15 research outputs found

    Manifestation of ocular-muscle EMG contamination in human intracranial recordings

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    It is widely assumed that intracranial recordings from the brain are only minimally affected by contamination due to ocular-muscle electromyogram (oEMG). Here we show that this is not always the case. In intracranial recordings from five surgical epilepsy patients we observed that eye movements caused a transient biphasic potential at the onset of a saccade, resembling the saccadic spike potential commonly seen in scalp EEG, accompanied by an increase in broadband power between 20 and 200 Hz. Using concurrently recorded eye movements and high-density intracranial EEG (iEEG) we developed a detailed overview of the spatial distribution and temporal characteristics of the saccade-related oculomotor signal within recordings from ventral, medial and lateral temporal cortex. The occurrence of the saccadic spike was not explained solely by reference contact location, and was observed near the temporal pole for small (< 2 deg) amplitude saccades and over a broad area for larger saccades. We further examined the influence of saccade-related oEMG contamination on measurements of spectral power and interchannel coherence. Contamination manifested in both spectral power and coherence measurements, in particular, over the anterior half of the ventral and medial temporal lobe. Next, we compared methods for removing the contaminating signal and found that nearest-neighbor bipolar re-referencing and ICA filtering were effective for suppressing oEMG at locations far from the orbits, but tended to leave some residual contamination at the temporal pole. Finally, we show that genuine cortical broadband gamma responses observed in averaged data from ventral temporal cortex can bear a striking similarity in time course and band-width to oEMG contamination recorded at more anterior locations. We conclude that eye movement-related contamination should be ruled out when reporting high gamma responses in human intracranial recordings, especially those obtained near anterior and medial temporal lobe

    Rapid Amygdala Gamma Oscillations in Response to Eye Gaze

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    Background: The eye gaze of other individuals conveys important social information and can trigger multiple psychological activities; some of which, such as emotional reactions and attention orienting, occur very rapidly. Although some neuroscientific evidence has suggested that the amygdala may be involved in such rapid gaze processing, no evidence has been reported concerning the speed at which the amygdala responds to eye gaze. Methodology/Principal Findings: To investigate this issue, we recorded electrical activity within the amygdala of six subjects using intracranial electrodes. Subjects observed images of eyes and mosaics pointing in averted and straight directions. The amygdala showed higher gamma-band oscillations for eye gaze than for mosaics, which peaked at 200 ms regardless of the direction of the gaze. Conclusion: These results indicate that the human amygdala rapidly processes eye gaze

    A Novel Method for Reducing the Effect of Tonic Muscle Activity on the Gamma Band of the Scalp EEG

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    Neural oscillations in the gamma band are of increasing interest, but separating them from myogenic electrical activity has proved difficult. A novel algorithm has been developed to reduce the effect of tonic scalp and neck muscle activity on the gamma band of the EEG. This uses mathematical modelling to fit individual muscle spikes and then subtracts them from the data. The method was applied to the detection of motor associated gamma in two separate groups of eight subjects using different sampling rates. A reproducible increase in high gamma (65–85 Hz) magnitude occurred immediately after the motor action in the left central area (p = 0.02 and p = 0.0002 for the two cohorts with individually optimized algorithm parameters, compared to p = 0.03 and p = 0.16 before correction). Whilst the magnitude of this event-related gamma synchronisation was not reduced by the application of the EMG reduction algorithm, the baseline left central gamma magnitude was significantly reduced by an average of 23 % with a faster sampling rate (p < 0.05). In comparison, at left and right temporo-parietal locations the gamma amplitude was reduced by 60 and 54 % respectively (p < 0.05). The reduction of EMG contamination by fitting and subtraction of individual spikes shows promise as a method of improving the signal to noise ratio of high frequency neural oscillations in scalp EEG

    Intracranial high-Îł connectivity distinguishes wakefulness from sleep.

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    Neural synchrony in the γ-band is considered a fundamental process in cortical computation and communication and it has also been proposed as a crucial correlate of consciousness. However, the latter claim remains inconclusive, mainly due to methodological limitations, such as the spectral constraints of scalp-level electroencephalographic recordings or volume-conduction confounds. Here, we circumvented these caveats by comparing γ-band connectivity between two global states of consciousness via intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG), which provides the most reliable measurements of high-frequency activity in the human brain. Non-REM Sleep recordings were compared to passive-wakefulness recordings of the same duration in three subjects with surgically implanted electrodes. Signals were analyzed through the weighted Phase Lag Index connectivity measure and relevant graph theory metrics. We found that connectivity in the high-γ range (90-120 Hz), as well as relevant graph theory properties, were higher during wakefulness than during sleep and discriminated between conditions better than any other canonical frequency band. Our results constitute the first report of iEEG differences between wakefulness and sleep in the high-γ range at both local and distant sites, highlighting the utility of this technique in the search for the neural correlates of global states of consciousness

    Neural activity in the human anterior thalamus during natural vision

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    In natural vision humans and other primates explore environment by active sensing, using saccadic eye movements to relocate the fovea and sample different bits of information multiple times per second. Saccades induce a phase reset of ongoing neuronal oscillations in primary and higher-order visual cortices and in the medial temporal lobe. As a result, neuron ensembles are shifted to a common state at the time visual input propagates through the system (i.e., just after fixation). The extent of the brain’s circuitry that is modulated by saccades is not yet known. Here, we evaluate the possibility that saccadic phase reset impacts the anterior nuclei of the thalamus (ANT). Using recordings in the human thalamus of three surgical patients during natural vision, we found that saccades and visual stimulus onset both modulate neural activity, but with distinct field potential morphologies. Specifically, we found that fixation-locked field potentials had a component that preceded saccade onset. It was followed by an early negativity around 50 ms after fixation onset which is significantly faster than any response to visual stimulus presentation. The timing of these events suggests that the ANT is predictively modulated before the saccadic eye movement. We also found oscillatory phase concentration, peaking at 3–4 Hz, coincident with suppression of Broadband High-frequency Activity (BHA; 80–180 Hz), both locked to fixation onset supporting the idea that neural oscillations in these nuclei are reorganized to a low excitability state right after fixation onset. These findings show that during real-world natural visual exploration neural dynamics in the human ANT is influenced by visual and oculomotor events, which supports the idea that ANT, apart from their contribution to episodic memory, also play a role in natural vision

    The Effect of Common Signals on Power, Coherence and Granger Causality: Theoretical Review, Simulations, and Empirical Analysis of Fruit Fly LFPs Data

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    When analyzing neural data it is important to consider the limitations of the particular experimental setup. An enduring issue in the context of electrophysiology is the presence of common signals. For example a non-silent reference electrode adds a common signal across all recorded data and this adversely affects functional and effective connectivity analysis. To address the common signals problem, a number of methods have been proposed, but relatively few detailed investigations have been carried out. As a result, our understanding of how common signals affect neural connectivity estimation is incomplete. For example, little is known about recording preparations involving high spatial-resolution electrodes, used in linear array recordings. We address this gap through a combination of theoretical review, simulations, and empirical analysis of local field potentials recorded from the brains of fruit flies. We demonstrate how a framework that jointly analyzes power, coherence, and quantities based on Granger causality reveals the presence of common signals. We further show that subtracting spatially adjacent signals (bipolar derivations) largely removes the effects of the common signals. However, in some special cases this operation itself introduces a common signal. We also show that Granger causality is adversely affected by common signals and that a quantity referred to as “instantaneous interaction” is increased in the presence of common signals. The theoretical review, simulation, and empirical analysis we present can readily be adapted by others to investigate the nature of the common signals in their data. Our contributions improve our understanding of how common signals affect power, coherence, and Granger causality and will help reduce the misinterpretation of functional and effective connectivity analysis