286,422 research outputs found

    Wild boar (Sus scrofa) has minor effects on soil nutrient and carbon dynamics

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    Wild boar populations have increased worldwide, but the consequences of their disturbances on boreal forest ecosystems are largely unknown. We investigated how wild boars affect soil processes in a Swedish boreal forest. We estimated effects on ecosystem functioning using phospholipid fatty acid analyses (PLFA) to characterise microbial groups, and by measuring soil respiration, soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations, as well as the availability of NO3- and NH4+. We compared samples collected inside wild boar enclosures with adjacent reference areas without wild boar disturbance. We found no difference in soil microbial composition, except for a consistently higher fungi:bacteria ratio in the enclosures. These results are contrary to our hypothesis that rooting raises nitrogen levels, which in turn result in more bacteria. Soil nutrient levels showed inconsistent patterns, suggesting that substrate changes - as opposed to nutrient changes - stimulated fungal growth. Soil respiration was lower in the enclosures, contradicting earlier findings suggesting increased soil CO2 emissions from wild boar rooting. Overall, our study suggests that increased wild boar abundance has a minor impact on soil processes in boreal forests. Future studies should determine if the modest impacts remain across time and boreal forests

    Models and measurements of energy-dependent quenching.

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    Energy-dependent quenching (qE) in photosystem II (PSII) is a pH-dependent response that enables plants to regulate light harvesting in response to rapid fluctuations in light intensity. In this review, we aim to provide a physical picture for understanding the interplay between the triggering of qE by a pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane and subsequent changes in PSII. We discuss how these changes alter the energy transfer network of chlorophyll in the grana membrane and allow it to switch between an unquenched and quenched state. Within this conceptual framework, we describe the biochemical and spectroscopic measurements and models that have been used to understand the mechanism of qE in plants with a focus on measurements of samples that perform qE in response to light. In addition, we address the outstanding questions and challenges in the field. One of the current challenges in gaining a full understanding of qE is the difficulty in simultaneously measuring both the photophysical mechanism of quenching and the physiological state of the thylakoid membrane. We suggest that new experimental and modeling efforts that can monitor the many processes that occur on multiple timescales and length scales will be important for elucidating the quantitative details of the mechanism of qE

    Effects of shear-thinning viscosity and viscoelastic stresses on flagellated bacteria motility

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    The behavior of flagellated bacteria swimming in non-Newtonian media remains an area with contradictory and conflicting results. We report on the behavior of wild-type and smooth-swimming E. coli in Newtonian, shear-thinning, and viscoelastic media, measuring their trajectories and swimming speed using a three-dimensional real-time tracking microscope. We conclude that the speed enhancement in Methocel solution at higher concentrations is due to shear thinning and an analytical model is used to support our experimental result. We argue that shear-induced normal stresses reduce wobbling behavior during cell swimming but do not significantly affect swimming speed. However, the normal stresses play an important role in decreasing the flagellar bundling time, which changes the swimming-speed distribution. A dimensionless number, the “strangulation number” (Str) is proposed and used to characterize this effect

    Lack of correlation between constitutive and induced resistance to a herbivore in crucifer plants: real or flawed by experimental methods?

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    The correlation between constitutive and induced resistance to herbivores in plants has long been of interest to evolutionary biologists, and various approaches to determining levels of resistance have been used in this field of research. In this study, we examined the relationship between constitutive and induced resistance to the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), in 11 closely related species of wild crucifers. We assessed the survival, development, and reproduction of the test insects and calculated their intrinsic rate of increase as an indicator of constitutive and induced resistance for the plants. We used larvae of P. xylostella and jasmonic acid as elicitors of the induced response. We failed to find a correlation between constitutive and induced resistance in these crucifer plants when the induction of resistance was initiated by either herbivory or jasmonic acid application. Analysis of the results suggests that the failure to detect a relationship between the two types of resistance could be caused by flaws in measuring constitutive resistance, which was apparently confounded with induced resistance. We discuss the difficulties and pitfalls in measuring constitutive resistance and ways to improve the methodology in investigating the relationships between constitutive and induced resistance in plant

    Household Perceptions and Patterns of Crop Loss by Wild Pigs in North India

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    Loss to cultivated crops by wild pigs (Sus scrofa) is widespread and can jeopardize low-income farmers. In India, although there is lot of political interest in the problem, efforts to understand the patterns, correlates, and underlying reasons for wild pig conflict continue to be minimal. We quantified loss of wheat (Triticum aestivum) to wild pigs and assessed the spatial patterns of damage in a forest settlement of Van Gujjar (Haridwar, India), which is a dairy-based pastoralist community. We chose a 4-km2 cultivated area comprising 400 farmlands (each measuring 0.8 ha and belonging to a family) and assessed crop damage by wild pigs through field surveys during the harvest season. We interviewed 159 respondents who manage 219 of the total 400 farmlands in the study area to compare actual crop loss with perceived losses. Wild pigs damaged 2.29 tonnes (2,290 kg) of wheat, which was about 2.6% of the potential yield in the study area. A total of 39 farmlands (9.5%), managed by 28 respondents, suffered losses during the survey period at an average loss of about 58.8 kg (SD ± 89.5, range = 0.7–388 kg). During interviews, 81 respondents managing 155 farmlands (70.7%) reported having suffered wild pig-related crop loss during the survey period. They also perceived losing about 23.4% of the potential yield of wheat due to wild pigs. The perceived losses were much higher than actual losses. Actual losses measured through field surveys underscore the dichotomy between actual and perceived crop loss due to wild pigs. About 81% of recorded wild pig-related damage to wheat occurred within 200 m from the forest edge. The crop protection measures aimed at stopping wild pigs from entering the fields were mostly reactive. Although overall crop losses due to wild pigs seem low at the settlement level, for affected individual families, the losses were financially significant. Such recurrent crop losses can cause families to go into debt, trigger animosity toward conservation, and lead to retaliation measures, which may be indiscriminate and have the potential to affect other endangered mammals in conservation priority landscapes. Because crop losses by wild pigs are severe along the narrow band of fields along the edge of the forest, channeling monetary benefits through insurance-based compensation schemes can help assuage losses to farmers. Further, because crop damage by wild pigs is seasonal, experimenting with mobile fences that can be dismantled and packed away after use would be beneficial

    Collinsville solar thermal project: yield forecasting (final report)

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    Executive Summary 1        Introduction This report’s primary aim is to provide yield projections for the proposed Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) technology plant at Collinsville, Queensland, Australia.  However, the techniques developed in this report to overcome inadequate datasets at Collinsville to produce the yield projections are of interest to a wider audience because inadequate datasets for renewable energy projects are commonplace.  Our subsequent report called ‘Energy economics and dispatch forecasting’ (Bell, Wild & Foster 2014a) uses the yield projections from this report to produce long-term wholesale market price and dispatch forecasts for the plant.  2        Literature review The literature review discusses the four drivers for yield for LFR technology: DNI (Direct Normal Irradiance) Temperature Humidity Pressure Collinsville lacks complete historical datasets of the four drivers to develop yield projections but its three nearby neighbours possess complete datasets, so could act as proxies for Collinsville.  However, analysing the four drivers for Collinsville and its three nearby sites shows that there is considerable difference in their climates.  This difference makes them unsuitable to act as proxies for yield calculations.  Therefore, the review investigates modelling the four drivers for Collinsville. We introduce the term “effective” DNI to help clarify and ameliorate concerns over the dust and dew effects on terrestrial DNI measurement and LFR technology. We also introduce a modified Typical Metrological Year (TMY) technique to overcome technology specific TMYs.  We discuss the effect of climate change and the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on yield and their implications for a TMY. 2.1     Research questions Research questions arising from the literature review include: The overarching research question: Can modelling the weather with limited datasets produce greater yield predictive power than using the historically more complete datasets from nearby sites? This overarching question has a number of smaller supporting research questions: Does BoM adequately adjust its DNI satellite dataset for cloud cover at Collinsville? Given the dust and dew effects, is using raw satellite data sufficient to model yield? Does elevation between Collinsville and nearby sites affect yield? How does the ENSO cycle affect yield? Given the 2007-12 electricity demand data constraint, will the 2007-13 based TMY provide a “Typical” year over the ENSO cycle? How does climate change affect yield? Is the method to use raw satellite DNI data to calculate yield and retrospectively adjusting the calculated yield with an effective to satellite DNI energy per area ratio suitable? How has climate change affected the ENSO cycle? A further research question arises in the methodology but is included here for completeness. What is the expected frequency of oversupply from the Linear Fresnel Novatec Solar Boiler? 3        Methodology In the methodology section, we discuss the data preparation and the model selection process for the four drivers of yield.  We also discuss the development of the technology specific TMY and sensitivity analysis to address the research questions on climate change and elevation. 4        Results and analysis In the results section we present the selection process for the four driver models.  We also present the effective to satellite DNI ratio, the annual variation in gross yield, the selection of TMMs for the TMY based on monthly yield, the sensitivity analysis results on climate change and elevation, and the frequency of gross yield exceeding 30 MW. 5        Discussion We analyse the results within a wider context, in particular, we make a comparison with the yield calculations for Rockhampton to address the overarching research question.  We find that the modelling of weather at Collinsville using incomplete weather data has higher predictive performance that using the complete weather data at Rockhampton but recommend using the BoM’s one-minute solar data to improve the comparative test.  Other findings include the requirement to increase the current TMM’s selection period 2007-13 to incorporate more of the ENSO cycle.  There is less than 0.3% change in gross yield from the plant in the most likely case of climate change but there is a requirement to determine the effect of climate change on electricity demand and the ensuing change in wholesale electricity prices. 6        Conclusion In this report, we have addressed the key research questions, produced the yield projections for our subsequent report ‘Energy economics and dispatch forecasting’ (Bell, Wild & Foster 2014a) and made recommendations for further research

    Manipulating host resistance structure reveals impact of pathogen dispersal and environmental heterogeneity on epidemics

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    Understanding how variation in hosts, parasites, and the environment shapes patterns of disease is key to predicting ecological and evolutionary outcomes of epidemics. Yet in spatially structured populations, variation in host resistance may be spatially confounded with variation in parasite dispersal and environmental factors that affect disease processes. To tease apart these disease drivers, we paired surveys of natural epidemics with experiments manipulating spatial variation in host susceptibility to infection. We mapped epidemics of the wind-dispersed powdery mildew pathogen Podosphaera plantaginis in five populations of its plant host, Plantago lanceolata. At 15 replicate sites within each population, we deployed groups of healthy potted 'sentinel' plants from five allopatric host lines. By tracking which sentinels became infected in the field and measuring pathogen connectivity and microclimate at those sites, we could test how variation in these factors affected disease when spatial variation in host resistance and soil conditions was minimized. We found that the prevalence and severity of sentinel infection varied over small spatial scales in the field populations, largely due to heterogeneity in pathogen prevalence on wild plants and unmeasured environmental factors. Microclimate was critical for disease spread only at the onset of epidemics, where humidity increased infection risk. Sentinels were more likely to become infected than initially healthy wild plants at a given field site. However, in a follow-up laboratory inoculation study we detected no significant differences between wild and sentinel plant lines in their qualitative susceptibility to pathogen isolates from the field populations, suggesting that primarily non-genetic differences between sentinel and wild hosts drove their differential infection rates in the field. Our study leverages a multi-faceted experimental approach to disentangle important biotic and abiotic drivers of disease patterns within wild populations.Peer reviewe

    Clostridium perfringensepsilon toxin H149A mutant as a platform for receptor binding studies

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    Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin (Etx) is a pore-forming toxin responsible for a severe and rapidly fatal enterotoxemia of ruminants. The toxin is classified as a category B bioterrorism agent by the U.S. Government Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), making work with recombinant toxin difficult. To reduce the hazard posed by work with recombinant Etx, we have used a variant of Etx that contains a H149A mutation (Etx-H149A), previously reported to have reduced, but not abolished, toxicity. The three-dimensional structure of H149A prototoxin shows that the H149A mutation in domain III does not affect organisation of the putative receptor binding loops in domain I of the toxin. Surface exposed tyrosine residues in domain I of Etx-H149A (Y16, Y20, Y29, Y30, Y36 and Y196) were mutated to alanine and mutants Y30A and Y196A showed significantly reduced binding to MDCK.2 cells relative to Etx-H149A that correlated with their reduced cytotoxic activity. Thus, our study confirms the role of surface exposed tyrosine residues in domain I of Etx in binding to MDCK cells and the suitability of Etx-H149A for further receptor binding studies. In contrast, binding of all of the tyrosine mutants to ACHN cells was similar to that of Etx-H149A, suggesting that Etx can recognise different cell surface receptors. In support of this, the crystal structure of Etx-H149A identified a glycan (β-octyl-glucoside) binding site in domain III of Etx-H149A, which may be a second receptor binding site. These findings have important implications for developing strategies designed to neutralise toxin activity

    Exploring the components, asymmetry and distribution of relationship quality in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)

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    Social relationships between group members are a key feature of many animal societies. The quality of social relationships has been described by three main components: value, compatibility and security, based on the benefits, tenure and stability of social exchanges. We aimed to analyse whether this three component structure could be used to describe the quality of social relationships in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). Moreover, we examined whether relationship quality was affected by the sex, age and rank differences between social partners, and investigated the asymmetric nature of social relationships. We collected over 1,900 hours of focal data on seven behavioural variables measuring relationship quality, and used principal component analysis to investigate how these variables clustered together. We found that relationship quality in wild Barbary macaques can be described by a three component structure that represents the value, compatibility and security of a relationship. Female-female dyads had more valuable relationships and same-age dyads more compatible relationships than any other dyad. Rank difference had no effect on the quality of a social relationship. Finally, we found a high degree of asymmetry in how members of a dyad exchange social behaviour. We argue that the asymmetry of social relationships should be taken into account when exploring the pattern and function of social behaviour in animal societies