136 research outputs found

    Review of LTCC technology for millimeter waves and photonics

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    VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. has developed and utilized Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) technology for about 25 years. This paper presents our activities related to photonics and millimetre-waves, including also a relevant literature survey. First a short summary of the technology is given. Especially, the unique features of LTCC technology are described in more details. In addition, several examples have been given to show the validity of LTCC technology in these high-performance fields

    Review of LTCC Technology for Millimeter Waves and Photonics

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    VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. has developed and utilized Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) technology for about 25 years. This paper presents our activities related to photonics and millimetre-waves, including also a relevant literature survey. First a short summary of the technology is given. Especially, the unique features of LTCC technology are described in more details. In addition, several examples have been given to show the validity of LTCC technology in these high-performance fields

    Packages for Terahertz Electronics

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    In the last couple of decades, solid-state device technologies, particularly electronic semiconductor devices, have been greatly advanced and investigated for possible adoption in various terahertz (THz) applications, such as imaging, security, and wireless communications. In tandem with these investigations, researchers have been exploring ways to package those THz electronic devices and integrated circuits for practical use. Packages are fundamentally expected to provide a physical housing for devices and integrated circuits (ICs) and reliable signal interconnections from the inside to the outside or vice versa. However, as frequency increases, we face several challenges associated with signal loss, dimensions, and fabrication. This paper provides a broad overview of recent progress in interconnections and packaging technologies dealing with these issues for THz electronics. In particular, emerging concepts based on commercial ceramic technologies, micromachining, and 3-D printing technologies for compact and lightweight packaging in practical applications are highlighted, along with metallic split blocks with rectangular waveguides, which are still considered the most valid and reliable approach.119Ysciescopu

    A Review of Broadband Low-Cost and High-Gain Low-Terahertz Antennas for Wireless Communications Applications

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    Low-terahertz (Low-THz, 100 GHz-1.0 THz) technology is expected to provide unprecedented data rates in future generations of wireless system such as the 6th generation (6G) mobile communication system. Increasing the carrier frequencies from millimeter wave to THz is a potential solution to guarantee the transmission rate and channel capacity. Due to the large transmission loss of Low-THz wave in free space, it is particularly urgent to design high-gain antennas to compensate the additional path loss, and to overcome the power limitation of Low-THz source. Recently, with the continuous updating and progress of additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing (3DP) technology, antennas with complicated structures can now be easily manufactured with high precision and low cost. In the first part, this paper demonstrates different approaches of recent development on wideband and high gain sub-millimeter-wave and Low-THz antennas as well as their fabrication technologies. In addition, the performances of the state-of-the-art wideband and high-gain antennas are presented. A comparison among these reported antennas is summarized and discussed. In the second part, one case study of a broadband high-gain antenna at 300 GHz is introduced, which is an all-metal model based on the Fabry-Perot cavity (FPC) theory. The proposed FPC antenna is very suitable for manufacturing using AM technology, which provides a low-cost, reliable solution for emerging THz applications

    Laminat-Basierte Integrationsplattformen für Millimeterwellen-RoF-Photodioden-Module

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    This thesis investigates the potential offered by cost-effective printed circuit technology (PCT) for the packaging of mm-wave photodiode (PD) modules, as an alternative to the commonly used integration approaches based on thin/ thick-films or co-fired ceramics. We will therefore analyze the limitations imposed by this technology, focusing on the loss mechanisms and the theoretical frequency limits due to the material properties of the laminates and the RF circuitry concepts, as well as limitations imposed by the resolution and tolerances achievable in the printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing processes. For the RF circuitry design, we will investigate characteristics and performances of traditional planar transmission lines (PTL), in particular microstrips and grounded coplanar waveguides (GCPW), and innovative substrate integrated waveguides (SIW). We will show that via holes play a fundamental role in the RF circuitry design, as they ultimately decide the highest possible frequency, independently of other parameters like conductor and dielectric loss, or etching inaccuracies. In fact, it is found that they are vital to guarantee a correct functioning of both GCPW and SIW, by avoiding board resonances and interferences between different lines. We will show that the current PCB via-hole technology allows the development of circuits working up to at least the upper limit of the W-band. As conventional microstrips are subject to higher radiation in the mm-wave region, GCPWs will be preferred for practical applications, also by virtue of their other practical advantages, such as easily accessible ground planes, increased design freedom, and extended impedance range. We will thus introduce the first concept of mm-wave PD modules with rectangular waveguide (WR) output for E-band Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) applications based on PCT integration boards. A particular feature of the proposed integration approach, is that a photonic transmitter can conveniently be assembled without any mechanical modifications of the WR, using standard off-the-shelf WR components, therefore simplifying the assembly process and reducing the cost of the module. We will also show that the availability of laminates with low moisture absorption as dielectric carrier furthermore opens up the possibility to develop quasi-hermetic packages without the need of dedicated radomes to seal the WR opening. The developed PD module will be used in mm-wave RoF demonstrators in order to prove the suitability of our approach for the development of commercial communication systems: We will be able to show a successful, error-free, 1-Gb/s, wireless connectivity in the 70-GHz communication band, with a power penalty limited to 1.5 dB. We will also present several additional prototypes, which include dedicated, on-board, biasing circuits, to allow integration of in-house-developed PDs and commercial amplifiers, and other solutions to reduce the loss of the signal power. In order to overcome the shortcomings of microstrips and GCPWs, such as unwanted radiation and increased power dissipation due to high current densities, we will then introduce for the first time the PCB SIW in the packaging of mm-wave photonic transmitters. The properties and advantages of this innovative transmission line in terms of low loss and high integration will be investigated and assessed, showing that its unique configuration allows a superior control of radiation and interferences, and drastically reduces losses. This suggests its use in all mm-wave systems where long on-board interconnects are required. A new integration approach for the development of quasi-hermetic PD modules with in-package antennas based on PCB SIW will thus be presented, focusing in particular on non-directive data distribution systems. It will be shown that compact, low-loss, and quasi-hermetic packaging solutions can conveniently be designed making use of the PCB SIW. We will furthermore introduce innovative GCPW-to-SIW transitions necessary for the integration of PDs on SIW platforms. Theoretically predicted performances will be compared with experimentally determined performances for a specifically optimized 60-GHz band GCPW-to-SIW transition. Also, the design and optimization of mm-wave antennas for indoor 60 GHz RoF systems will be presented, testing their performance against PCB manufacture inaccuracies. Finally, we will show an example of a fully characterized integration platform for PD modules, confirming the suitability of PCB SIW for the development of future, low-loss, and cost-effective photonic RoF transmitters.Diese Arbeit untersucht das Potenzial kostengünstige Leiterplattentechnik (PCT) für das Packaging von Millimeter-Wellen-Photodioden (PD) als Alternative zu den üblicherweise verwendeten Dünn-/ Dickschicht-Substraten oder co-fired Keramiken einzusetzen. Zunächst werden die physikalischen Grenzen dieser PCT-Technologie hinsichtlich eines Einsatzes bei höchsten Frequenzen untersucht. Die materialbedingten Verlustwinkel im Millimeter-Wellen-Bereich aber auch Abstrahlverluste im Zusammenhang mit verschiedenen planaren Schaltungs¬konzepten werden sowohl theoretisch als auch experimentell untersucht. Zum Einsatz kommen hierbei neben konventionellen planaren Übertragungsleitungen (PTL), wie Mikrostreifen und Grounded-Coplanar-Waveguides (GCPW), auch innovative Substrat-Integrierte-Wellenleiter (SIW). Weiterhin wird der Einfluss prozessbedingter Parameter, wie die minimal erreichbare Strukturgröße sowie Fertigungs¬toleranzen, auf das Hochfrequenzverhalten analysiert. Die Arbeit wird zeigen, dass Durchkontaktierungen (engl. Via Holes) eine fundamentale Rolle spielen. Unabhängig von anderen Einflussgrößen wie den dielektrischen Verlusten, den Abstrahlverlusten oder Fertigungstoleranzen begrenzt die minimal erreichbare Strukturgröße der Vias das Hochfrequenz¬verhalten der PCT-Technologie. Es wird theoretisch und experimentell nachgewiesen, dass die Vias für GCPW und SIW auf PCT-Technologie erforderlich sind, um geringe Ausbreitungsverluste zu gewährleisten, sowie um Resonanzen im Übertragungsverhalten und elektrischen Überkoppeln zwischen benachbarten Leitungen zu unterdrücken. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass die aktuelle PCB-Technologie die Entwicklung von planaren Hochfrequenz-Schaltungen erlaubt, die bis zur oberen Grenze des W-Bands (ca. 110 GHz) anwendbar sind. Da Mikrostreifenleitungen bekanntermaßen erhöhte Abstrahlverluste im Millimeterwellen-Bereich aufweisen, werden für technologische Realisierungen GCPWs vorgezogen. GCPW bieten gegenüber Mikrostreifenleitungen auch weitere Vorteile, wie leicht zugängliche Erdungsebenen, eine erhöhte Gestaltungsfreiheit und einen deutlich erweiterten Abstimmbereich der Leitungs-Impedanz. Basierend auf der PCT-Technologie und einer planaren GCPW-Schaltung wird im Folgenden ein neuartiger Ansatz für die Anbindung von hochfrequenten InP-basierten Photodioden-Chips an einen Rechteckhohlleiter entwickelt. Ein besonderes Merkmal des in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagenen Integrationsansatzes besteht darin, dass sich das Photodioden-Modul ohne eine mechanische Modifikation des Hohlleiters realisieren lässt, was hinsichtlich Montageprozess und -kosten einen deutlichen Vorteil darstellt. Die Arbeit zeigt auch, dass die Verwendung von Laminaten mit geringer Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme weiterhin die Möglichkeit eröffnet, quasi-hermetische Module ohne die sonst erforderlichen Radome zu realisieren. Da eine wesentliche Anwendung für solche hochfrequenten Photodioden-Module im Bereich der Funkkommunikation und speziell für die Entwicklung von Punkt-zu-Punkt-Funkverbindungen im E-Band (60-90 GHz) liegt, konzentriert sich diese Arbeit auf die Entwicklung einer PCT-Integrationstechnologie für E-Band-Photodioden-Module mit WR-12 Hohlleiter. Die Arbeit beschreibt das Design und die Herstellung der GCPW-PCT-Schaltung. Die theoretisch simulierten Streuparameter der GCPW-PCT-Schaltung werden mit experimentellen Werten verglichen, bevor im Anschluss näher auf die erfolgreiche technologische Realisierung eines Prototyp-Photodioden-Moduls mit WR-12-Hohlleiterausgang eingegangen wird. Die Funktionalität des entwickelten PD-Moduls wird durch Einsatz in einer 70-GHz-Funkstrecke nachgewiesen. Es gelingt die Funkübertragung eines 1-Gbit/s-Datensignals im regulierten 70-GHz-Frequenzbereich (71-76 GHz). Die Arbeit zeigt im Anschluss weitere Prototypen, welche die Integration von hausintern entwickelten Photodioden und kommerziellen RF-Verstärkern erlauben, sowie Lösungen zur Reduzierung des Signalleistungsverlusts. Obwohl die verwendeten GCPW im Vergleich zu Mikrostreifenleitungen geringere Abstrahlverluste aufweisen, kommt es bei hohen Frequenzen doch zu einer unerwünschten Dämpfung durch Strahlungs- und ohmsche Verluste aufgrund der hohen Stromdichten in der GCPW-Schaltung. Zur weiteren Reduzierung dieser Verluste werden in dieser Arbeit daher erstmalig SIW-PCB-Schaltungen für die Integration von Millimeterwellen-Photodioden vorgeschlagen und entwickelt. Die Vorteile dieser innovativen Leitungsstruktur hinsichtlich der elektrischen Dämpfung im Millimeterwellen-Bereich werden theoretisch und experimentell untersucht. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die SIW-PCT gegenüber den GCPW-PCT signifikant geringere Verluste aufweisen, was insbesondere für den Einsatz in planaren Hochfrequenz-Schaltungen mit vergleichsweise langen Verbindungsleitungen vorteilhaft ist. Die Arbeit präsentiert eine neue Integrationstechnologie auf Basis planarer SIW-PCB-Schaltungen für quasi-hermetische PD-Module mit In-Package-Antennen. Es werden kompakte, verlustarme und quasi-hermetische SIW-basierte Lösungen für 60-GHz-PD-Module hergestellt und experimentell untersucht. Abschließend wird die Eignung der SIW-PCB-Technologie für die Entwicklung zukünftiger, verlustarmer und kostengünstiger photonischer Millimeter-Wellen-Funktransmitter diskutiert

    Microwave design of multi-layer interposers for the packaging of photonic integrated circuits

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    The increasing growth of data traffic on the Internet is supported by innovations in high-speed photonic devices. Some of this novel photonic devices are photonic integrated circuits (PICs) that use higher speeds, have higher circuit density and integrate more heterogeneous devices. A new generation of photonic packaging is also required to handle the increasing device density and data rate of the PICs. An important element to package the PICs is the carrier board which also serves as an interposer between the PIC and the package. The usual interposer material for PICs is a single-layer aluminium nitride (AlN) substrate due to its high thermal conductivity and good microwave performance. In contrast, other high-speed and high-density applications use multi-layer substrates as carrier boards. The typical multi-layer technologies for high-speed interposers is low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC). The motivation of this research is the need of multi-layer interposers suitable for the packaging of high-speed and high-density PICs. A key element to enable this multi-layer interposer is the high-speed channels. The task of this research was the microwave design of these high-speed channels for a multi-layer interposer and carrier board suitable for PICs. The main findings of this research can be divided into three areas. First, improvements to the microwave theory. A novel impedance profile reconstruction algorithm based on time-domain reflectometry (TDR) was developed. Additionally, a novel set of equations to calculate the characteristic impedance and the complex propagation constant from the vector network analyser (VNA) measurements of long lines was found and tested with positive results. Also, a novel single impedance thru-only de-embedding algorithm was completed. Second, the design of a novel rotatable vertical transition. The vertical transition has a 3 dB bandwidth around 35 GHz and small penalties on the eye diagram at 40 Gbit s−1 . Third, positive measured results of these designs in co-fired AlN. The measurements of the co-fired AlN board show similar results than in an LTCC board proving that co-fired AlN is an attractive option for PICs where the thermal management is important. The main conclusion from these findings is that the designed transmission lines and vertical transitions are suitable for the use of LTCC or of co-fired AlN as multi-layer interposers for the packaging of high-speed PICs Future work include improvements to the novel microwave algorithms, the development of equation-based models for the transmission lines. Also, the vertical transition has a resonance around 35 GHz that could be compensated using stubs or other elements. Finally, the transmission line designs and vertical transition designs need to be used for real applications of high-speed PICs using LTCC or co-fired AlN

    Evolutionary trends in Transmit/Receive Module for Active Phased Array Radars

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    Worldwide, defense technologies are rapidly evolving and are currently aiming at integrating diverse functionalities like Radar, Electronic Warfare, Communications, etc., on a singular miniaturized platform. Hence, it cannot be denied that the advancements in modern Active Phased Array Radar technologies assume a critical role towards the achievement of this goal. A typical Active Phased Array Radar comprises of an Active Antenna Array Unit (AAAU) consisting of a large number of radiating elements, Transmit/Receive (T/R) Modules with other associated RF and digital circuitry and power electronics.  This paper presents mainly the developments in Transmit/Receive (T/R) Module technology, which assimilates various stages of the technological evolution - past, current and futuristic. It discusses how these technologies contribute towards the improvement of efficiency, miniaturization and reliability without compromising its performance parameters

    Analysis of selective bonding processes using reactive multi-layers for system integration on LTCC based SiPs

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    This paper discusses the use of reactive multi-layers for selective assembly of ICs (Integrated Circuits) in an LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics) based SiP (System-in-Package). To understand the requirements for the use of self-propagating reactive multilayers in die bonding, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations have been carried out to simulate the die bonding process of a silicon chip onto a ceramic LTCC substrate. Reactive foils of 40 and 80 µm thicknesses and a simulated reaction propagation speed of 1 m/s were studied and used to melt a solder preform underneath a silicon chip. The results of the CFD simulations were analysed, particularly with respect to temperature and liquid fraction contours, as well as time-temperature histories obtained from temperature probes which were included in the model, such as to approximate the real behaviour of Pt-100 temperature probes, when a real bonding process is being tracked. The CFD method, in this instance realised with ANSYS Fluent software, can track the melting and solidification of the solder as well as model the influence of latent heat, which is crucial to ascertaining the true evolution of the bonding process

    Low cost fabrication processing for microwave and millimetre-wave passive components

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    Microwave and millimetre-wave technology has enabled many commercial applications to play a key role in the development of wireless communication. When dissipative attenuation is a critical factor, metal-pipe waveguides are essential in the development of microwave and millimetre-wave systems. However, their cost and weight may represent a limitation for their application. In the first part of this work two 3D printing technologies and electroless plating were employed to fabricate metal pipe rectangular waveguides in X and W-band. The performance for the fabricated waveguides was comparable to the one of commercially available equivalents, showing good impedance matching and low attenuation losses. Using these technologies, a high-performance inductive iris filter in W-band and a dielectric flap phase shifter in X-band were fabricated. Eventually the design and fabrication of a phased antenna array is reported. For microwave and millimetre-wave applications, system-on-substrate technology can be considered a very valuable alternative, where bulky coax and waveguide interconnects are replaced by low-loss transmission lines embedded into a multilayer substrate, which can include a wide range of components and subsystems. In the second part of this work the integration of RF MEMS with LTCC fabrication process is investigated. Three approaches to the manufacture of suspended structures were considered, based on laser micromachining, laser bending of aluminium foil and hybrid thick/thin film technology. Although the fabrication process posed many challenges, resulting in very poor yield, two of the solution investigated showed potential for the fabrication of low-cost RF MEMS fully integrated in LTCC technology. With the experience gained with laser machining, the rapid prototyping of high aspect ratio beams for silicon MEMS was also investigated. In the third part of this work, a statistical study based on the Taguchi design of experiment and analysis of variance was undertaken. The results show a performance comparable with standard cleanroom processing, but at a fraction of the processing costs and greater design flexibility, due to the lack of need for masks.Open Acces

    Analysis of selective bonding processes using reactive multi-layers for system integration on LTCC based SiPs

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    This paper discusses the use of reactive multi-layers for selective assembly of ICs (Integrated Circuits) in an LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics) based SiP (System-in-Package). To understand the requirements for the use of selfpropagating reactive multilayers in die bonding, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations have been carried out to simulate the die bonding process of a silicon chip onto a ceramic LTCC substrate. Reactive foils of 40 and 80 lm thicknesses and a simulated reaction propagation speed of 1 m/s were studied and used to melt a solder preform underneath a silicon chip. The results of the CFD simulations were analysed, particularly with respect to temperature and liquid fraction contours, as well as time–temperature histories obtained from temperature probes which were included in the model, such as to approximate the real behaviour of Pt-100 temperature probes, when a real bonding process is being tracked. The CFD method, in this instance realised with ANSYS Fluent software, can track the melting and solidification of the solder as well as model the influence of latent heat, which is crucial to ascertaining the true evolution of the bonding process