1,925 research outputs found

    Proactive Prevention and Mitigation of Saltwater Damage for Portable Devices

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    This disclosure describes techniques to mitigate the effects of fluid submersion on electronic devices such as mobile phones. Per techniques of this disclosure, with user permission and express consent, user context data is utilized to determine a likelihood of a user device being proximate to a saltwater body. Mitigating actions such as disabling the charging port of the device are automatically performed. If fluid submersion is detected, the duration of submersion is determined and a duration of time before the device undergoes damage is determined. Additional information, such as information about repair shops, may be provided to the user based on the extent of damage to the device. The device may be put in a low-power mode in order to extend the battery life of the device while the charging port is disabled

    Monitoring of the primary drying of a lyophilization process in vials

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    An innovative and modular system (LyoMonitor) for monitoring the primary drying of a lyophilization process in vials is illustrated: it integrates some commercial devices (pressure gauges, moisture sensor and mass spectrometer), an innovative balance and a manometric temperature measurement system based on an improved algorithm (DPE) to estimate sublimating interface temperature and position, product temperature profile, heat and mass transfer coefficients. A soft-sensor using a multipoint wireless thermometer can also estimate the previous parameters in a large number of vials. The performances of the previous devices for the determination of the end of the primary drying are compared. Finally, all these sensors can be used for control purposes and for the optimization of the process recipe; the use of DPE in a control loop will be shown as an exampl

    Розробка технології збагачення розсипних титанових руд в умовах ТОВ ВКФ «Велта»

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    Об’єктом дослідження є технологія збагачення розсипних ільменітових руд. Предметом досліджень є ільменітові руди розсипного родовища. Метою дипломної роботи є зменшення втрат ільменіту з відходами магнітного збагачення розсипних руд Берзулівського родовища в умовах ТОВ ВКФ «Велта». В дипломній роботі запропоновано оригінальне рішення, яке полягає у застосуванні високоградієнтної магнітної сепарації з попереднім розділенням їх живлення на класи крупності -0,8+0,25 та -0,25 мм. Перший клас збагачується на роликовому сепараторі зі стрічкою, а другий – на сепараторі відхиляючого типу. Таке рішення дозволило підвищити ефективність схеми збагачення в цілому

    Extrusion-based additive manufacturing of concrete products. Revolutionizing and remodeling the construction industry

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    Additive manufacturing is one of the main topics of the fourth industrial revolution; defined as Industry 4.0. This technology offers several advantages related to the construction and architectural sectors; such as economic; environmental; social; and engineering benefits. The usage of concrete in additive technologies allows the development of innovative applications and complexity design in the world of construction such as buildings; housing modules; bridges; and urban and domestic furniture elements. The aim of this review was to show in detail a general panoramic of extrusion-based additive processes in the construction sector; the main advantages of using additive manufacturing with the respect to traditional manufacturing; the fundamental requirements of 3D printable material (fresh and hardened properties), and state-of-the-art aesthetic and architectural projects with functional properties

    Investigation of the Convection Drying Process in a Multistage Apparatus with a Differential Thermal Regime

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    This paper describes a search for an optimal organization of the drying agent motion in the convection dryers. An overview of the main methods on how to reduce the energy consumption for the convection drying of the disperse materials is presented. The use of the multistage shelf apparatuses with a differential thermal regime for the con-vection drying of the disperse materials is justified. The work contains the results of a computer modeling on de-termining the drying temperature and moisture characteristics with the use of various methods of the organization of the drying agent motion. The model is realized implementing the author?s software product Multistage Fluidiz-er?. The software product enables to automatize calculation simultaneously by several optimization criteria and to visualize calculation results in the form of 3D images. The engineering computation of sectioning devices meth-odology with fluidized bed of particles is based on the calculation results. The automated calculations results give a base to design industrial drying device with a differential thermal regime

    Colour changes upon cooling of Lepidoptera scales containing photonic nanoarchitectures

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    The effects produced by the condensation of water vapours from the ambient in the various intricate nanoarchitectures occurring in the wing scales of several Lepidoptera species were investigated by controlled cooling (from room temperature to -5 - -10 {\deg}C) combined with in situ measurement of changes in the reflectance spectra. It was determined that, due to this procedure, all photonic nanoarchitectures giving a reflectance maximum in the visible range and having an open nanostructure exhibited alteration of the position of the reflectance maximum associated with the photonic nanoarchitectures. The photonic nanoarchitectures with a closed structure exhibited little to no alteration in colour. Similarly, control specimens coloured by pigments did not exhibit a colour change under the same conditions. Hence, this effect can be used to identify species with open photonic nanoarchitectures in their scales. For certain species, an almost complete disappearance of the reflectance maximum was found. All specimens recovered their original colours following warming and drying. Cooling experiments using thin copper wires demonstrated that colour alterations could be limited to a millimetre, or below. Dried museum specimens do not exhibit colour changes when cooled in the absence of a heat sink due to the low heat capacity of the wings.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, including supplemen

    An investigation into the paintbrush deposition technique for P3HT:PCBM based organic heterojunction solar cells

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    Research in organic semiconductor materials and devices has increased dramatically in the last decade, particularly in the photovoltaics field. Organic based solar cells with record power conversion efficiencies of 8% to 9% have recently been reported, and future expectations for organic solar cell power conversion efficiencies are believed to approach 15%. Organic semiconductors hold interest due to their flexible mechanical properties and their ability to be solution processed. Processing techniques such as: spin coating, drop casting, roll painting, and ink jet printing can be readily used to deposit dissolved solutions of polymers and fullerenes to create organic solar cells. One novel, minimally researched solution processing technique for the deposition of polymer and fullerene solutions is paint brushing. Current research on paintbrushed solar cells has shown that solar cell efficiencies close to 5% can be obtained from active layer paint brushing on heated indium-tin-oxide covered glass substrates. In this study, organic solar cells are fabricated from P3HT and PCBM in chlorobenzene solution via paint brushing technique. Unlike previous studies, no heat treatment is applied to P3HT:PCBM active layers during or after device production. Paint-brushed devices are compared to spin-coated devices fabricated from the same P3HT:PCBM chlorobenzene solution in an effort to further investigate why paint-brushed solar cell devices perform better than non-annealed, spin-coated solar cell devices. Results from a full device characterization process including light current-voltage measurements, dark current-voltage measurements, active layer absorbance measurements, and external quantum efficiency measurements for both paint-brushed and spin-coated devices will be shown and discussed. Atomic Force Microscopy is used to provide active layer thickness data and film morphology information for both paint-brushed and spin-coated devices. Practical issues concerning using the paint-brush technique for organic solar cell fabrication are also covered

    Desenvolvimento de um biossensor descartável para a deteção do antigene 15-3 do cancro da mama

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    This work describes the development of graphene electrochemical biosensors for the detection of CA15-3 protein, a recognized breast cancer tumor marker, using graphene-based field effect transistors (Gr-FET) functionalized with a specific antibody for this protein. The calibration model provided a correlation coefficient of 0.9959 and a detection limit of de 0.07 U mL-1. The recovery values obtained demonstrate its suitability for the quantification of CA15-3 protein in standard solutions. The ELISA method was also used as a comparison method for biosensor validation. Additionally, the feasibility of using the biosensor developed for detection and quantification of this marker in saliva samples was tested, aiming at the development of a low cost, disposable and fast technology that allows quantification using noninvasive methods, illustrating the potential of this method in the diagnosis of a highly prevalent disease.Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de biossensores eletroquímicos com grafeno, para a deteção da proteína CA153, um reconhecido marcador tumoral do cancro da mama, utilizando transístores de efeito de campo com grafeno (GrFET), funcionalizados com um anticorpo específico para esta proteína. O modelo de calibração permitiu obter um coeficiente de correlação de 0.9959 e um limite de deteção de 0.07 U mL1. Os valores de recuperação obtidos demonstram a sua adequação para a quantificação da proteína CA15-3 em soluções padrão. O método de ELISA foi também utilizado como método de comparação para validação do biossensor. Adicionalmente, testou-se a exequibilidade de utilização do biossensor desenvolvido para a deteção e quantificação deste marcador em amostras de saliva, visando o desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia de baixo custo, descartável e rápida que permita uma quantificação recorrendo a métodos não invasivos, ilustrando o potencial deste método no diagnóstico de uma doença altamente prevalente.Mestrado em Materiais e Dispositivos Biomédico