17,911 research outputs found

    Working memory load elicits attentional bias to threat

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    Anxious individuals tend to show attentional bias to threats and dangers; this is usually in-terpreted as a specific bias in threat-processing. However, they also tend to show general working memory and cognitive control impairments. We hypothesised that the lack of work-ing memory resources might contribute to attentional bias, by limiting anxious individuals’ ability to regulate their responses to emotional stimuli. If this is true, then loading working memory should elicit attentional bias to threat, even in non-anxious participants. We tested this hypothesis in two experiments, with participants unselected for anxiety. In Experiment 1, a phonological working memory load (remembering a string of digits) elicited an attentional bias to fear-conditioned Japanese words. In Experiment 2, a visuo-spatial working memory load (remembering a series of locations in a matrix of squares) elicited an attentional bias to emotional schematic faces. Results suggest that working memory and cognitive control may moderate the attentional bias to threat commonly observed in anxiety

    Working memory regulates anxiety-related threat processing biases

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    Anxious individuals tend to show biased processing of threat (e.g. Mathews & MacLeod, 2005). Executive control could be used to regulate such threat-processing (Schmeichel, Volokhov, & Demaree, 2008), and theorists have suggested that impaired executive control may be a risk factor for anxiety (Mathews & MacLeod, 2005; Ouimet, Gawronski, & Dozois, 2009). On these bases, we hypothesised that anxiety-related cognitive biases regarding threat should be more apparent when executive control is experimentally impaired by loading working memory. In Study 1, 68 undergraduates read ambiguous vignettes under high and low working memory load; later, their interpretations of these vignettes were assessed via a recognition test. Trait anxiety predicted biased interpretation of social threat vignettes under high working memory load, but not under low working memory load. In Study 2, 53 undergraduates completed a dot probe task with fear-conditioned Japanese characters serving as threat stimuli. Trait anxiety predicted attentional bias to the threat stimuli but, again, this only occurred under high working memory load. Interestingly however, actual eye movements toward the threat stimuli were associated with state rather than trait anxiety and this relationship was not moderated by working memory load, suggesting that executive control regulates biased threat-processing downstream of initial input processes such as orienting. These results suggest that cognitive loads might be a useful tool for assessing cognitive biases in future research. More importantly, since biased threat-pro cessing has been implicated in the aetiology and maintenance of anxiety, poor executive control may indeed be a risk factor for anxiety disorders

    Short-term memory load and pronunciation rate

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    In a test of short-term memory recall, two subjects attempted to recall various lists. For unpracticed subjects, the time it took to read the list is a better predictor of immediate recall than the number of items on the list. For practiced subjects, the two predictors do about equally well. If the items that must be recalled are unfamiliar, it is advantageous to keep the items short to pronounce. On the other hand, if the same items will be encountered over and over again, it is advantageous to make them distinctive, even at the cost of adding to the number of syllables

    Effect of memory load on eye movement control: A study using the reading span test

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    We investigated the effect of memory load on attentional control using the Reading Span Test (RST), a task that requires working memory capacity. Previous studies have shown that a shortage of working memory resources leads to a deficit of inhibition of taskirrelevant information and that memory load affects eye movement control. Here, we recorded eye movement and integrated it with RST performance. Total fixation time and the number of regressions showed a memory load effect with the to-be-remembered word, and RST performance was also affected under high memory load. We concluded that a shortage of working memory resources caused by memory load prevents flexible eye movement control and may cause a deficit in inhibitory control based on intrusion errors

    Influence of Task Combination on EEG Spectrum Modulation for Driver Workload Estimation

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Objective: This study investigates the feasibility of using a method based on electroencephalography (EEG) for deriving a driver’s mental workload index. Background: The psychophysiological signals provide sensitive information for human functional states assessment in both laboratory and real-world settings and for building a new communication channel between driver and vehicle that allows for driver workload monitoring. Methods: An experiment combining a lane-change task and n-back task was conducted. The task load levels were manipulated in two dimensions, driving task load and working memory load, with each containing three task load conditions. Results: The frontal theta activity showed significant increases in the working memory load dimension, but differences were not found with the driving task load dimension. However, significant decreases in parietal alpha activity were found when the task load was increased in both dimensions. Task-related differences were also found. The driving task load contributed more to the changes in alpha power, whereas the working memory load contributed more to the changes in theta power. Additionally, these two task load dimensions caused significant interactive effects on both theta and alpha power. Conclusion: These results indicate that EEG technology can provide sensitive information for driver workload detection even if the sensitivities of different EEG parameters tend to be task dependent. Application: One potential future application of this study is to establish a general driver workload estimator that uses EEG signals

    Neural oscillations in auditory working memory

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    The present thesis investigated memory load and memory decay in auditory working memory. Alpha power as a marker for memory load served as the primary indicator for load and decay fluctuations hypothetically reflecting functional inhibition of irrelevant information. Memory load was induced by presenting auditory signals (syllables and pure-tone sequences) in noise because speech-in-noise has been shown before to increase memory load. The aim of the thesis was to assess with magnetoencephalography whether a-priori temporal expectations for the onset-time of a to-be-remembered stimulus reduces memory load. It was reported previously that top-down modulations such as spatial expectations reduce memory load and improve memory performance. However, this effect has neither been investigated with temporal expectations nor in the auditory domain. The present thesis showed that temporal expectations for a syllable in noise reduced memory load. Reduced alpha power during stimulus maintenance as well as improved performance indicated the decrease in memory load. Alpha power effects emerged from the right cingulo-opercular network, presumably reflecting a reduced need for functional inhibition. Critically, symbolic cues induced temporal expectations. This effect could not be replicated for clear speech. However, more implicit temporal expectations based on the passage of time elicited a similar decrease in alpha power for clear speech reflecting reduced memory load. Memory decay was assessed with variable delay phases in an auditory sensory memory task with pure-tone sequences. Similarly to memory performance, alpha power decreased with longer delay phases. Critically, temporal expectations counteracted memory decay and led to more sustained performance as well as alpha power across different delay phases. These alpha-power effects were localized to frontal and parietal attention networks as well as primary auditory and visual sensory areas. This implies the involvement of different brain regions relevant for encoding and maintenance in auditory memory and questions a parsimonious functional inhibition explanation. A correlation of alpha power and behavioral performance underpinned the importance of alpha power for auditory working memory. Altogether, the results of the present thesis provide evidence for a beneficial effect of a-priori temporal expectations for an auditory signal on working memory. Moreover, alpha dynamics were shown to be a distinct marker for the neural efficiency of managing working memory limitations

    Cultural differences in complex addition: efficient Chinese versus adaptive Belgians and Canadians

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    In the present study, the authors tested the effects of working-memory load on math problem solving in 3 different cultures: Flemish-speaking Belgians, English-speaking Canadians, and Chinese-speaking Chinese currently living in Canada. Participants solved complex addition problems (e.g., 58 + 76) in no-load and working-memory load conditions, in which either the central executive or the phonological loop was loaded. The authors used the choice/no-choice method to obtain unbiased measures of strategy selection and strategy efficiency. The Chinese participants were faster than the Belgians, who were faster and more accurate than the Canadians. The Chinese also required fewer working-memory resources than did the Belgians and Canadians. However, the Chinese chose less adaptively from the available strategies than did the Belgians and Canadians. These cultural differences in math problem solving are likely the result of different instructional approaches during elementary school (practice and training in Asian countries vs. exploration and flexibility in non-Asian countries), differences in the number language, and informal cultural norms and standards. The relevance of being adaptive is discussed as well as the implications of the results in regards to the strategy choice and discovery simulation model of strategy selection (J. Shrager & R. S. Siegler, 1998)

    Working Memory Regulates Trait Anxiety-Related Threat Processing Biases

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    High trait anxious individuals tend to show biased processing of threat. Correlational evidence suggests that executive control could be used to regulate such threat-processing. On this basis, we hypothesised that trait anxiety-related cognitive biases regarding threat should be exaggerated when executive control is experimentally impaired by loading working memory. In Study 1, 68 undergraduates read ambiguous vignettes under high and low working memory load; later, their interpretations of these vignettes were assessed via a recognition test. Trait anxiety predicted biased interpretation of social threat vignettes under high working memory load, but not under low working memory load. In Study 2, 53 undergraduates completed a dot probe task with fear-conditioned Japanese characters serving as threat stimuli. Trait anxiety predicted attentional bias to the threat stimuli but, again, this only occurred under high working memory load. Interestingly however, actual eye movements toward the threat stimuli were only associated with state anxiety and this was not moderated by working memory load, suggesting that executive control regulates biased threat-processing downstream of initial input processes such as orienting. These results suggest that cognitive loads can exacerbate trait anxiety-related cognitive biases, and therefore represent a useful tool for assessing cognitive biases in future research. More importantly, since biased threat-processing has been implicated in the aetiology and maintenance of anxiety, poor executive control may be a risk factor for anxiety disorders
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