822 research outputs found

    Chatbots for learning: A review of educational chatbots for the Facebook Messenger

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    With the exponential growth in the mobile device market over the last decade, chatbots are becoming an increasingly popular option to interact with users, and their popularity and adoption are rapidly spreading. These mobile devices change the way we communicate and allow ever-present learning in various environments. This study examined educational chatbots for Facebook Messenger to support learning. The independent web directory was screened to assess chatbots for this study resulting in the identification of 89 unique chatbots. Each chatbot was classified by language, subject matter and developer's platform. Finally, we evaluated 47 educational chatbots using the Facebook Messenger platform based on the analytic hierarchy process against the quality attributes of teaching, humanity, affect, and accessibility. We found that educational chatbots on the Facebook Messenger platform vary from the basic level of sending personalized messages to recommending learning content. Results show that chatbots which are part of the instant messaging application are still in its early stages to become artificial intelligence teaching assistants. The findings provide tips for teachers to integrate chatbots into classroom practice and advice what types of chatbots they can try out.Web of Science151art. no. 10386

    Online Monitoring Kualitas Air Pada Budidaya Udang Berbasis WSN Dan IoT

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    Dalam tulisan ini dijelaskan desain dan pengembangan sistem online monitoring kualitas air berbasis wireless sensor Network (WSN) dan Internet of Things (IoT). Sistem ini didesain dan dikembangkan untuk memantau parameter DO (Dissolved Oxygen), pH, conductivity dan temperatur pada budidaya udang. Sistem terdiri dari beberapa node sensor dengan komponen utama arduino uno yang terhubung dengan Xbee board dan master board dengan komponen utamanya adalah Raspberry Pi 2 (RPi2) board dan Xbee. Data dikirim dari masing-masing node ke RPi2 menggunakan jaringan WSN dengan paket data yang dilengkapi dengan masing-masing ID, setelah itu data disimpan di database internal RPi2 dan ditampilkan di graph. Timer update server digunakan untuk update data dari RPi2 ke server menggunakan jaringan internet melalui wifi. Data di server dapat dilihat menggunakan website, selain itu juga data dapat dilihat pada aplikasi Telegram Messenger yang ter-install di perangkat ponsel. Program RPi2 dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa python dan komponen matplotlib. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa sistem memiliki prospek yang besar dan dapat digunakan untuk keperluan budidaya udang dengan memberikan informasi yang relevan dan tepat waktu. Data hasil pengumpulan tersebut dapat digunakan untuk penelitian dan analisa lebih lanjut

    Milchbot: App to Support the Process of Feeding and Caring for Dairy Cows in Peru

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    At present, Peru's agricultural sector has a shortfall of professionals, so livestock producers cannot be provided with relevant and reliable information to ensure good nutrition and care for dairy cows, which affects productivity. Milchbot is a chatbot that answers queries about the feeding and care of dairy cows based on reliable documentation. To do so, a chatbot model was designed to cover the topics of feeding, care, news and frequently asked questions for the planning, feeding and care processes about dairy cows. The model consists of a friendly interface, a dialog engine and a search engine that allows you to find and provide information from a document storage. This model was implemented employing Watson Assistant and Discovery. Milchbot was used and evaluated by 6 livestock producers and 7 zootechnicians. The results of the usability and satisfaction surveys show a high rating for both livestock producers and zootechnicians, and it should be noted that zootechnicians gave very high ratings on satisfaction.New York Universit

    Telegram Application for Monitoring, Controlling and Protecting the Consumption of Household Electrical Appliances

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    Nominal electricity rates always increase, so it is necessary to take steps to save electricity consumption. One of the steps to save electricity consumption is taken by implementing a remote electrical equipment control system based on the Smart Home Internet of Things (IoT) system. Besides being able to save money, IoT systems are also able to help simplify work and human activities. This research aims to implement Internet of Things (IoT) equipment to monitor, control, protect, and On/Off timers for household electrical appliances monitored by the Telegram application and 16×2 LCD. Monitored system parameters i.e. voltage, current, frequency, power, energy, and electricity rates for each device. Device hardware i.e. Arduino Uno, 1 Channel Relay, PZEM-004t Voltage Sensor, NodeMCU ESP8266, and Current Sensor (Current Transformer). The equipment has been successfully tested on 10 different household appliances i.e. charged cellphones, fans, charged laptops, solder, iron, fluorescent lamp 36 W, television (TV), set-top box (STB)-TV, printer, and 5 W bulb lamp. The results showed that the prototype is capable of monitoring, controlling, protecting, and On/Off timer settings as well as being able to be monitored from home electric appliances both near and far using the 16×2 LCD and the Telegram application, respectively. The sensor tool using the Telegram application is able to measure/monitor the parameters of voltage, current and frequency at 10 loads with an average error value of 0.32%, 12.83% and 0.1% respectively compared to measurements using a Multimeter. The IoT prototype is also able to provide more complete, faster (4-5 sec) monitoring, control, protection, timer On/Off parameters and superior performance compared to devices designed by a number of previous researchers

    Online Monitoring Kualitas Air pada Budidaya Udang Berbasis WSN dan IoT

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    Dalam tulisan ini dijelaskan desain dan pengembangan sistem online monitoring kualitas air berbasis wireless sensor Network (WSN) dan Internet of Things (IoT). Sistem ini didesain dan dikembangkan untuk memantau parameter DO (Dissolved Oxygen), pH, conductivity dan temperatur pada budidaya udang. Sistem terdiri dari beberapa node sensor dengan komponen utama arduino uno yang terhubung dengan Xbee board dan master board dengan komponen utamanya adalah Raspberry Pi 2 (RPi2) board dan Xbee. Data dikirim dari masing-masing node ke RPi2 menggunakan jaringan WSN dengan paket data yang dilengkapi dengan masing-masing ID, setelah itu data disimpan di database internal RPi2 dan ditampilkan di graph. Timer update server digunakan untuk update data dari RPi2 ke server menggunakan jaringan internet melalui wifi. Data di server dapat dilihat menggunakan website, selain itu juga data dapat dilihat pada aplikasi Telegram Messenger yang ter-install di perangkat ponsel. Program RPi2 dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa python dan komponen matplotlib. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa sistem memiliki prospek yang besar dan dapat digunakan untuk keperluan budidaya udang dengan memberikan informasi yang relevan dan tepat waktu. Data hasil pengumpulan tersebut dapat digunakan untuk penelitian dan analisa lebih lanjut.Â