5,573 research outputs found

    Analysis of purchasing activity with discounted cash flow inventory models = Beszerzési tevékenység elemzése diszkontált pénzáramlású készletmodellel

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    A klasszikus tételnagyság probléma két fontosabb készletezési költséget ragad meg: rendelési és készlettartási költségek. Ebben a dolgozatban a vállalatok készpénz áramlásának a beszerzési tevékenységre gyakorolt hatását vizsgáljuk. Ebben az elemzésben a készpénzáramlási egyenlőséget használjuk, amely nagyban emlékeztet a készletegyenletekre. Eljárásunkban a beszerzési és rendelési folyamatot diszkontálva vizsgáljuk. A költségfüggvény lineáris készpénztartási, a pénzkiadás haszonlehetőség és lineáris kamatköltségből áll. Bemutatjuk a vizsgált modell optimális megoldását. Az optimális megoldást egy számpéldával illusztráljuk. = The classical economic order quantity model has two types of costs: ordering and inventory holding costs. In this paper we try to investigate the effect of purchasing activity on cash flow of a firm. In the examinations we use a cash flow identity similar to that of in inventory modeling. In our approach we analyze the purchasing and ordering process with discounted costs. The cost function of the model consists of linear cash holding, linear opportunity cost of spending cash, and linear interest costs. We show the optimal solution of the proposed model. The optimal solutions will be presented by numerical examples

    Prenatally Diagnosed Uropathies: Ten Years of Follow-Up

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    Introdução: As anomalias do tracto urinário são detectadas com uma frequência cada vez maior devido à sistematização da vigilância ecográfica durante a gravidez aliada à sofisticação técnica e à experiência dos ecografistas. Objectivo: Analisar os principais diagnósticos pós-natais investigados na sequência do estudo evolutivo prolongado das uropatias fetais seguidas no ambulatório da nefrologia pediátrica do Hospital de Dona Estefânia. Doentes e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos 392 casos de uropatia fetal observados num período de dez anos e submetidos ao protocolo de investigação em uso na unidade. Resultados: O estudo inclui 362 casos; excluímos 30 processos que não completaram a investigação. A relação sexo masculino: feminino foi de 2: 1. O diagnóstico pré-natal foi realizado em média às 28.9 semanas e a idade média de admissão foi de 68 dias. No estudo evolutivo pós-natal verificou-se a formulação de um diagnóstico definitivo em 349 (96.4%) das crianças. Em 109 crianças (30%) a anomalia fetal foi transitória. Em 75 (20.7%) a dilatação era funcional. Confirmou-se a existência de uropatia em 165/362 crianças: refluxo vesico-ureteral 70/165 (42.4%), displasia multiquística 21%, síndroma da junção pielo-ureteral 16.4%, entre os principais. Nenhum caso evoluiu para insuficiência renal e há a registar, apenas, um caso de hipertensão arterial por poliquistose renal. Conclusão: A planificação da investigação pós-natal reveste-se ainda de alguma controvérsia e continua a evoluir principalmente no grupo das anomalias unilaterais e assintomáticas


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    Kota Bandung yang merupakan pusat kegiatan dari Metropolitan Bandung Raya yang terdiri atas 5 kabupaten atau kota, sehingga meningkatkan dengan daya tarik di Kota Bandung itu sendiiri terhadap wilayah sekitarnya yang menyebabkan jumlah kendaraan yang masuk dari luar kota (khususnya di daerah soreang, bojongsoang dan banjaran) ke Kota Bandung untuk bekerja sehingga mengakibatkan kemacetan yang parah (Karena rata-rata kendaraan yang masuk di Kota Bandung itu sendiri adalah kendaraan pribadi Menurut data TC kendaraan yang masuk ke Kota Bandung untuk peak hours Moch. Toha sebanyak 3905 unit dan di ruas jalan buah batu sebanyak 5761 unit kendaraan pola perjalanan pola perjalan yang menuju pusat Kota Bandung itu sebesar 32,2% bekerja, 26,3% mengunjungi keluarga, 10,6% bersekolah dan 14,4% lainnya Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk Merumuskan konsep remote parking untuk melayani pergerakan komuter di Metropolitan Bandung Raya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa lokasi remote parking yang diinginkan komuter itu lebih dekat dengan perbatasan antara Kabupaten Bandung dengan Kota Bandung, dan untuk komuter yang menggunakan konsep Remote Parking itu menggunakan moda transportasi bus untuk sampai ke tujuan komuter itu sendiri sedangkan manfaan yang didapatkan dari adanya remote parking itu utuk tingkat pelayanan jalan yang dilalui oleh komuter rata-rata mengalami penurunan VCR sebesar 0,1 sampai 0,6 dan untuk penurunan panajng antrian kendaraan pada koridor terpilih itu sebesai 61 m sampai dengan 249 m. Kata Kunci: Transport Demand Menegement, Konsep Remote Parking, Komute


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    In this study an improved Ali Baba and the forty thieves Optimizer (IAFT) is proposed and successfully adapted and applied to enhance the technical performances of radial distribution network (RDN). The standard AFT governed by two sensible parameters to balance the exploration and the exploitation stages. In the proposed variant a modification is introduced using sine and cosine functions to create flexible balance between Intensification and diversification during search process. The proposed variant namely IAFT applied to solve various single and combined objective functions such as the improvement of total power losses (TPL), the minimization of total voltage deviation and the maximization of the loading capacity (LC) under fixed load and considering the random aspect of loads. The exchange of active powers is elaborated by integration of multi distribution generation based photovoltaic systems (PV), otherwise the optimal management of reactive power is achieved by the installation of multi DSTATCOM. The efficiency and robustness of the proposed variant validated on two RDN, the 33-Bus and the 69-Bus. The qualities of objective functions achieved and the statistical analysis elaborated compared to results achieved using several recent metaheuristic methods demonstrate the competitive aspect of the proposed IAFT in solving with accuracy various practical problems related to optimal power management of RDN

    Design and Implementation of a Monastery Management Information system

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    摘要 自东汉佛教传入我国,迄今已有两千年的历史,期间已形成一套完整的寺院管理制度。随着当今社会的进步和发展,这些古老的管理制度在当今佛教寺院执行过程中积累了一些问题牵制了佛教现代化的进程。寺院是教义传播的基础,也是出家人和信徒的根本所依,现代化的管理向寺院延伸是现代寺院发展的必然趋势,也是寺院与时俱进的迫切需求。 本论文以藏传佛教为背景,以青海藏区寺院为对象,探讨如何对寺院日常事务进行系统化的管理。现如今藏区大部分寺院的条件相比于内地寺院各方面发展仍然比较落后,尤其是藏传佛教的寺院由于历史、风水等原因,大部分都建立在交通不便、信息闭塞的大山里,这对于寺院的发展是个较为严重的弊端,虽然现阶段...Abstract Buddhism was introduced into China from the Eastern Han Dynasty. During the two thousand years it has formed a complete set of monastery management system.With the development and progress of the society,these ancient rules have created some problems in the process of carrying out,which affect the process of the buddhismmodernization.Abbey is not only the basis of the doctrine commu...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323037


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    One of the learning applications that is effectively used in online and offline conditions as it is today is Google Classroom, the purpose of this research is to find out the use, advantages and disadvantages and how to overcome the shortcomings of Google Classroom in learning Islamic religious education and character. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. This research was conducted in class 10. E1 of SMAN 7 Padang with a total of 37 students consisting of 21 boys and 16 girls using research methods in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. The results show that the use of Google Classroom in the subject of Islamic religious education and character is very beneficial, especially for teachers and students, student learning outcomes increase, especially in understanding using technology as a learning medium. The most dominant deficiency was found in several cases of students being lazy in doing assignments, while the advantages were many, saving time, paper and cell phone memory storage. Many teachers describe Google Classroom as a complete learning medium that can contain student absences, materials and assignments. So it can be concluded that the use of Google Classroom as a learning medium is very effective, especially at the high school level.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi google classroom dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam pada masa pandemi covid-19 di kelas IX-1 SMP N 5 Mandau, dengan pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan dari rumah menuntut pendidik harus lebih pandai lagi dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar, maka dari itu google classroom merupakan salah satu media yang banyak digunakan oleh para pendidik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif, sumber data dalam penelitian ini meliputi sumber data premier dan sumber data sekunder, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penganalisisan data dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk penganalisisan data peneliti menggunakan triangulasi sumber yang berbeda. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa, SMP N 5 Mandau sudah menggunakan google classroom sebagai media selama masa pandemi berlangsung, walaupun dalam penggunaan google classroom ini masih terdapat kendala dari berbagai segi dan penggunaan google classroom ini mempermudah proses belajar mengajar pada era pandemic covid-19. &nbsp

    Analysis and Design of Management Information System for Steel Structure Company

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    根据国内互联网技术和信息发展的要求,在新的经济结构调整过程中,作为传统的制造业企业必须实现从离散式生产线向流水性生产线进行改造,实现企业制造的信息化建设,通过实现企业一体化和信息的联通,适应企业未来发展的需要,使信息化建设成为企业战略目标的有效支撑,基于企业目前的组织架构,岗位设置和结合现在运行中的业务流程,结合企业运营的信息流、物流、资金流,通过整理企业各部门的信息化需求,优化整合业务流程,建立信息化数据流的模型,进而消除信息孤岛和实现信息化管理。在设计过程中需要形成详细规整的整体架构与规划,运用软件工程设计知识及多年的钢结构行业经验,在传统的信息管理系统基础上,设计一个更适用于本企业的信息...To realization of intelligent manufacturing and information management, we need to be familiar with the company's future development strategy and business support. Based on current business organizational structure, post setting and combine running business processes, information flow, logistics, capital flow of business operations, sorting through the information needs of enterprises of various d...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223094

    Solitons of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates modulated in space and time

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    In this paper we present soliton solutions of two coupled nonlinear Schodinger equations modulated in the bspace and time. The approach allows us to obatin solitons with large variety of solutions depending on the nonlinearity and the potential profiles. As examples we show three cases with soliton solution in such system, one of them with potential varying between repulsive and attractive behavior and the others with nonlinearity localized and delocalized, respectively.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure