4,011 research outputs found

    Mustang Daily, November 7, 2001

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    Student newspaper of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA.https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/studentnewspaper/6800/thumbnail.jp

    Customer loyalty in non-life insurance: antecedents, determinants and future directions

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    Os seguros desempenham uma função fundamental no progresso das sociedades contemporâneas pelo seu papel catalisador no desenvolvimento de todas as restantes atividades económicas. Existe uma relação entre o desenvolvimento do setor segurador e o crescimento económico de um país que resulta, entre outros fatores, da sua intervenção enquanto gestor de riscos, investidor institucional, protetor de capital, impulsionador da inovação e facilitador da atividade creditícia. Para além disso, os seguros também são fundamentais para o bem-estar e desenvolvimento das pessoas e das famílias, por conferirem segurança e previsibilidade às suas vidas e atividades. No entanto, existe um paradoxo que carateriza a indústria seguradora, que é a consistente incapacidade para estabelecer relações sólidas e duradouras com os seus stakeholders. A indústria seguradora regista níveis de anulação de contratos que são significativamente superiores aos verificados em outras atividades económicas com as quais normalmente se compara. A questão é tanto mais relevante quanto a confiança constitui um fator crítico de sucesso neste negócio, na medida em que o seu objeto principal consiste na promessa de pagamento de uma compensação económica no caso de um determinado evento aleatório, devidamente tipificado, se verificar. Esta circunstância conduziu a que se considerasse, na literatura científica relativa ao estudo desta indústria, que as elevadas taxas de anulação de apólices constituem uma característica intrínseca que, a par de outros fatores, a carateriza. No entanto, apesar da enorme relevância desta indústria e da significativa magnitude do fenómeno do abandono dos clientes e da anulação de apólices, o tema tem sido pouco investigado, existindo muito pouca produção científica neste domínio do conhecimento. Esta tese pretende melhorar a compreensão das dinâmicas associadas à lealdade dos clientes com as suas seguradoras, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico nesta matéria através da resposta a três questões: em primeiro lugar, quais são os padrões de investigação científica predominantes no estudo do cancelamento de apólices de seguro não vida; em segundo lugar, quais os principais fatores explicativos da anulação de seguros automóvel por clientes individuais, e de que forma as companhias de seguro podem antecipar e mitigar a sua ocorrência; em terceiro lugar, como se caraterizam as principais correntes de investigação que estão a surgir no domínio da lealdade dos clientes de seguros, e quais são, atualmente, os fatores críticos de sucesso na realização de planos para aumentar e fortalecer as relações das seguradoras com os seus clientes. O trabalho de investigação está organizado em três artigos científicos, que estão relacionados sequencialmente. O primeiro artigo procura caracterizar e sintetizar o conhecimento científico atual sobre o cancelamento de apólices de seguro não vida, relevando a influência dos intermediários nas decisões dos clientes. Trata-se de um tema que não tem constituído uma prioridade na investigação científica aplicada, atendendo à reduzida produção científica que lhe está associado. A metodologia de análise foi a revisão sistemática quantitativa da literatura. Este artigo demonstra que a investigação científica neste domínio está concentrada no estudo dos clientes individuais e nos seguros do ramo automóvel. Verifica-se igualmente que o método mais frequente, e adequado, para o estudo do cancelamento de produtos no setor dos seguros é a regressão logística. No que respeita às variáveis mais frequentemente utilizadas para investigar a anulação de apólices de seguro, são identificados três tipos: o perfil dos clientes, as caraterísticas das apólices e o tipo de intermediário. Relativamente ao perfil dos clientes, as variáveis mais frequentemente utilizadas são a idade, o sexo, a duração temporal da ligação à seguradora e o volume de prémios pagos. No que respeita às características das apólices, o montante do prémio e a existência e valor de sinistros são variáveis consistentemente consideradas. O segundo artigo científico procura identificar medidas que as companhias de seguro podem adotar para reduzir a anulação de apólices e, dessa forma, aumentar os índices de retenção dos clientes. Tendo em atenção o resultado da revisão da literatura realizada no primeiro artigo, esta investigação concentrou-se nos clientes individuais e no ramo automóvel. Através da aplicação da regressão logística, estabeleceu-se uma associação entre as variáveis independentes, relacionadas com o perfil dos clientes, as caraterísticas das apólices e os canais de distribuição, e a variável dependente, as apólices anuladas. A amostra baseou-se num conjunto de clientes de uma das maiores seguradoras generalistas de Portugal que anularam as suas apólices de seguro durante um determinado período estabelecido para análise. Deste estudo concluiu-se que a anulação de apólices é fortemente induzida pelas táticas agressivas de aquisição de clientes que as próprias empresas de seguros adotam. Adicionalmente, identificaram-se fatores associados à anulação de apólices, como o valor total de prémios pagos pelo cliente, as apólices com prémios superiores e com sinistros recentes, a intermediação através de intermediários que são agentes, especialmente os que têm um volume de negócios inferior, ou de distribuidores de tipo acessório, para quem a intermediação de seguros não constitui a atividade principal. Por outro lado, fatores como o pagamento das apólices através de débito direto na conta bancária do cliente e o pagamento do prémio de seguro sem fracionamento parecem contrariar a ocorrência de anulação de apólices. Este artigo também apresenta uma fórmula para determinar a probabilidade de cancelamento de uma apólice automóvel. O terceiro artigo procura identificar as principais tendências que caraterizam a evolução da investigação sobre a lealdade dos clientes nos seguros e determinar as principais prioridades no desenvolvimento das relações com os seus clientes. O método utilizado é a investigação bibliométrica, recorrendo aos programas Vosviewer e Scimat. Esta análise demonstra a importância crescente da gestão da informação, da data science e da utilização de algoritmos para antecipar as decisões dos clientes. Este trabalho de investigação é muito importante para a academia e para a indústria seguradora. Ao nível académico por permitir aprofundar o conhecimento científico numa matéria que tem sido pouco investigada e relativamente à qual existe uma premente necessidade de estabelecer uma base sólida de conhecimentos fundamentais. No que respeita à indústria seguradora, o tema assume uma enorme centralidade, tanto pelos seus impactos diretos nos resultados das empresas, como pela importância estratégica do estabelecimento de relações sólidas e duradouras com os clientes, de forma a assegurar as condições para um crescimento sustentado da atividade e orientar os recursos que têm sido aplicados em táticas agressivas de aquisição de novos clientes, para a investigação, o desenvolvimento e a inovação aplicada nesta industria.Insurance is a very important industry for the development of contemporary economies and societies, characterized by a historically high level of product cancellation which generates very significant annual losses for insurance companies. Nevertheless, it has received little attention from academia, considering the scarcity of scientific publications. The aim of this thesis is to develop scientific knowledge concerning product cancellation and customer loyalty in insurance throughout three scientific articles. The first article characterizes the current state of research on cancellation of non-life insurance, identifying the most important lines of research. The second article applies the previous conclusions to a real case, demonstrating the main factors associated with product cancellation. From the analysis of the results of this study, it is observed that the profile of customers, the characteristics of policies, and the typology of intermediaries are central factors to understand the cancellation of insurance. This article also highlights the responsibility of insurance companies themselves for product cancellation, given their strategic focus on attracting new customers, relegating retention efforts to a lower priority. In the third article, the main avenues for researching customer loyalty in insurance, and the industry challenges associated with its current and future management, are presented with an innovative application of Vosviewer and Scimat bibliometric techniques. This research highlights the strategic role of data management in companies’ effective management of customers. Globally, this thesis details the importance of reformulating processes in insurance to improve customer experiences, and the centrality of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and the deployment of analytical models, fuelled by big data, to improve customer loyalty in insurance and, consequently, to reduce insurance cancellation

    Predicción del cambio a través de la historia del sistema

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    El mantenimiento de aplicaciones es una de las tareas mas costosas dentro del desarrollo software. Por esta razón es importante la realización de mantenimiento preventivo que permita incorporar con menos esfuerzo futuros requerimientos disminuyendo el costo del desarrollo. En esta línea, este trabajo propone un enfoque que permita predecir las clases de un sistema que tienen mayor probabilidad de cambiar en el futuro. De esta forma, podría dirigirse el esfuerzo de mantenimiento a un subconjunto reducido de las clases de un sistema.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    A Restless Embrace of the Past?

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    The Baltic Defence College’s “Conference on Russia Papers 2022: A Restless Embrace of the Past?” begs a question. How will Russia’s past shape its present and future, both at home and abroad? This volume’s chapters include a wide range of Russian-related topics organized into four main subject groups. The first of these categories is Russian views, with a focus on tendencies toward militarism, Russian understandings of international order, and the effects of COVID-19 on policy. The following subject is about power dynamics and perceptions, with a focus on Russia’s contingent power structures, Russian narratives, and future projections. The third theme centers on the Baltic region’s connection with Russia, investigating Russia’s influence and information warfare from many angles. Finally, the concluding section examines Russian interests around the world, analyzing the position of Belarus', Russia’s options globally, and the potential of a grand vision of Russian foreign policy. The volume concludes by highlighting the challenges of maintaining dialogue in light of recent trends, particularly in the last half decade and especially in the last several months

    The Case of Steve Jobs

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    Since the 1970s, management scholars have been captivated by the emotional and symbolic aspects of leadership, particularly charismatic leadership — a form of influence independent of tradition and formal authority. More recently, dramaturgical scholars have sought to augment orthodox understandings of charisma by examining leadership as a ‘performing art’: a ‘front stage’ social interaction between ‘actor’ (leader) and ‘audience’ (followers). Whereas existing research has examined the nature of charismatic leadership through, for example, impression management and social constructionism, this thesis suggests that dramaturgical scholars have largely neglected to demonstrate the value of the theatrical metaphor by testing, evaluating and building on extant theory through a case study leader. The thesis seeks to augment extant theory by revealing the importance of i) ‘narrative and storytelling’, and ii) the ‘stage management’ of leader performance to the audience’s attribution and maintenance of what constitutes a ‘charismatic’ leader. Accordingly, this thesis develops a narratologically informed dramaturgical framework of analysis to examine six public performance texts by a case study ‘charismatic leader’ — Steve Jobs of Apple Inc. The framework is tendered as a useful device through which narrative and storytelling, impression management, organisational outcomes, and the social construction of charismatic leadership may be further examined

    The Case of Steve Jobs

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    Since the 1970s, management scholars have been captivated by the emotional and symbolic aspects of leadership, particularly charismatic leadership — a form of influence independent of tradition and formal authority. More recently, dramaturgical scholars have sought to augment orthodox understandings of charisma by examining leadership as a ‘performing art’: a ‘front stage’ social interaction between ‘actor’ (leader) and ‘audience’ (followers). Whereas existing research has examined the nature of charismatic leadership through, for example, impression management and social constructionism, this thesis suggests that dramaturgical scholars have largely neglected to demonstrate the value of the theatrical metaphor by testing, evaluating and building on extant theory through a case study leader. The thesis seeks to augment extant theory by revealing the importance of i) ‘narrative and storytelling’, and ii) the ‘stage management’ of leader performance to the audience’s attribution and maintenance of what constitutes a ‘charismatic’ leader. Accordingly, this thesis develops a narratologically informed dramaturgical framework of analysis to examine six public performance texts by a case study ‘charismatic leader’ — Steve Jobs of Apple Inc. The framework is tendered as a useful device through which narrative and storytelling, impression management, organisational outcomes, and the social construction of charismatic leadership may be further examined

    Iranian Democracy: A Century of Struggle, Setback, and Progress

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    Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 58 Number 1, Spring 2017

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    24 - BIG WIN FOR A TINY HOUSE Turning heads and changing the housing game. By Matt Morgan. 28 - $100 MILLION GIFT TO BUILD John A. ’60 and Susan Sobrato make the largest gift in SCU history. Now see the Sobrato Campus for Discovery and Innovation that will take shape—and redefine the University. Illustration by Tavis Coburn. 36 - CUT & PASTE CONSERVATION We can alter wild species to save them. So should we? By Emma Marris. Illustrations by Jason Holley. 44 - INFO OFFICER IN CHIEF From his office overlooking the White House, Tony Scott J.D. ’92 set out to bring the federal government into the digital age. By Steven Boyd Saum. 48 - FOR THE RECORD Deepwater Horizon. Volkswagen. The Exxon Valdez. Blockbuster cases and the career of John C. Cruden J.D. ’74, civil servant and defender of the environment extraordinaire. By Justin Gerdes. Photography by Robert Clark. 54 - WHERE THERE’S SMOKE … there might just be mirrors. On “fake news,” the Internet, and everyday ethics. By Irina Raicu. Illustrations by Lincoln Agnew.https://scholarcommons.scu.edu/sc_mag/1030/thumbnail.jp

    "The Intangible Commons of the Mind"? The Problem of Dualism in Narratives of Information Enclosure.

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    In this thesis, I argue that the nascent politics of Intellectual Property is poorly served through attempts to conceive IP rights as an “enclosure of the intangible commons of the mind” and highlight a number of problems with the enclosure/commons dialectic more generally. To this end, it tries to indicate some new possible directions for the politics of IP, based on the insights of pragmatist philosophy and Actor-Network Theory. Such insights, I argue, allow us to interrogate questions about IP along two axes that the enclosure/commons dialectic neglects. A move away from the “intangible commons” allows us to focus on the very material way in which many of the harms of IP rights play out, and on IP's contentious function as a regualtor of objects, bodies and technologies. Second, it allows for an interrogation of the epistemological question of whether knowledge is considered to have been created or discovered, a distinction which is of vital importance to the question of whether any give sort of knowledge will be protected by an IP right. In order to address these difficulties, I argue that, instead of seeing knowledge as a sort of substance, we should instead see it in terms of practice and relations. Ideas, I argue, are not things, but assemblages of materials. This perspective is developed and illustrated through a number of case studies. I examine the history of copyright, showing that its emergence was not as a means of granting rights to ideas, but instead as a method of controlling the circulation of books. The notion of knowledge as a substance, I argue, was introduced only later, as a way of legitimating and naturalising this system. I offer a similar account of the information commons, an idea that developed from the tendency to frame issues of internet regulation in terms of applying the law to a particular place – cyberspace. Finally, I examine the controversy surrounding the Google Book Search project. I argue that the attempted settlement should be understood as a combination of two different systems of control. Again, the language of substance obscures this insight, presenting the settlement as a compromise over access to knowledge. I conclude by arguing that this theoretical critique is also a political critique – that a politics of IP which gave up on the idea of knowledge of substance would necessarily have to focus more on the specific parties and practices that are threatened by IP rights

    Against the Tide. A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done

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    Nobody should have a monopoly of the truth in this universe. The censorship and suppression of challenging ideas against the tide of mainstream research, the blacklisting of scientists, for instance, is neither the best way to do and filter science, nor to promote progress in the human knowledge. The removal of good and novel ideas from the scientific stage is very detrimental to the pursuit of the truth. There are instances in which a mere unqualified belief can occasionally be converted into a generally accepted scientific theory through the screening action of refereed literature and meetings planned by the scientific organizing committees and through the distribution of funds controlled by "club opinions". It leads to unitary paradigms and unitary thinking not necessarily associated to the unique truth. This is the topic of this book: to critically analyze the problems of the official (and sometimes illicit) mechanisms under which current science (physics and astronomy in particular) is being administered and filtered today, along with the onerous consequences these mechanisms have on all of us.\ud \ud The authors, all of them professional researchers, reveal a pessimistic view of the miseries of the actual system, while a glimmer of hope remains in the "leitmotiv" claim towards the freedom in doing research and attaining an acceptable level of ethics in science