34 research outputs found

    Машинное понимание текстов естественного языка: онтологическая парадигма

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    Выполнен сравнительный анализ двух принципиально разных подходов к семантической обработке текстов и дискурсов: логическая интерпретация и онтологический анализ. В зависимости от семантической сложности текста устанавливается сфера применимости каждого направления. Подробно рассматривается метод онтологического анализа, который опирается на систему знаний и формализованную категорию «смысл». Уточняется понятие «машинное понимание текстов ЕЯ».Зроблено порівняльний аналіз двох принципово різних підходів до семантичної обробки текстів та дискурсів: логічна інтерпретація і онтологічний аналіз. Залежно від семантичної складності тексту встановлюється сфера вживання кожного напрямку. Детально розглядається метод онтологічного аналізу, що спирається на систему знань та формалізовану категорію «смисл». Уточнюється поняття «машинне розуміння текстів природної мови».The comparative analysis of two essentially different approaches to semantic processing texts and discources is executed: logical interpretation and ontological analysis. Depending on semantic complexity of text the sphere of applicability of each direction is established. The ontological analysis method which leans on knowledge representation system and the new formalized category “the ontological sens” is in detail considered. The concept “machine understanding” of natural language texts is constructively determined

    Contextual Media Retrieval Using Natural Language Queries

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    The widespread integration of cameras in hand-held and head-worn devices as well as the ability to share content online enables a large and diverse visual capture of the world that millions of users build up collectively every day. We envision these images as well as associated meta information, such as GPS coordinates and timestamps, to form a collective visual memory that can be queried while automatically taking the ever-changing context of mobile users into account. As a first step towards this vision, in this work we present Xplore-M-Ego: a novel media retrieval system that allows users to query a dynamic database of images and videos using spatio-temporal natural language queries. We evaluate our system using a new dataset of real user queries as well as through a usability study. One key finding is that there is a considerable amount of inter-user variability, for example in the resolution of spatial relations in natural language utterances. We show that our retrieval system can cope with this variability using personalisation through an online learning-based retrieval formulation.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Синтаксичний аналізатор як засіб машинного розуміння природної мови

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    This article discusses the features of design and implementation of a tool for machine understanding of natural language texts and presents the results obtained. The main purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of applicability of modern approaches and paradigms of parsing to design Russian language text parse. Following the results of the study, we have developed a prototype, which is based on the proposed logical-linguistic model of textual information and which uses grammar of relationships for categories of elements of language structures. The prototype provides a formal representation of textual information in natural language in the form of the dependencies tree without using the parsing. The features of realization include the separation of a module of text processing to prepare it for parsing by pre-segmentation and tokenization, and the solution of the problem of morphological homonymy by choosing among possible grammatical forms the one, which provides the maximum composition of the dependencies tree. The results can be used to design a comprehensive system of the machine translationСтатья посвящена вопросам машинного понимания текстов на естественном языке. При этом были рассмотрены особенности проектирования и практической реализации синтаксического текстового анализатора русского языка и даны краткие сведения о методах, положенные в основу его функционирования. К особенностям реализации можно отнести использование грамматики зависимостей для определения категорий элементов языковых структурСтаття присвячена питанням машинного розуміння текстів на природній мові. При цьому були розглянуті особливості проектування та практичної реалізації синтаксичного текстового аналізатору російської мови та дано короткі відомості про методи, покладені в основу його функціонування. До особливостей реалізації можна віднести використання грамматики залежностей для визначення категорій елементів мовних структу

    Structuring an event ontology for disease outbreak detection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This paper describes the design of an event ontology being developed for application in the machine understanding of infectious disease-related events reported in natural language text. This event ontology is designed to support timely detection of disease outbreaks and rapid judgment of their alerting status by 1) bridging a gap between layman's language used in disease outbreak reports and public health experts' deep knowledge, and 2) making multi-lingual information available.</p> <p>Construction and content</p> <p>This event ontology integrates a model of experts' knowledge for disease surveillance, and at the same time sets of linguistic expressions which denote disease-related events, and formal definitions of events. In this ontology, rather general event classes, which are suitable for application to language-oriented tasks such as recognition of event expressions, are placed on the upper-level, and more specific events of the experts' interest are in the lower level. Each class is related to other classes which represent participants of events, and linked with multi-lingual synonym sets and axioms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We consider that the design of the event ontology and the methodology introduced in this paper are applicable to other domains which require integration of natural language information and machine support for experts to assess them. The first version of the ontology, with about 40 concepts, will be available in March 2008.</p

    MultiModal semantic representation

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    Developing Intelligent MultiMedia applications

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    Nonprocedural Communication between Users and Application Software

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    This report is a survey of nonprocedural communication between users and application software in interactive data-processing systems. It includes a description of the main features of interactive systems, a classification of the potential users of application software, and a definition of the nonprocedural interface. Nonprocedural languages are classified into a number of broad groups and illustrated with examples. Finally, future trends in user-computer interfaces and possible developments in manager-oriented languages are discussed

    The algebra of lexical semantics

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    Abstract. The current generative theory of the lexicon relies primar-ily on tools from formal language theory and mathematical logic. Here we describe how a different formal apparatus, taken from algebra and automata theory, resolves many of the known problems with the gener-ative lexicon. We develop a finite state theory of word meaning based on machines in the sense of Eilenberg [11], a formalism capable of de-scribing discrepancies between syntactic type (lexical category) and se-mantic type (number of arguments). This mechanism is compared both to the standard linguistic approaches and to the formalisms developed in AI/KR. 1 Problem Statement In developing a formal theory of lexicography our starting point will be the informal practice of lexicography, rather than the more immediately related for-mal theories of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Knowledge Representation (KR). Lexicography is a relatively mature field, with centuries of work experience an