44 research outputs found

    Variability and reliability analysis of carbon nanotube technology in the presence of manufacturing imperfections

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    In 1925, Lilienfeld patented the basic principle of field effect transistor (FET). Thirty-four years later, Kahng and Atalla invented the MOSFET. Since that time, it has become the most widely used type of transistor in Integrated Circuits (ICs) and then the most important device in the electronics industry. Progress in the field for at least the last 40 years has followed an exponential behavior in accordance with MooreÂżs Law. That is, in order to achieve higher densities and performance at lower power consumption, MOS devices have been scaled down. But this aggressive scaling down of the physical dimensions of MOSFETs has required the introduction of a wide variety of innovative factors to ensure that they could still be properly manufactured. Transistors have expe- rienced an amazing journey in the last 10 years starting with strained channel CMOS transistors at 90nm, carrying on the introduction of the high-k/metal-gate silicon CMOS transistors at 45nm until the use of the multiple-gate transistor architectures at 22nm and at recently achieved 14nm technology node. But, what technology will be able to produce sub-10nm transistors? Different novel materials and devices are being investigated. As an extension and enhancement to current MOSFETs some promising devices are n-type III-V and p-type Germanium FETs, Nanowire and Tunnel FETs, Graphene FETs and Carbon Nanotube FETs. Also, non-conventional FETs and other charge-based information carrier devices and alternative information processing devices are being studied. This thesis is focused on carbon nanotube technology as a possible option for sub-10nm transistors. In recent years, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been attracting considerable attention in the field of nanotechnology. They are considered to be a promising substitute for silicon channel because of their small size, unusual geometry (1D structure), and extraordinary electronic properties, including excellent carrier mobility and quasi-ballistic transport. In the same way, carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNFETs) could be potential substitutes for MOSFETs. Ideal CNFETs (meaning all CNTs in the transistor behave as semiconductors, have the same diameter and doping level, and are aligned and well-positioned) are predicted to be 5x faster than silicon CMOS, while consuming the same power. However, nowadays CNFETs are also affected by manufacturing variability, and several significant challenges must be overcome before these benefits can be achieved. Certain CNFET manufacturing imperfections, such as CNT diameter and doping variations, mispositioned and misaligned CNTs, high metal-CNT contact resistance, the presence of metallic CNTs (m-CNTs), and CNT density variations, can affect CNFET performance and reliability and must be addressed. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the impact of the current CNFET manufacturing challenges on multi-channel CNFET performance from the point of view of variability and reliability and at different levels, device and circuit level. Assuming that CNFETs are not ideal or non-homogeneous because of today CNFET manufacturing imperfections, we propose a methodology of analysis that based on a CNFET ideal compact model is able to simulate heterogeneous or non-ideal CNFETs; that is, transistors with different number of tubes that have different diameters, are not uniformly spaced, have different source/drain doping levels, and, most importantly, are made up not only of semiconducting CNTs but also metallic ones. This method will allow us to analyze how CNT-specific variations affect CNFET device characteristics and parameters and CNFET digital circuit performance. Furthermore, we also derive a CNFET failure model and propose an alternative technique based on fault-tolerant architectures to deal with the presence of m-CNTs, one of the main causes of failure in CNFET circuits

    Imperfection-Aware Design of CNFET Digital VLSI Circuits

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    Carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (CNFET) is one of the promising candidates as extensions to silicon CMOS devices. The CNFET, which is a 1-D structure with a near-ballistic transport capability, can potentially offer excellent device characteristics and order-of-magnitude better energy-delay product over standard CMOS devices. Significant challenges in CNT synthesis prevent CNFETs today from achieving such ideal benefits. CNT density variation and metallic CNTs are the dominant type of CNT variations/imperfections that cause performance variation, large static power consumption, and yield degradation. We present an imperfection-aware design technique for CNFET digital VLSI circuits by: 1) Analytical models that are developed to analyze and quantify the effects of CNT density variation on device characteristics, gate and system levels delays. The analytical models, which were validated by comparison to real experimental/simulation data, enables us to examine the space of CNFET combinational, sequential and memory cells circuits to minimize delay variations. Using these model, we drive CNFET processing and circuit design guidelines to manage/overcome CNT density variation. 2) Analytical models that are developed to analyze the effects of metallic CNTs on device characteristics, gate and system levels delay and power consumption. Using our presented analytical models, which are again validated by comparison with simulation data, it is shown that the static power dissipation is a more critical issue than the delay and the dynamic power of CNFET circuits in the presence of m-CNTs. 3) CNT density variation and metallic CNTs can result in functional failure of CNFET circuits. The complete and compact model for CNFET probability of failure that consider CNT density variation and m-CNTs is presented. This analytical model is applied to analyze the logical functional failures. The presented model is extended to predict opportunities and limitations of CNFET technology at todays Gigascale integration and beyond.\u2

    Novel High Performance Ultra Low Power Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) Based on Next Generation Technologies

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed January 27, 2021Dissertation advisor: Masud H. ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (page 107-120)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2019Next Big Thing Is Surely Small: Nanotechnology Can Bring Revolution. Nanotechnology leads the world towards many new applications in various fields of computing, communication, defense, entertainment, medical, renewable energy and environment. These nanotechnology applications require an energy-efficient memory system to compute and process. Among all the memories, Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) are high performance memories and occupies more than 50% of any design area. Therefore, it is critical to design high performance and energy-efficient SRAM design. Ultra low power and high speed applications require a new generation memory capable of operating at low power as well as low execution time. In this thesis, a novel 8T SRAM design is proposed that offers significantly faster access time and lowers energy consumption along with better read stability and write ability. The proposed design can be used in the conventional SRAM as well as in computationally intensive applications like neural networks and machine learning classifiers [1]-[4]. Novel 8T SRAM design offers higher energy efficiency, reliability, robustness and performance compared to the standard 6T and other existing 8T and 9T designs. It offers the advantages of a 10T SRAM without the additional area, delay and power overheads of the 10T SRAM. The proposed 8T SRAM would be able to overcome many other limitations of the conventional 6T and other 7T, 8T and 9T designs. The design employs single bitline for the write operation, therefore the number of write drivers are reduced. The defining feature of the proposed 8T SRAM is its hybrid design, which is the combination of two techniques: (i) the utilization of single-ended bitline and (ii) the utilization of virtual ground. The single-ended bitline technique ensures separate read and write operations, which eventually reduces the delay and power consumption during the read and write operations. It's independent read and write paths allow the use of the minimum sized access transistors and aid in a disturb-free read operation. The virtual ground weakens the positive feedback in the SRAM cell and improves its write ability. The virtual ground technique is also used to reduce leakages. The proposed design does not require precharging the bitlines for the read operation, which reduces the area and power overheads of the memory system by eliminating the precharging circuit. The design isolates the storage node from the read path, which improves the read stability. For reliability study, we have investigated the static noise margin (SNM) of the proposed 8T SRAM, for which, we have used two methods – (i) the traditional SNM method with the butterfly curve, (ii) the N-curve method A comparative analysis is performed between the proposed and the existing SRAM designs in terms of area, total power consumption during the read and write operations, and stability and reliability. All these advantages make the proposed 8T SRAM design an ideal candidate for the conventional and computationally intensive applications like machine learning classifier and deep learning neural network. In addition to this, there is need for next generation technologies to design SRAM memory because the conventional CMOS technology is approaching its physical and performance boundaries and as a consequence, becoming incompatible with ultra-low-power applications. Emerging devices such as Tunnel Field Effect Transistor (TFET)) and Graphene Nanoribbon Field Effect Transistor (GNRFET) devices are highly potential candidates to overcome the limitations of MOSFET because of their ability to achieve subthreshold slopes below 60 mV/decade and very low leakage currents [6]-[9]. This research also explores novel TFET and GNRFET based 6T SRAM. The thesis evaluates the standby leakage power in the Tunnel FET (TFET) based 6T SRAM cell for different pull-up, pull-down, and pass-gate transistors ratios (PU: PD: PG) and compared to 10nm FinFET based 6T SRAM designs. It is observed that the 10nm TFET based SRAMs have 107.57%, 163.64%, and 140.44% less standby leakage power compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAMs when the PU: PD: PG ratios are 1:1:1, 1:5:2 and 2:5:2, respectively. The thesis also presents an analysis of the stability and reliability of sub-10nm TFET based 6T SRAM circuit with a reduced supply voltage of 500mV. The static noise margin (SNM), which is a critical measure of SRAM stability and reliability, is determined for hold, read and write operations of the 6T TFET SRAM cell. The robustness of the optimized TFET based 6T SRAM circuit is also evaluated at different supply voltages. Simulations were done in HSPICE and Cadence tools. From the analysis, it is clear that the main advantage of the TFET based SRAM would be the significant improvement in terms of leakage or standby power consumption. Compared to the FinFET based SRAM the standby leakage power of the T-SRAMs are 107.57%, 163.64%, and 140.44% less for 1:1:1, 1:5:2 and 2:5:2 configurations, respectively. Since leakage/standby power is the primary source of power consumption in the SRAM, and the overall system energy efficiency depends on SRAM power consumption, TFET based SRAM would lead to massive improvement of the energy efficiency of the system. Therefore, T-SRAMs are more suitable for ultra-low power applications. In addition to this, the thesis evaluates the standby leakage power of types of Graphene Nanoribbon FETs based 6T SRAM bitcell and compared to 10nm FinFET based 6T SRAM bitcell. It is observed that the 10nm MOS type GNRFET based SRAMs have 16.43 times less standby leakage power compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAMs. The double gate SB-GNRFET based SRAM consumes 1.35E+03 times less energy compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAM during write. However, during read double gate SB-GNRFET based SRAM consume 15 times more energy than FinFET based SRAM. It is also observed that GNRFET based SRAMs are more stable and reliable than FinFET based SRAM.Introduction -- Background -- Novel High Performance Ultra Low Power SRAM Design -- Tunnel FET Based SRAM Design -- Graphene Nanoribbon FET Based SRAM Design -- Double-gate FDSOI Based SRAM Designs -- Novel CNTFET and MEMRISTOR Based Digital Designs -- Conclusio

    Solid State Circuits Technologies

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    The evolution of solid-state circuit technology has a long history within a relatively short period of time. This technology has lead to the modern information society that connects us and tools, a large market, and many types of products and applications. The solid-state circuit technology continuously evolves via breakthroughs and improvements every year. This book is devoted to review and present novel approaches for some of the main issues involved in this exciting and vigorous technology. The book is composed of 22 chapters, written by authors coming from 30 different institutions located in 12 different countries throughout the Americas, Asia and Europe. Thus, reflecting the wide international contribution to the book. The broad range of subjects presented in the book offers a general overview of the main issues in modern solid-state circuit technology. Furthermore, the book offers an in depth analysis on specific subjects for specialists. We believe the book is of great scientific and educational value for many readers. I am profoundly indebted to the support provided by all of those involved in the work. First and foremost I would like to acknowledge and thank the authors who worked hard and generously agreed to share their results and knowledge. Second I would like to express my gratitude to the Intech team that invited me to edit the book and give me their full support and a fruitful experience while working together to combine this book

    Robust Circuit & Architecture Design in the Nanoscale Regime

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    Silicon based integrated circuit (IC) technology is approaching its physical limits. For sub 10nm technology nodes, the carbon nanotube (CNT) based field effect transistor has emerged as a promising device because of its excellent electronic properties. One of the major challenges faced by the CNT technology is the unwanted growth of metallic tubes. At present, there is no known CNT fabrication technology which allows the fabrication of 100% semiconducting CNTs. The presence of metallic tubes creates a short between the drain and source terminals of the transistor and has a detrimental impact on the delay, static power and yield of CNT based gates. This thesis will address the challenge of designing robust carbon nanotube based circuits in the presence of metallic tubes. For a small percentage of metallic tubes, circuit level solutions are proposed to increase the functional yield of CNT based gates in the presence of metallic tubes. Accurate analytical models with less than a 3% inaccuracy rate are developed to estimate the yield of CNT based circuit for a different percentage of metallic tubes and different drive strengths of logic gates. Moreover, a design methodology is developed for yield-aware carbon nanotube based circuits in the presence of metallic tubes using different CNFET transistor configurations. Architecture based on regular logic bricks with underlying hybrid CNFET configurations are developed which gives better trade-offs in terms of performance, power, and functional yield. In the case when the percentage of metallic tubes is large, the proposed circuit level techniques are not sufficient. Extra processing techniques must be applied to remove the metallic tubes. The tube removal techniques have trade-offs, as the removal process is not perfect and removes semiconducting tubes in addition to removing unwanted metallic tubes. As a result, stochastic removal of tubes from the drive and fanout gate(s) results in large variation in the performance of CNFET based gates and in the worst case open circuit gates. A Monte Carlo simulation engine is developed to estimate the impact of the removal of tubes on the performance and power of CNFET based logic gates. For a quick estimation of functional yield of logic gates, accurate analytical models are developed to estimate the functional yield of logic gates when a fraction of the tubes are removed. An efficient tube level redundancy (TLR) is proposed, resulting in a high functional yield of carbon nanotube based circuits with minimal overheads in terms of area and power when large fraction of tubes are removed. Furthermore, for applications where parallelism can be utilized we propose to increase the functional yield of the CNFET based circuits by increasing the logic depth of gates

    Appropriateness of Imperfect CNFET Based Circuits for Error Resilient Computing Systems

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    With superior device performance consistently reported in extremely scaled dimensions, low dimensional materials (LDMs), including Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNFET) based technology, have shown the potential to outperform silicon for future transistors in advanced technology nodes. Studies have also demonstrated orders of magnitude improvement in energy efficiency possible with LDMs, in comparison to silicon at competing technology nodes. However, the current fabrication processes for these materials suffer from process imperfections and still appear to be inadequate to compete with silicon for the mainstream high volume manufacturing. Among the LDMs, CNFETs are the most widely studied and closest to high volume manufacturing. Recent works have shown a significant increase in the complexity of CNFET based systems, including demonstration of a 16-bit microprocessor. However, the design of such systems has involved significantly wider-than-usual transistors and avoidance of certain logic combinations. The resulting complexity of several thousand transistors in such systems is still far from the requirements of high-performance general-purpose computing systems having billions of transistors. With the current progress of the process to fabricate CNFETs, their introduction in mainstream manufacturing is expected to take several more years. For an earlier technology adoption, CNFETs appear to be suited for error-resilient computing systems where errors during computation can be tolerated to a certain degree. Such systems relax the need for precise circuits and a perfect process while leveraging the potential energy benefits of CNFET technology in comparison to conventional Si technology. In this thesis, we explore the potential applications using an imperfect CNFET process for error-resilient computing systems, including the impact of the process imperfections at the system level and methods to improve it. The current most widely adopted fabrication process for CNFETs (separation and placement of solution-based CNTs) still suffers from process imperfections, mainly from open CNTs due to missing of CNTs (in trenches connecting source and drain of CNFET). A fair evaluation of the performance of CNFET based circuits should thus take into consideration the effect of open CNTs, resulting in reduced drive currents. At the circuit level, this leads to failures in meeting 1) the minimum frequency requirement (due to an increase in critical path delay), and 2) the noise suppression requirement. We present a methodology to accurately capture the effect of open CNT imperfection in the state-of-the-art CNFET model, for circuit-level performance evaluation (both delay and glitch vulnerability) of CNFET based circuits using SPICE. A Monte Carlo simulation framework is also provided to investigate the statistical effect of open CNT imperfection on circuit-level performance. We introduce essential metrics to evaluate glitch vulnerability and also provide an effective link between glitch vulnerability and circuit topology. The past few years have observed significant growth of interest in approximate computing for a wide range of applications, including signal processing, data mining, machine learning, image, video processing, etc. In such applications, the result quality is not compromised appreciably, even in the presence of few errors during computation. The ability to tolerate few errors during computation relaxes the need to have precise circuits. Thus the approximate circuits can be designed, with lesser nodes, reduced stages, and reduced capacitance at few nodes. Consequently, the approximate circuits could reduce critical path delays and enhanced noise suppression in comparison to precise circuits. We present a systematic methodology utilizing Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDD) for generating approximate circuits by taking an example of 16-bit parallel prefix CNFET adder. The approximate adder generated using the proposed algorithm has ~ 5x reduction in the average number of nodes failing glitch criteria (along paths to primary output) and 43.4% lesser Energy Delay Product (EDP) even at high open CNT imperfection, in comparison to the ideal case of no open CNT imperfection, at a mean relative error of 3.3%. The recent boom of deep learning has been made possible by VLSI technology advancement resulting in hardware systems, which can support deep learning algorithms. These hardware systems intend to satisfy the high-energy efficiency requirement of such algorithms. The hardware supporting such algorithms adopts neuromorphic-computing architectures with significantly less energy compared to traditional Von Neumann architectures. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) belonging to deep learning domain find its use in a wide range of applications such as image classification, speech recognition, etc. Recent hardware systems have demonstrated the implementation of complex neural networks at significantly less power. However, the complexity of applications and depths of DNNs are expected to drastically increase in the future, imposing a demanding requirement in terms of scalability and energy efficiency of hardware technology. CNFET technology can be an excellent alternative to meet the aggressive energy efficiency requirement for future DNNs. However, degradation in circuit-level performance due to open CNT imperfection can result in timing failure, thus distorting the shape of non-linear activation function, leading to a significant degradation in classification accuracy. We present a framework to obtain sigmoid activation function considering the effect of open CNT imperfection. A digital neuron is explored to generate the sigmoid activation function, which deviates from the ideal case under imperfect process and reduced time period (increased clock frequency). The inherent error resilience of DNNs, on the other hand, can be utilized to mitigate the impact of imperfect process and maintain the shape of the activation function. We use pruning of synaptic weights, which, combined with the proposed approximate neuron, significantly reduces the chance of timing failures and helps to maintain the activation function shape even at high process imperfection and higher clock frequencies. We also provide a framework to obtain classification accuracy of Deep Belief Networks (class of DNNs based on unsupervised learning) using the activation functions obtained from SPICE simulations. By using both approximate neurons and pruning of synaptic weights, we achieve excellent system accuracy (only < 0.5% accuracy drop) with 25% improvement in speed, significant EDP advantage (56.7% less) even at high process imperfection, in comparison to a base configuration of the precise neuron and no pruning with the ideal process, at no area penalty. In conclusion, this thesis provides directions for the potential applicability of CNFET based technology for error-resilient computing systems. For this purpose, we present methodologies, which provide approaches to assess and design CNFET based circuits, considering process imperfections. We accomplish a DBN framework for digit recognition, considering activation functions from SPICE simulations incorporating process imperfections. We demonstrate the effectiveness of using approximate neuron and synaptic weight pruning to mitigate the impact of high process imperfection on system accuracy

    Carbon nanotube switches for memory, RF communications and sensing applications, and methods of making the same

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    Switches having an in situ grown carbon nanotube as an element thereof, and methods of fabricating such switches. A carbon nanotube is grown in situ in mechanical connection with a conductive substrate, such as a heavily doped silicon wafer or an SOI wafer. The carbon nanotube is electrically connected at one location to a terminal. At another location of the carbon nanotube there is situated a pull electrode that can be used to elecrostatically displace the carbon nanotube so that it selectively makes contact with either the pull electrode or with a contact electrode. Connection to the pull electrode is sufficient to operate the device as a simple switch, while connection to a contact electrode is useful to operate the device in a manner analogous to a relay. In various embodiments, the devices disclosed are useful as at least switches for various signals, multi-state memory, computational devices, and multiplexers

    Dense implementations of binary cellular nonlinear networks : from CMOS to nanotechnology

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    This thesis deals with the design and hardware realization of the cellular neural/nonlinear network (CNN)-type processors operating on data in the form of black and white (B/W) images. The ultimate goal is to achieve a very compact yet versatile cell structure that would allow for building a network with a very large spatial resolution. It is very important to be able to implement an array with a great number of cells on a single die. Not only it improves the computational power of the processor, but it might be the enabling factor for new applications as well. Larger resolution can be achieved in two ways. First, the cell functionality and operating principles can be tailored to improve the layout compactness. The other option is to use more advanced fabrication technology – either a newer, further downscaled CMOS process or one of the emerging nanotechnologies. It can be beneficial to realize an array processor as two separate parts – one dedicated for gray-scale and the other for B/W image processing, as their designs can be optimized. For instance, an implementation of a CNN dedicated for B/W image processing can be significantly simplified. When working with binary images only, all coefficients in the template matrix can also be reduced to binary values. In this thesis, such a binary programming scheme is presented as a means to reduce the cell size as well as to provide the circuits composed of emerging nanodevices with an efficient programmability. Digital programming can be very fast and robust, and leads to very compact coefficient circuits. A test structure of a binary-programmable CNN has been designed and implemented with standard 0.18 µm CMOS technology. A single cell occupies only 155 µm2, which corresponds to a cell density of 6451 cells per square millimeter. A variety of templates have been tested and the measured chip performance is discussed. Since the minimum feature size of modern CMOS devices has already entered the nanometer scale, and the limitations of further scaling are projected to be reached within the next decade or so, more and more interest and research activity is attracted by nanotechnology. Investigation of the quantum physics phenomena and development of new devices and circuit concepts, which would allow to overcome the CMOS limitations, is becoming an increasingly important science. A single-electron tunneling (SET) transistor is one of the most attractive nanodevices. While relying on the Coulomb interactions, these devices can be connected directly with a wire or through a coupling capacitance. To develop suitable structures for implementing the binary programming scheme with capacitive couplings, the CNN cell based on the floating gate MOSFET (FG-MOSFET) has been designed. This approach can be considered as a step towards a programmable cell implementation with nanodevices. Capacitively coupled CNN has been simulated and the presented results confirm the proper operation. Therefore, the same circuit strategies have also been applied to the CNN cell designed for SET technology. The cell has been simulated to work well with the binary programming scheme applied. This versatile structure can be implemented either as a pure SET design or as a SET-FET hybrid. In addition to the designs mentioned above, a number of promising nanodevices and emerging circuit architectures are introduced.reviewe

    Building Efficient and Reliable Emerging Technology Systems

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    The semiconductor industry has been reaping the benefits of Moore’s law powered by Dennard’s voltage scaling for the past fifty years. However, with the end of Dennard scaling, silicon chip manufacturers are facing a widespread plateau in performance improvements. While the architecture community has focused its effort on exploring parallelism, such as with multi-core, many-core and accelerator-based systems, chip manufacturers have been forced to explore beyond-Moore technologies to improve performance while maintaining power density. Examples of such technologies include monolithic 3D integration, carbon nanotube transistors, tunneling-based transistors, spintronics and quantum computing. However, the infancy of the manufacturing process of these new technologies impedes their usage in commercial products. The goal of this dissertation is to combine both architectural and device-level efforts to provide solutions across the computing stack that can overcome the reliability concerns of emerging technologies. This allows for beyond-Moore systems to compete with highly optimized silicon-based processors, thus, enabling faster commercialization of such systems. This dissertation proposes the following key steps: (i) Multifaceted understanding and modeling of variation and yield issues that occur in emerging technologies, such as carbon nanotube transistors (CNFETs). (ii) Design of systems using suitable logic families such as pass transistor logic that provide high performance. (iii) Design of a multi-granular fault-tolerant reconfigurable architecture that enhances yield and performance. (iv) Design of a multi-technology, multi-accelerator heterogeneous system (v) Development of real-time constrained efficient workload scheduling mechanism for heterogeneous systems. This dissertation first presents the use of pass transistor logic family as an alternate to the CMOS logic family for CNFETs to improve performance. It explores various architectural design choices for CNFETs using pass transistor logic (PTL) to create an energy-efficient RISC-V processor. Our results show that while a CNFET RISC-V processor using CMOS logic achieves a 2.9x energy-delay product (EDP) improvement over a silicon design, using PTL along the critical path components of the processor can boost EDP improvement by 5x as well as reduce area by 17% over 16 nm silicon CMOS. This document further builds on providing fault-tolerant and yield enhancing solutions for emerging 3D integration compatible technologies in the context of CNFETs. The proposed framework can efficiently support high-variation technologies by providing protection against manufacturing defects at multiple granularities: module and pipeline-stage levels. Based on the variation observed in a synthesized design, a reliable CNFET-based 3D multi-granular reconfigurable architecture, 3DTUBE, is presented to overcome the manufacturing difficulties. For 0.4-0.7 V, 3DTUBE provides up to 6.0x higher throughput and 3.1x lower EDP compared to a silicon-based multi-core design evaluated at 1 part per billion transistor failure rate, which is 10,000x lower in comparison to CNFET’s failure rate. This dissertation then ventures into building multi-accelerator heterogeneous systems and real-time schedulers that cater to the requirements of the applications while taking advantage of the underlying heterogeneous system. We introduce optimizations like task pruning, hierarchical hetero-ranking and rank update built upon two scheduler policies (MS-static and MS-dynamic), that result in a performance improvement of 3.5x (average) for real-world autonomous vehicle applications, when compared against state-of-the-art schedulers. Adopting insights from the above work, this thesis presents a multi-accelerator, multi-technology heterogeneous system powered by a multi-constrained scheduler that optimizes for varying task requirements to achieve up to 6.1x better energy over a baseline silicon-based system.PHDElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169699/1/aporvaa_1.pd