22 research outputs found

    Measuring fault tolerance with the FTAPE fault injection tool

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    This paper describes FTAPE (Fault Tolerance And Performance Evaluator), a tool that can be used to compare fault-tolerant computers. The major parts of the tool include a system-wide fault-injector, a workload generator, and a workload activity measurement tool. The workload creates high stress conditions on the machine. Using stress-based injection, the fault injector is able to utilize knowledge of the workload activity to ensure a high level of fault propagation. The errors/fault ratio, performance degradation, and number of system crashes are presented as measures of fault tolerance

    A study of the relationship between the performance and dependability of a fault-tolerant computer

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    This thesis studies the relationship by creating a tool (FTAPE) that integrates a high stress workload generator with fault injection and by using the tool to evaluate system performance under error conditions. The workloads are comprised of processes which are formed from atomic components that represent CPU, memory, and I/O activity. The fault injector is software-implemented and is capable of injecting any memory addressable location, including special registers and caches. This tool has been used to study a Tandem Integrity S2 Computer. Workloads with varying numbers of processes and varying compositions of CPU, memory, and I/O activity are first characterized in terms of performance. Then faults are injected into these workloads. The results show that as the number of concurrent processes increases, the mean fault latency initially increases due to increased contention for the CPU. However, for even higher numbers of processes (less than 3 processes), the mean latency decreases because long latency faults are paged out before they can be activated

    Fault Injection Techniques and Tools

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    Dependability evaluation involves the study of failures and errors. The destructive nature of a crash and long error latency make it difficult to identify the causes of failures in the operational environment. It is particularly hard to recreate a failure scenario for a large, complex system. To identify and understand potential failures, we use an experiment-based approach for studying the dependability of a system. Such an approach is applied not only during the conception and design phases, but also during the prototype and operational phases. To take an experiment-based approach, we must first understand a system's architecture, structure, and behavior. Specifically, we need to know its tolerance for faults and failures, including its built-in detection and recovery mechanisms, and we need specific instruments and tools to inject faults, create failures or errors, and monitor their effects

    Beyond the golden run : evaluating the use of reference run models in fault injection analysis

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    Fault injection (FI) has been shown to be an effective approach to assess- ing the dependability of software systems. To determine the impact of faults injected during FI, a given oracle is needed. This oracle can take a variety of forms, however prominent oracles include (i) specifications, (ii) error detection mechanisms and (iii) golden runs. Focusing on golden runs, in this paper we show that there are classes of software which a golden run based approach can not be used to analyse. Specifically we demonstrate that a golden run based approach can not be used when analysing systems which employ a main control loop with an irregular period. Further, we show how a simple model, which has been refined using FI, can be employed as an oracle in the analysis of such a system

    An extensive study on iterative solver resilience : characterization, detection and prediction

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    Soft errors caused by transient bit flips have the potential to significantly impactan applicalion's behavior. This has motivated the design of an array of techniques to detect, isolate, and correct soft errors using microarchitectural, architectural, compilation­based, or application-level techniques to minimize their impact on the executing application. The first step toward the design of good error detection/correction techniques involves an understanding of an application's vulnerability to soft errors. This work focuses on silent data e orruption's effects on iterative solvers and efforts to mitigate those effects. In this thesis, we first present the first comprehensive characterizalion of !he impact of soft errors on !he convergen ce characteris tics of six iterative methods using application-level fault injection. We analyze the impact of soft errors In terms of the type of error (single-vs multi-bit), the distribution and location of bits affected, the data structure and statement impacted, and varialion with time. We create a public access database with more than 1.5 million fault injection results. We then analyze the performance of soft error detection mechanisms and present the comparalive results. Molivated by our observations, we evaluate a machine-learning based detector that takes as features that are the runtime features observed by the individual detectors to arrive al their conclusions. Our evalualion demonstrates improved results over individual detectors. We then propase amachine learning based method to predict a program's error behavior to make fault injection studies more efficient. We demonstrate this method on asse ssing the performance of soft error detectors. We show that our method maintains 84% accuracy on average with up to 53% less cost. We also show, once a model is trained further fault injection tests would cost 10% of the expected full fault injection runs.“Soft errors” causados por cambios de estado transitorios en bits, tienen el potencial de impactar significativamente el comportamiento de una aplicación. Esto, ha motivado el diseño de una variedad de técnicas para detectar, aislar y corregir soft errors aplicadas a micro-arquitecturas, arquitecturas, tiempo de compilación y a nivel de aplicación para minimizar su impacto en la ejecución de una aplicación. El primer paso para diseñar una buna técnica de detección/corrección de errores, implica el conocimiento de las vulnerabilidades de la aplicación ante posibles soft errors. Este trabajo se centra en los efectos de la corrupción silenciosa de datos en soluciones iterativas, así como en los esfuerzos para mitigar esos efectos. En esta tesis, primeramente, presentamos la primera caracterización extensiva del impacto de soft errors sobre las características convergentes de seis métodos iterativos usando inyección de fallos a nivel de aplicación. Analizamos el impacto de los soft errors en términos del tipo de error (único vs múltiples-bits), de la distribución y posición de los bits afectados, las estructuras de datos, instrucciones afectadas y de las variaciones en el tiempo. Creamos una base de datos pública con más de 1.5 millones de resultados de inyección de fallos. Después, analizamos el desempeño de mecanismos de detección de soft errors actuales y presentamos los resultados de su comparación. Motivados por las observaciones de los resultados presentados, evaluamos un detector de soft errors basado en técnicas de machine learning que toma como entrada las características observadas en el tiempo de ejecución individual de los detectores anteriores al llegar a su conclusión. La evaluación de los resultados obtenidos muestra una mejora por sobre los detectores individualmente. Basados en estos resultados propusimos un método basado en machine learning para predecir el comportamiento de los errores en un programa con el fin de hacer el estudio de inyección de errores mas eficiente. Presentamos este método para evaluar el rendimiento de los detectores de soft errors. Demostramos que nuestro método mantiene una precisión del 84% en promedio con hasta un 53% de mejora en el tiempo de ejecución. También mostramos que una vez que un modelo ha sido entrenado, las pruebas de inyección de errores siguientes costarían 10% del tiempo esperado de ejecución.Postprint (published version

    An Extensible Technique for High-Precision Testing of Recovery Code

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    Thorough testing of software systems requires ways to productively employ fault injection. We describe a technique for automatically identifying the errors exposed by shared libraries, finding good injection targets in program binaries, and producing corresponding injection scenarios. We present a framework for writing precise custom triggers that inject the desired faults--in the form of error return codes and corresponding side effects--at the boundary between shared libraries and applications. We incorporated these ideas in the LFI tool chain. With no developer assistance and no access to source code, this new version of LFI found 11 serious, previously unreported bugs in the BIND name server, the Git version control system, the MySQL database server, and the PBFT replication system. LFI achieved entirely automatically 35%-60% improvement in recovery-code coverage, without requiring any new tests. LFI can be downloaded from http://lfi.epfl.ch

    Dependability analysis of web services

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    Web Services form the basis of the web based eCommerce eScience applications so it is vital that robust services are developed. Traditional validation and verification techniques are centred around the concept of removing all faults to guarantee correct operation whereas Dependability gives an assessment of how dependably a system can deliver the required functionality by assessing attributes, and by eliminating threats via means attempts to improve dependability. Fault injection is a well-proven dependability assessment method. Although much work has been done in the area of fault injection and distributed systems in general, there appears to have been little research carried out on applying this to middleware systems and Web Services in particular. There are additional problems associated with applying existing fault injection technologies to Web Services running in a virtual machine environment since most are either invasive or work at a machine level. The Fault Injection Technology (FIT) method has been devised to address these problems for middleware systems. The Web Service-Fault Injection Technology (WS-FIT) implementation applies the FIT method, based on network level fault injection, to Web Services to create a non-invasive dependability assessment method. It allows targeted perturbation of Web Service RFC parameters as well as more traditional network level fault injection operations. The WS-FIT tool includes taxonomies that define a system under test, fault models to apply and failure modes to be detected, and uses these taxonomies to generate fault injection campaigns. WS-FIT has been applied to a number of case studies and has successfully demonstrated its effectiveness. It has also been successfully applied to a third-party system to evaluate dependability means. It performed this dependability assessment as well as allowing debugging of the means to be undertaken uncovering unknown faults

    Fault tolerance core: a framework for application-aware reliability

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    As processor manufacturers keep pushing the limits of the transistor, the reliability of computer systems has become an increasing concern. Various fault tolerance techniques have been developed in an effort to provide reliable computing in the presence of faults. These approaches suffer from either a high resource cost or high performance overhead. This thesis presents a design for a Fault Tolerance Core (FTC) that uses configurable application-aware hardware modules for improving reliability. Application-aware fault tolerance is achieved by detecting perturbations in application execution through the monitoring of processor pipeline signals. This approach leverages hardware resources more efficiently than replication. The FTC achieves low overhead by placing fault tolerance hardware separately from the processing core, minimizing the processor data collection hardware, and by performing fault detection in the background. This thesis presents work that has been completed towards the achievement of a FTC. This work includes a hardware assisted incremental checkpoint, an application hang detector and a preliminary FTC framework for integrating these into a Leon3 microprocessor. All modules have been implemented and tested on a Leon3 synthesized atop a Stratix III FPGA running a Linux environment. A hardware fault injector capable of modifying 9 distinct processor pipeline signals has been implemented for performing validation experiments on the modules