34 research outputs found

    Image-Based Query by Example Using MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors

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    This project presents the design and implementation of a Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system where queries are formulated by visual examples through a graphical interface. Visual descriptors and similarity measures implemented in this work followed mainly those defined in the MPEG-7 standard although, when necessary, extensions are proposed. Despite the fact that this is an image-based system, all the proposed descriptors have been implemented for both image and region queries, allowing the future system upgrade to support region-based queries. This way, even a contour shape descriptor has been developed, which has no sense for the whole image. The system has been assessed on different benchmark databases; namely, MPEG-7 Common Color Dataset, and Corel Dataset. The evaluation has been performed for isolated descriptors as well as for combinations of them. The strategy studied in this work to gather the information obtained from the whole set of computed descriptors is weighting the rank list for each isolated descriptor

    Image-Based Query by Example Using MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors

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    This project presents the design and implementation of a Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system where queries are formulated by visual examples through a graphical interface. Visual descriptors and similarity measures implemented in this work followed mainly those defined in the MPEG-7 standard although, when necessary, extensions are proposed. Despite the fact that this is an image-based system, all the proposed descriptors have been implemented for both image and region queries, allowing the future system upgrade to support region-based queries. This way, even a contour shape descriptor has been developed, which has no sense for the whole image. The system has been assessed on different benchmark databases; namely, MPEG-7 Common Color Dataset, and Corel Dataset. The evaluation has been performed for isolated descriptors as well as for combinations of them. The strategy studied in this work to gather the information obtained from the whole set of computed descriptors is weighting the rank list for each isolated descriptor

    Exploring the effectiveness of similarity-based visualisations for colour-based image retrieval

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    In April 2009, Google Images added a filter for narrowing search results by colour. Several other systems for searching image databases by colour were also released around this time. These colour-based image retrieval systems enable users to search image databases either by selecting colours from a graphical palette (i.e., query-by-colour), by drawing a representation of the colour layout sought (i.e., query-by-sketch), or both. It was comments left by readers of online articles describing these colour-based image retrieval systems that provided us with the inspiration for this research. We were surprised to learn that the underlying query-based technology used in colour-based image retrieval systems today remains remarkably similar to that of systems developed nearly two decades ago. Discovering this ageing retrieval approach, as well as uncovering a large user demographic requiring image search by colour, made us eager to research more effective approaches for colour-based image retrieval. In this thesis, we detail two user studies designed to compare the effectiveness of systems adopting similarity-based visualisations, query-based approaches, or a combination of both, for colour-based image retrieval. In contrast to query-based approaches, similarity-based visualisations display and arrange database images so that images with similar content are located closer together on screen than images with dissimilar content. This removes the need for queries, as users can instead visually explore the database using interactive navigation tools to retrieve images from the database. As we found existing evaluation approaches to be unreliable, we describe how we assessed and compared systems adopting similarity-based visualisations, query-based approaches, or both, meaningfully and systematically using our Mosaic Test - a user-based evaluation approach in which evaluation study participants complete an image mosaic of a predetermined target image using the colour-based image retrieval system under evaluation

    The Optimisation of Elementary and Integrative Content-Based Image Retrieval Techniques

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    Image retrieval plays a major role in many image processing applications. However, a number of factors (e.g. rotation, non-uniform illumination, noise and lack of spatial information) can disrupt the outputs of image retrieval systems such that they cannot produce the desired results. In recent years, many researchers have introduced different approaches to overcome this problem. Colour-based CBIR (content-based image retrieval) and shape-based CBIR were the most commonly used techniques for obtaining image signatures. Although the colour histogram and shape descriptor have produced satisfactory results for certain applications, they still suffer many theoretical and practical problems. A prominent one among them is the well-known “curse of dimensionality “. In this research, a new Fuzzy Fusion-based Colour and Shape Signature (FFCSS) approach for integrating colour-only and shape-only features has been investigated to produce an effective image feature vector for database retrieval. The proposed technique is based on an optimised fuzzy colour scheme and robust shape descriptors. Experimental tests were carried out to check the behaviour of the FFCSS-based system, including sensitivity and robustness of the proposed signature of the sampled images, especially under varied conditions of, rotation, scaling, noise and light intensity. To further improve retrieval efficiency of the devised signature model, the target image repositories were clustered into several groups using the k-means clustering algorithm at system runtime, where the search begins at the centres of each cluster. The FFCSS-based approach has proven superior to other benchmarked classic CBIR methods, hence this research makes a substantial contribution towards corresponding theoretical and practical fronts

    Contributions to the Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Pictorial Queris

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    L'accés massiu a les càmeres digitals, els ordinadors personals i a Internet, ha propiciat la creació de grans volums de dades en format digital. En aquest context, cada vegada adquireixen major rellevància totes aquelles eines dissenyades per organitzar la informació i facilitar la seva cerca.Les imatges són un cas particular de dades que requereixen tècniques específiques de descripció i indexació. L'àrea de la visió per computador encarregada de l'estudi d'aquestes tècniques rep el nom de Recuperació d'Imatges per Contingut, en anglès Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). Els sistemes de CBIR no utilitzen descripcions basades en text sinó que es basen en característiques extretes de les pròpies imatges. En contrast a les més de 6000 llengües parlades en el món, les descripcions basades en característiques visuals representen una via d'expressió universal.La intensa recerca en el camp dels sistemes de CBIR s'ha aplicat en àrees de coneixement molt diverses. Així doncs s'han desenvolupat aplicacions de CBIR relacionades amb la medicina, la protecció de la propietat intel·lectual, el periodisme, el disseny gràfic, la cerca d'informació en Internet, la preservació dels patrimoni cultural, etc. Un dels punts importants d'una aplicació de CBIR resideix en el disseny de les funcions de l'usuari. L'usuari és l'encarregat de formular les consultes a partir de les quals es fa la cerca de les imatges. Nosaltres hem centrat l'atenció en aquells sistemes en què la consulta es formula a partir d'una representació pictòrica. Hem plantejat una taxonomia dels sistemes de consulta en composada per quatre paradigmes diferents: Consulta-segons-Selecció, Consulta-segons-Composició-Icònica, Consulta-segons-Esboç i Consulta-segons-Il·lustració. Cada paradigma incorpora un nivell diferent en el potencial expressiu de l'usuari. Des de la simple selecció d'una imatge, fins a la creació d'una il·lustració en color, l'usuari és qui pren el control de les dades d'entrada del sistema. Al llarg dels capítols d'aquesta tesi hem analitzat la influència que cada paradigma de consulta exerceix en els processos interns d'un sistema de CBIR. D'aquesta manera també hem proposat un conjunt de contribucions que hem exemplificat des d'un punt de vista pràctic mitjançant una aplicació final

    Exploring the effectiveness of similarity-based visualisations for colour-based image retrieval

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    In April 2009, Google Images added a filter for narrowing search results by colour. Several other systems for searching image databases by colour were also released around this time. These colour-based image retrieval systems enable users to search image databases either by selecting colours from a graphical palette (i.e., query-by-colour), by drawing a representation of the colour layout sought (i.e., query-by-sketch), or both. It was comments left by readers of online articles describing these colour-based image retrieval systems that provided us with the inspiration for this research. We were surprised to learn that the underlying query-based technology used in colour-based image retrieval systems today remains remarkably similar to that of systems developed nearly two decades ago. Discovering this ageing retrieval approach, as well as uncovering a large user demographic requiring image search by colour, made us eager to research more effective approaches for colour-based image retrieval. In this thesis, we detail two user studies designed to compare the effectiveness of systems adopting similarity-based visualisations, query-based approaches, or a combination of both, for colour-based image retrieval. In contrast to query-based approaches, similarity-based visualisations display and arrange database images so that images with similar content are located closer together on screen than images with dissimilar content. This removes the need for queries, as users can instead visually explore the database using interactive navigation tools to retrieve images from the database. As we found existing evaluation approaches to be unreliable, we describe how we assessed and compared systems adopting similarity-based visualisations, query-based approaches, or both, meaningfully and systematically using our Mosaic Test - a user-based evaluation approach in which evaluation study participants complete an image mosaic of a predetermined target image using the colour-based image retrieval system under evaluation.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Contributions to the content-based image retrieval using pictorial queries

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    Descripció del recurs: el 02 de novembre de 2010L'accés massiu a les càmeres digitals, els ordinadors personals i a Internet, ha propiciat la creació de grans volums de dades en format digital. En aquest context, cada vegada adquireixen major rellevància totes aquelles eines dissenyades per organitzar la informació i facilitar la seva cerca. Les imatges són un cas particular de dades que requereixen tècniques específiques de descripció i indexació. L'àrea de la visió per computador encarregada de l'estudi d'aquestes tècniques rep el nom de Recuperació d'Imatges per Contingut, en anglès Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). Els sistemes de CBIR no utilitzen descripcions basades en text sinó que es basen en característiques extretes de les pròpies imatges. En contrast a les més de 6000 llengües parlades en el món, les descripcions basades en característiques visuals representen una via d'expressió universal. La intensa recerca en el camp dels sistemes de CBIR s'ha aplicat en àrees de coneixement molt diverses. Així doncs s'han desenvolupat aplicacions de CBIR relacionades amb la medicina, la protecció de la propietat intel·lectual, el periodisme, el disseny gràfic, la cerca d'informació en Internet, la preservació dels patrimoni cultural, etc. Un dels punts importants d'una aplicació de CBIR resideix en el disseny de les funcions de l'usuari. L'usuari és l'encarregat de formular les consultes a partir de les quals es fa la cerca de les imatges. Nosaltres hem centrat l'atenció en aquells sistemes en què la consulta es formula a partir d'una representació pictòrica. Hem plantejat una taxonomia dels sistemes de consulta en composada per quatre paradigmes diferents: Consulta-segons-Selecció, Consulta-segons-Composició-Icònica, Consulta-segons-Esboç i Consulta-segons-Il·lustració. Cada paradigma incorpora un nivell diferent en el potencial expressiu de l'usuari. Des de la simple selecció d'una imatge, fins a la creació d'una il·lustració en color, l'usuari és qui pren el control de les dades d'entrada del sistema. Al llarg dels capítols d'aquesta tesi hem analitzat la influència que cada paradigma de consulta exerceix en els processos interns d'un sistema de CBIR. D'aquesta manera també hem proposat un conjunt de contribucions que hem exemplificat des d'un punt de vista pràctic mitjançant una aplicació final

    Feature based dynamic intra-video indexing

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWith the advent of digital imagery and its wide spread application in all vistas of life, it has become an important component in the world of communication. Video content ranging from broadcast news, sports, personal videos, surveillance, movies and entertainment and similar domains is increasing exponentially in quantity and it is becoming a challenge to retrieve content of interest from the corpora. This has led to an increased interest amongst the researchers to investigate concepts of video structure analysis, feature extraction, content annotation, tagging, video indexing, querying and retrieval to fulfil the requirements. However, most of the previous work is confined within specific domain and constrained by the quality, processing and storage capabilities. This thesis presents a novel framework agglomerating the established approaches from feature extraction to browsing in one system of content based video retrieval. The proposed framework significantly fills the gap identified while satisfying the imposed constraints of processing, storage, quality and retrieval times. The output entails a framework, methodology and prototype application to allow the user to efficiently and effectively retrieved content of interest such as age, gender and activity by specifying the relevant query. Experiments have shown plausible results with an average precision and recall of 0.91 and 0.92 respectively for face detection using Haar wavelets based approach. Precision of age ranges from 0.82 to 0.91 and recall from 0.78 to 0.84. The recognition of gender gives better precision with males (0.89) compared to females while recall gives a higher value with females (0.92). Activity of the subject has been detected using Hough transform and classified using Hiddell Markov Model. A comprehensive dataset to support similar studies has also been developed as part of the research process. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) providing a friendly and intuitive interface has been integrated into the developed system to facilitate the retrieval process. The comparison results of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) shows that the performance of the system closely resembles with that of the human annotator. The performance has been optimised for time and error rate

    Deliverable D1.1 State of the art and requirements analysis for hypervideo

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    This deliverable presents a state-of-art and requirements analysis report for hypervideo authored as part of the WP1 of the LinkedTV project. Initially, we present some use-case (viewers) scenarios in the LinkedTV project and through the analysis of the distinctive needs and demands of each scenario we point out the technical requirements from a user-side perspective. Subsequently we study methods for the automatic and semi-automatic decomposition of the audiovisual content in order to effectively support the annotation process. Considering that the multimedia content comprises of different types of information, i.e., visual, textual and audio, we report various methods for the analysis of these three different streams. Finally we present various annotation tools which could integrate the developed analysis results so as to effectively support users (video producers) in the semi-automatic linking of hypervideo content, and based on them we report on the initial progress in building the LinkedTV annotation tool. For each one of the different classes of techniques being discussed in the deliverable we present the evaluation results from the application of one such method of the literature to a dataset well-suited to the needs of the LinkedTV project, and we indicate the future technical requirements that should be addressed in order to achieve higher levels of performance (e.g., in terms of accuracy and time-efficiency), as necessary