140 research outputs found

    A review of contemporary techniques for measuring ergonomic wear comfort of protective and sport clothing

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    Protective and sport clothing is governed by protection requirements, performance, and comfort of the user. The comfort and impact performance of protective and sport clothing are typically subjectively measured, and this is a multifactorial and dynamic process. The aim of this review paper is to review the contemporary methodologies and approaches for measuring ergonomic wear comfort, including objective and subjective techniques. Special emphasis is given to the discussion of different methods, such as objective techniques, subjective techniques, and a combination of techniques, as well as a new biomechanical approach called modeling of skin. Literature indicates that there are four main techniques to measure wear comfort: subjective evaluation, objective measurements, a combination of subjective and objective techniques, and computer modeling of human–textile interaction. In objective measurement methods, the repeatability of results is excellent, and quantified results are obtained, but in some cases, such quantified results are quite different from the real perception of human comfort. Studies indicate that subjective analysis of comfort is less reliable than objective analysis because human subjects vary among themselves. Therefore, it can be concluded that a combination of objective and subjective measuring techniques could be the valid approach to model the comfort of textile materials

    Robotic Behavior based on Formal Grammars

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    Formal grammars, studied by N. Chomsky for the definition of equivalence with languages and models of computing, have been a useful tool in the development of compilers, programming languages, natural language processing, automata theory, etc. The words or symbols of these formal languages can denote deduced actions that correspond to specific behaviors of a robotic entity or agent that interacts with an environment. The primary objective of this paper pretend to represent and generate simple behaviors of artificial agents. Reinforcement learning techniques, grammars, and languages, as defined based on the model of the proposed system were applied to the typical case of the ideal route on the problem of artificial ant. The application of such techniques proofs the viability of building robots that might learn through interaction with the environment


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    Abstract. The study describes a new approach methodology to detect and represent emotions from signals measured by an Emotiv EPOC cascade. The developed algorithm aims to obtain an analysis of emotions based on EEG data with interpolation of these using the concepts of the circumplex model. This tool will help in the analysis of emotions produced by the atmosphere of an environment in relation to the position, detected by GPS. In addition, the same algorithm will be used to search for a graphic representation of immediate reading, by means of colour association with the output values obtained, to integrate those of gaze analysis obtained by Pupil Player software and position data

    The Role of Motivation in Assessing Website Credibility: Insights from Eye Tracking

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    A This study examines the role of a website user’s motivation in forming her assessment of the website’s credibility. We applied a dual processing model of website credibility assessment, which posits that motivation determines the extent to which users will critically evaluate website information and later form their credibility impressions of the website. In this paper we examine the relationship between motivation and cognitive processes and how those influence assessments of website credibility. We conducted an experiment using eye tracking technology to gauge the gaze behaviors of website users. We found that motivated users examined information content of the website more tentatively, while non-motivated users evaluated design features of the website more closely. Non-motivated users were inclined to assess the website as more credible. Findings from our study offer strong support for the dual processing model of website credibility

    Interacción hombre - computadora herramientas conceptuales, metodológicas y técnicas

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    El proyecto que se describe forma parte del Programa de Investigación “Herramientas Conceptuales, Metodológicas y Técnicas de la Informática Teórica y Aplicada” actualmente en ejecución en la Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero (UNSE). El subproyecto se centra en la Interacción Hombre-Computador (IHC) y tiene por finalidad diseñar, desarrollar y evaluar herramientas para contribuir a la obtención de Interfases de Usuario (IU) con características de usabilidad, accesibilidad y satisfacción de usuario. Para ello, es necesario alcanzar un mayor entendimiento de los modelos y paradigmas emergentes en el área y comprender la incidencia de los aspectos humanos y culturales en la construcción de las aplicaciones informáticas, en particular las IU. Se prevé la transferencia y difusión de experiencias y resultados del proyecto mediante actividades formales y sistemáticas.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Image-Schematic Metaphors in Software Visualization

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    Software visualization (SoftVis) is widely used to facilitate the process of obtaining an in-depth understanding of complex software systems. SoftVis designers can draw on a wide pool of pre-existing conceptual metaphors that model the abstract target domain to tangible source domains. As regular user-centered design methods do not provide guidance on choosing etaphorical mappings, SoftVis designers choose conceptual metaphors primarily based on their subjective similarity to the underlying data structure. We want to include image-schematic metaphors in the SoftVis design process to provide designers with guidance on choosing visualization metaphors that are also in line with the users' mental model. This could allow SoftVis designers to make more data-driven design decisions and result in SoftVis that provides better insights