206 research outputs found

    Factors affecting the bit error rate performance of the indoor radio propagation channel for 2.3-2.5 GHz frequency band

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    The use of wireless in buildings based on microwave radio technology has recently become a viable alternative to the traditional wired transmission media. Because of the portable nature of radio transceivers, the need for extensive cabling of buildings with either twisted pair, coaxial, or optical fibre cable is eliminated. This is particularly desirable where high user mobility occurs and existing wiring is not in place, or buildings are heritage in nature and extensive cabling is seen as intrusive. Economic analysis bas also shown that significant labour cost savings can result by using a radio system or a hybrid mix of cable and radio for personal communication. The use of wireless systems within buildings introduces a new physical radio wave propagation medium, namely the indoor radio propagation channel. This physical medium has significantly different characteristics to some of the other forms of radio channels where elevated antennas, longer propagation path distances, and often minimally obstructed paths between transmit and receive antenna are common. Radio waves transmitted over the indoor channel at microwave frequencies behave much like light rays, they are blocked, scattered, and reflected by objects in the environment. As a direct result of this several phenomena unique to this form of physical medium become apparent, and they must be accounted for in the design and modelling of the indoor radio propagation channel transmission performance. In this thesis we analyse and characterise the indoor radio channel as a physical medium for data transmission. The research focuses on the influence of the radio physics aspects of an indoor microwave channel on the data transmission quality. We identify the associated statistical error performance for both time varying and temporally stationary indoor channels. Together with the theoretical analysis of the channel, a series of propagation measurements within buildings are completed to permit empirical validation of the theoretical predictions of how the indoor microwave channel should perform. The measurements are performed in the frequency range 2.3-2.5 GHz, which includes the 2.4-2.4835 GHz band allocated by spectrum management authorities for industrial scientific and medical radio use, (ISM band). As a direct result of our measurements, statistics related to channel noise, fading, and impulse response for the indoor microwave channel are obtained. The relationship between data transmission error statistics and the aforementioned phenomena is quantified and statistically analysed for the indoor radio channel and phase shift keyed (PSK) modulation. The results obtained from this research provide input data for the development of a simulation model of an indoor wireless mobile channel. Our measurements identify microwave ovens as a channel noise source of sufficient magnitude to corrupt data transmission in the ISM band, and an in depth analysis of the effect of noise emissions from operational microwave ovens on PSK modulation is presented in this thesis. As a result of this analysis, the estimated data error rates are calculated. Channel fading measurements provide results that will be used as the input data for the design of antennas for use on the indoor microwave channel. We also show that a data rate of eight megabits/second is possible over the typical indoor radio channel, with no requirement for adaptive delay equalisation to counter multipath signal delay spread

    Performance assessment of wireless Two Way Relay Channel systems

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    The objective of this thesis is theoretical investigations and numerical simulations of Two Way Relay Channel (TWRC) systems, particularly in an impulsive noise environment. Special attention is given to investigation of a TWRC system based on polarized antennas. The first part of the thesis focuses on modelling of impulsive noise and the effect of impulsive noise on TWRC systems. The study was conducted by simulating the wireless TWRC models in the presence of impulsive noise. The bit error probability performance of the channel data was compared and at last their results are shown by graphs. The study has been further extended to multi antenna TWRC systems. Simulation analysis of multi antenna TWRC systems in an impulsive noise environment was conducted by using a MISO Alamouti scheme and a MIMO system. The second part of the thesis dedicated to investigation of TWRC polarization systems. A new TWRC scheme based on polarized antennas has been proposed and simulated. By polarization we are able to achieve higher spectral efficiency through the use of spatial multiplexing, and improve the reliability by spatial diversity. A new network topology based on TWRC polarization systems proposed. It is well suited to mitigate effect of delay in a communication system, particularly for high priority data transmission, or increase reliability of a communication system by redundant transmission

    Human exposure to electromagnetic fields from WLANs and WBANs in the 2.4 GHz band

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    226 p.En los últimos años, el masivo crecimiento de las comunicaciones inalámbricas ha incrementado la preocupación acerca de la exposición humana a los campos electromagnéticos debido a los posibles efectos sobre la salud. Esta tesis surge de la necesidad de proporcionar información acerca de este tipo de exposición desde un punto de vista técnico. Por una parte, se han estudiado los niveles de exposición causados por señales WiFi, para lo cual ha sido necesario establecer un procedimiento de medida adecuado para tomar muestras de estas emisiones. Además, se han llevado a cabo campañas de medida para evaluar la exposición a señales WiFi y su variabilidad en el interior de un entorno público. Por otra parte, se ha analizado la potencia absorbida por el cuerpo humano a causa de los novedosos dispositivos wearables. Se han implementado dos antenas de este tipo, apropiadas para dispositivos wearables, se ha analizado detalladamente la exposición debida a estos aparatos y finalmente se han comparado los niveles de exposición producidos por estas antenas y por las señales WiFi

    Impulsive Interference Avoidance in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Abstract. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are subject to interference from other users of the radio-frequency (RF) medium. If the WSN nodes can recognize the interference pattern, they can benefit from steering their transmissions around it. This possibility has stirred some interest among researchers involved in cognitive radios, where special hardware has been postulated to circumvent non-random interference. Our goal is to explore ways of enhancing medium access control (MAC) schemes operating within the framework of traditional off-the-shelf RF modules applicable in low-cost WSN motes, such that they can detect interference patterns in the neighbourhood and creatively respond to them, mitigating their negative impact on the packet reception rate. In this paper, and based on previous work on the post-deployment characterization of a channel aimed at identifying "spiky" interference patterns, we describe (a) a way to incorporate interference models into an existing WSN emulator and (b) the subsequent evaluation of a proof-of-concept MAC technique for circumventing the interference. We found that an interference-aware MAC can improve the packet delivery rates in these environments at the cost of increased, but acceptable, latency

    Efficient Time of Arrival Calculation for Acoustic Source Localization Using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Acoustic source localization is a very useful tool in surveillance and tracking applications. Potential exists for ubiquitous presence of acoustic source localization systems. However, due to several significant challenges they are currently limited in their applications. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) offer a feasible solution that can allow for large, ever present acoustic localization systems. Some fundamental challenges remain. This thesis presents some ideas for helping solve the challenging problems faced by networked acoustic localization systems. We make use of a low-power WSN designed specifically for distributed acoustic source localization. Our ideas are based on three important observations. First, sounds emanating from a source will be free of reflections at the beginning of the sound. We make use of this observation by selectively processing only the initial parts of a sound to be localized. Second, the significant features of a sound are more robust to various interference sources. We perform key feature recognition such as the locations of significant zero crossings and local peaks. Third, these features which are compressed descriptors, can also be used for distributed pattern matching. For this we perform basic pattern analysis by comparing sampled signals from various nodes in order to determine better Time Of Arrivals (TOA). Our implementation tests these ideas in a predictable test environment. A complete system for general sounds is left for future wor

    Efficient Time of Arrival Calculation for Acoustic Source Localization Using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Acoustic source localization is a very useful tool in surveillance and tracking applications. Potential exists for ubiquitous presence of acoustic source localization systems. However, due to several significant challenges they are currently limited in their applications. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) offer a feasible solution that can allow for large, ever present acoustic localization systems. Some fundamental challenges remain. This thesis presents some ideas for helping solve the challenging problems faced by networked acoustic localization systems. We make use of a low-power WSN designed specifically for distributed acoustic source localization. Our ideas are based on three important observations. First, sounds emanating from a source will be free of reflections at the beginning of the sound. We make use of this observation by selectively processing only the initial parts of a sound to be localized. Second, the significant features of a sound are more robust to various interference sources. We perform key feature recognition such as the locations of significant zero crossings and local peaks. Third, these features which are compressed descriptors, can also be used for distributed pattern matching. For this we perform basic pattern analysis by comparing sampled signals from various nodes in order to determine better Time Of Arrivals (TOA). Our implementation tests these ideas in a predictable test environment. A complete system for general sounds is left for future wor

    Homogeneous Test-bed for Cognitive Radio

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    In the current frequency allocation scheme, the radio spectrum is found to be heavily underutilized in time, frequency and space dimensions or any of their combination. To improve spectrum utilization, the unused contiguous or non-contiguous portion of the radio spectrum (spectrum hole) can be accessed opportunistically using cognitive radio technology provided it is interference free to the local users of the network. To reliably detect the spectrum holes, which is necessary to limit the interference, cognitive radio is required to have high time and frequency resolutions to detect radio technologies (e.g. GSM 900, 2.4 GHz WLAN) at the packet level in the transmitted channel to avoid misinterpretation of occupancy states in time and frequency. In addition, having high sensitivity and instantaneous dynamic range can enable cognitive radio to detect weak received signals and their detection in the presence of strong received signals. Besides these requirements, a large sensing bandwidth can increase the chances to find spectrum holes in multiple radio technologies concurrently. A chirp channel sounder receiver has been developed according to the aforementioned requirements with a bandwidth of 750 MHz to provide reliable detection of received signals in two frequency ranges; 1) 250 MHz to 1 GHz, 2) 2.2 GHz to 2.95 GHz. The developed receiver is capable of finding spectrum holes having a duration of 204.8 μs and a transmitted channel bandwidth up to 200 kHz. To explore the spectrum holes in the space dimensions, six chirp channel sounder receivers have been developed to form a homogeneous test-bed, which can be deployed and controlled independently. To experimentally validate the ability of the built receiver, short term spectrum occupancy measurements have been conducted to monitor 2.4 GHz WLAN traffic from a real wireless network to quantify the spectrum utilization and duration of spectrum holes in the time domain. It has been found that the radio spectrum is underutilized and empirical distribution of the duration of the spectrum hole can be modelled using lognormal and gamma distributions for prediction using a two state continuous time semi-Markov model. To experimentally validate the receiver’s capabilities in both the supported frequency ranges, long term spectrum occupancy measurements with 750 MHz sensing bandwidth have been performed and received signals have been detected at frame or packet level to quantify spectrum utilization. It has been found that the radio spectrum is highly underutilized at the measurement location and exhibits significant amount of spectrum holes in both time and frequency. To experimentally validate the functionalities of the homogeneous test-bed, short term spectrum occupancy have been performed to monitor 2.4 GHz WLAN traffic from a real wireless network. The experiment has been conducted using multiple receivers to quantify the amount of cooperation individual or multiple cognitive radio users can provide for reliable detection of spectrum holes in time, frequency and space. It has been found that the space dimension influences strongly the statistics of cooperation parameters

    Experimental statistical channel modelling for advanced wireless communication systems in indoor environments

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    Draadloze communicatiesystemen voor mobiele telefonie en draadloos internet zijn onmisbaar geworden in het dagelijkse leven. De grootste troef van draadloze communicatie over bedrade communicatie is de toegenomen mobiliteit. Draadloze communicatie heeft evenwel ook één groot nadeel, namelijk de onzekerheid over de kwaliteit van de link tussen zender en ontvanger. Waar bedrade communicatie een doorgedreven ontwerp van het kanaal tussen zender en ontvanger (d.i. de kabel) toelaat, is het ontwerp van het draadloze kanaal (d.i. de omgeving) bijna onmogelijk. Desondanks kunnen wel modellen van de propagatie van draadloze signalen opgesteld worden voor verschillende types omgevingen. Deze modellen laten toe om de betrouwbaarheid en de performantie van een draadloze link in te schatten. Modellering van draadloze propagatie voor indooromgevingen is het algemeen onderwerp van dit proefschrift. De propagatiemodellering in dit proefschrift betreft drie types indooromgevingen, nl. industriële en kantooromgevingen, en de omgeving binnen in een voertuig. De modellering bestaat uit statistische modellen gebaseerd op veldmetingen in deze omgevingen. Verschillende parameters van draadloze signalen worden onderzocht, zoals de variabiliteit van het signaalvermogen met de afstand en in de tijd, het signaalbereik, de dispersie in het tijdsdomein, de dispersie in het spatiaal domein en het vermogensverlies bij propagatie van buiten naar binnen een voertuig

    Impulsive Interference Avoidance in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks

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    ABSTRACT As with all wireless communication devices, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are subject to interference from other users of the radio-frequency (RF) medium. Such interference is practically never random: originating in applications generally performing some practical and sensible activities, it naturally exhibits various regularities amounting to perceptible patterns, e.g., regularly-spaced short-duration impulses that correlate among multiple WSN nodes. If those nodes can recognize the interference pattern, they can benefit from steering their transmissions around it. This possibility has stirred some interest among researchers involved in cognitive radios, where special hardware has been postulated to circumvent non-random interference. Our goal is to explore ways of enhancing medium access control (MAC) schemes operating within the framework of traditional off-the-shelf RF modules applicable in low-cost WSN motes, such that they can detect interference patterns in the neighbourhood and creatively respond to them mitigating their negative impact on the packet reception rate. In this paper, we describe (a) a method for the post-deployment dynamic characterization of a channel aimed at identifying spiky interference patterns, (b) a way to incorporate interference models into an existing WSN emulator, and (c) the subsequent evaluation of a proof-of-concept MAC technique for circumventing the interference. We found that an interference-aware MAC can improve the packet delivery rates in these environments at the cost of increased latency. Notably, the latter is quite acceptable in the vast majority of WSN applications

    Human exposure to electromagnetic fields from WLANs and WBANs in the 2.4 GHz band

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    226 p.En los últimos años, el masivo crecimiento de las comunicaciones inalámbricas ha incrementado la preocupación acerca de la exposición humana a los campos electromagnéticos debido a los posibles efectos sobre la salud. Esta tesis surge de la necesidad de proporcionar información acerca de este tipo de exposición desde un punto de vista técnico. Por una parte, se han estudiado los niveles de exposición causados por señales WiFi, para lo cual ha sido necesario establecer un procedimiento de medida adecuado para tomar muestras de estas emisiones. Además, se han llevado a cabo campañas de medida para evaluar la exposición a señales WiFi y su variabilidad en el interior de un entorno público. Por otra parte, se ha analizado la potencia absorbida por el cuerpo humano a causa de los novedosos dispositivos wearables. Se han implementado dos antenas de este tipo, apropiadas para dispositivos wearables, se ha analizado detalladamente la exposición debida a estos aparatos y finalmente se han comparado los niveles de exposición producidos por estas antenas y por las señales WiFi
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