252 research outputs found

    A methodology for precise estimation of rain attenuation on terrestrial millimetre wave links from raindrop size distribution measurements

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    Attenuation by atmospheric rain is the most significant impairment in millimetre wave frequencies (mmWave). Modern instruments could provide detailed measurements of rain, such as raindrop size distributions (DSDs). The analysis of DSDs could estimate their effects on past or co-located links measurements. This study presents propagation analysis in the mmWave bands using measurements of two terrestrial links working at 26 and 38 GHz carried out in Johor, Malaysia. Statistics obtained have been analysed in detail to extract any excess attenuation. The DSDs provided by a disdrometer have been used to estimate rain attenuation. The derived results show that the estimation can provide reasonable accuracy after extracting the wet antenna effects and having the advantage of the availability of measurements from various types of equipment

    Handbook for the estimation of microwave propagation effects: Link calculations for earth-space paths (path loss and noise estimation)

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    A single model for a standard of comparison for other models when dealing with rain attenuation problems in system design and experimentation is proposed. Refinements to the Global Rain Production Model are incorporated. Path loss and noise estimation procedures as the basic input to systems design for earth-to-space microwave links operating at frequencies from 1 to 300 GHz are provided. Topics covered include gaseous absorption, attenuation by rain, ionospheric and tropospheric scintillation, low elevation angle effects, radome attenuation, diversity schemes, link calculation, and receiver noise emission by atmospheric gases, rain, and antenna contributions

    The Combined Attenuation Of Rain And Wind Of Parabolic Antenna At KU-Band Frequencies

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    In wireless communication systems, especially satellite and terrestrial communications as well as in radar and remote sensing systems the effect of the rain water accumulated on the antenna surfaces (reflector and feed window) during the rain event is considerable especially at higher frequency bands. This effect is known as wet antenna attenuation and it differs in its mechanism from the rain attenuation which is caused by rain on the propagation path. Wet antenna attenuation is one of many other factors that can degrade the system performance at higher frequency-bands such as the Ku-band

    Investigation into Rain Attenuation Prediction Models at Locations in Lagos Using Remote Sensing

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    This paper investigated the performances of some rain attenuation prediction models at some GSM network locations in Lagos, Nigeria, using remote sensing at Ku band. Remote sensing is a collection and interpretation of information about an object without physical contact with the object being measured. Three popular terrestrial prediction models were considered in this work. These are ITU-R P.530-17, Lin and Silva Mello Models. Ten years (2010-2019) annual rainfall data with hourly integration time were sourced from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) and link budgets for three microwave links (Tarzan Yard, Kofo Abayomi and GLO Shop) in Victoria Island at 18 GHz were obtained from Global Communications Limited (GLO), Nigeria. Data analysis and comparison of the microwave links rainfall estimates were carried out to identify the most suitable of the three models at the selected locations of interest. Measurement data obtained from both NIMET and GLO were used to validate the predicted attenuation data from the three selected models. The ITU-R P.530-17 prediction model overestimated the measurement at Tarzan Yard; closely followed by Silva Mello, while Lin underestimated the measured data. Again, at Kofo Abayomi station, the ITU-R model overestimated the measurement, while both Silva Mello and Lin models underestimated the measurement. At the GLO Shop, the Silva Mello overestimated the measured value, while ITU-R and Lin underestimated the measurement. At 0.01% of time exceeded, NIMET measurement was higher (at 48.2 dB) than that of Tarzan Yard, Kofo Abayomi and GLO shop (43.1, 46.3 and 37.0 dB respectively). These results will provide useful information in mitigating signal outages due to rain for mobile communication systems

    Performance of full-duplex wireless back-haul link under rain effects using e-band 73 GHz and 83 GHz in tropical area

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    This paper presents rain attenuation effects on the performance of the full-duplex link in a tropical region based on one-year measurement data at 73.5- and 83.5-GHz E-band for distances of 1.8 km (longer links) and 300 m (shorter links). The measured rain attenuations were analyzed for four links, and the throughput degradation due to rain was investigated. The findings from this work showed that the rain attenuation for both frequencies (73.5 and 83.5 GHz) of E-band links are the same. The rain rates above 108 and 193 mm/h caused an outage for the longer and shorter links, respectively. The 73.5 and 83.5 GHz bands can support the full-duplex wireless back-haul link under rainy conditions with outage probability of 2.9 × 10-4 and 6 × 10-5 for the longer and shorter links, respectively. This work also finds that the heavy rain with rain rates above 80 mm/h for long link and 110 mm/h for short link causes about 94% and 0.90% degradation of maximum throughput. The application of these findings would help improve the architecture and service of full-duplex wireless E-band links that are established at other sites and in other tropical areas

    Real measurement study for rain rate and rain attenuation conducted over 26 GHz microwave 5G link system in Malaysia

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    In this paper, real measurements were conducted to investigate the impact of rain on the propagation of millimeter waves at 26 GHz. The measurements were accomplished using a microwave fifth generation radio link system with 1.3 km path length implemented at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The implemented system consisted of Ericsson CN500 mini E-link, radio unit, rain gauge, and data logger. The measurements were attained and logged daily for a continuous year, with 1-min time intervals. Next, the MATLAB software was used to process and analyze the annual rain rate and rain attenuation, including for the worst month. From the analyzed results, it was found that at 0.01% percentage of time, the rain rate was 120 mm/hr; while the specific rain attenuation was 26.2 dB/km and the total rain attenuation over 1.3 km was 34 dB. In addition, the statistics acquired from the measurements for the worst month were lower than what was predicted by the international telecommunication union (ITU) model; around 51% and 34% for the rain rate and rain attenuation, respectively. The average percentage of error calculated between the measurements and predicted results for the rain rate and rain attenuation were 143% and 159%, respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that the statistics for the worst month in Malaysia is lower than what was predicted by the ITU model

    AI-based investigation and mitigation of rain effect on channel performance with aid of a novel 3D slot array antenna design for high throughput satellite system

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    Rain attenuation poses a significant challenge for high-throughput communication systems. In response, this paper introduces an artificial intelligence (AI) model designed for predicting and mitigating rain-induced impairments in high-throughput satellite (HTS) to land channels. The model is based on three AI algorithms developed using 3D antenna design to characterize, analyze, and mitigate rain induced attenuation, optimizing channel quality specifically in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The study evaluates various parameters, including rain-specific attenuation, effective slant path through rain, rain induced attenuation, signal carrier-to-noise ratio, and symbol error rate, for five conventional modulation schemes: Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK), 8-Phase Shift Keying (8-PSK), 16-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (16-QAM), 32-QAM, and 64-QAM. Additionally, the paper introduces a new database detailing rain-induced attenuation in HTS channels in the UAE at different frequencies using measured rainfall intensities. The paper concludes by proposing a smart antenna design with a frequency diversity technique for fade mitigation. Results indicate that rain-induced attenuation varies significantly based on rainfall rate and frequency. Specifically, at 25 GHz and a rainfall rate of 100 mm/h, the rain-induced attenuation can reach as high as 15 dB, resulting in a significant decline in signal quality and link performance. The proposed AI model demonstrates the ability to intelligently predict rain-induced attenuation and channel quality for various rainfall rates and frequencies. This information can be valuable for optimizing satellite link design and operation, ultimately enhancing the reliability and quality of satellite communications. The proposed two-slot smart antenna design utilizes frequency diversity to effectively mitigate rain attenuation, contributing to the overall improvement of link reliability and quality

    Channel Modeling for Terahertz Communications in Rain

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    Terahertz (THz) communication channels, integral to outdoor applications, are critically influenced by natural factors like rainfall. Our research focused on the nuanced effects of rain on these channels, employing an advanced rainfall emulation system. By analyzing key parameters such as rain rate, altitude based variations in rainfall, and diverse raindrop sizes, we identified the paramount significance of the number of raindrops in the THz channel, particularly in scenarios with constant rain rates but varying drop sizes. Central to our findings is a novel model grounded in Mie scattering theory, which adeptly incorporates the variability of raindrop size distributions at different altitudes. This model has displayed strong congruence with our experimental results. In essence, our study underscores the inadequacy of solely depending on a fixed ground-based rain rate and emphasizes the imperative of calibrating distribution metrics to cater to specific environmental and operational contexts.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagatio