128 research outputs found

    Measurement and Evaluation of Finger Tapping Movements Using Log-linearized Gaussian Mixture Networks

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    This paper proposes a method to quantitatively measure and evaluate finger tapping movements for the assessment of motor function using log-linearized Gaussian mixture networks (LLGMNs). First, finger tapping movements are measured using magnetic sensors, and eleven indices are computed for evaluation. After standardizing these indices based on those of normal subjects, they are input to LLGMNs to assess motor function. Then, motor ability is probabilistically discriminated to determine whether it is normal or not using a classifier combined with the output of multiple LLGMNs based on bagging and entropy. This paper reports on evaluation and discrimination experiments performed on finger tapping movements in 33 Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients and 32 normal elderly subjects. The results showed that the patients could be classified correctly in terms of their impairment status with a high degree of accuracy (average rate: 93.1 ± 3.69%) using 12 LLGMNs, which was about 5% higher than the results obtained using a single LLGMN

    Kvantitativna analiza pokreta u rehabilitaciji neuroloških poremećaja korišćenjem vizuelnih i nosivih senzora.

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    Neuroloska oboljenja, kao sto su Parkinsonova bolest i slog, dovode do ozbiljnih motornih poremecaja, smanjuju kvalitet zivota pacijenata i mogu da uzrokuju smrt. Rana dijagnoza i adekvatno lecenje su krucijalni faktori za drzanje bolesti pod kontrolom, kako bi se omogucio normalan svakodnevni zivot pacijenata. Lecenje neurolo skih bolesti obicno ukljucuje rehabilitacionu terapiju i terapiju lekovima, koje se prilagodavaju u skladu sa stanjem pacijenta tokom vremena. Tradicionalne tehnike evaluacije u dijagnozi i monitoringu neuroloskih bolesti oslanjaju se na klinicke evaluacione alate, tacnije specijalno dizajnirane klinicke testove i skale. Medutim, iako su korisne i najcesce koriscene, klinicke skale su sklone subjektivnim ocenama i nepreciznoj interpretaciji performanse pacijenta...Neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's disease (PD) and stroke, lead to serious motor disabilities, decrease the patients' quality of life and can cause the mortality. Early diagnosis and adequate disease treatment are thus crucial factors towards keeping the disease under control in order to enable the normal every-day life of patients. The treatment of neurological disorders usually includes the rehabilitation therapy and drug treatment, that are adapted based on the evaluation of the patient state over time. Conventional evaluation techniques for diagnosis and monitoring in neurological disorders rely on the clinical assessment tools i.e. specially designed clinical tests and scales. However, although benecial and commonly used, those scales are descriptive (qualitative), primarily intended to be carried out by a trained neurologist, and are prone to subjective rating and imprecise interpretation of patient's performance..

    Parkinsonian Hand or Clinician’s Eye? Finger Tap Bradykinesia Interrater Reliability for 21 Movement Disorder Experts

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    Background: Bradykinesia is considered the fundamental motor feature of Parkinson’s disease (PD). It is central to diagnosis, monitoring, and research outcomes. However, as a clinical sign determined purely by visual judgement, the reliability of humans to detect and measure bradykinesia remains unclear. Objective: To establish interrater reliability for expert neurologists assessing bradykinesia during the finger tapping test, without cues from additional examination or history. Methods: 21 movement disorder neurologists rated finger tapping bradykinesia, by Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) and Modified Bradykinesia Rating Scale (MBRS), in 133 videos of hands: 73 from 39 people with idiopathic PD, 60 from 30 healthy controls. Each neurologist rated 30 randomly-selected videos. 19 neurologists were also asked to judge whether the hand was PD or control. We calculated intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for absolute agreement and consistency of MDS-UPDRS ratings, using standard linear and cumulative linked mixed models. Results: There was only moderate agreement for finger tapping MDS-UPDRS between neurologists, ICC 0.53 (standard linear model) and 0.65 (cumulative linked mixed model). Among control videos, 53% were rated > 0 by MDS-UPDRS, and 24% were rated as bradykinesia by MBRS subscore combination. Neurologists correctly identified PD/control status in 70% of videos, without strictly following bradykinesia presence/absence. Conclusion: Even experts show considerable disagreement about the level of bradykinesia on finger tapping, and frequently see bradykinesia in the hands of those without neurological disease. Bradykinesia is to some extent a phenomenon in the eye of the clinician rather than simply the hand of the person with PD

    Information theoretic approach to tactile encoding and discrimination

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    The human sense of touch integrates feedback from a multitude of touch receptors, but how this information is represented in the neural responses such that it can be extracted quickly and reliably is still largely an open question. At the same time, dexterous robots equipped with touch sensors are becoming more common, necessitating better methods for representing sequentially updated information and new control strategies that aid in extracting relevant features for object manipulation from the data. This thesis uses information theoretic methods for two main aims: First, the neural code for tactile processing in humans is analyzed with respect to how much information is transmitted about tactile features. Second, machine learning approaches are used in order to influence both what data is gathered by a robot and how it is represented by maximizing information theoretic quantities. The first part of this thesis contains an information theoretic analysis of data recorded from primary tactile neurons in the human peripheral somatosensory system. We examine the differences in information content of two coding schemes, namely spike timing and spike counts, along with their spatial and temporal characteristics. It is found that estimates of the neurons’ information content based on the precise timing of spikes are considerably larger than for spikes counts. Moreover, the information estimated based on the timing of the very first elicited spike is at least as high as that provided by spike counts, but in many cases considerably higher. This suggests that first spike latencies can serve as a powerful mechanism to transmit information quickly. However, in natural object manipulation tasks, different tactile impressions follow each other quickly, so we asked whether the hysteretic properties of the human fingertip affect neural responses and information transmission. We find that past stimuli affect both the precise timing of spikes and spike counts of peripheral tactile neurons, resulting in increased neural noise and decreased information about ongoing stimuli. Interestingly, the first spike latencies of a subset of afferents convey information primarily about past stimulation, hinting at a mechanism to resolve ambiguity resulting from mechanical skin properties. The second part of this thesis focuses on using machine learning approaches in a robotics context in order to influence both what data is gathered and how it is represented by maximizing information theoretic quantities. During robotic object manipulation, often not all relevant object features are known, but have to be acquired from sensor data. Touch is an inherently active process and the question arises of how to best control the robot’s movements so as to maximize incoming information about the features of interest. To this end, we develop a framework that uses active learning to help with the sequential gathering of data samples by finding highly informative actions. The viability of this approach is demonstrated on a robotic hand-arm setup, where the task involves shaking bottles of different liquids in order to determine the liquid’s viscosity from tactile feedback only. The shaking frequency and the rotation angle of shaking are optimized online. Additionally, we consider the problem of how to better represent complex probability distributions that are sequentially updated, as approaches for minimizing uncertainty depend on an accurate representation of that uncertainty. A mixture of Gaussians representation is proposed and optimized using a deterministic sampling approach. We show how our method improves on similar approaches and demonstrate its usefulness in active learning scenarios. The results presented in this thesis highlight how information theory can provide a principled approach for both investigating how much information is contained in sensory data and suggesting ways for optimization, either by using better representations or actively influencing the environment

    Communication of Digital Material Appearance Based on Human Perception

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    Im alltägliche Leben begegnen wir digitalen Materialien in einer Vielzahl von Situationen wie beispielsweise bei Computerspielen, Filmen, Reklamewänden in zB U-Bahn Stationen oder beim Online-Kauf von Kleidungen. Während einige dieser Materialien durch digitale Modelle repräsentiert werden, welche das Aussehen einer bestimmten Oberfläche in Abhängigkeit des Materials der Fläche sowie den Beleuchtungsbedingungen beschreiben, basieren andere digitale Darstellungen auf der simplen Verwendung von Fotos der realen Materialien, was zB bei Online-Shopping häufig verwendet wird. Die Verwendung von computer-generierten Materialien ist im Vergleich zu einzelnen Fotos besonders vorteilhaft, da diese realistische Erfahrungen im Rahmen von virtuellen Szenarien, kooperativem Produkt-Design, Marketing während der prototypischen Entwicklungsphase oder der Ausstellung von Möbeln oder Accesoires in spezifischen Umgebungen erlauben. Während mittels aktueller Digitalisierungsmethoden bereits eine beeindruckende Reproduktionsqualität erzielt wird, wird eine hochpräzise photorealistische digitale Reproduktion von Materialien für die große Vielfalt von Materialtypen nicht erreicht. Daher verwenden viele Materialkataloge immer noch Fotos oder sogar physikalische Materialproben um ihre Kollektionen zu repräsentieren. Ein wichtiger Grund für diese Lücke in der Genauigkeit des Aussehens von digitalen zu echten Materialien liegt darin, dass die Zusammenhänge zwischen physikalischen Materialeigenschaften und der vom Menschen wahrgenommenen visuellen Qualität noch weitgehend unbekannt sind. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Untersuchungen adressieren diesen Aspekt. Zu diesem Zweck werden etablierte digitalie Materialmodellen bezüglich ihrer Eignung zur Kommunikation von physikalischen und sujektiven Materialeigenschaften untersucht, wobei Beobachtungen darauf hinweisen, dass ein Teil der fühlbaren/haptischen Informationen wie z.B. Materialstärke oder Härtegrad aufgrund der dem Modell anhaftenden geometrische Abstraktion verloren gehen. Folglich wird im Rahmen der Arbeit das Zusammenspiel der verschiedenen Sinneswahrnehmungen (mit Fokus auf die visuellen und akustischen Modalitäten) untersucht um festzustellen, welche Informationen während des Digitalisierungsprozesses verloren gehen. Es zeigt sich, dass insbesondere akustische Informationen in Kombination mit der visuellen Wahrnehmung die Einschätzung fühlbarer Materialeigenschaften erleichtert. Eines der Defizite bei der Analyse des Aussehens von Materialien ist der Mangel bezüglich sich an der Wahnehmung richtenden Metriken die eine Beantwortung von Fragen wie z.B. "Sind die Materialien A und B sich ähnlicher als die Materialien C und D?" erlauben, wie sie in vielen Anwendungen der Computergrafik auftreten. Daher widmen sich die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Studien auch dem Vergleich von unterschiedlichen Materialrepräsentationen im Hinblick auf. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine Methodik zur Berechnung der wahrgenommenen paarweisen Ähnlichkeit von Material-Texturen eingeführt, welche auf der Verwendung von Textursyntheseverfahren beruht und sich an der Idee/dem Begriff der geradenoch-wahrnehmbaren Unterschiede orientiert. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz erlaubt das Überwinden einiger Probleme zuvor veröffentlichter Methoden zur Bestimmung der Änhlichkeit von Texturen und führt zu sinnvollen/plausiblen Distanzen von Materialprobem. Zusammenfassend führen die im Rahmen dieser Dissertation dargestellten Inhalte/Verfahren zu einem tieferen Verständnis bezüglich der menschlichen Wahnehmung von digitalen bzw. realen Materialien über unterschiedliche Sinne, einem besseren Verständnis bzgl. der Bewertung der Ähnlichkeit von Texturen durch die Entwicklung einer neuen perzeptuellen Metrik und liefern grundlegende Einsichten für zukünftige Untersuchungen im Bereich der Perzeption von digitalen Materialien.In daily life, we encounter digital materials and interact with them in numerous situations, for instance when we play computer games, watch a movie, see billboard in the metro station or buy new clothes online. While some of these virtual materials are given by computational models that describe the appearance of a particular surface based on its material and the illumination conditions, some others are presented as simple digital photographs of real materials, as is usually the case for material samples from online retailing stores. The utilization of computer-generated materials entails significant advantages over plain images as they allow realistic experiences in virtual scenarios, cooperative product design, advertising in prototype phase or exhibition of furniture and wearables in specific environments. However, even though exceptional material reproduction quality has been achieved in the domain of computer graphics, current technology is still far away from highly accurate photo-realistic virtual material reproductions for the wide range of existing categories and, for this reason, many material catalogs still use pictures or even physical material samples to illustrate their collections. An important reason for this gap between digital and real material appearance is that the connections between physical material characteristics and the visual quality perceived by humans are far from well-understood. Our investigations intend to shed some light in this direction. Concretely, we explore the ability of state-of-the-art digital material models in communicating physical and subjective material qualities, observing that part of the tactile/haptic information (eg thickness, hardness) is missing due to the geometric abstractions intrinsic to the model. Consequently, in order to account for the information deteriorated during the digitization process, we investigate the interplay between different sensing modalities (vision and hearing) and discover that particular sound cues, in combination with visual information, facilitate the estimation of such tactile material qualities. One of the shortcomings when studying material appearance is the lack of perceptually-derived metrics able to answer questions like "are materials A and B more similar than C and D?", which arise in many computer graphics applications. In the absence of such metrics, our studies compare different appearance models in terms of how capable are they to depict/transmit a collection of meaningful perceptual qualities. To address this problem, we introduce a methodology to compute the perceived pairwise similarity between textures from material samples that makes use of patch-based texture synthesis algorithms and is inspired on the notion of Just-Noticeable Differences. Our technique is able to overcome some of the issues posed by previous texture similarity collection methods and produces meaningful distances between samples. In summary, with the contents presented in this thesis we are able to delve deeply in how humans perceive digital and real materials through different senses, acquire a better understanding of texture similarity by developing a perceptually-based metric and provide a groundwork for further investigations in the perception of digital materials

    Robotics 2010

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    Without a doubt, robotics has made an incredible progress over the last decades. The vision of developing, designing and creating technical systems that help humans to achieve hard and complex tasks, has intelligently led to an incredible variety of solutions. There are barely technical fields that could exhibit more interdisciplinary interconnections like robotics. This fact is generated by highly complex challenges imposed by robotic systems, especially the requirement on intelligent and autonomous operation. This book tries to give an insight into the evolutionary process that takes place in robotics. It provides articles covering a wide range of this exciting area. The progress of technical challenges and concepts may illuminate the relationship between developments that seem to be completely different at first sight. The robotics remains an exciting scientific and engineering field. The community looks optimistically ahead and also looks forward for the future challenges and new development

    Humanoid Robots

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    For many years, the human being has been trying, in all ways, to recreate the complex mechanisms that form the human body. Such task is extremely complicated and the results are not totally satisfactory. However, with increasing technological advances based on theoretical and experimental researches, man gets, in a way, to copy or to imitate some systems of the human body. These researches not only intended to create humanoid robots, great part of them constituting autonomous systems, but also, in some way, to offer a higher knowledge of the systems that form the human body, objectifying possible applications in the technology of rehabilitation of human beings, gathering in a whole studies related not only to Robotics, but also to Biomechanics, Biomimmetics, Cybernetics, among other areas. This book presents a series of researches inspired by this ideal, carried through by various researchers worldwide, looking for to analyze and to discuss diverse subjects related to humanoid robots. The presented contributions explore aspects about robotic hands, learning, language, vision and locomotion

    Cognitive-developmental learning for a humanoid robot : a caregiver's gift

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 319-341).(cont.) which are then applied to developmentally acquire new object representations. The humanoid robot therefore sees the world through the caregiver's eyes. Building an artificial humanoid robot's brain, even at an infant's cognitive level, has been a long quest which still lies only in the realm of our imagination. Our efforts towards such a dimly imaginable task are developed according to two alternate and complementary views: cognitive and developmental.The goal of this work is to build a cognitive system for the humanoid robot, Cog, that exploits human caregivers as catalysts to perceive and learn about actions, objects, scenes, people, and the robot itself. This thesis addresses a broad spectrum of machine learning problems across several categorization levels. Actions by embodied agents are used to automatically generate training data for the learning mechanisms, so that the robot develops categorization autonomously. Taking inspiration from the human brain, a framework of algorithms and methodologies was implemented to emulate different cognitive capabilities on the humanoid robot Cog. This framework is effectively applied to a collection of AI, computer vision, and signal processing problems. Cognitive capabilities of the humanoid robot are developmentally created, starting from infant-like abilities for detecting, segmenting, and recognizing percepts over multiple sensing modalities. Human caregivers provide a helping hand for communicating such information to the robot. This is done by actions that create meaningful events (by changing the world in which the robot is situated) thus inducing the "compliant perception" of objects from these human-robot interactions. Self-exploration of the world extends the robot's knowledge concerning object properties. This thesis argues for enculturating humanoid robots using infant development as a metaphor for building a humanoid robot's cognitive abilities. A human caregiver redesigns a humanoid's brain by teaching the humanoid robot as she would teach a child, using children's learning aids such as books, drawing boards, or other cognitive artifacts. Multi-modal object properties are learned using these tools and inserted into several recognition schemes,by Artur Miguel Do Amaral Arsenio.Ph.D

    Physical Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Technologies

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    The book focuses on the diagnosis, evaluation, and assistance of gait disorders; all the papers have been contributed by research groups related to assistive robotics, instrumentations, and augmentative devices

    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010