440 research outputs found

    Benchmarking and viability assessment of optical packet switching for metro networks

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    Optical packet switching (OPS) has been proposed as a strong candidate for future metro networks. This paper assesses the viability of an OPS-based ring architecture as proposed within the research project DAVID (Data And Voice Integration on DWDM), funded by the European Commission through the Information Society Technologies (IST) framework. Its feasibility is discussed from a physical-layer point of view, and its limitations in size are explored. Through dimensioning studies, we show that the proposed OPS architecture is competitive with respect to alternative metropolitan area network (MAN) approaches, including synchronous digital hierarchy, resilient packet rings (RPR), and star-based Ethernet. Finally, the proposed OPS architectures are discussed from a logical performance point of view, and a high-quality scheduling algorithm to control the packet-switching operations in the rings is explained

    Performance analysis of Gb/s WDM FDDI network

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    In this paper, we propose a time-token multi-Gb/s Wavelength Division Multiplexing Fibre Distributed Data Interface (WDM/FDDI) architecture and examine its throughput efficiency and delay under heavy load for different network configuration using discrete event simulator

    Benchmarking and viability assessment of optical packet switching for metro networks

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    Optical packet switching (OPS) has been proposed as a strong candidate for future metro networks. This paper assesses the viability of an OPS-based ring architecture as proposed within the research project DAVID (Data And Voice Integration on DWDM), funded by the European Commission through the Information Society Technologies (IST) framework. Its feasibility is discussed from a physical-layer point of view, and its limitations in size are explored. Through dimensioning studies, we show that the proposed OPS architecture is competitive with respect to alternative metropolitan area network (MAN) approaches, including synchronous digital hierarchy, resilient packet rings (RPR), and star-based Ethernet. Finally, the proposed OPS architectures are discussed from a logical performance point of view, and a high-quality scheduling algorithm to control the packet-switching operations in the rings is explained

    Inside all-optical networks

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    Imagine a world where lightning speed Internet is as common as telephones today. Imagine when light, the fastest moving thing in the universe, is the signal-carrying transport medium. Imagine when bandwidth no more remains a constraint for any application. Imagine when imagination is the only limit! This all can be made possible with only one technology and that is optical communication. Optical networks have thus far provided a realization to a greater extent to the unlimited bandwidth dreams of this era, but as the demands are increasing, the electro-optic conversions seem to become bottlenecks in blended optical networks. The only answer to this is a complete migration to `All-Optical Networks\u27 (AONs) which promise an end-to-end optical transmission. This thesis will investigate various aspects of all-optical networks and prove that AONs perform better than currently existing electro-optical networks. In today\u27s\u27 electro-optical networks, routing and switching is performed in electronic domain. Performance analysis of electro-optical and all-optical networks would include node utilization, link utilization and percentage of traffic routed. It will be shown through Opnet Transport Planner simulations that AONs work better under various traffic conditions. The coming decade will see a great boom in demands on telecommunications networks. The development in bandwidth-hungry applications like real-time video transmission, telemedicine, distance learning and video on demand require both an unlimited amount of bandwidth and dependable QoS. It is well understood that electrically switched networks and copper cables will not be able to meet the future network demands effectively. The world has already agreed to move towards optical communication techniques through the introduction of fiber in access parts of the networks replacing copper. Now the race is to bring optics in higher layers of OSI reference model. Optical communication is on the horizon, and new discoveries are still underway to add to the value of available bandwidth through this technology. My research thesis will primarily focus on the design, architecture and network properties of AONs and challenges being faced by AONs in commercial deployment. Optical components required in AONs will be explored. A comparison between AONs and electro-optical networks will also be shown through optical transport planner simulations

    Dynamically reconfigurable optical access network

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    This dissertation presents the research results on a fiber-optic high-bitrate access network which enables dynamic bandwidth allocation as a response to varying subscribers' demands and bandwidth needs of emerging services. The motivation of the research is given in Chapter 1 "Introduction" together with a brief comparative discussion on currently available and future access networks. The idea of wavelength reconfigurability in the last-mile networks is described as a solution for more efficient bandwidth utilization and a subject of the Broadband Photonics project. Chapter 2 "Wavelength-flexible WDM/TDM access network - architecture" provides a comprehensive description of the proposed solution with each network element being analyzed in terms of its functionalities. This includes a colorless optical network unit and a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer. An estimation of power budget is followed by the choice of wavelength set and network control and management layer overview. In Chapter 3 "Reflective transceiver module for ONU" after discussing different communication schemes and modulation formats three approaches to a colorless high-bitrate transmitter are analyzed in detail. This includes experiment and simulation results on a reflective semiconductor optical amplifier, reflective electro-absorption modulator and a Michelson-interferometer modulator. The Chapter is concluded with a comparative discussion. Chapter 4 "Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer" discusses another key element in the proposed network architecture which is an integrated structure of micro-ring resonators providing wavelength reconfigurability. The measured characteristics assess the applicability of the device able to support unicast and multicast transmission. A range of possible sources of signal degradation in the access links are analyzed in Chapter 5 "Transmission and network impairments in the access network". An estimation of potential power penalties resulting from such impairments in the proposed system follow afterwards. Special attention is paid to optical in-band crosstalk penalties and improvement methods in Chapter 6 "Interferometric crosstalk in the access network with an RSOA". This subject is treated extensively with the support of mathematical considerations and experimental results. Proof-of-concept experiments of the proposed network architecture are presented in Chapter 7 "Reconfigurable WDM/TDM access network - experiments". The results of bidirectional transmission of high-bitrate WDM signals in different wavelength allocation schemes are discussed in detail. From there, by means of simulations the behavior of a full-scale network is assessed. In Chapter 8 "Migration towards WDM/TDM access network" the migration scenario from currently deployed fiber-optic access networks towards the novel solution is proposed. Afterwards, a short dispute on the economics of last-mile fiber technologies is included. Finally, the work is concluded and potential future research ideas based on this thesis are given in Chapter 9 "Conclusions and further work"

    Dynamically reconfigurable optical access network

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    This dissertation presents the research results on a fiber-optic high-bitrate access network which enables dynamic bandwidth allocation as a response to varying subscribers' demands and bandwidth needs of emerging services. The motivation of the research is given in Chapter 1 "Introduction" together with a brief comparative discussion on currently available and future access networks. The idea of wavelength reconfigurability in the last-mile networks is described as a solution for more efficient bandwidth utilization and a subject of the Broadband Photonics project. Chapter 2 "Wavelength-flexible WDM/TDM access network - architecture" provides a comprehensive description of the proposed solution with each network element being analyzed in terms of its functionalities. This includes a colorless optical network unit and a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer. An estimation of power budget is followed by the choice of wavelength set and network control and management layer overview. In Chapter 3 "Reflective transceiver module for ONU" after discussing different communication schemes and modulation formats three approaches to a colorless high-bitrate transmitter are analyzed in detail. This includes experiment and simulation results on a reflective semiconductor optical amplifier, reflective electro-absorption modulator and a Michelson-interferometer modulator. The Chapter is concluded with a comparative discussion. Chapter 4 "Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer" discusses another key element in the proposed network architecture which is an integrated structure of micro-ring resonators providing wavelength reconfigurability. The measured characteristics assess the applicability of the device able to support unicast and multicast transmission. A range of possible sources of signal degradation in the access links are analyzed in Chapter 5 "Transmission and network impairments in the access network". An estimation of potential power penalties resulting from such impairments in the proposed system follow afterwards. Special attention is paid to optical in-band crosstalk penalties and improvement methods in Chapter 6 "Interferometric crosstalk in the access network with an RSOA". This subject is treated extensively with the support of mathematical considerations and experimental results. Proof-of-concept experiments of the proposed network architecture are presented in Chapter 7 "Reconfigurable WDM/TDM access network - experiments". The results of bidirectional transmission of high-bitrate WDM signals in different wavelength allocation schemes are discussed in detail. From there, by means of simulations the behavior of a full-scale network is assessed. In Chapter 8 "Migration towards WDM/TDM access network" the migration scenario from currently deployed fiber-optic access networks towards the novel solution is proposed. Afterwards, a short dispute on the economics of last-mile fiber technologies is included. Finally, the work is concluded and potential future research ideas based on this thesis are given in Chapter 9 "Conclusions and further work"

    Multicasting in WDM Single-Hop Local Lightwave Networks

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    In modem networks, the demand for bandwidth and high quality of service (QoS) requires the efficient utilisation of network resources such as transmitters, receivers and channel bandwidth. One method for conserving these resources is to employ efficient implementations of multicasting wherever possible. Using multicasting, a source sending a message to multiple destinations may schedule a single transmission which can then be broadcasted to multiple destinations or forwarded from one destination to another, thus conserving the source transmitter usage and channel bandwidth. This thesis investigates the behaviour of single-hop WDM optical networks when they carry multicast traffic. Each station in the network has a fixed-wavelength transceiver and is set to operate on its own unique wavelength as a control channel. Each station also has a tuneable wavelength transceiver in order to transmit or receive signals to or from all the other stations. A transmission on each channel is broadcasted by a star coupler to all nodes. Multicasting in single-hop WDM networks has been studied with different protocols. This thesis studies the multicasting performance adopting receiver collision avoidance (RCA) protocol as a multicasting protocol. This study takes into consideration the effect of the tuneable transceiver tuning time which is the time required to switch from one wavelength to another, and the propagation time required by a packet to propagate from one node to another. The strategy in RCA protocol is that nodes request transmission time by sending a control packet at the head of their queues. Upon receipt of this information all nodes run a deterministic distributed algorithm to schedule the transmission of the multicast packet. With the control information, nodes determine the earliest time at which all the members of the multicast group can receive the packet and the earliest time at which it can be transmitted. If a node belongs to the multicast group addressed in the control packet, its receiver must become idle until all nodes in the group have tuned to the appropriate wavelength to receive the packet. This problem leads to poor transmission and consequently low channel utilisation. However, throughput degradation due to receiver conflicts decreases as the multicast size increases. This is because for a given number of channels, the likelihood of a receiver being idle decreases as the number of intended recipients per transmission increases. The number of wavelengths available in a WDM network continues to be a major constraint. Thus in order to support a large number of end users, such networks must use and reuse wavelengths efficiently. This thesis also examines the number of wavelengths needed to support multicasting in single-hop optical networks

    WDM/TDM PON bidirectional networks single-fiber/wavelength RSOA-based ONUs layer 1/2 optimization

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    This Thesis proposes the design and the optimization of a hybrid WDM/TDM PON at the L1 (PHY) and L2 (MAC) layers, in terms of minimum deployment cost and enhanced performance for Greenfield NGPON. The particular case of RSOA-based ONUs and ODN using a single-fibre/single-wavelength is deeply analysed. In this WDM/TDM PON relevant parameters are optimized. Special attention has been given at the main noise impairment in this type of networks: the Rayleigh Backscattering effect, which cannot be prevented. To understand its behaviour and mitigate its effects, a novel mathematical model for the Rayleigh Backscattering in burst mode transmission is presented for the first time, and it has been used to optimize the WDM/TDM RSOA based PON. Also, a cost-effective, simple design SCM WDM/TDM PON with rSOA-based ONU, was optimized and implemented. This prototype was successfully tested showing high performance, robustness, versatility and reliability. So, the system is able to give coverage up to 1280 users at 2.5 Gb/s / 1.25 Gb/s downstream/upstream, over 20 Km, and being compatible with the GPON ITU-T recommendation. This precedent has enabled the SARDANA network to extend the design, architecture and capabilities of a WDM/TDM PON for a long reach metro-access network (100 km). A proposal for an agile Transmission Convergence sub-layer is presented as another relevant contribution of this work. It is based on the optimization of the standards GPON and XG-PON (for compatibility), but applied to a long reach metro-access TDM/WDM PON rSOA-based network with higher client count. Finally, a proposal of physical implementation for the SARDANA layer 2 and possible configurations for SARDANA internetworking, with the metro network and core transport network, are presented

    An Optical Grooming Switch for High-Speed Traffic Aggregation in Time, Space and Wavelength

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    In this book a novel optical switch is designed, developed, and tested. The switch integrates optical switching, transparent traffic aggregation/grooming, and optical regener-ation. Innovative switch subsystems are developed that enable these functionalities, including all-optical OTDM-to-WDM converters. High capacity ring interconnection between metro-core rings, carrying 130 Gbit/s OTDM traffic, and metro-access rings carring 43 Gbit/s WDM traffic is experimentally demonstrated. The developed switch features flexibility in bandwidth provisioning, scalability to higher traffic volumes, and backward compatibility with existing network implementations in a future-proof way