27,680 research outputs found

    Making Metric Temporal Logic Rational

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    We study an extension of MTL in pointwise time with regular expression guarded modality Reg_I(re) where re is a rational expression over subformulae. We study the decidability and expressiveness of this extension (MTL+Ureg+Reg), called RegMTL, as well as its fragment SfrMTL where only star-free rational expressions are allowed. Using the technique of temporal projections, we show that RegMTL has decidable satisfiability by giving an equisatisfiable reduction to MTL. We also identify a subclass MITL+UReg of RegMTL for which our equisatisfiable reduction gives rise to formulae of MITL, yielding elementary decidability. As our second main result, we show a tight automaton-logic connection between SfrMTL and partially ordered (or very weak) 1-clock alternating timed automata

    PDDL2.1: An extension of PDDL for expressing temporal planning domains

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    In recent years research in the planning community has moved increasingly towards application of planners to realistic problems involving both time and many types of resources. For example, interest in planning demonstrated by the space research community has inspired work in observation scheduling, planetary rover ex ploration and spacecraft control domains. Other temporal and resource-intensive domains including logistics planning, plant control and manufacturing have also helped to focus the community on the modelling and reasoning issues that must be confronted to make planning technology meet the challenges of application. The International Planning Competitions have acted as an important motivating force behind the progress that has been made in planning since 1998. The third competition (held in 2002) set the planning community the challenge of handling time and numeric resources. This necessitated the development of a modelling language capable of expressing temporal and numeric properties of planning domains. In this paper we describe the language, PDDL2.1, that was used in the competition. We describe the syntax of the language, its formal semantics and the validation of concurrent plans. We observe that PDDL2.1 has considerable modelling power --- exceeding the capabilities of current planning technology --- and presents a number of important challenges to the research community

    MetTeL: A Generic Tableau Prover.

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    Temporal Data Modeling and Reasoning for Information Systems

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    Temporal knowledge representation and reasoning is a major research field in Artificial Intelligence, in Database Systems, and in Web and Semantic Web research. The ability to model and process time and calendar data is essential for many applications like appointment scheduling, planning, Web services, temporal and active database systems, adaptive Web applications, and mobile computing applications. This article aims at three complementary goals. First, to provide with a general background in temporal data modeling and reasoning approaches. Second, to serve as an orientation guide for further specific reading. Third, to point to new application fields and research perspectives on temporal knowledge representation and reasoning in the Web and Semantic Web

    An Optimal Decision Procedure for MPNL over the Integers

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    Interval temporal logics provide a natural framework for qualitative and quantitative temporal reason- ing over interval structures, where the truth of formulae is defined over intervals rather than points. In this paper, we study the complexity of the satisfiability problem for Metric Propositional Neigh- borhood Logic (MPNL). MPNL features two modalities to access intervals "to the left" and "to the right" of the current one, respectively, plus an infinite set of length constraints. MPNL, interpreted over the naturals, has been recently shown to be decidable by a doubly exponential procedure. We improve such a result by proving that MPNL is actually EXPSPACE-complete (even when length constraints are encoded in binary), when interpreted over finite structures, the naturals, and the in- tegers, by developing an EXPSPACE decision procedure for MPNL over the integers, which can be easily tailored to finite linear orders and the naturals (EXPSPACE-hardness was already known).Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2011, arXiv:1106.081

    Varieties of Cost Functions.

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    Regular cost functions were introduced as a quantitative generalisation of regular languages, retaining many of their equivalent characterisations and decidability properties. For instance, stabilisation monoids play the same role for cost functions as monoids do for regular languages. The purpose of this article is to further extend this algebraic approach by generalising two results on regular languages to cost functions: Eilenberg's varieties theorem and profinite equational characterisations of lattices of regular languages. This opens interesting new perspectives, but the specificities of cost functions introduce difficulties that prevent these generalisations to be straightforward. In contrast, although syntactic algebras can be defined for formal power series over a commutative ring, no such notion is known for series over semirings and in particular over the tropical semiring

    Fuzziness and Funds Allocation in Portfolio Optimization

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    Each individual investor is different, with different financial goals, different levels of risk tolerance and different personal preferences. From the point of view of investment management, these characteristics are often defined as objectives and constraints. Objectives can be the type of return being sought, while constraints include factors such as time horizon, how liquid the investor is, any personal tax situation and how risk is handled. It's really a balancing act between risk and return with each investor having unique requirements, as well as a unique financial outlook - essentially a constrained utility maximization objective. To analyze how well a customer fits into a particular investor class, one investment house has even designed a structured questionnaire with about two-dozen questions that each has to be answered with values from 1 to 5. The questions range from personal background (age, marital state, number of children, job type, education type, etc.) to what the customer expects from an investment (capital protection, tax shelter, liquid assets, etc.). A fuzzy logic system has been designed for the evaluation of the answers to the above questions. We have investigated the notion of fuzziness with respect to funds allocation.Comment: 21 page