue by proposing a hierarchical control scheme comprising of a lower power management and higher energy management stage with contributions in each stage. In the power management stage this work focusses on improving aspects of real time control of power converters interfacing ESS to grid and the microgrid system as whole. The work proposes control systems with improved dynamic behaviour for power converters based on the reset control framework. In the microgrid control the work presents a primary+secondary control scheme with improved voltage regulation performance under disturbances, using an observer. The real time power splitting strategies among hybrid ESS accounting for the ESS operating efficiencies and degradation mechanisms will also be addressed in the primary+secondary control of power management stage. The design criteria, stability and robustness analysis will be carried out, along with simulation or experimental verifications. In the higher level energy management stage, the contribution of this work involves application of an economic MPC framework for the management of ESS in microgrids. The work specifically addresses the problems of mitigating grid congestion from renewable power feed-in, minimising ESS degradation and maximising self consumption of generated renewable energy using the MPC based energy management system. A survey of the forecasting methods that can be used for MPC will be carried out and a neural network based forecasting unit for time series prediction will be developed. The practical issue of accounting for forecasting error in the decision making of MPC will be addressed and impact of the resulting conservative decision making on the system performance will be analysed. The improvement in performance with the proposed energy management scheme will be demonstrated and quantified.La integración de las fuentes de energía renovables en las redes modernas ha aumentado significativamente en la última década. Estas fuentes renovables, aunque muy convenientes para el medio ambiente son de naturaleza intermitente, y son no panificables, cosa que genera problemas en la red de distribución. Esto se debe precisamente a los problemas relacionados con la congestión de la red y la regulación del voltaje. En este escenario, el uso de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía (ESS) en redes eléctricas está siendo ampliamente propuesto para superar estos problemas. Sin embargo, la integración de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía por sí solos no compensará el problema creado por la generación renovable. El control y la gestión del ESS deben realizarse de manera óptima, de modo que se aprovechen al máximo sus capacidades para superar los problemas en las redes eléctricas, garantizar un coste de inversión razonable y prolongar la vida útil del ESS minimizando su degradación. Motivado por esta problemática, esta tesis doctoral se centra en desarrollar una estrategia de control y gestión eficiente para los ESS integrados en una microrred, especialmente cuando se trata de ESS de naturaleza. El trabajo de doctorado propone un esquema de control jerárquico compuesto por un control de bajo nivel y una parte de gestión de energía operando a más alto nivel. El trabajo realiza aportaciones en los dos campos. En el control de bajo nivel, este trabajo se centra en mejorar aspectos del control en tiempo real de los convertidores que interconectan el ESS con la red y el sistema de micro red en su conjunto. El trabajo propone sistemas de control con comportamiento dinámico mejorado para convertidores de potencia desarrollados en el marco del control de tipo reset. En el control de microrred, el trabajo presenta un esquema de control primario y uno secundario con un rendimiento de regulación de voltaje mejorado bajo perturbaciones, utilizando un observador. Además, el trabajo plantea estrategias de reparto del flujo de potencia entre los diferentes ESS. Durante el diseño de estos algoritmos de control se tienen en cuenta los mecanismos de degradación de los diferentes ESS. Los algoritmos diseñados se validarán mediante simulaciones y trabajos experimentales. En el apartado de gestión de energía, la contribución de este trabajo se centra en la aplicación del un control predictivo económico basado en modelo (EMPC) para la gestión de ESS en microrredes. El trabajo aborda específicamente los problemas de mitigar la congestión de la red a partir de la alimentación de energía renovable, minimizando la degradación de ESS y maximizando el autoconsumo de energía renovable generada. Se ha realizado una revisión de los métodos de predicción del consumo/generación que pueden usarse en el marco del EMPC y se ha desarrollado un mecanismo de predicción basado en el uso de las redes neuronales. Se ha abordado el análisis del efecto del error de predicción sobre el EMPC y el impacto que la toma de decisiones conservadoras produce en el rendimiento del sistema. La mejora en el rendimiento del esquema de gestión energética propuesto se ha cuantificado.La integració de les fonts d'energia renovables a les xarxes modernes ha augmentat significativament en l’última dècada. Aquestes fonts renovables, encara que molt convenients per al medi ambient són de naturalesa intermitent, i són no panificables, cosa que genera problemes a la xarxa de distribució. Això es deu precisament als problemes relacionats amb la congestió de la xarxa i la regulació de la tensió. En aquest escenari, l’ús de sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia (ESS) en xarxes elèctriques està sent àmpliament proposat per superar aquests problemes. No obstant això, la integració de sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia per si sols no compensarà el problema creat per la generació renovable. El control i la gestió de l'ESS s'han de fer de manera _optima, de manera que s'aprofitin al màxim les seves capacitats per superar els problemes en les xarxes elèctriques, garantir un cost d’inversió raonable i allargar la vida útil de l'ESS minimitzant la seva degradació. Motivat per aquesta problemàtica, aquesta tesi doctoral es centra a desenvolupar una estratègia de control i gestió eficient per als ESS integrats en una microxarxa, especialment quan es tracta d'ESS de natura híbrida. El treball de doctorat proposa un esquema de control jeràrquic compost per un control de baix nivell i una part de gestió d'energia operant a més alt nivell. El treball realitza aportacions en els dos camps. En el control de baix nivell, aquest treball es centra a millorar aspectes del control en temps real dels convertidors que interconnecten el ESS amb la xarxa i el sistema de microxarxa en el seu conjunt. El treball proposa sistemes de control amb comportament dinàmic millorat per a convertidors de potència desenvolupats en el marc del control de tipus reset. En el control de micro-xarxa, el treball presenta un esquema de control primari i un de secundari de regulació de voltatge millorat sota pertorbacions, utilitzant un observador. A més, el treball planteja estratègies de repartiment de el flux de potència entre els diferents ESS. Durant el disseny d'aquests algoritmes de control es tenen en compte els mecanismes de degradació dels diferents ESS. Els algoritmes dissenyats es validaran mitjanant simulacions i treballs experimentals. En l'apartat de gestió d'energia, la contribució d'aquest treball se centra en l’aplicació de l'un control predictiu econòmic basat en model (EMPC) per a la gestió d'ESS en microxarxes. El treball aborda específicament els problemes de mitigar la congestió de la xarxa a partir de l’alimentació d'energia renovable, minimitzant la degradació d'ESS i maximitzant l'autoconsum d'energia renovable generada. S'ha realitzat una revisió dels mètodes de predicció del consum/generació que poden usar-se en el marc de l'EMPC i s'ha desenvolupat un mecanisme de predicció basat en l’ús de les xarxes neuronals. S'ha abordat l’anàlisi de l'efecte de l'error de predicció sobre el EMPC i l'impacte que la presa de decisions conservadores produeix en el rendiment de el sistema. La millora en el rendiment de l'esquema de gestió energètica proposat s'ha quantificat

    Blockchain-Based Water-Energy Transactive Management with Spatial-Temporal Uncertainties

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    Water resources are vital to the energy conversion process but few efforts have been devoted to the joint optimization problem which is fundamentally critical to the water-energy nexus for small-scale or remote energy systems (e.g., energy hubs). Traditional water and energy trading mechanisms depend on centralized authorities and cannot preserve security and privacy effectively. Also, their transaction process cannot be verified and is subject to easy tampering and frequent exposures to cyberattacks, forgery, and network failures. Toward that end, water-energy hubs (WEHs) offers a promising way to analyse water-energy nexus for greater resource utilization efficiency. We propose a two-stage blockchain-based transactive management method for multiple, interconnected WEHs. Our method considers peer-topeer (P2P) trading and demand response, and leverages blockchain to create a secure trading environment. It features auditing and resource transaction record management via system aggregators enabled by a consortium blockchain, and entails spatial-temporal distributionally robust optimization (DRO) for renewable generation and load uncertainties. A spatial-temporal ambiguity set is incorporated in DRO to characterize the spatial-temporal dependencies of the uncertainties in distributed renewable generation and load demand. We conduct a simulation-based evaluation that includes robust optimization and the moment-based DRO as benchmarks. The results reveal that our method is consistently more effective than both benchmarks. Key findings include i) our method reduces conservativeness with lower WEH trading and operation costs, and achieves important performance improvements by up to 6.1%; and ii) our method is efficient and requires 18.7% less computational time than the moment-based DRO. Overall, this study contributes to the extant literature by proposing a novel two-stage blockchain-based WEH transaction method, developing a realistic spatialtemporal ambiguity set to effectively hedge against the uncertainties for distributed renewable generation and load demand, and producing empirical evidence suggesting its greater effectiveness and values than several prevalent methods.</p

    Microgrids/Nanogrids Implementation, Planning, and Operation

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    Today’s power system is facing the challenges of increasing global demand for electricity, high-reliability requirements, the need for clean energy and environmental protection, and planning restrictions. To move towards a green and smart electric power system, centralized generation facilities are being transformed into smaller and more distributed ones. As a result, the microgrid concept is emerging, where a microgrid can operate as a single controllable system and can be viewed as a group of distributed energy loads and resources, which can include many renewable energy sources and energy storage systems. The energy management of a large number of distributed energy resources is required for the reliable operation of the microgrid. Microgrids and nanogrids can allow for better integration of distributed energy storage capacity and renewable energy sources into the power grid, therefore increasing its efficiency and resilience to natural and technical disruptive events. Microgrid networking with optimal energy management will lead to a sort of smart grid with numerous benefits such as reduced cost and enhanced reliability and resiliency. They include small-scale renewable energy harvesters and fixed energy storage units typically installed in commercial and residential buildings. In this challenging context, the objective of this book is to address and disseminate state-of-the-art research and development results on the implementation, planning, and operation of microgrids/nanogrids, where energy management is one of the core issues

    Blockchain-Based Water-Energy Transactive Management with Spatial-Temporal Uncertainties

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    Water resources are vital to the energy conversion process but few efforts have been devoted to the joint optimization problem which is fundamentally critical to the water-energy nexus for small-scale or remote energy systems (e.g., energy hubs). Traditional water and energy trading mechanisms depend on centralized authorities and cannot preserve security and privacy effectively. Also, their transaction process cannot be verified and is subject to easy tampering and frequent exposures to cyberattacks, forgery, and network failures. Toward that end, water-energy hubs (WEHs) offers a promising way to analyse water-energy nexus for greater resource utilization efficiency. We propose a two-stage blockchain-based transactive management method for multiple, interconnected WEHs. Our method considers peer-topeer (P2P) trading and demand response, and leverages blockchain to create a secure trading environment. It features auditing and resource transaction record management via system aggregators enabled by a consortium blockchain, and entails spatial-temporal distributionally robust optimization (DRO) for renewable generation and load uncertainties. A spatial-temporal ambiguity set is incorporated in DRO to characterize the spatial-temporal dependencies of the uncertainties in distributed renewable generation and load demand. We conduct a simulation-based evaluation that includes robust optimization and the moment-based DRO as benchmarks. The results reveal that our method is consistently more effective than both benchmarks. Key findings include i) our method reduces conservativeness with lower WEH trading and operation costs, and achieves important performance improvements by up to 6.1%; and ii) our method is efficient and requires 18.7% less computational time than the moment-based DRO. Overall, this study contributes to the extant literature by proposing a novel two-stage blockchain-based WEH transaction method, developing a realistic spatialtemporal ambiguity set to effectively hedge against the uncertainties for distributed renewable generation and load demand, and producing empirical evidence suggesting its greater effectiveness and values than several prevalent methods.</p

    Decentralized cooperative scheduling of prosumer flexibility under forecast uncertainties

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    Scheduling of prosumer flexibility is challenging in finding an optimal allocation of energy resources for heterogeneous prosumer goals under various forecast uncertainties and operation constraints. This study addresses this challenge by introducing a bottom-up framework for cooperative flexibility scheduling that relies on a decentralized network of scheduling agents to perform a coordinated decision-making and select a subset of households’ net load schedules that fulfills the techno-socio-economic prosumer objectives in the resource operation modes and ensures the reliability of the grid. The resource flexibility in terms of alternative operation schedules is mathematically modeled with multiobjective optimization that attains economic, environmental, and energy self-sufficiency prosumer goals with respect to their relative importance. The coordination is achieved with a privacy-preserving collective learning algorithm that aims to reduce the aggregated peak demand of the households considering prosumers’ willingness to cooperate and accept a less preferred resource schedule. By utilizing the framework and real-world data, the novel case study is demonstrated for prosumers equipped with solar battery systems in a community microgrid. The findings show that the flexibility scheduling with an optimal prosumer cooperation level decreases the global costs of collective peak shaving by 83% while increasing the local prosumer costs by 28% in comparison with noncooperative scheduling. However, the forecast uncertainty in net load and parameters of the frequency containment reserve causes imbalances in the planned schedules. It is suggested that the imbalances can be decreased if the flexibility modeling takes into account variable specific levels of forecast uncertainty

    Microgrid Energy Management

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    In IEEE Standards, a Microgrid is defined as a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources with clearly defined electrical boundaries, which acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid and can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island modes. This Special Issue focuses on innovative strategies for the management of the Microgrids and, in response to the call for papers, six high-quality papers were accepted for publication. Consistent with the instructions in the call for papers and with the feedback received from the reviewers, four papers dealt with different types of supervisory energy management systems of Microgrids (i.e., adaptive neuro-fuzzy wavelet-based controls, cost-efficient power-sharing techniques, and two-level hierarchical energy management systems); the proposed energy management systems are of quite general purpose and aim to reduce energy usages and monetary costs. In the last two papers, the authors concentrate their research efforts on the management of specific cases, i.e., Microgrids with electric vehicle charging stations and for all-electric ships

    Computational Intelligence Approaches for Energy Optimization in Microgrids

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    The future electrical system termed as smart grid represents a significant paradigm shift for power industry. Nowadays, microgrids are becoming smarter with the integration of renewable energy resources (RESs) , diesel generators , energy storage systems (ESS), and plug-in electric vehicles (PEV or EV) . However, these integration bring with new challenges for intelligent management systems. The classical power generation approaches can no longer be applied to a microgrid with unpredictable renewable energy resources. To relive these problem, a proper power system optimization and a suitable coordination strategy are needed to balance the supply and demand. This thesis presents three projects to study the optimization and control for smart community and to investigate the strategic impact and the energy trading techniques for interconnected microgrids. The first goal of this thesis is to propose a new game-theoretic framework to study the optimization and decision making of multi-players in the distributed power system. The proposed game theoretic special concept-rational reaction set (RRS) is capable to model the game of the distributed energy providers and the large residential consumers. Meanwhile, the residential consumers are able to participate in the retail electricity market to control the market price. Case studies are conducted to validate the system framework using the proposed game theoretic method. The simulation results show the effectiveness and the accuracy of the proposed strategic framework for obtaining the optimum profits for players participating in this market. The second goal of the thesis is to study a distributed convex optimization framework for energy trading of interconnected microgrids to improve the reliability of system operation. In this work, a distributed energy trading approach for interconnected operation of islanded microgrids is studied. Specifically, the system includes several islanded microgrids that can trade energy in a given topology. A distributed iterative deep cut ellipsoid (DCE) algorithm is implemented with limited information exchange. This approach will address the scalability issue and also secure local information on cost functions. During the iterative process, the information exchange among interconnected microgrids is restricted to electricity prices and expected trading energy. Numerical results are presented in terms of the convergent rate of the algorithm for different topologies, and the performance of the DCE algorithm is compared with sub-gradient algorithm. The third goal of this thesis is to use proper optimization approaches to motivate the household consumers to either shift their loads from peaking periods or reduce their consumption. Genetic algorithm (GA) and dynamic programming (DP) based smart appliance scheduling schemes and time-of-use pricing are investigated for comparative studies with demand response