9,185 research outputs found

    Trees and Matchings

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    In this article, Temperley's bijection between spanning trees of the square grid on the one hand, and perfect matchings (also known as dimer coverings) of the square grid on the other, is extended to the setting of general planar directed (and undirected) graphs, where edges carry nonnegative weights that induce a weighting on the set of spanning trees. We show that the weighted, directed spanning trees (often called arborescences) of any planar graph G can be put into a one-to-one weight-preserving correspondence with the perfect matchings of a related planar graph H. One special case of this result is a bijection between perfect matchings of the hexagonal honeycomb lattice and directed spanning trees of a triangular lattice. Another special case gives a correspondence between perfect matchings of the ``square-octagon'' lattice and directed weighted spanning trees on a directed weighted version of the cartesian lattice. In conjunction with results of Kenyon, our main theorem allows us to compute the measures of all cylinder events for random spanning trees on any (directed, weighted) planar graph. Conversely, in cases where the perfect matching model arises from a tree model, Wilson's algorithm allows us to quickly generate random samples of perfect matchings.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures (minor revisions from version 1

    Deterministically Isolating a Perfect Matching in Bipartite Planar Graphs

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    We present a deterministic way of assigning small (log bit) weights to the edges of a bipartite planar graph so that the minimum weight perfect matching becomes unique. The isolation lemma as described in (Mulmuley et al. 1987) achieves the same for general graphs using a randomized weighting scheme, whereas we can do it deterministically when restricted to bipartite planar graphs. As a consequence, we reduce both decision and construction versions of the matching problem to testing whether a matrix is singular, under the promise that its determinant is 0 or 1, thus obtaining a highly parallel SPL algorithm for bipartite planar graphs. This improves the earlier known bounds of non-uniform SPL by (Allender et al. 1999) and NC2NC^2 by (Miller and Naor 1995, Mahajan and Varadarajan 2000). It also rekindles the hope of obtaining a deterministic parallel algorithm for constructing a perfect matching in non-bipartite planar graphs, which has been open for a long time. Our techniques are elementary and simple

    A general framework for coloring problems: old results, new results, and open problems

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    In this survey paper we present a general framework for coloring problems that was introduced in a joint paper which the author presented at WG2003. We show how a number of different types of coloring problems, most of which have been motivated from frequency assignment, fit into this framework. We give a survey of the existing results, mainly based on and strongly biased by joint work of the author with several different groups of coauthors, include some new results, and discuss several open problems for each of the variants

    Dimers, Tilings and Trees

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    Generalizing results of Temperley, Brooks, Smith, Stone and Tutte and others we describe a natural equivalence between three planar objects: weighted bipartite planar graphs; planar Markov chains; and tilings with convex polygons. This equivalence provides a measure-preserving bijection between dimer coverings of a weighted bipartite planar graph and spanning trees on the corresponding Markov chain. The tilings correspond to harmonic functions on the Markov chain and to ``discrete analytic functions'' on the bipartite graph. The equivalence is extended to infinite periodic graphs, and we classify the resulting ``almost periodic'' tilings and harmonic functions.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    On the algorithmic complexity of twelve covering and independence parameters of graphs

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    The definitions of four previously studied parameters related to total coverings and total matchings of graphs can be restricted, thereby obtaining eight parameters related to covering and independence, each of which has been studied previously in some form. Here we survey briefly results concerning total coverings and total matchings of graphs, and consider the aforementioned 12 covering and independence parameters with regard to algorithmic complexity. We survey briefly known results for several graph classes, and obtain new NP-completeness results for the minimum total cover and maximum minimal total cover problems in planar graphs, the minimum maximal total matching problem in bipartite and chordal graphs, and the minimum independent dominating set problem in planar cubic graphs

    Smaller Extended Formulations for the Spanning Tree Polytope of Bounded-genus Graphs

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    We give an O(g1/2n3/2+g3/2n1/2)O(g^{1/2} n^{3/2} + g^{3/2} n^{1/2})-size extended formulation for the spanning tree polytope of an nn-vertex graph embedded on a surface of genus gg, improving on the known O(n2+gn)O(n^2 + g n)-size extended formulations following from Wong and Martin.Comment: v3: fixed some typo

    Backbone colorings for networks: tree and path backbones

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    We introduce and study backbone colorings, a variation on classical vertex colorings: Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and a spanning subgraph HH of GG (the backbone of GG), a backbone coloring for GG and HH is a proper vertex coloring V→{1,2,…}V\rightarrow \{1,2,\ldots\} of GG in which the colors assigned to adjacent vertices in HH differ by at least two. We study the cases where the backbone is either a spanning tree or a spanning path

    Single-Strip Triangulation of Manifolds with Arbitrary Topology

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    Triangle strips have been widely used for efficient rendering. It is NP-complete to test whether a given triangulated model can be represented as a single triangle strip, so many heuristics have been proposed to partition models into few long strips. In this paper, we present a new algorithm for creating a single triangle loop or strip from a triangulated model. Our method applies a dual graph matching algorithm to partition the mesh into cycles, and then merges pairs of cycles by splitting adjacent triangles when necessary. New vertices are introduced at midpoints of edges and the new triangles thus formed are coplanar with their parent triangles, hence the visual fidelity of the geometry is not changed. We prove that the increase in the number of triangles due to this splitting is 50% in the worst case, however for all models we tested the increase was less than 2%. We also prove tight bounds on the number of triangles needed for a single-strip representation of a model with holes on its boundary. Our strips can be used not only for efficient rendering, but also for other applications including the generation of space filling curves on a manifold of any arbitrary topology.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. To appear at Eurographics 200

    The quantum G_2 link invariant

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    We derive an inductive, combinatorial definition of a polynomial-valued regular isotopy invariant of links and tangled graphs. We show that the invariant equals the Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant corresponding to the exceptional simple Lie algebra G_2. It is therefore related to G_2 in the same way that the HOMFLY polynomial is related to A_n and the Kauffman polynomial is related to B_n, C_n, and D_n. We give parallel constructions for the other rank 2 Lie algebras and present some combinatorial conjectures motivated by the new inductive definitions.Comment: Some diagrams at the end are missin
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