14 research outputs found

    Biomass Estimation Using Satellite-Based Data

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    Comprehensive measurements of global forest aboveground biomass (AGB) are crucial information to promote the sustainable management of forests to mitigate climate change and preserve the multiple ecosystem services provided by forests. Optical and radar sensors are available at different spatial, spectral, and temporal scales. The integration of multi-sources sensor data with field measurements, using appropriated algorithms to identify the relationship between remote sensing predictors and reference measurements, is important to improve forest AGB estimation. This chapter aims to present different types of predicted variables derived from multi-sources sensors, such as original spectral bands, transformed images, vegetation indices, textural features, and different regression algorithms used (parametric and non-parametric) that contribute to a more robust, practical, and cost-effective approach for forest AGB estimation at different levels


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    Non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) refers to vegetation that cannot perform a photosynthetic function. NPV, including standing dead vegetation and surface plant litter, plays a vital role in maintaining ecosystem function through controlling carbon, water and nutrient uptake as well as natural fire frequency and intensity in diverse ecosystems such as forest, savannah, wetland, cropland, and grassland. Due to its ecological importance, NPV has been selected as an indicator of grassland ecosystem health by the Alberta Public Lands Administration in Canada. The ecological importance of NPV has driven considerable research on quantifying NPV biomass with remote sensing approaches in various ecosystems. Although remote images, especially hyperspectral images, have demonstrated potential for use in NPV estimation, there has not been a way to quantify NPV biomass in semiarid grasslands where NPV biomass is affected by green vegetation (PV), bare soil and biological soil crust (BSC). The purpose of this research is to find a solution to quantitatively estimate NPV biomass with remote sensing approaches in semiarid mixed grasslands. Research was conducted in Grasslands National Park (GNP), a parcel of semiarid mixed prairie grassland in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Multispectral images, including newly operational Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2A Multi-spectral Instrument (MSIs) images and fine Quad-pol Radarsat-2 images were used for estimating NPV biomass in early, middle, and peak growing seasons via a simple linear regression approach. The results indicate that multispectral Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2A MSIs have potential to quantify NPV biomass in peak and early senescence growing seasons. Radarsat-2 can also provide a solution for NPV biomass estimation. However, the performance of Radarsat-2 images is greatly affected by incidence angle of the image acquisition. This research filled a critical gap in applying remote sensing approaches to quantify NPV biomass in grassland ecosystems. NPV biomass estimates and approaches for estimating NPV biomass will contribute to grassland ecosystem health assessment (EHA) and natural resource (i.e. land, soil, water, plant, and animal) management

    Crop Growth Monitoring by Hyperspectral and Microwave Remote Sensing

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    Methoden und Techniken der Fernerkundung fungieren als wichtige Hilfsmittel im regionalen Umweltmanagement. Um diese zu optimieren, untersucht die folgende Arbeit sowohl die Verwendung als auch Synergien verschiedener Sensoren aus unterschiedlichen WellenlĂ€ngenbereichen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Modellentwicklung zur Ableitung von Pflanzenparametern aus fernerkundlichen Bestandsmessungen sowie auf deren Bewertung. Zu den verwendeten komplementĂ€ren Fernerkundungssystemen zĂ€hlen die Sensoren EO-1 Hyperion und ALI, Envisat ASAR sowie TerraSAR-X. FĂŒr die optischen Hyper- und Multispektralsysteme werden die Reflexion verschiedener Spektralbereiche sowie die Performanz der daraus abgeleiteten Vegetationsindizes untersucht und bewertet. Im Hinblick auf die verwendeten Radarsysteme konzentriert sich die Untersuchung auf Parameter wie WellenlĂ€nge, Einfallswinkel, RadarrĂŒckstreuung und Polarisation. Die Eigenschaften verschiedener Parameterkombinationen werden hierbei dargestellt und der komplementĂ€re Beitrag der Radarfernerkundung zur WachstumsĂŒberwachung bewertet. Hierzu wurden zwei Testgebiete, eines fĂŒr Winterweizen in der Nordchinesischen Tiefebene und eines fĂŒr Reis im Nordosten Chinas ausgewĂ€hlt. In beiden Gebieten wurden wĂ€hrend der Wachstumsperioden umfangreiche Feldmessungen von Bestandsparametern wĂ€hrend der SatellitenĂŒberflĂŒge oder zeitnah dazu durchgefĂŒhrt. Mit Hilfe von linearen Regressionsmodellen zwischen Satellitendaten und Biomasse wird die SensitivitĂ€t hyperspektraler Reflexion und RadarrĂŒckstreuung im Hinblick auf das Wachstum des Winterweizens untersucht. FĂŒr die optischen Daten werden drei verschiedene Modelvarianten untersucht: traditionelle Vegetationsindices berechnet aus Multispektraldaten, traditionelle Vegetationsindices berechnet aus Hyperspektraldaten sowie die Berechnung von Normalised Ratio Indices (NRI) basierend auf allen möglichen 2-Band Kombinationen im Spektralbereich zwischen 400 und 2500 nm. Weiterhin wird die gemessene Biomasse mit der gleichpolarisierten (VV) C-Band RĂŒckstreuung des Envisat ASAR Sensors linear in Beziehung gesetzt. Um den komplementĂ€ren Informationsgehalt von Hyperspektral und Radardaten zu nutzen, werden optische und Radardaten fĂŒr die Parameterableitung kombiniert eingesetzt. Das Hauptziel fĂŒr das Reisanbaugebiet im Nordosten Chinas ist das VerstĂ€ndnis ĂŒber die kohĂ€rente Dualpolarimetrische X-Band RĂŒckstreuung zu verschiedenen phĂ€nologischen Wachstumsstadien. HierfĂŒr werden die gleichpolarisierte TerraSAR-X RĂŒckstreuung (HH und VV) sowie abgeleitete polarimetrische Parameter untersucht und mit verschiedenen Ebenen im Bestand in Beziehung gesetzt. Weiterhin wird der Einfluss der Variation von Einfallswinkel und Auflösung auf die Bestandsparameterableitung quantifiziert. Neben der Signatur von HH und VV ermöglichen vor allem die polarimetrischen Parameter Phasendifferenz, Ratio, Koherenz und Entropy-Alpha die Bestimmung bestimmter Wachstumsstadien. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zeigen, dass die komplementĂ€ren Fernerkundungssysteme Optik und Radar die Ableitung von Pflanzenparametern und die Bestimmung von HeterogenitĂ€ten in den BestĂ€nden ermöglichen. Die Synergien diesbezĂŒglich mĂŒssen auch in Zukunft weiter untersucht werden, da neue und immer variablere Fernerkundungssysteme zur VerfĂŒgung stehen werden und das Umweltmanagement weiter verbessern können

    Error Propagation Analysis for Remotely Sensed Aboveground Biomass

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    Edited version available. Full version will remain embargoed due to copyright. AS DCAbstract Above-Ground Biomass (AGB) assessment using remote sensing has been an active area of research since the 1970s. However, improvements in the reported accuracy of wide scale studies remain relatively small. Therefore, there is a need to improve error analysis to answer the question: Why is AGB assessment accuracy still under doubt? This project aimed to develop and implement a systematic quantitative methodology to analyse the uncertainty of remotely sensed AGB, including all perceptible error types and reducing the associated costs and computational effort required in comparison to conventional methods. An accuracy prediction tool was designed based on previous study inputs and their outcome accuracy. The methodology used included training a neural network tool to emulate human decision making for the optimal trade-off between cost and accuracy for forest biomass surveys. The training samples were based on outputs from a number of previous biomass surveys, including 64 optical data based studies, 62 Lidar data based studies, 100 Radar data based studies, and 50 combined data studies. The tool showed promising convergent results of medium production ability. However, it might take many years until enough studies will be published to provide sufficient samples for accurate predictions. To provide field data for the next steps, 38 plots within six sites were scanned with a Leica ScanStation P20 terrestrial laser scanner. The Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) data analysis used existing techniques such as 3D voxels and applied allometric equations, alongside exploring new features such as non-plane voxel layers, parent-child relationships between layers and skeletonising tree branches to speed up the overall processing time. The results were two maps for each plot, a tree trunk map and branch map. An error analysis tool was designed to work on three stages. Stage 1 uses a Taylor method to propagate errors from remote sensing data for the products that were used as direct inputs to the biomass assessment process. Stage 2 applies a Monte Carlo method to propagate errors from the direct remote sensing and field inputs to the mathematical model. Stage 3 includes generating an error estimation model that is trained based on the error behaviour of the training samples. The tool was applied to four biomass assessment scenarios, and the results show that the relative error of AGB represented by the RMSE of the model fitting was high (20-35% of the AGB) in spite of the relatively high correlation coefficients. About 65% of the RMSE is due to the remote sensing and field data errors, with the remaining 35% due to the ill-defined relationship between the remote sensing data and AGB. The error component that has the largest influence was the remote sensing error (50-60% of the propagated error), with both the spatial and spectral error components having a clear influence on the total error. The influence of field data errors was close to the remote sensing data errors (40-50% of the propagated error) and its spatial and non-spatial Overall, the study successfully traced the errors and applied certainty-scenarios using the software tool designed for this purpose. The applied novel approach allowed for a relatively fast solution when mapping errors outside the fieldwork areas.HCED iraq, Middle Technical Universit

    Forest biomass retrieval approaches from earth observation in different biomes

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    The amount and spatial distribution of forest aboveground biomass (AGB) were estimated using a range of regionally developed methods using Earth Observation data for Poland, Sweden and regions in Indonesia (Kalimantan), Mexico (Central Mexico and Yucatan peninsula), and South Africa (Eastern provinces) for the year 2010. These regions are representative of numerous forest biomes and biomass levels globally, from South African woodlands and savannas to the humid tropical forest of Kalimantan. AGB retrieval in each region relied on different sources of reference data, including forest inventory plot data and airborne LiDAR observations, and used a range of retrieval algorithms. This is the widest inter-comparison of regional-to-national AGB maps to date in terms of area, forest types, input datasets, and retrieval methods. The accuracy assessment of all regional maps using independent field data or LiDAR AGB maps resulted in an overall root mean square error (RMSE) ranging from 10 t ha−1 to 55 t ha−1 (37% to 67% relative RMSE), and an overall bias ranging from −1 t ha−1 to +5 t ha−1 at pixel level. The regional maps showed better agreement with field data than previously developed and widely used pan-tropical or northern hemisphere datasets. The comparison of accuracy assessments showed commonalities in error structures despite the variety of methods, input data, and forest biomes. All regional retrievals resulted in overestimation (up to 63 t ha−1) in the lower AGB classes, and underestimation (up to 85 t ha−1) in the higher AGB classes. Parametric model-based algorithms present advantages due to their low demand on in situ data compared to non-parametric algorithms, but there is a need for datasets and retrieval methods that can overcome the biases at both ends of the AGB range. The outcomes of this study should be considered when developing algorithms to estimate forest biomass at continental to global scale level

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Vegetation Mapping: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Pflanzen sind eng mit einer Reihe von Ökosystemprozessen und -dienstleistungen wie die Bereitstellung von Lebensmitteln und Trinkwasser, die Klimaregulierung sowie die Bodenbildung und Kohlenstoffspeicherung verbunden. Deshalb können Vegetationseigenschaften wie Artenreichtum, BiodiversitĂ€t und Pflanzenmerkmale zur Bewertung und Überwachung von Ökosystemprozessen genutzt werden. Die genaue Beobachtung von VegetationsverĂ€nderungen ist daher entscheidend fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis der aktuellen und zukĂŒnftigen Ökosystemdynamik. Fernerkundungsdaten haben hohes Potenzial Vegetationseigenschaften und -prozesse rĂ€umlich abzubilden. Die zunehmende VerfĂŒgbarkeit von sehr hochauflösenden Fernerkundungsdaten ermöglicht auch die Untersuchung von feinskaligen Prozessen. Die fĂŒr niedriger aufgelöste Fernerkundungsdaten entwickelten Auswertungsverfahren sind hĂ€ufig nicht auf sehr hochaufgelöste Daten ĂŒbertragbar. Daher werden neue Verfahren benötigt, um das volle Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Die Vorteile von sehr hochauflösenden Daten liegen unter anderem in der Erkennung von einzelnen Pflanzen und der besseren rĂ€umlichen Feinabstimmung mit Felddaten. Diese Vorteile ermöglichen die genaue Kartierung von Pflanzenarten auf der Ebene einzelner Individuen und Vegetationseigenschaften auf der Ebene von Pflanzengesellschaften, wie die BiodiversitĂ€t, oberirdische Biomasse oder Artenzusammensetzung. Unbemannte Luftfahrzeuge (UAVs) werden als kostengĂŒnstige Plattform zur Gewinnung von Daten mit sehr hoher Auflösung, insbesondere fĂŒr kleine Gebiete, verwendet. Daher ist ihr Einsatz gut zur Entwicklung neuer Methoden geeignet. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Feststellung von Vorteilen und Limitierungen der Nutzung von UAVs zur Vegetationskartierung. Der Fokus der Arbeit lag auf zwei Hauptthemen, die Kartierung von Pflanzenarten und kleinrĂ€umigen Ökosystemprozessen. Eine der Fallstudien zeigte, dass die Verwendung von sehr hochauflösenden Daten zur Klassifizierung von Pflanzenarten durch die Überlappung verschiedener Arten erschwert wird. Daher ist Nutzung solcher Daten zur direkten Kartierung von GrĂŒnlandarten nur fĂŒr Habitate mit geringer Vegetationsbedeckung und einfachen Strukturen, wie beispielsweise DĂŒnenhabitate, vielversprechend. Eine zweite Fallstudie ergab, dass der Schattenwurf von Baumkronen den Erfolg von UAV-basierten Klassifikationen der invasiven Baumarten Ulex europaeus\textit{Ulex europaeus}, Acacia dealbata\textit{Acacia dealbata} und Pinus radiata\textit{Pinus radiata} erheblich beeinflusst. Dabei machte es keinen Unterschied ob optische Daten oder Informationen ĂŒber die Textur oder Kronenstruktur verwendet wurden. Anhand von Simulationen wurde dargestellt, dass jede Art aufgrund ihrer spezifischen Kronenarchitektur unterschiedliche Schatten erzeugt. Die optimalen Zeitfenster zur Klassifikation im Verlaufe eines Tages unterscheiden sich daher zwischen den einzelnen Arten. In einer dritten Fallstudie wurde gezeigt, dass Merkmale der oberirdischen Vegetation als Proxy genutzt werden können um Kartierungen von unterirdischen KohlenstoffvorrĂ€ten in Mooren zu verbessern. Ein empirisches Modell wurde genutzt um unter- und oberirdische Merkmale zu verknĂŒpfen. DafĂŒr wurden kontinuierliche Daten mit Informationen ĂŒber Höhe, Biomasse, sowie den Artenreichtum und die Artenzusammensetzung der Vegetation verwendet. UAV Daten wurden genutzt um die relevanten oberirdischen Merkmale zu kartieren. Der unterirdische Kohlenstoffvorrat wurde dann durch die Parametrisierung des plotbasierten Modells mit den UAV-Extrapolationen kartiert. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass auch Ökosystemeigenschaften mit geringem direkten Einfluss auf die Reflektanz mit Hilfe von Vegetationsmerkmalen als Proxies kartiert werden können. Da bei Kopplung empirischer Modelle in jedem Modellierungsschritt fehlerbehaftete Voraussagen entstehen können, wird ein solcher Ansatz nur empfohlen, wenn starke empirische Verbindungen zwischen den feldbasierten Variablen vorliegen. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass mit UAVs erhobene Erdbeobachtungsdaten geeignet sind, um die technischen und umweltbedingten Voraussetungen fĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Kartierung von Pflanzenarten zu erforschen, um neue Methoden zu entwickeln, welche die Genauigkeit von Klassifikationen aus sehr hochaufgelösten Daten erhöhen und um Vegetationseigenschaften mit unterirdischen Gradienten zu verknĂŒpfen. Die Arbeit enthĂ€lt außerdem Empfehlungen und VorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr die zukĂŒnftige Erforschung von feinskaligen Vegetationsprozessen

    Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity

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    At last, here it is. For some time now, the world has needed a text providing both a new theoretical foundation and practical guidance on how to approach the challenge of biodiversity decline in the Anthropocene. This is a global challenge demanding global approaches to understand its scope and implications. Until recently, we have simply lacked the tools to do so. We are now entering an era in which we can realistically begin to understand and monitor the multidimensional phenomenon of biodiversity at a planetary scale. This era builds upon three centuries of scientific research on biodiversity at site to landscape levels, augmented over the past two decades by airborne research platforms carrying spectrometers, lidars, and radars for larger-scale observations. Emerging international networks of fine-grain in-situ biodiversity observations complemented by space-based sensors offering coarser-grain imagery—but global coverage—of ecosystem composition, function, and structure together provide the information necessary to monitor and track change in biodiversity globally. This book is a road map on how to observe and interpret terrestrial biodiversity across scales through plants—primary producers and the foundation of the trophic pyramid. It honors the fact that biodiversity exists across different dimensions, including both phylogenetic and functional. Then, it relates these aspects of biodiversity to another dimension, the spectral diversity captured by remote sensing instruments operating at scales from leaf to canopy to biome. The biodiversity community has needed a Rosetta Stone to translate between the language of satellite remote sensing and its resulting spectral diversity and the languages of those exploring the phylogenetic diversity and functional trait diversity of life on Earth. By assembling the vital translation, this volume has globalized our ability to track biodiversity state and change. Thus, a global problem meets a key component of the global solution. The editors have cleverly built the book in three parts. Part 1 addresses the theory behind the remote sensing of terrestrial plant biodiversity: why spectral diversity relates to plant functional traits and phylogenetic diversity. Starting with first principles, it connects plant biochemistry, physiology, and macroecology to remotely sensed spectra and explores the processes behind the patterns we observe. Examples from the field demonstrate the rising synthesis of multiple disciplines to create a new cross-spatial and spectral science of biodiversity. Part 2 discusses how to implement this evolving science. It focuses on the plethora of novel in-situ, airborne, and spaceborne Earth observation tools currently and soon to be available while also incorporating the ways of actually making biodiversity measurements with these tools. It includes instructions for organizing and conducting a field campaign. Throughout, there is a focus on the burgeoning field of imaging spectroscopy, which is revolutionizing our ability to characterize life remotely. Part 3 takes on an overarching issue for any effort to globalize biodiversity observations, the issue of scale. It addresses scale from two perspectives. The first is that of combining observations across varying spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions for better understanding—that is, what scales and how. This is an area of ongoing research driven by a confluence of innovations in observation systems and rising computational capacity. The second is the organizational side of the scaling challenge. It explores existing frameworks for integrating multi-scale observations within global networks. The focus here is on what practical steps can be taken to organize multi-scale data and what is already happening in this regard. These frameworks include essential biodiversity variables and the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON). This book constitutes an end-to-end guide uniting the latest in research and techniques to cover the theory and practice of the remote sensing of plant biodiversity. In putting it together, the editors and their coauthors, all preeminent in their fields, have done a great service for those seeking to understand and conserve life on Earth—just when we need it most. For if the world is ever to construct a coordinated response to the planetwide crisis of biodiversity loss, it must first assemble adequate—and global—measures of what we are losing

    Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity

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    This Open Access volume aims to methodologically improve our understanding of biodiversity by linking disciplines that incorporate remote sensing, and uniting data and perspectives in the fields of biology, landscape ecology, and geography. The book provides a framework for how biodiversity can be detected and evaluated—focusing particularly on plants—using proximal and remotely sensed hyperspectral data and other tools such as LiDAR. The volume, whose chapters bring together a large cross-section of the biodiversity community engaged in these methods, attempts to establish a common language across disciplines for understanding and implementing remote sensing of biodiversity across scales. The first part of the book offers a potential basis for remote detection of biodiversity. An overview of the nature of biodiversity is described, along with ways for determining traits of plant biodiversity through spectral analyses across spatial scales and linking spectral data to the tree of life. The second part details what can be detected spectrally and remotely. Specific instrumentation and technologies are described, as well as the technical challenges of detection and data synthesis, collection and processing. The third part discusses spatial resolution and integration across scales and ends with a vision for developing a global biodiversity monitoring system. Topics include spectral and functional variation across habitats and biomes, biodiversity variables for global scale assessment, and the prospects and pitfalls in remote sensing of biodiversity at the global scale