44 research outputs found

    Design and development of novel radio frequency identification (RFID) tag structures

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    The objective of the proposed research is to design and develop a series of radio frequency identification (RFID) tag structures that exhibit good performance characteristics with cost optimization and can be realized on flexible substrates such as liquid crystal polymer (LCP), paper-based substrate and magnetic composite material for conformal applications. The demand for flexible RFID tags has recently increased tremendously due to the requirements of automatic identification in various areas. Several major challenges existing in today's RFID technologies need to be addressed before RFID can eventually march into everyone's daily life, such as how to design high performance tag antennas with effective impedance matching for passive RFID IC chips to optimize the power performance, how to fabricate ultra-low-cost RFID tags in order to facilitate mass production, how to integrate sensors with passive RFID tags for pervasive sensing applications, and how to realize battery-free active RFID tags in which changing battery is not longer needed. In this research, different RFID tag designs are realized on flexible substrates. The design techniques presented set the framework for answering these technical challenges for which, the focus will be on RFID tag structure design, characterization and optimization from the perspectives of both costs involved and technical constraints.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Tentzeris, Manos; Committee Member: DeJean, Gerald; Committee Member: Ingram, Mary; Committee Member: Kavadias, Stylianos; Committee Member: Laskar, Jo

    UHF RFID tag implementation on cork substrate for wine bottle monitoring

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    Wine industry is starting to deploy RFID technology for production control, logistics or innovative marketing. However, identifying wine bottles is difficult due to the unfavorable material content for the operation of the antennas. The thesis consists on the implementation of a UHF RFID tag placed on cork substrate in order to provide a feasible way of identifying wine packaged bottle. The proposed RFID tag consists on a meandered line dipole antenna, designed to be conformed so that it can be adapted to the shape of the cor


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    RFID has been characterized as a “disruptive technology” that has the potential to revolutionize numerous key sectors. A key advantage of passive RFID applications is the ability to wirelessly transmit automatic identification and related information using very little power. This paper presents an experimental investigation to inform the optimal configuration for programming passive ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID media in dynamic applications. Dynamic programming solutions must be designed around the tag’s functionality, the physical programming configuration and environment. In this investigation, we present a methodology to determine an optimal configuration to maximize the systems programming efficiency for dynamic applications

    Analysis of Antenna Designs for the Maximum Power Transmission

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    Since Nikola Tesla discovered wireless power transmission, it has become a very interesting topic of study in the antennas and wireless propagation community. Various aspects and applications for wireless power transmission are studied today, a few of which are investigated in this work. First, various antenna geometries are analyzed for radiative near-field wireless power transfer in terms of electrical field strength. It is determined that the meander antenna is ideal for maximum power transfer in its radiative near-field region, contrary to its far-field behavior. Next, in the application of radio frequency identification, a directive, UHF RFID tag antenna is designed for pavement embedded applications. The antenna covers 72% of the US required bandwidth (902 – 928 MHz) in measurement and has maximum directivity and read range of 7.38 dBi and 14.2ft (4.3 m), respectively. Although the transmitter and receiver antennas\u27 designs are essential parts of the wireless system, power loss to the wireless channel is another critical factor to consider in ensuring the receiver antenna receives the maximum power. Friis transmission equation is studied in detail, and a section of the Georgia Southern University campus is considered for full cellular coverage in the GSM frequency range. Additionally, using the genetic algorithm in parallel, the optimal position for a 60-GHz wireless router is determined to obtain maximum WIFI coverage in a specific house. Finally, the design procedure for a size-reduced, 15-element Yagi antenna is discussed. A comprehensive comparison is conducted demonstrating the importance of the antenna design, with its similar performance to the full-sized Yagi antenna, while its elements are reduced by 45%

    Advanced Radio Frequency Identification Design and Applications

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a modern wireless data transmission and reception technique for applications including automatic identification, asset tracking and security surveillance. This book focuses on the advances in RFID tag antenna and ASIC design, novel chipless RFID tag design, security protocol enhancements along with some novel applications of RFID

    2009 Index IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters Vol. 8

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    This index covers all technical items - papers, correspondence, reviews, etc. - that appeared in this periodical during the year, and items from previous years that were commented upon or corrected in this year. Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author\u27s name. The primary entry includes the coauthors\u27 names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination. The Subject Index contains entries describing the item under all appropriate subject headings, plus the first author\u27s name, the publication abbreviation, month, and year, and inclusive pages. Note that the item title is found only under the primary entry in the Author Index

    2008 Index IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Vol. 16

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    This index covers all technical items - papers, correspondence, reviews, etc. - that appeared in this periodical during the year, and items from previous years that were commented upon or corrected in this year. Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author\u27s name. The primary entry includes the coauthors\u27 names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination. The Subject Index contains entries describing the item under all appropriate subject headings, plus the first author\u27s name, the publication abbreviation, month, and year, and inclusive pages. Note that the item title is found only under the primary entry in the Author Index

    Analysis of Miniaturized, Circularly Polarized Antennas for Bidirectional Propagation

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    Size reduction is necessary to fit the recent demand for small sized communication systems in consumer electronics. Wireless communication systems rely on antennas for long range transmission of signals, so size reduced antennas have been sought after in recent years. Also, not many antennas are designed for use in bidirectional scenarios like subways, tunnels, bridges, etc. Three sized reduced antennas with circular polarization are presented for use in bidirectional communication systems. An electrically small pattern reconfigurable array, an electrically small two-sided printed cross dipole, and a size reduced printed wideband antenna are introduced within this thesis. All antennas’ results are obtained from simulation, with two of the antenna designs being measured to verify their results

    Pop-Up Stretchable Sensor Designs Using Multiphysics Modeliing

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    Stretchable electronic devices are critical for the future of wearable sensor technology, where existing rigid and non-flexible devices severely limit the applicability of them in many areas. Stretchable electronics extend flexible electronics one step further by introducing significant elastic deformation. Stretchable electronics can conform to curvy geometries like human skin which enables new applications such as fully wearable electronics whose properties can be tuned through mechanical deformation. Much of the effort in stretchable electronics has focused on investigation of the optimum fabrication method to make a trade-off between the manufacturing cost and acceptable performance. Here in this thesis a novel pop-up strain sensor design is introduced and tested.This technique is simple to use and can be applied to almost all available materials such as metals, dielectrics, semiconductors and different scales from centi-meter to nanoscale. Using this method three main electronic devices have been designed for different applications. The first category is pop-up antennas that are able to reconfigure their frequency response with respect to the mechanical deformation by out of plane displacement. The second category is pop-up frequency selective surface which similarly can change its frequency behaviour due to applied strain. This ability to accommodate the applied stress by three-dimensional (3D) deformation, making these devices ideal for strain sensing applications such as vapor sensing or on skin mountable sensors. Using the advantage of RFID technology in terms of wireless monitoring, the third category has been introduced which is a pop-up capacitor sensor integrating with an RFID chip to detect finger joint bending that can help those patients who are recovering after stroke. The proposed devices have been modelled using COMSOL Multiphysics and Extensive evaluations of the prototype system were conducted on purpose-built laboratory scale test rigs. Both results are in good correlation which makes them applicable for sensing purposes