41 research outputs found

    WARP: Weight Associative Rule Processor. A dedicated VLSI fuzzy logic megacell

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    During the last five years Fuzzy Logic has gained enormous popularity in the academic and industrial worlds. The success of this new methodology has led the microelectronics industry to create a new class of machines, called Fuzzy Machines, to overcome the limitations of traditional computing systems when utilized as Fuzzy Systems. This paper gives an overview of the methods by which Fuzzy Logic data structures are represented in the machines (each with its own advantages and inefficiencies). Next, the paper introduces WARP (Weight Associative Rule Processor) which is a dedicated VLSI megacell allowing the realization of a fuzzy controller suitable for a wide range of applications. WARP represents an innovative approach to VLSI Fuzzy controllers by utilizing different types of data structures for characterizing the membership functions during the various stages of the Fuzzy processing. WARP dedicated architecture has been designed in order to achieve high performance by exploiting the computational advantages offered by the different data representations

    Lentiviral vectors can be used for full-length dystrophin gene therapy

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    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is caused by a lack of dystrophin expression in patient muscle fibres. Current DMD gene therapy strategies rely on the expression of internally deleted forms of dystrophin, missing important functional domains. Viral gene transfer of full-length dystrophin could restore wild-type functionality, although this approach is restricted by the limited capacity of recombinant viral vectors. Lentiviral vectors can package larger transgenes than adeno-associated viruses, yet lentiviral vectors remain largely unexplored for full-length dystrophin delivery. In our work, we have demonstrated that lentiviral vectors can package and deliver inserts of a similar size to dystrophin. We report a novel approach for delivering large transgenes in lentiviruses, in which we demonstrate proof-of-concept for a 'template-switching' lentiviral vector that harnesses recombination events during reverse-transcription. During this work, we discovered that a standard, unmodified lentiviral vector was efficient in delivering full-length dystrophin to target cells, within a total genomic load of more than 15,000 base pairs. We have demonstrated gene therapy with this vector by restoring dystrophin expression in DMD myoblasts, where dystrophin was expressed at the sarcolemma of myotubes after myogenic differentiation. Ultimately, our work demonstrates proof-of-concept that lentiviruses can be used for permanent full-length dystrophin gene therapy, which presents a significant advancement in developing an effective treatment for DMD

    SODR Memory Control Buffer Control ASIC

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    The Spacecraft Optical Disk Recorder (SODR) is a state of the art mass storage system for future NASA missions requiring high transmission rates and a large capacity storage system. This report covers the design and development of an SODR memory buffer control applications specific integrated circuit (ASIC). The memory buffer control ASIC has two primary functions: (1) buffering data to prevent loss of data during disk access times, (2) converting data formats from a high performance parallel interface format to a small computer systems interface format. Ten 144 p in, 50 MHz CMOS ASIC's were designed, fabricated and tested to implement the memory buffer control function

    The Cells of Ecosystem Functioning: Towards a holistic vision of marine space

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    Marine space is three dimensional, the turnover of life forms is rapid, defining a fourth dimension: time. The definition of ecologically significant spatial units calls for the spatio-temporal framing of significant ecological connections in terms of extra-specific (biogeochemical cycles), intra-specific (life cycles), and inter-specific (food webs) fluxes. The oceanic volume can be split in sub-systems that can be further divided into smaller sub-units where ecosystem processes are highly integrated. The volumes where oceanographic and ecological processes take place are splittable into hot spots of ecosystem functioning, e.g., upwelling currents triggering plankton blooms, whose products are then distributed by horizontal currents, so defining Cells of Ecosystem Functioning (CEFs), whose identification requires the collaboration of physical and chemical oceanography, biogeochemistry, marine geology, plankton, nekton and benthos ecology and biology, food web dynamics, marine biogeography. CEFs are fuzzy objects that reflect the instability of marine systems

    Reconstitution of a functional human thymus by postnatal stromal progenitor cells and natural whole-organ scaffolds.

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    The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ, essential for T cell maturation and selection. There has been long-standing interest in processes underpinning thymus generation and the potential to manipulate it clinically, because alterations of thymus development or function can result in severe immunodeficiency and autoimmunity. Here, we identify epithelial-mesenchymal hybrid cells, capable of long-term expansion in vitro, and able to reconstitute an anatomic phenocopy of the native thymus, when combined with thymic interstitial cells and a natural decellularised extracellular matrix (ECM) obtained by whole thymus perfusion. This anatomical human thymus reconstruction is functional, as judged by its capacity to support mature T cell development in vivo after transplantation into humanised immunodeficient mice. These findings establish a basis for dissecting the cellular and molecular crosstalk between stroma, ECM and thymocytes, and offer practical prospects for treating congenital and acquired immunological diseases

    Autologous skeletal muscle derived cells expressing a novel functional dystrophin provide a potential therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

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    Autologous stem cells that have been genetically modified to express dystrophin are a possible means of treating Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). To maximize the therapeutic effect, dystrophin construct needs to contain as many functional motifs as possible, within the packaging capacity of the viral vector. Existing dystrophin constructs used for transduction of muscle stem cells do not contain the nNOS binding site, an important functional motif within the dystrophin gene. In this proof-of-concept study, using stem cells derived from skeletal muscle of a DMD patient (mdcs) transplanted into an immunodeficient mouse model of DMD, we report that two novel dystrophin constructs, C1 (ΔR3-R13) and C2 (ΔH2-R23), can be lentivirally transduced into mdcs and produce dystrophin. These dystrophin proteins were functional in vivo, as members of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex were restored in muscle fibres containing donor-derived dystrophin. In muscle fibres derived from cells that had been transduced with construct C1, the largest dystrophin construct packaged into a lentiviral system, nNOS was restored. The combination of autologous stem cells and a lentivirus expressing a novel dystrophin construct which optimally restores proteins of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex may have therapeutic application for all DMD patients, regardless of their dystrophin mutation

    Computation of a determinant and a matrix product in cellular automata

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    Приведено формальное описание двумерных клеточных автоматов, реализующих умножение матриц и нахождение определителя. Все алгоритмы даны для границ с замыканием, шаблона окрестности Неймана и закрытых вычислений (т. е. данные не вводятся в процессе расчёта). Отдельно реализовано умножение матрицы на вектор-столбец. Для вычисления определителя предложены два алгоритма, основанные на методе Гаусса. Один имеет линейную сложность и использует управляющий флаг с пятью состояниями, однако применим не ко всякой матрице. Другой работает для любой матрицы, но имеет квадратичную сложность и его управляющий флаг принимает одиннадцать состояний

    Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells Hook into Biocoral Scaffold Forming an Engineered Biocomplex

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of human Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSCs), as well as human osteoblasts, when challenged on a Biocoral scaffold, which is a porous natural hydroxyapatite. For this purpose, human DPSCs were seeded onto a three-dimensional (3D) Biocoral scaffold or on flask surface (control). Either normal or rotative (3D) cultures were performed. Scanning electron microscopic analyses, at 8, 24 and 48 h of culture showed that cells did not adhere on the external surface, but moved into the cavities inside the Biocoral structure. After 7, 15 and 30 days of culture, morphological and molecular analyses suggested that the Biocoral scaffold leads DPSCs to hook into the cavities where these cells quickly start to secrete the extra cellular matrix (ECM) and differentiate into osteoblasts. Control human osteoblasts also moved into the internal cavities where they secreted the ECM. Histological sections revealed a diffuse bone formation inside the Biocoral samples seeded with DPSCs or human osteoblasts, where the original scaffold and the new secreted biomaterial were completely integrated and cells were found within the remaining cavities. In addition, RT-PCR analyses showed a significant increase of osteoblast-related gene expression and, above all, of those genes highly expressed in mineralized tissues, including osteocalcin, OPN and BSP. Furthermore, the effects on the interaction between osteogenesis and angiogenesis were observed and substantiated by ELISA assays. Taken together, our results provide clear evidence that DPSCs differentiated into osteoblasts, forming a biocomplex made of Biocoral, ECM and differentiated cells

    Effects of Mini-Dystrophin on Dystrophin-Deficient, Human Skeletal Muscle-Derived Cells

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    BACKGROUND: We are developing a novel therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), involving the transplantation of autologous, skeletal muscle-derived stem cells that have been genetically corrected to express dystrophin. Dystrophin is normally expressed in activated satellite cells and in differentiated muscle fibres. However, in past preclinical validation studies, dystrophin transgenes have generally been driven by constitutive promoters that would be active at every stage of the myogenic differentiation process, including in proliferating muscle stem cells. It is not known whether artificial dystrophin expression would affect the properties of these cells. AIMS: Our aims are to determine if mini-dystrophin expression affects the proliferation or myogenic differentiation of DMD skeletal muscle-derived cells. METHODS: Skeletal muscle-derived cells from a DMD patient were transduced with lentivirus coding for mini-dystrophins (R3-R13 spectrin-like repeats (ΔR3R13) or hinge2 to spectrin-like repeats R23 (ΔH2R23)) with EGFP (enhanced green fluorescence protein) fused to the C-terminus, driven by a constitutive promoter, spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV). Transduced cells were purified on the basis of GFP expression. Their proliferation and myogenic differentiation were quantified by ethynyl deoxyuridine (EdU) incorporation and fusion index. Furthermore, dystrophin small interfering ribonucleic acids (siRNAs) were transfected to the cells to reverse the effects of the mini-dystrophin. Finally, a phospho-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) array assay was performed to investigate signalling pathway changes caused by dystrophin expression. RESULTS: Cell proliferation was not affected in cells transduced with ΔR3R13, but was significantly increased in cells transduced with ΔH2R23. The fusion index of myotubes derived from both ΔR3R13- and ΔH2R23 -expressing cells was significantly compromised in comparison to myotubes derived from non-transduced cells. Dystrophin siRNA transfection restored the differentiation of ΔH2R23-expressing cells. The Erk1/2- signalling pathway is altered in cells transduced with mini-dystrophin constructs. CONCLUSIONS: Ectopic expression of dystrophin in cultured human skeletal muscle-derived cells may affect their proliferation and differentiation capacity. Caution should be taken when considering genetic correction of autologous stem cells to express dystrophin driven by a constitutive promoter