19 research outputs found

    An Evaluation E-Commerce Performance in Hotel Businesses Using Balanced Scorecard

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    In the modern business world, the IT advances accelerate the world’s commercial development with the help of Internet technology in supporting variety of activities. As a result, e-commerce play a significant role in almost every industry. Hotel industry is one of those which are fully beneficial from the e-commerce, which fulfills the customer’s needs. This research is conducted to study the character of the hotel e-commerce and the measurement of performance of the hotel e-commerce in Thailand in all perspectives of Balanced Scorecard. In the research, the researcher uses the reasoning approach to describe the relationship between the variables of causes and effects whose directions are precisely specified. The samples of the research are the hotels in the Bangkok metropolitans and vicinity areas. The researcher uses questionnaires to measure the customer satisfaction of business operations according to the Balanced Scorecard. Then, the initial collective information is analyzed to categorize those samples in percentage. Next, the result of the satisfaction based on Balanced Scorecard measurement is tested for the relationship of all variables by using the statistic of interrelation and chi-square values. The result of the research provides us the character of operating of the hotel industries and the sufficiency of operating e-commerce of hotel industries in Thailand. In addition, it can be used as a guideline in hotel business development which enhances the capabilities of performance and competition

    The Role of Boards in Reviewing Information Technology Governance (ITG) as Part of Organizational Control Environment Assessments

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    IT Governance (ITG) is an important topic as US companies must now monitor ITG under the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) (Hoffmann, 2003). Trites (2003) indicates that directors are responsible for strategic planning, internal control structures and business risk. The control environment is defined in Australian Auditing Standard AUS 402 to mean "the overall attitude, awareness and actions of management regarding internal control and its importance to the entity". This paper contributes to the knowledge of ITG by forming an integrated ITG Literature (IIL) which links prior research to four key dimensions of ITG. The paper presents a review of literature on ITG performance measurement systems which assess the ability of organizations to achieve these four ITG dimensions. A revised ITG Dimensions Model offered for consideration. The final contribution of the paper is to propose critical issues Boards should consider as part of their assessment of organizational control environments

    An exploratory investigation of e-business constraints among large organizations in Portugal

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    It is well recognized that e-business supports all parts of an organization’s value chain, and offer valuable competitive advantages to firms. It is imperative for an organization to identify potential constraints to ebusiness in order to minimize the risk derived from its e-business initiative. Hence, in this paper, we explore a range of constraints that the literature suggests influences e-business evolution, so that organizations could be better equipped in anticipating any difficulties while in progress through their e-business initiatives. Thirteen hypotheses were formulated and tested. Questionnaires were applied to investigate the research problem. It was administered to 1000 managing directors of the biggest (according to the amount of business) Portuguese enterprises. Results suggest that organizational constraints are more critical, such as, conflict with traditional trading partners, conflict with traditional business and e-business initiatives, reengineering business processes and resistance to change, among other

    Penerapan Strategi E-business Untuk Meningkatkan Keunggulan Kompetitif dari Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah di Indonesia (Studi kasus Trooper Electronic Yogyakarta)

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    Abstract.Today, many micro small medium enterprises (MSME) utilize the internettechnology to enhance their competitive advantage. One of the popular strategiesis the use of e-business to enhance business process performance of theorganization. However, to implement e-business strategy, an organization needs tohave a model that can help align e-business strategy with organization strategy.That is why in this research, the authors try to apply and implement e-businessstrategy in MSME Trooper Electronic Yogyakarta by using e-business evaluationmodel proposed by Raisinghani et al. (2007). In this research, an e-commercewebsite for Trooper Electronic Yogyakarta will be developed and the use of socialmedia will be maximized.Keyword: e-business, model, e-commerce, social media, MSMEAbstrak.Penerapan Strategi E-business Untuk Meningkatkan Keunggulan Kompetitifdari Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Trooper ElectronicYogyakarta). Berkembangnya teknologi internet membuat banyak pelaku usaha termasukUMKM mulai memanfaatkan teknologi tersebut untuk meningkatkan keunggulankompetitifnya. Strategi pemanfaatan teknologi internet untuk meningkatkan performaproses bisnis dari sebuah unit usaha disebut sebagai E-business. Hanya saja untukmenerapkan strategi e-business tersebut, unit usaha seperti UMKM memerlukan sebuahmodel atau kerangka kerja yang dapat membantu mereka memastikan bahwa strategiyang mereka terapkan sesuai dengan kondisi dan proses bisnis dari UMKM tersebut.Terkait dengan hal tersebut, pada penelitian ini, penulis mencoba menerapkan danmengimplementasikan strategi e-busines pada UMKM Trooper Electronic Yogyakartadengan mengadopsi model strategi e-busines yang diusulkan oleh Raisinghani dkk.(2007). Penerapan strategi e-business pada penelitian ini diwujudkan dalam bentukpembangunan web e-commerce dan pemanfaatan media sosial untuk mendukung prosesbisnis dari UMKM Trooper Electronic Yogyakarta.Kata Kunci: e-business, model, e-commerce, media sosial, UMK

    Knowledge, technology and innovation cycle

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    There is a common thought both in business and academia that some factos such as technology, innovation and knowledge are key components of success and allowing firms to achieve and sustain competitive advantages. There is a considerable amount of research performed around these three concepts and some of them analyzed their relationship. However, it still suffers from oversimplification of its development processes and methodological limitations. Nevertheless, there is a consensus in business and academia that knowledge is a key component of success and allows firms to achieve and sustains competitive advantages. In a digital era, these advantages arise from the potential of data and information that can be gathered, processed, shared, and used to improve e-business activities. Thus, this research bridges the gap in the assessment of knowledge management and e-business relationship, by applying an SEM to a large database sample of KM activities performed by European firms

    Measuring the Immeasurable? the Intangible Benefits of Digital Information

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    The benefits of digital information are mostly viewed as intangible, meaning that they can be hard to measure. This lack of measurements makes the benefits difficult to compare and communicate, creating problems for e.g. decision-making and the strategic development of specific digital information. Therefore, I conducted a literature review to find out how the combination of intangible benefits and measurements are dealt with in the information systems field. I found that we measure the intangible benefits of information systems or information technology. Here, the measurement method is divided into input, rule, and output. The input consists of predetermined individual benefits, areas of predetermined benefits, or interpreted benefits from respondents. The rule follows an accepted theory or contextual adjusted rules, and the output (benefit) can be seen as either financial or non-financial. The avenue for further research focuses on the digital information as the primary resource, not information systems or information technology

    Research Of E-Commerce Enterprises Capability Maturity Theory And Initial Model Construction

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    With the constant development and evolution of “Internet+” strategic thinking, the electronic commerce enterprises have obtained the unprecedented growth, but also faced with great survival pressure and challenges. This research is based on the review and combing the historical development of capability maturity and in the light of the characteristics of e-commerce enterprises building a capability maturity model which contains five levels: the initial level, the repeatable level, the standard level, the managed level and the optimal level and five dimensions: strategy, organization, process, personnel and technical support. The capability maturity initial model of e-commerce enterprises establishes basic demand are obtained earnings, controlling risk and optimizing resources and with different stages of target the capabilities the electronic commerce enterprises should owned, at last this model generalizes a clear direction and standard for the e-commerce enterprises management

    Finding the Right Balanced Scorecard for Business-Driven IT Management: A Literature Review

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    Identification and understanding of the influence of antecedents to strategic alignment in a business intelligence context.

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    The effective information management in organizations is recognized as a critical factor in developing and maintaining competitive advantage, and, for this reason, companies are massively investing in business intelligence. Business Intelligence aims to improve strategic decision-making by enabling the data to be used more efficiently and to gain a better understanding of the organization and the competitive environment (Foley & Guillemette, 2010). Main pillar of this work, BI alignment process is decisive for the successful implementation of any BI project. It is considered the first step to properly set up a winner BI plan, ensuring profitable longevity through continuous improvement, control and organization. Considering the large amount of different critical success factors to the alignment process in BI, past studies converge to what is called “major antecedents”, i.e.: the most relevant of all the CSFs, i.e.: 1) BI governance; 2) Shared BI view; 3) Data-centric business culture; 4) Shared knowledge; 5) Flexible architecture in BI. Considering this fact, all other “smaller antecedents” won’t be covered in this study. Supported by qualitative methods, the present research in the form of case study was applied to a large Canadian financial institution’s list of employees, who had implemented a business intelligence strategy for at least five years. The findings of this study can contribute to both Canadian academic and business environments, by identifying and understanding the influence of antecedents to this strategic alignment process in a Business Intelligence context.La gestion efficace de l'information dans les organisations est reconnue comme un facteur critique dans le dĂ©veloppement et le maintien des avantages concurrentiels et, pour cette raison, les entreprises investissent massivement dans des systĂšmes BI. La Business Intelligence vise Ă  amĂ©liorer la prise de dĂ©cision stratĂ©gique en permettant une utilisation plus efficace des donnĂ©es et une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l'organisation et de l'environnement concurrentiel (Foley & Guillemette, 2010). Principal pilier de ce travail, le processus d'alignement BI est dĂ©cisif pour la mise en Ɠuvre rĂ©ussie de tout projet BI. Il est considĂ©rĂ© comme la premiĂšre Ă©tape pour bien mettre en place un plan BI gagnant, assurant une longĂ©vitĂ© rentable Ă  travers de l'amĂ©lioration continue, le contrĂŽle et l'organisation. En considĂ©rant la grande quantitĂ© de diffĂ©rents facteurs de succĂšs critiques dans le processus d'alignement BI, les Ă©tudes antĂ©rieures convergent vers ce qu'on appelle les “antĂ©cĂ©dents majeurs”, i.e. : les plus pertinents de tous les CSF: 1) La gouvernance BI; 2) Vision BI partagĂ©e; 3) Culture d'entreprise centrĂ©e vers les donnĂ©es; 4) Connaissances partagĂ©es; 5) Architecture flexible en BI. En fonction de ce fait, tous les autres “petits antĂ©cĂ©dents” ne seront pas couverts dans cette Ă©tude. AppuyĂ©e par des mĂ©thodes qualitatives, la prĂ©sente recherche sous forme d'Ă©tude de cas a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e sur une liste des employĂ©s d'une grande institution financiĂšre Canadienne, qui avait mis en Ɠuvre une stratĂ©gie BI depuis au moins cinq ans. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude peuvent contribuer Ă  la fois aux milieux universitaires et commerciaux Canadiens, en identifiant et en comprenant l'influence des antĂ©cĂ©dents sur ce processus d'alignement stratĂ©gique dans un contexte de Business Intelligence

    Trends in integrated reporting: a state owned company analysis

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Commerce (Accountancy).Accountability by state owned companies has been lacking in recent times. The need for an oversight mechanism to improve governance and as such accountability is required for state owned companies (IOD and PWC, 2011). Integrated reporting has answered this call due to its ability to provide a holistic view of the factors that create value for an entity in the short, medium and long-term. South African state owned companies have realised the benefit integrated reporting can have on their corporate governance and as such have adopted integrated reporting in terms of King III and the IR Framework. The purpose of this study is to investigate the trends in integrated reporting by state owned companies per The Public Finance Management Act 1999 for the 2013, 2014 and 2015 financial periods. This report examines the extent of disclosure made by state owned companies per the King III and IR Framework recommendations and requirements in respect of integrated reporting; by means of using a scorecard approach to identify the level of disclosure made by each state owned company. The key findings of this study was that the level of reporting disclosure by state owned companies increased following an upward positive trend with the disclosures on average increasing from providing little information on a poor to average basis in 2013 to providing some information at a satisfactory level in 2015. It was found that there were no instances of noncompliance with overall disclosure by any of the state owned companies analysed over the three year period. Furthermore, not a single company provided disclosure overall at an excellent level in any of the three years analysed. This finding suggests that although improving, the level of integrated reporting disclosure by state owned companies is still only satisfactory and as such there is a lot of room for improvement over time. Areas that are in need of reform relate to governance, the governance of information technology, the provision of information on the outlook of the entity and information as to the basis upon which integrated reports are prepared.MT201