10 research outputs found

    Cooperation between librarians and teaching staff

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    The changing times with new challenges and new need means that university libraries must look closely at their own visions and missions. The libraries must be ready to accept new tasks and cover the needs of the student’s and academic staff in new areas. In this paper I will look at the need for cooperation between librarians and academic staff in order to optimize the teaching of information literacy in the library, and also present the on-line tutorial Search and Write

    The development of electronic resources in libraries : effective marketing and communication

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    This submission addresses the change to the electronic environment in libraries. It presents eight selected research papers which cumulatively contribute to knowledge regarding the management issues arising from this change. The specific elements of the research programme focused primarily on changes in academic libraries and secondly in public libraries. The implications of changes in different countries were investigated. The research programme evolved over time, as its applicability and relevance extended to other players in the developing library electronic resources field. The need for effective communication and marketing regarding electronic resources was identified as key, and it became increasingly evident that libraries needed to adopt marketing techniques appropriate to the changing environment and different to those techniques traditionally used. The linked elements of the research programme involve managing changing user needs in line with a changing user base, which includes remote users, and the requirements for changing staff skills. Further elements include work in a virtual environment alongside a physical environment and collaboration and consortia working. The central aim of the research programme was to identify solutions for best practice, and funding was obtained for many of the research elements. Originality is demonstrated by investigation into an emerging area, using library websites at the time of their development and applying an experimental research technique. Research methods from different research paradigms - positivist and interpretivist - were employed. Quantitative data was obtained to establish hard facts. Qualitative approaches enabled the acquisition of multiple perspectives and understanding of social constructions of meaning and knowledge, such as respondents' attitudes, feelings and perceptions. The extent and modes of discussion with respondents facilitated triangulation of methods that resulted in multiple views for synthesis so as to clarify understanding. All of the research was underpinned by an on-going literature review, which was vital in order to assess both what existed and current developments. The research methods used were applied in a sequence of eight stages as the electronic environment in libraries developed. The research aimed to provide a fully rounded picture, investigating the issues arising from the introduction of electronic resources in libraries, and it achieved this by considering developments over a period of time just in excess of the past decade. The papers present findings that can be applied by players in the field of electronic resource provision. Foremost amongst these was the requirements for educating library users, often in a remote environment, in the use of the new electronic resources, which were derived and the vital importance of operating different marketing and communication techniques, which was demonstrated

    Unveiling research trends for organizational reputation in the nonprofit sector

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    Public scrutiny and the need for funds in a more competitive environment are pressuring nonprofits to be more consciously aware of their reputation. This study used automated analysis with text mining and topic modeling of 177 articles directly linked to nonprofits’ reputation and published up to 2016. After identifying the most salient topics and conducting an in-depth, critical review of the most significant articles within each topic, four theoretical and managerial implications were identified. First, managers need to develop skills to deal with risk, the Internet, and social networks. Second, risk management is an emergent, still tentative, but important topic waiting for more contributions. Third, researchers can apply lexicons developed and validated by experts to uncover knowledge relevant to the entire nonprofit sector’s organizations. Last, the trends and topics highlighted can help scholars and practitioners make better decisions in research or responses to management challenges.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Jazz at Lincoln Center

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    The following report documents the internship performed by Jonathan Wells with Jazz at Lincoln Center in spring 2009. Jazz at Lincoln Center is one of 12 resident organizations of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. in New York City. Jazz at Lincoln Center operates from its administrative offices at 33 West 60th Street, and its venues are housed in the Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle. During his internship, Mr. Wells worked within the Marketing and Creative Services Department under the direction of the Assistant Marketing Director. Among his various responsibilities, Mr. Wells primarily assisted the marketing team with concert and event promotion. An in-depth internship description is provided in this report. Further, this report provides an overview of the organization and an intuitional S.W.O.T. Analysis based on Mr. Wells\u27 observations. The report examines best practices performed by similar arts organizations and corporations, and provides recommendations based on those practices that are unique to New York City and social media. Finally, the report discusses Mr. Wells\u27 contributions as an intern and their effects within the Marketing and Creative Services Department

    Identification and designing of marketing mix elements to promote rural tourism using a prospective approach: A case study of Babol County

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    This research is of an applied descriptive-analytical type. Data collection was based on documentary and survey techniques. The statistical population of the research included active individuals in the field of rural tourism and local officials. As many as 223 people who were the most active in the local tourism were selected. This selection was in terms of their access and participation in the field. Also, 10 officials were selected. In the first step, an ISM software program was designed for the primary design and  data analysis. In the second step, the LISREL structural equation modeling software was used to test the primary model. Finally, to design a futuristic scenario for marketing elements, the Mic‌Mac software was used. The results indicated that, from the standpoint of the local authorities, the elements of "promoting and planning" have the most direct impact on the success of rural tourism marketing. However, the element of "planning" has the most dependency on the other elements of the study

    Estrategias de marketing y las ventas en el recreo turĂ­stico ValentĂ­n, distrito de Moyobamba, San MartĂ­n, 2018

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    La investigaciĂłn titulada: Estrategias de marketing y ventas en el recreo turĂ­stico ValentĂ­n, distrito de Moyobamba, san Martin – 2018, Determina la relaciĂłn entre la estrategia de marketing y las ventas en el recreo turĂ­stico ValentĂ­n. Dicha investigaciĂłn es de nivel descriptivo-correlacional con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal, para la cual, se trabajĂł con una muestra de 214 clientes de la empresa recreo turĂ­stico ValentĂ­n, se empleĂł la tĂ©cnica de la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario de 16 Ă­tems cada variable. Los datos recopilados en la investigaciĂłn se procesaron en el software informĂĄtico de SPSS , luego de la recolecciĂłn y procedimientos de datos se contrasto la prueba de hipĂłtesis mediante la prueba estadĂ­stica Pearson , lo cual concluyo mediante los resultados que existe correlaciĂłn significativa entre estrategias de marketing y ventas de la empresa recreo turĂ­stico ValentĂ­n, con una prueba de hipĂłtesis de correlaciĂłn de 0,545 con un nivel de significancia bilateral 0,000, para la cual se aceptĂł la hipĂłtesis alterna

    Rahvaraamatukogude turundustegevus PĂ€rnu maakonnas

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    LĂ”putöö alguses anti vastava ala kirjandusele tuginedes ĂŒlevaade turunduse mĂ”iste ja juhtimise olemusest, erinevatest turunduskanalitest ja kommunikatsioonivahenditest ning erinevate autorite raamatukoguturunduse kĂ€sitlustest. Lisaks selgitati organisatsiooni brĂ€ndi ja maine ning kliendi mĂ”istet. Töö eesmĂ€rgiks oli uurida rahvaraamatukogude turundustegevuse olemust PĂ€rnu maakonnas kliendi vaatest lĂ€htuvalt. Töös selgitati vĂ€lja, kui oluliseks peavad raamatukogu kliendid turundust raamatukogu jaoks, milliseid turunduskanaleid ja –strateegiaid eelistatakse kasutada raamatukogus ning kui nĂ€htav on raamatukogu oma tegevusega kohalikus kogukonnas. Antud teema on tĂ€htis, kuna tĂ€napĂ€eval on edukad need raamatukogud, kes tunnevad oma kliente ja nende vajadusi. Raamatukogu töötajatel on vĂ”imalus kasutada tervikliku turunduse kĂ”iki koostisosi, et nende kasutamise kaudu jĂ”uda erinevate sihtgruppideni ning seelĂ€bi kliente hoida ning paremini teenindada. Samuti igal raamatukogu kasutajal on omad ootused ja ettekujutused raamatukogu turundustegevusest. SisuanalĂŒĂŒsi tulemusel saadi ĂŒlevaade PĂ€rnu maakonna rahvaraamatukogude turundustegevustest ja kasutusel olevatest turunduskanalitest. KĂ€eolev lĂ”putöö tĂ€itis oma eesmĂ€rgi, kuna töö kĂ€igus leiti vastused sissejuhatuses esitatud kĂŒsimustele. Autor kasutas kvalitatiivset lĂ€henemisviisi ning andmekogumismeetodina poolstruktueeritud intervjuud, kuna intervjuu kĂ€igus oli hea esitada tĂ€iendavaid kĂŒsimusi. Uuringu valimi moodustasid 15 PĂ€rnu maakonna rahvaraamatukogu kasutajat. Töös selgitati vĂ€lja, et raamatukogu kliendid peavad oluliseks raamatukoguhoidja poolt lĂ€biviidavat turundustegevust, kuna selle kaudu on vĂ”imaldatud parem ligipÀÀs raamatukogu teenustele, ĂŒritustele, nĂ€itustele, ressurssidele ja informatsioonile ning raamatukogu tegevus on avatum. AnalĂŒĂŒsi tulemuste pĂ”hjal vĂ”ib vĂ€ita, et raamatukogu klientidele meeldib, kui raamatukoguhoidjad kasutavad erinevaid sotsiaalmeedia kanaleid ja turundusstrateegiaid. Kahe töö uuringu vĂ”rdlusest selgus, et turundusstrateegiana eelistavad nii raamatukogu kasutajad kui töötajad suust-suhu-turundust. KokkuvĂ”tteks vĂ”ib öelda, et raamatukogu kliendid olid rahul raamatukogu mainega ning nende hinnangul on raamatukogu tĂ€iesti nĂ€htav oma tegevusega kohalikus kogukonnas.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4487066*es

    Wahrnehmung und Sichtbarkeit der Bibliothek innerhalb der UniversitÀt am Beispiel der Freien UniversitÀt Berlin

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    Diese Veröffentlichung geht zurĂŒck auf eine Masterarbeit im weiterbildenden Masterstudiengang im Fernstudium Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft (Library and Information Science, M. A. (LIS)) an der Humboldt-UniversitĂ€t zu Berlin.Das SelbstverstĂ€ndnis bibliothekarischer Arbeit befindet sich im Wandel. Immer hĂ€ufiger verstehen sich Bibliotheken als nutzendenzentrierte Serviceeinrichtungen – immer weniger als klassische BĂŒcherspeicher. Nur logisch ist es hierbei, vor allem Nutzende gezielt mit diesem neuen Bibliotheksbild vertraut zu machen und die Serviceentwicklung anhand ihrer Bedarfe zu forcieren. Neben den Nutzenden wirkt aber ebenso ein anderer wichtiger, im Fachdiskurs jedoch wenig prominenter Stakeholder auf die Weiterentwicklung von Bibliotheken: die TrĂ€gereinrichtung. An der Stelle setzt diese Arbeit mit dem Ziel an, grundlegende Antworten auf die Fragen nach Bild und Sichtbarkeit der Bibliothek seitens ihres TrĂ€gers zu finden. Anhand einer Fallstudie an der Freien UniversitĂ€t Berlin und ihrer UniversitĂ€tsbibliothek wird erstmals der Versuch unternommen, den Blick von Hochschulmanagement und -verwaltung auf die Bibliotheksarbeit und -entwicklung festzuhalten. In elf qualitativen Interviews mit strategisch agierenden, nicht-wissenschaftlichen UniversitĂ€tsangehörigen in leitender Funktion kommt die Wahrnehmung der UniversitĂ€tsbibliothek und ihre PrĂ€senz sowie Kompetenz in der UniversitĂ€t zur Sprache. Identifiziert werden hier zehn narrative Bilder derzeitiger aber auch perspektivischer Bibliotheksarbeit, die nicht nur im Rahmen des Einzelfalls, sondern auch darĂŒber hinaus als Denkanstoß fĂŒr die Sichtbarmachung des neuen SelbstverstĂ€ndnisses gegenĂŒber TrĂ€gern von Bibliotheken dienen können

    Rahvaraamatukogude tegevuse kajastamine suuremates ajalehtedes 2004-2014 ja valitud artiklite retseptsioon

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    Magistritöö eesmĂ€rgiks on anda ĂŒlevaade rahvaraamatukogusid puudutavast artiklitest perioodil 2004-2014 ajalehtedes Eesti PĂ€evaleht, Postimees, Õhtuleht, Sirp, Õpetajate Leht ning fookusgrupp-intervjuudes osalenute nĂ€itel valitud artiklite retseptsioonist. EesmĂ€rgi saavutamiseks pĂŒstitasin eraldi uurimiskĂŒsimused kontentanalĂŒĂŒsi ning fookusgrupp-intervjuude jaoks – kokku 5 suuremat kĂŒsimust koos alakĂŒsimustega. KontentanalĂŒĂŒsi viisin lĂ€bi 2015. aasta mĂ€rtsis ning fookusgrupp-intervjuu sama aasta aprillis. Fookusgrupp-intervjuusse sattusid eelkĂ”ige inimesed, kes lugesid ajalehti ning kĂŒlastasid vĂ€hemal vĂ”i rohkemal mÀÀral raamatukogusid. Uuringust selgus, et rahvaraamatukogudest on viimase kĂŒmne aasta jooksul uuritud viie vĂ€ljaande pĂ”hjal kirjutatud vĂ”rdlemisi vĂ€he – kokku 104 artiklit. KĂ”ige rohkem on rahvaraamatukogud tĂ€helepanu pĂ€lvinud 2011-2012 aastal seoses kohustuslike komplekteerimisnimekirjadega. VĂ”rreldes eelnevate ja jĂ€rgnevate aastatega on nendel aastatel artiklite arv oluliselt suurem. KĂ”ige rohkem on rahvaraamatukogudega seonduvat kajastanud Eesti PĂ€evaleht. Sirp ja Õhtuleht on antud teemale pĂŒhendanud vĂ”rdvÀÀrselt leheruumi ning Õpetajate Leht vĂ€ga vĂ€he. Kuna suurem osa artikleid ilmus perioodil 2011-2012, siis oli teema valdavalt kĂ”igis vĂ€ljaannetes sel perioodil seotud rahvaraamatukogude missiooni/rolliga. Fookusgrupp-intervjuude kĂ€igus selgus, et osalejate arvates on pĂ”hilised teemad, millest rahvaraamatukogudega rÀÀgitakse seotud ĂŒrituste, nĂ€ituste vms, mis toetudes kontentanalĂŒĂŒsile paika ei pidanud. Ka ei suutnud nad meenutada ĂŒhtegi konkreetset rahvaraamatukogudega seotud uudist. Lisaks valisin kontentanalĂŒĂŒsis kasutatud artiklite hulgast vĂ€lja kolm artiklit, mida lasin lugeda lĂ€bi viidud fookusgrupp-intervjuu viiel osalejal. Iga artikkel esindas ĂŒhte vĂ”imalikku olulist kĂ€sitlust rahvaraamatukogudest. Valitud artiklite kaudu ĂŒritasin mĂ”ista vĂ”imalikke antud intervjueeritavatel esinevaid vastuvĂ”tuviise. Antud uuringu puhul vĂ”ib öelda, et vastuvĂ”tuviis olenes nii grupiliikmete meediateadlikkusest, artikli sisust, aga ka nende isiklikest kogemustest rahvaraamatukogudega. Loetud artiklite puhul esines nii vahendatud, lĂ€bipaistvat kui ka viitavat vastuvĂ”tuviisi. Artiklit peeti seda olulisemaks, mida rohkem see intervjueeritavate jaoks neid n-ö „pĂ€ris elus“ puudutas ning igapĂ€eva elus kasuks tuli. KokkuvĂ”tvalt vĂ”ib öelda, et antud tingimustel kirjutatakse rahvaraamatukogudest vĂ€he kuna suurem osa artikleid mahub Ă€ra kahe aasta sisse kui kirjutati uuest komplekteerimispoliitikast. Artiklite pealkirjad ei ole piisavalt huvipakkuvad ning tĂ”enĂ€oliselt tavasituatsioonis fookusgrupp-intervjuus osalenud neid ei loeks. Artiklite seisukohalt on oluline nende seos „pĂ€ris eluga“. Selle puudumisel jÀÀvad teemad n-ö tavaliste lehelugejate jaoks kaugeks.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4487089*es