17 research outputs found

    First Person and Third Person Perspective in Virtual Reality: Analysis of Cybersickness Symptoms

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    Advances in technology makes it easier to gain access to the virtual world. This has led to more and more application and games being targeted towards the virtual world. But with the growing popularity of the virtual world, cybersickness has grown in popularity as well. This study aims to evaluate the factors affecting cybersickness in the Virtual Reality (VR) environment. There are few factors causing the effect of cybersickness in VR like duration, field of view, speed, habituation, and susceptibility of said user. Those factors affect differently in first person perspective(1pp) and third person perspective(3pp). To measure the cybersickness, a Virtual Reality Questionnaire (VRSQ) measurement index is utilized. The experiment was conducted with the following settings. The participants consisted of 20 males and 4 females who never used VR before. They performed task using short games. It consisted in total of 4 tasks (2 types of game (action and adventure) x 2 perspective (1pp and 3pp) = 4 tasks). The Latin Square design was used to minimize the effect of order. Then, a questionnaire was conducted after each treatment. Paired Dependent T-Tests was performed to check if there are differences in oculomotor, disorientation and VRSQ total score. There was a significant difference in 1pp and 3pp in both games. It is recommended to use third person perspective to reduce the cybersickness in VR environment

    Embodied virtual geographies:linkages between bodies, spaces, and digital environments

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    Within an ongoing debate about the relationships between the body and technological experiences within virtual reality (VR), there has hitherto been limited consideration of the spatial. Geographers, meanwhile, have only just begun to engage with VR and its spatialities but have paid less attention to its embodiment. The technology allows users to go beyond merely imagining themselves in a different world, creating a real sense of presence in the digital realm. Immersion and presence in VR are, however, a mix of space, embodiment and the digital. As such, any discussion of VR requires critical consideration of both embodiment and space. This paper therefore explores some of the linkages between bodies, spaces and VR to demonstrate how engagement with VR can enrich geographical scholarship

    Advantages of using Virtual Reality as a financial instrument

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    In recent years, the phenomenon of Virtual Reality has been highlighted by most technology-interested persons around the world. The technology allows visualization and interaction with environments, which in real life would be too costly to recreate. At the same time, the banking sector’s ways of presenting financial information are relatively old fashioned and still consist of lists and 2D graphs. This study will examine whether VR can be used by financial actors as an instruments and what the technology can contribute to in economics. The present work will lay the foundation for a VR test environment that will be tested and evaluated by potential users. The design process of the environment will include 1) Investigation phase – flaws in current systems will be identified, meetings with bank representatives and end user identification will be conducted. 2) Idea-generating - through brainstorming, ideas on the design of the environment will be developed. 3) Prototypes - In this phase, prototypes from sketches will be forwarded into 3D simulation which will be developed and evaluated. The prototypes will form the development of the final creation of the environment. 4) Final phase - The final part of the process will include testing on the developed environment and present conclusions as to whether VR has a future in the banking system. The testing will be conducted in two different groups, one with people with financial experience and one with people without economics knowledge. The test embraces a scenario-based model with physical and analytical tasks ending with a feedback survey.Fenomenet Virtual Reality (VR) har dom senaste åren uppmärksammats av de flesta teknikintresserade världen över. Tekniken möjliggör bland annat visualisering och interaktion med miljöer och som i verkligheten skulle bli för kostsamma att återskapa. Samtidigt så står bankernas sätt att presentera finansiell information förhållandevis stilla och utgörs fortfarande av listor och 2D-grafer. I studien kommer det undersökas huruvida VR kan användas av finansiella aktörer som instrument och vad tekniken kan bidra till inom ekonomi. Föreliggande arbete kommer lägga grunden för en VR-testmiljö som kommer att testas och utvärderas av tänkta användare. Designprocessen av miljön kommer att innefatta 1) Definierande fas – då kommer brister i nuvarande system identifieras, möten från bankrepresentanter och identifiering av slutanvändare att genomföras. 2) Idegenererande – genom brainstorming kommer idéer på utformningen av miljön att tas fram. 3) Protyper –I denna fas kommer prototyper i form av skisser vidare fram till 3D-ritningar att tas fram och utvärderas. Prototyperna kommer att lägga grunden till utvecklingen av det slutgiltiga skapandet av miljön. 4) Slutfasen – Sista delen av processen kommer att innehålla testning på den framtagna miljö och presentera slutsatser huruvida VR har en framtid inom bankväsendet. Testningen kommer att genomföras på två olika grupper, en med personer som har ekonomisk erfarenhet och en med personer utan ekonomierfarenheter. Testet anammar en scenariobaserad modell med fysiska och analyserande uppgifter som avslutas med en feedback-enkät

    Yleiskatsaus virtuaalitodellisuuspelien käytettävyysongelmiin

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    Kandidaattitutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia virtuaalitodellisuuteen (VR) liittyviä käytettävyysongelmia virtuaalitodellisuuspelien näkökulmasta, kun peliä pelataan sisäänsä sulkevan visiirin ja ohjainten avulla. Virtuaalitodellisuus on kasvava tekniikan muoto ja täten ihmisten käsitykset sekä suhtautuminen kyseiseen teknologiaan ovat tärkeitä kuluttajatason hyväksymisen kannalta. Yksi merkittävä tekijä positiivisen suhtautumisen muodostumiseen on virtuaalitodellisuuden käytettävyys ja erityisesti se, miten käytettävyys näyttäytyy kuluttajille. Virtuaalitodellisuuspelit ovat kuluttajille lähestyttävä tapa olla vuorovaikutuksessa virtuaalitodellisuuden kanssa, joten niiden tarkastelu on hyvä rajaus aihepiirille. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan niitä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat negatiivisesti virtuaalitodellisuuden käytettävyyteen. Tutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus ja aihepiiriä käsitellään 20 tutkimuksen avulla. Tutkimusjulkaisuista on poimittu monentyyppisiä VR-käyttöön liittyviä ongelmatekijöitä. Tässä tutkielmassa nämä tekijät on lajiteltu kolmeen alaluokkaan: laitetason, sovellustason ja virtuaalitodellisuuden ulkopuolisiin käytettävyysongelmiin. Laitetaso keskittyy fyysisten virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteiden käytettävyysongelmiin, sovellustaso keskittyy virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteiden ohjelmistotason käytettävyysongelmiin ja virtuaalitodellisuuden ulkopuolinen taso keskittyy tekijöihin, jotka eivät suoraan vaikuta virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteisiin, mutta saattavat vaikuttaa muuten negatiivisesti kuluttajien näkemykseen virtuaalitodellisuudesta. Jokaisesta alakategoriasta löytyi useita käytettävyysongelmia. Käytettävyysongelmien tunnistamisen lisäksi tutkielmassa keskustellaan myös potentiaalisista ratkaisumenetelmistä esille tuotuihin käytettävyysongelmiin. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat sen, että virtuaalitodellisuuden käytettävyysongelmat ovat monisäikeinen aihepiiri, jota pystyy tarkastelemaan useasta näkökulmasta. Havaitut ongelmat ovat luonteeltaan erilaisia ja niiden vaikutukset virtuaalitodellisuuden kokonaisuuteen heijastavat tätä käytettävyysongelmien moninaisuutta. Muutamat ongelmista ovat korjattavissa suunnitteluprosessin parantamisella, mutta toiset ongelmat ovat abstraktimpia ja kaipaavat täten luovempia ratkaisuja. Vaikka erityyppisiä käytettävyysongelmia on useita, tarkoituksena on valottaa nykyistä tilannetta ja täten antaa suuntaa sille, mihin tuotekehittäjien tulisi pyrkiä jatkossa parantaakseen virtuaalitodellisuuden käytettävyyttä kuluttajan näkökulmasta

    Virtual reality web application for automotive data visualization

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    Hoje em dia, a indústria de automóveis é uma das maiores empresas económicas em constante desenvolvimento no mundo inteiro. Inúmeras empresas necessitam de dados sobre a condução autónoma para aprender, testar e melhorar ao criar novos veículos. A condução autónoma vai desempenhar um grande papel no futuro, e o nosso objetivo é continuar este constante crescimento ao criar aplicações de visualização de dados que mostram resultados de experiências com veículos autónomos. Atualmente, existe uma aplicação na Altran, para visualizar dados online através do WebGL. No entanto, a visualização dos elementos e a sequência em 3D é confusa e não é compreensível o suficiente, como seria com a ajuda de realidade virtual. Isto acontece porque os elementos são disponibilizados como linhas, de acordo com a distância entre os objetos e o chão, em vez de suas formas reais. Além disto, a infraestrutura de dados pode conter um tamanho abundante de elementos, como nuvens de pontos e trajetórias, e a visualização destes elementos serão exibidos com mais eficácia, usando técnicas de realidade virtual. Isto também complementará a grande variedade atual de ferramentas relacionadas à demonstração de automóveis na Altran, contribuindo para apresentações públicas dentro da empresa. Para fortalecer esta visualização de dados 3D, espera-se criar uma aplicação, com a ajuda de técnicas de realidade virtual. A compatibilidade entre WebGL e WebXR será posta à prova e caso mostre ser bem sucedida, os dados da aplicação anteriormente mencionada serão reutilizados. Além de ser capaz de mostrar os dados necessários, essa nova estrutura de realidade virtual deverá manter as funcionalidades da aplicação WebGL e conter outras, como sustentar diferentes tipos de nuvens de pontos e carregar dados de várias fontes. A usabilidade dos dispositivos de realidade virtual e a sua performance será também avaliada, além de uma comparação detalhada entre ambas as aplicações.Nowadays, the automotive industry is one of the largest and continuously ongoing economic sectors in the world. Countless companies need and look for autonomous driving data to learn and test when creating new motor vehicles. Autonomous driving will play a big role in the future, and we can help continue its constant growth with with data visualization applications that display results of automotive experiments. Currently, there's an application in Altran, to visualize autonomous driving data online using WebGL. However, the showcasing of the elements and the sequence in 3D is confusing and not comprehensible enough, like it would be while using virtual reality. This happens as a result of the elements being displayed as lines according to their distance between the objects and the ground, instead of their real shapes. Since the data infrastructure can contain an abundant size of elements, like point-clouds and trajectories, the visualization of this data will be displayed more efficaciously, using virtual reality techniques. This will also complement the current large variety of tools concerning automotive demonstration in Altran, contributing to related public presentations in the company. To strengthen this 3D data visualization, this project aims to create a VR application that displays autonomous driving data. The compatibility between WebGL and WebXR will be tested, and in case this proves successful, the current structure of the application mentioned above will be reused. Besides being able to show the necessary automotive data, this new virtual reality structure, should maintain the functionalities of the WebGL application and contain extra features, like supporting different types of point-clouds and loading data from multiple sources. The usability of the Virtual Reality devices and its performance will also be evaluated, as well a comparison between the WebGL application

    Ubiquitous volume rendering in the web platform

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    176 p.The main thesis hypothesis is that ubiquitous volume rendering can be achieved using WebGL. The thesis enumerates the challenges that should be met to achieve that goal. The results allow web content developers the integration of interactive volume rendering within standard HTML5 web pages. Content developers only need to declare the X3D nodes that provide the rendering characteristics they desire. In contrast to the systems that provide specific GPU programs, the presented architecture creates automatically the GPU code required by the WebGL graphics pipeline. This code is generated directly from the X3D nodes declared in the virtual scene. Therefore, content developers do not need to know about the GPU.The thesis extends previous research on web compatible volume data structures for WebGL, ray-casting hybrid surface and volumetric rendering, progressive volume rendering and some specific problems related to the visualization of medical datasets. Finally, the thesis contributes to the X3D standard with some proposals to extend and improve the volume rendering component. The proposals are in an advance stage towards their acceptance by the Web3D Consortium

    Virtual Reality Methods

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    ePDF and ePUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Since the mid-2010s, virtual reality (VR) technology has advanced rapidly. This book explores the many opportunities that VR can offer for humanities and social sciences researchers. The book provides a user-friendly, non-technical methods guide to using ready-made VR content and 360° video as well as creating custom materials. It examines the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to using VR, providing helpful, real-world examples of how researchers have used the technology

    Ubiquitous volume rendering in the web platform

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    176 p.The main thesis hypothesis is that ubiquitous volume rendering can be achieved using WebGL. The thesis enumerates the challenges that should be met to achieve that goal. The results allow web content developers the integration of interactive volume rendering within standard HTML5 web pages. Content developers only need to declare the X3D nodes that provide the rendering characteristics they desire. In contrast to the systems that provide specific GPU programs, the presented architecture creates automatically the GPU code required by the WebGL graphics pipeline. This code is generated directly from the X3D nodes declared in the virtual scene. Therefore, content developers do not need to know about the GPU.The thesis extends previous research on web compatible volume data structures for WebGL, ray-casting hybrid surface and volumetric rendering, progressive volume rendering and some specific problems related to the visualization of medical datasets. Finally, the thesis contributes to the X3D standard with some proposals to extend and improve the volume rendering component. The proposals are in an advance stage towards their acceptance by the Web3D Consortium

    Cybersickness e dados fisiológicos : um estudo exploratório

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2020.A indústria dos jogos é a que mais cresce atualmente. O mercado global de jogos foi avaliado em 151,55 bilhões de dólares em 2019 e deve atingir um valor de 256,97 bilhões em 2025. Entre o grande número de gêneros, tecnologias e inovações que a permeiam, uma das mais relevantes é a realidade virtual. No entanto, há grandes dificuldades que os desenvolvedores enfrentam quando tentam entrar nesse mercado. Um dos mais proem- inentes é que muitas pessoas experienciam desconforto ou mal-estar quando expostos à realidade virtual, termo conhecido como cybersickness. Até agora, todavia sem sucesso, muitos pesquisadores tentaram identificar padrões que ajudem a predizer a severidade dos enjoos. Com o objetivo de expandir o conhecimento atual sobre a cybersickness e minimizar a subjetividade dos quantificadores mais utilizados na área, foram conduzidos experimentos práticos com voluntários submetidos à realidade virtual e suas atividades cardíacas e dérmicas foram capturadas (BVP e EDA). Os jogadores foram categorizados (a posteriori) entre aqueles que completaram o experimento (Grupo 1) e aqueles que o interromperam (Grupo 2), visto que a média do score SSQ do segundo grupo foi mais de cinco vezes maior. O Coeficiente de Correlação de Spearman indicou uma correlação positiva relativamente forte (s=0.61, p<0.05) entre o score SSQ do Grupo 2 e o nível tônico (SCL) dos jogadores. A correlação foi fraca (s=0.44, p>0.05) entre os scores e o número de respostas fásicas (picos SCR). As correlações entre os scores SSQ e os demais dados afetivos coletados foram muito próximas de zero (abs(s)0.05).The gaming industry is the fastest growing industry in the world. The global gaming market was valued at USD 151.55 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach a value of USD 256.97 billion by 2025. Among the countless genres, technologies and innovations that permeate it, one of the most relevant today is virtual reality. However, there are major difficulties that developers face when trying to enter this market. One of the most prominent is that many people experience discomfort or malaise when exposed to virtual reality, a term known as cybersickness. So far, however unsuccessfully, many researchers have tried to identify patterns that help to predict the severity of motion sickness. In order to expand current knowledge about cybersickness and minimize the subjectivity of the quantifiers most used in the area, practical experiments were conducted with volunteers submitted to virtual reality, where their physiological data was captured. The players were separated between those who completed the experiment (Group 1) and those who interrupted it (Group 2), since the average SSQ score of the second group was more than five times higher. Spearman’s correlation coefficient indicated a relatively strong positive correlation (s=0.61, p<0.05) between the Group 2 SSQ score and the players’ tonic level (SCL). The correlation was weak (s=0.44, p>0.05) between the scores and the number of phasic responses (SCR peaks), which indicates that cybersickness is more linked to the user’s overall level of arousal. No correlation was found between the SSQ scores and the other affective data collected (abs(s)0.05)