597 research outputs found

    Meta-RaPS Algorithm for the Aerial Refueling Scheduling Problem

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    The Aerial Refueling Scheduling Problem (ARSP) can be defined as determining the refueling completion times for each fighter aircraft (job) on multiple tankers (machines). ARSP assumes that jobs have different release times and due dates, The total weighted tardiness is used to evaluate schedule's quality. Therefore, ARSP can be modeled as a parallel machine scheduling with release limes and due dates to minimize the total weighted tardiness. Since ARSP is NP-hard, it will be more appropriate to develop a ppro~imate or heuristic algorithm to obtain solutions in reasonable computation limes. In this paper, Meta-Raps-ATC algorithm is implemented to create high quality solutions. Meta-RaPS (Meta-heuristic for Randomized Priority Search) is a recent and promising meta heuristic that is applied by introducing randomness to a construction heuristic. The Apparent Tardiness Rule (ATC), which is a good rule for scheduling problems with tardiness objective, is used to construct initial solutions which are improved by an exchanging operation. Results are presented for generated instances

    Non-identical parallel machines batch processing problem with release dates, due dates and variable maintenance activity to minimize total tardiness

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    [EN] Combination of job scheduling and maintenance activity has been widely investigated in the literature. We consider a non-identical parallel machines batch processing (BP) problem with release dates, due dates and variable maintenance activity to minimize total tardiness. An original mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is formulated to provide an optimal solution. As the problem under investigation is known to be strongly NP-hard, two meta-heuristic approaches based on Simulated Annealing (SA) and Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) are developed. A constructive heuristic method (H) is proposed to generate initial feasible solutions for the SA and VNS. In order to evaluate the results of the proposed solution approaches, a set of instances were randomly generated. Moreover, we compare the performance of our proposed approaches against four meta heuristic algorithms adopted from the literature. The obtained results indicate that the proposed solution methods have a competitive behaviour and they outperform the other meta-heuristics in most instances. Although in all cases, H + SA is the most performing algorithm compared to the others.Beldar, P.; Moghtader, M.; Giret Boggino, AS.; Ansaripoord, AH. (2022). Non-identical parallel machines batch processing problem with release dates, due dates and variable maintenance activity to minimize total tardiness. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 168:1-28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2022.10813512816

    Heuristic Algorithms to Minimize Total Weighted Tardiness on the Single Machine and Identical Parallel Machines with Sequence Dependent Setup and Future Ready Time

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    This study generates heuristic algorithms to minimize the total weighted tardiness on the single machine and identical parallel machines with sequence dependent setup and future ready time. Due to the complexity of the considered problem, we propose two new Apparent Tardiness Cost based (ATC-based) rules. The performances of these two rules are evaluated on the single machine and identical parallel machines. Besides of these two rules, we also propose a look-ahead identical parallel machines heuristic (LAIPM). When a machine becomes idle, it selects a job to process from available jobs and near future jobs. The proposed method, LAIPM, is evaluated with other look-ahead methods on the identical parallel machines

    Approximate Algorithms for the Combined arrival-Departure Aircraft Sequencing and Reactive Scheduling Problems on Multiple Runways

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    The problem addressed in this dissertation is the Aircraft Sequencing Problem (ASP) in which a schedule must be developed to determine the assignment of each aircraft to a runway, the appropriate sequence of aircraft on each runway, and their departing or landing times. The dissertation examines the ASP over multiple runways, under mixed mode operations with the objective of minimizing the total weighted tardiness of aircraft landings and departures simultaneously. To prevent the dangers associated with wake-vortex effects, separation times enforced by Aviation Administrations (e.g., FAA) are considered, adding another level of complexity given that such times are sequence-dependent. Due to the problem being NP-hard, it is computationally difficult to solve large scale instances in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, three greedy algorithms, namely the Adapted Apparent Tardiness Cost with Separation and Ready Times (AATCSR), the Earliest Ready Time (ERT) and the Fast Priority Index (FPI) are proposed. Moreover, metaheuristics including Simulated Annealing (SA) and the Metaheuristic for Randomized Priority Search (Meta-RaPS) are introduced to improve solutions initially constructed by the proposed greedy algorithms. The performance (solution quality and computational time) of the various algorithms is compared to the optimal solutions and to each other. The dissertation also addresses the Aircraft Reactive Scheduling Problem (ARSP) as air traffic systems frequently encounter various disruptions due to unexpected events such as inclement weather, aircraft failures or personnel shortages rendering the initial plan suboptimal or even obsolete in some cases. This research considers disruptions including the arrival of new aircraft, flight cancellations and aircraft delays. ARSP is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem in which both the schedule\u27s quality and stability are of interest. The objectives consist of the total weighted start times (solution quality), total weighted start time deviation, and total weighted runway deviation (instability measures). Repair and complete regeneration approximate algorithms are developed for each type of disruptive events. The algorithms are tested against difficult benchmark problems and the solutions are compared to optimal solutions in terms of solution quality, schedule stability and computational time


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    This study considers a parallel batch processing problem to minimize the makespan under constraints of arbitrary lot sizes, start time window and incompatible families. We first formulate the problem with a mixed-integer programming model. Due to the NP-hardness of the problem, we develop a decomposition-based heuristic to obtain a near-optimal solution for large-scale problems when computational time is a concern. A two-dimensional saving function is introduced to quantify the value of time and capacity space wasted. Computational experiments show that the proposed heuristic performs well and can deal with large-scale problems efficiently within a reasonable computational time. For the small-size problems, the percentage of achieving optimal solutions by the DH is 94.17%, which indicates that the proposed heuristic is very good in solving small-size problems. For large-scale problems, our proposed heuristic outperforms an existing heuristic from the literature in terms of solution quality

    Optimization Models and Approximate Algorithms for the Aerial Refueling Scheduling and Rescheduling Problems

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    The Aerial Refueling Scheduling Problem (ARSP) can be defined as determining the refueling completion times for fighter aircrafts (jobs) on multiple tankers (machines) to minimize the total weighted tardiness. ARSP can be modeled as a parallel machine scheduling with release times and due date-to-deadline window. ARSP assumes that the jobs have different release times, due dates, and due date-to-deadline windows between the refueling due date and a deadline to return without refueling. The Aerial Refueling Rescheduling Problem (ARRP), on the other hand, can be defined as updating the existing AR schedule after being disrupted by job related events including the arrival of new aircrafts, departure of an existing aircrafts, and changes in aircraft priorities. ARRP is formulated as a multiobjective optimization problem by minimizing the total weighted tardiness (schedule quality) and schedule instability. Both ARSP and ARRP are formulated as mixed integer programming models. The objective function in ARSP is a piecewise tardiness cost that takes into account due date-to-deadline windows and job priorities. Since ARSP is NP-hard, four approximate algorithms are proposed to obtain solutions in reasonable computational times, namely (1) apparent piecewise tardiness cost with release time rule (APTCR), (2) simulated annealing starting from random solution (SArandom ), (3) SA improving the initial solution constructed by APTCR (SAAPTCR), and (4) Metaheuristic for Randomized Priority Search (MetaRaPS). Additionally, five regeneration and partial repair algorithms (MetaRE, BestINSERT, SEPRE, LSHIFT, and SHUFFLE) were developed for ARRP to update instantly the current schedule at the disruption time. The proposed heuristic algorithms are tested in terms of solution quality and CPU time through computational experiments with randomly generated data to represent AR operations and disruptions. Effectiveness of the scheduling and rescheduling algorithms are compared to optimal solutions for problems with up to 12 jobs and to each other for larger problems with up to 60 jobs. The results show that, APTCR is more likely to outperform SArandom especially when the problem size increases, although it has significantly worse performance than SA in terms of deviation from optimal solution for small size problems. Moreover CPU time performance of APTCR is significantly better than SA in both cases. MetaRaPS is more likely to outperform SAAPTCR in terms of average error from optimal solutions for both small and large size problems. Results for small size problems show that MetaRaPS algorithm is more robust compared to SAAPTCR. However, CPU time performance of SA is significantly better than MetaRaPS in both cases. ARRP experiments were conducted with various values of objective weighting factor for extended analysis. In the job arrival case, MetaRE and BestINSERT have significantly performed better than SEPRE in terms of average relative error for small size problems. In the case of job priority disruption, there is no significant difference between MetaRE, BestINSERT, and SHUFFLE algorithms. MetaRE has significantly performed better than LSHIFT to repair job departure disruptions and significantly superior to the BestINSERT algorithm in terms of both relative error and computational time for large size problems

    Lagrangian approach to minimize makespan of non-identical parallel batch processing machines

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    Advisors: Purushothaman Damodaran.Committee members: Omar Ghrayeb; Murali Krishnamurthi; Christine Nguyen.Batch Processing Machines (BPMs) are commonly used in electronics manufacturing, semi-conductor manufacturing, and metal-working - to name a few. Scheduling these machines are not an easy task; practical considerations and the exponential number of decision variables involved impede schedulers (or decision makers) from making good decisions. This research focuses on minimizing the makespan of a set of non-identical parallel batch processing machines. In order to schedule jobs on these machines, two decisions are to be made. The first decision is to group jobs to form batches such that the machine capacity is not exceeded. The second decision is to sequence the batches formed on the machines such that the makespan is minimized. Both the decisions are intertwined as the processing time of the batch is determined by the composition of the jobs in the batch. The problem under study is shown to be NP-hard. A mathematical model from the literature is adopted to develop a solution approach which would help the decision maker to make meaningful decisions.Lagrangian Relaxation approach has been shown to be very effective in solving scheduling problems. Using this decomposition approach, the mathematical model is decomposed and a sub-gradient approach was used to update the multipliers. Two sets of constraints were relaxed to consider two Lagrangian Relaxation models. Experiments were conducted with data sets from the literature. The solution quality of the proposed approach was compared with meta-heuristics (i.e. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Random Key Genetic Algorithm (RKGA)) published in the literature and a commercial solver (i.e. IBM ILOG CPLEX). On smaller instances (i.e. 10 and 20 jobs), the proposed approach outperformed PSO and RKGA. However, the proposed approach and CPLEX report the same results. On larger instances (i.e. 50, 100 and 200 job instances) with two and four-machines, the proposed approach was better than PSO whenever the variability in the processing times were smaller. The proposed approach generally outperformed RKGA and CPLEX on larger problem instances. Out of 200 experiments conducted, the proposed approach helped to find new improved solution on 34 instances and comparable on 105 instances when compared to PSO. The PSO approach was much faster than all other approaches on larger problem instances. The experimental study clearly identifies the problem instances on which the proposed approach can find a better solution. The proposed Lagrangian Relaxation solution approach helps the schedulers to make more informed decisions. Minor modifications can be made to use the proposed solution approach for other practical considerations (e.g. job ready times, tardiness objective, etc.) The main contribution of this research is the proposed solution approach which is effective in solving a class of non-identical batch processing machine problems with better solution quality when compared to existing meta-heuristics.M.S. (Master of Science
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