73 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Parsing Strategies

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    We present new results on the relation between purely symbolic context-free parsing strategies and their probabilistic counter-parts. Such parsing strategies are seen as constructions of push-down devices from grammars. We show that preservation of probability distribution is possible under two conditions, viz. the correct-prefix property and the property of strong predictiveness. These results generalize existing results in the literature that were obtained by considering parsing strategies in isolation. From our general results we also derive negative results on so-called generalized LR parsing.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figur

    Longest Common Extensions with Recompression

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    Given two positions i and j in a string T of length N, a longest common extension (LCE) query asks for the length of the longest common prefix between suffixes beginning at i and j. A compressed LCE data structure stores T in a compressed form while supporting fast LCE queries. In this article we show that the recompression technique is a powerful tool for compressed LCE data structures. We present a new compressed LCE data structure of size O(z lg (N/z)) that supports LCE queries in O(lg N) time, where z is the size of Lempel-Ziv 77 factorization without self-reference of T. Given T as an uncompressed form, we show how to build our data structure in O(N) time and space. Given T as a grammar compressed form, i.e., a straight-line program of size n generating T, we show how to build our data structure in O(n lg (N/n)) time and O(n + z lg (N/z)) space. Our algorithms are deterministic and always return correct answers

    Probabilistic parsing

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    Contents EATCS bulletin number 47, June 1992

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    Computational Perspectives on Phonological Constituency and Recursion

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    Whether or not phonology has recursion is often conflated with whether or not phonology has strings or trees as data structures. Taking a computational perspective from formal language theory and focusing on how phonological strings and trees are built, we disentangle these issues. We show that even considering the boundedness of words and utterances in physical realization and the lack of observable examples of potential recursive embedding of phonological constituents beyond a few layers, recursion is a natural consequence of expressing generalization in phonological grammars for strings and trees. While prosodically-conditioned phonological patterns can be represented using grammars for strings, e.g., with bracketed string representations, we show how grammars for trees provide a natural way to express these patterns and provide insight into the kinds of analyses that phonologists have proposed for them.Que la fonologia mostri o no recursivitat sovint va lligat al fet que tingui o no cadenes o arbres en l'estructura de les seves dades. A partir de la perspectiva computacional de la teoria formal del llenguatge i tenint en compte com es construeixen les cadenes i els arbres fonològics, mirem de destriar aquestes qüestions. Mostrem que, fins i tot tenint en compte la limitació de paraules i enunciats en la realització física i la manca d'exemples observables d'incorporació recursiva potencial de constituents fonològics més enllà d'unes poques capes, la recursivitat és una conseqüència natural de l'expressió de generalitzacions fonològiques per a cadenes i arbres. Tot i que els patrons fonològics condicionats prosòdicament es poden representar utilitzant gramàtiques per a cadenes, per exemple amb representacions amb claudàtors, mostrem com les gramàtiques amb arbres proporcionen una manera natural d'expressar aquests patrons i proporcionen coneixement rellevant sobre els tipus d'anàlisis d'aquests patrons que s'han proposat des de la fonologia

    Probabilistic parsing strategies.

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    Abstract. We present new results on the relation between purely symbolic context-free parsing strategies and their probabilistic counterparts. Such parsing strategies are seen as constructions of pushdown devices from grammars. We show that preservation of probability distribution is possible under two conditions, viz. the correct-prefix property and the property of strong predictiveness. These results generalize existing results in the literature that were obtained by considering parsing strategies in isolation. From our general results, we also derive negative results on so-called generalized LR parsing

    A Formal Model of Ambiguity and its Applications in Machine Translation

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    Systems that process natural language must cope with and resolve ambiguity. In this dissertation, a model of language processing is advocated in which multiple inputs and multiple analyses of inputs are considered concurrently and a single analysis is only a last resort. Compared to conventional models, this approach can be understood as replacing single-element inputs and outputs with weighted sets of inputs and outputs. Although processing components must deal with sets (rather than individual elements), constraints are imposed on the elements of these sets, and the representations from existing models may be reused. However, to deal efficiently with large (or infinite) sets, compact representations of sets that share structure between elements, such as weighted finite-state transducers and synchronous context-free grammars, are necessary. These representations and algorithms for manipulating them are discussed in depth in depth. To establish the effectiveness and tractability of the proposed processing model, it is applied to several problems in machine translation. Starting with spoken language translation, it is shown that translating a set of transcription hypotheses yields better translations compared to a baseline in which a single (1-best) transcription hypothesis is selected and then translated, independent of the translation model formalism used. More subtle forms of ambiguity that arise even in text-only translation (such as decisions conventionally made during system development about how to preprocess text) are then discussed, and it is shown that the ambiguity-preserving paradigm can be employed in these cases as well, again leading to improved translation quality. A model for supervised learning that learns from training data where sets (rather than single elements) of correct labels are provided for each training instance and use it to learn a model of compound word segmentation is also introduced, which is used as a preprocessing step in machine translation


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    \uc8 noto che i linguaggi regolari \u2014 o di tipo 3 \u2014 sono equivalenti agli automi a stati finiti. Tuttavia, in letteratura sono presenti altre caratterizzazioni di questa classe di linguaggi, in termini di modelli riconoscitori e grammatiche. Per esempio, limitando le risorse computazionali di modelli pi\uf9 generali, quali grammatiche context-free, automi a pila e macchine di Turing, che caratterizzano classi di linguaggi pi\uf9 ampie, \ue8 possibile ottenere modelli che generano o riconoscono solamente i linguaggi regolari. I dispositivi risultanti forniscono delle rappresentazioni alternative dei linguaggi di tipo 3, che, in alcuni casi, risultano significativamente pi\uf9 compatte rispetto a quelle dei modelli che caratterizzano la stessa classe di linguaggi. Il presente lavoro ha l\u2019obiettivo di studiare questi modelli formali dal punto di vista della complessit\ue0 descrizionale, o, in altre parole, di analizzare le relazioni tra le loro dimensioni, ossia il numero di simboli utilizzati per specificare la loro descrizione. Sono presentati, inoltre, alcuni risultati connessi allo studio della famosa domanda tuttora aperta posta da Sakoda e Sipser nel 1978, inerente al costo, in termini di numero di stati, per l\u2019eliminazione del nondeterminismo dagli automi stati finiti sfruttando la capacit\ue0 degli automi two-way deterministici di muovere la testina avanti e indietro sul nastro di input.It is well known that regular \u2014 or type 3 \u2014 languages are equivalent to finite automata. Nevertheless, many other characterizations of this class of languages in terms of computational devices and generative models are present in the literature. For example, by suitably restricting more general models such as context-free grammars, pushdown automata, and Turing machines, that characterize wider classes of languages, it is possible to obtain formal models that generate or recognize regular languages only. The resulting formalisms provide alternative representations of type 3 languages that may be significantly more concise than other models that share the same expressing power. The goal of this work is to investigate these formal systems from a descriptional complexity perspective, or, in other words, to study the relationships between their sizes, namely the number of symbols used to write down their descriptions. We also present some results related to the investigation of the famous question posed by Sakoda and Sipser in 1978, concerning the size blowups from nondeterministic finite automata to two-way deterministic finite automata

    Learning Efficient Disambiguation

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    This dissertation analyses the computational properties of current performance-models of natural language parsing, in particular Data Oriented Parsing (DOP), points out some of their major shortcomings and suggests suitable solutions. It provides proofs that various problems of probabilistic disambiguation are NP-Complete under instances of these performance-models, and it argues that none of these models accounts for attractive efficiency properties of human language processing in limited domains, e.g. that frequent inputs are usually processed faster than infrequent ones. The central hypothesis of this dissertation is that these shortcomings can be eliminated by specializing the performance-models to the limited domains. The dissertation addresses "grammar and model specialization" and presents a new framework, the Ambiguity-Reduction Specialization (ARS) framework, that formulates the necessary and sufficient conditions for successful specialization. The framework is instantiated into specialization algorithms and applied to specializing DOP. Novelties of these learning algorithms are 1) they limit the hypotheses-space to include only "safe" models, 2) are expressed as constrained optimization formulae that minimize the entropy of the training tree-bank given the specialized grammar, under the constraint that the size of the specialized model does not exceed a predefined maximum, and 3) they enable integrating the specialized model with the original one in a complementary manner. The dissertation provides experiments with initial implementations and compares the resulting Specialized DOP (SDOP) models to the original DOP models with encouraging results.Comment: 222 page

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 13. Number 3.

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