33,814 research outputs found


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    Abstract At this time almost all circles have used information technology and technology itself is not something that is foreign to society in general. With the development of technology today, it will be easier for users to fulfill their needs and digital product marketing catalogs. The purpose of this research is to design and implement an augmented reality application of hardware sales catalogs using an android-based magic book. The author uses the Multimedia Development Life Cycle method. The purpose of this study is to design and implement an augmented reality application of hardware sales catalogs using an android-based magic book. The use of magic books to display 3D animated models by reading the marker symbols using the camera. Keywords : Android; Augmented Reality; Marker-based Tracking; Multimedia Developmennt Life Cycle; Unity; Vufori

    D Fusion studio-Proširena stvarnost

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    Proširena stvarnost je virtualno okruženje koje se projicira pomoću markera preko stvarnosti u realnome vremenu. Za njezinu izradu je potrebno izraditi detaljan marker te koristiti razne programe. Sama izrada markera se radi u programu Photoshop. Koristeći razne kistove i efekte treba se dobiti idealni omjer detalja, kontura te svijetlih i tamnih dijelova. D´Fusion studio i Unity u kombinaciji sa Vuforiom su programi koji imaju najmanje invazivan pristup prema korisniku. Sa svojim jednostavnim i intuitivnim sučeljima korisniku se dopušta da više vremena posveti kreativnoj strani projekta. Spajanjem proširene stvarnosti sa stvarnim modelom pokušalo se je stopiti dvije realnosti u jednu. Kako bi te dvije realnosti mogle funkcionirati kao jedna, morao se je izraditi model u stvarnosti jednak virtualnom 3D modelu. Pri pokretanju aplikacije s proširenom stvarnošću očitao se je marker te pri tome zamijenio stvarni objekt s njegovim virtualnim dvojnikom. Uspjeh u izvedbi ove implementacije proširene stvarnosti otvorio je vrata novim idejama i implementacijama. Sa dolaskom novih uređaja za prikaz proširene stvarnosti poput Microsoft Holo Lens i Magic Leap te nadogradnjom programa za izradu i izvedbu, proširena stvarnost će s vremenom dobiti nove načine implementacije.Augmented Reality is a virtual environment that is projected by the marker over reality in real time. For its development is necessary to creating a detailed marker and use a variety of programs. The preparation of markers is done in Photoshop. Using a variety of brushes and effects need to get the ideal ratio of detail, contour, light and dark parts. D'Fusion studio and Unity in combination with Vuforiom are programs that have the least invasive approach to the user. With its simple and intuitive interface user is allowed to devote more time to the creative side of the project. Combining augmented reality with the actual model it was an attempt to merge two realities in one. To these two realities can work as one, it need to be create a model in reality equal to the 3D model. At application launching with the augmented reality marker was readout and the actual object is replace with its virtual counterpart. The success in the performance of this implementation of augmented reality opened the door to new ideas and implementations. With the arrival of new devices for display augmented reality like Microsoft Holo Lens and Magic Leap and upgrading program for the development and performance, augmented reality will eventually get new ways for implementation

    Adaptive User Perspective Rendering for Handheld Augmented Reality

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    Handheld Augmented Reality commonly implements some variant of magic lens rendering, which turns only a fraction of the user's real environment into AR while the rest of the environment remains unaffected. Since handheld AR devices are commonly equipped with video see-through capabilities, AR magic lens applications often suffer from spatial distortions, because the AR environment is presented from the perspective of the camera of the mobile device. Recent approaches counteract this distortion based on estimations of the user's head position, rendering the scene from the user's perspective. To this end, approaches usually apply face-tracking algorithms on the front camera of the mobile device. However, this demands high computational resources and therefore commonly affects the performance of the application beyond the already high computational load of AR applications. In this paper, we present a method to reduce the computational demands for user perspective rendering by applying lightweight optical flow tracking and an estimation of the user's motion before head tracking is started. We demonstrate the suitability of our approach for computationally limited mobile devices and we compare it to device perspective rendering, to head tracked user perspective rendering, as well as to fixed point of view user perspective rendering

    Hearing the Past

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    Recent developments in computer technology are providing historians with new ways to see—and seek to hear, touch, or smell—traces of the past. Place-based augmented reality applications are an increasingly common feature at heritage sites and museums, allowing historians to create immersive, multifaceted learning experiences. Now that computer vision can be directed at the past, research involving thousands of images can recreate lost or destroyed objects or environments, and discern patterns in vast datasets that could not be perceived by the naked eye. Seeing the Past with Computers is a collection of twelve thought-pieces on the current and potential uses of augmented reality and computer vision in historical research, teaching, and presentation. The experts gathered here reflect upon their experiences working with new technologies, share their ideas for best practices, and assess the implications of—and imagine future possibilities for—new methods of historical study. Among the experimental topics they explore are the use of augmented reality that empowers students to challenge the presentation of historical material in their textbooks; the application of seeing computers to unlock unusual cultural knowledge, such as the secrets of vaudevillian stage magic; hacking facial recognition technology to reveal victims of racism in a century-old Australian archive; and rebuilding the soundscape of an Iron Age village with aural augmented reality. This volume is a valuable resource for scholars and students of history and the digital humanities more broadly. It will inspire them to apply innovative methods to open new paths for conducting and sharing their own research

    Magic cards: a new augmented reality approach

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    Augmented reality (AR) commonly uses markers for detection and tracking. Such multimedia applications associate each marker with a virtual 3D model stored in the memory of the camera-equipped device running the application. Application users are limited in their interactions, which require knowing how to design and program 3D objects. This generally prevents them from developing their own entertainment AR applications. The Magic Cards application solves this problem by offering an easy way to create and manage an unlimited number of virtual objects that are encoded on special markers

    Augmented paper maps : design of POI markers and effects on group navigation

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    One popular and wide use of augmented-reality based application, is the projection of points of interests on top of the phones' camera view. In this paper we discuss the implementation of an AR application that acts as a magic lens over printed maps, overlaying POIs and routes. This method expands the information space available to members of groups during navigation, partially mitigating the issue of several group members trying to share a small screen device. We examine two aspects critical to the use of augmented paper maps: (a) Appropriate visualisation of POIs to facilitate selection and (b) augmentation of paper maps with route instructions for use in group situations. In this paper, we evaluate POI visualisation in a lab setting and augmented paper map navigation with groups of real tourists in a preliminary field trial. Our work complements existing literature introducing self-reporting questionnaires to measure affective state and user experience during navigation

    Augmented reality magic mirror in the service sector: experiential consumption and the self

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    Purpose This paper examines what the use of an augmented reality (AR) makeup mirror means to consumers, focusing on experiential consumption and the extended self. Design/methodology/approach The authors employed a multimethod approach involving netnography and semi-structured interviews with participants in India and the UK (n = 30). Findings Two main themes emerged from the data: (1) the importance of imagination and fantasy and (2) the (in)authenticity of the self and the surrounding “reality.” Research limitations/implications This research focuses on AR magic makeup mirror. The authors call for further research on different AR contexts. Practical implications The authors provide service managers with insights on addressing gaps between the perceived service (i.e. AR contexts and the makeup consumption journey) and the conceived service (i.e. fantasies and the extended self). Originality/value The authors examine the lived fantasy experiences of AR experiential consumption. In addition, the authors reveal a novel understanding of the extended self as temporarily re-envisioned through the AR mirror
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